Forum: Country, Folk & World Music
09-30-2012, 02:18 PM
Replies: 139
Views: 43,909
The Dubliners
Rather old in the tooth now like me but the , Dubliners were and are a great group.
Forum: Electronica
09-30-2012, 02:14 PM
Replies: 135
Views: 26,728
Like Trance
As the name suggests I get into that place. A great way to forget the world and it's various problems for a short time.
Forum: Electronica
09-30-2012, 02:11 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 696
Forum: Pop
09-30-2012, 02:10 PM
Replies: 70
Views: 8,548
Not my style of music but he does it so well.
Forum: Pop
09-30-2012, 02:08 PM
Replies: 979
Views: 166,708
I say the Beatles
The Beatles developed over the years . The music they produces went in many directions some completely novel and inventive.
The Beach Boys had a great sound but it remained that a great sound.
Forum: Country, Folk & World Music
09-30-2012, 01:59 PM
Replies: 488
Views: 97,354
I am being drawn towards country.
Never would have thought it possible must be something that happens to one at a certain age :)
I used to be into the Stones and Pink Floyd. I still am but I now find time to enjoy music by country...
Forum: Country, Folk & World Music
09-30-2012, 01:51 PM
Replies: 488
Views: 97,354