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it writes itself... Blog Tools
Creation Date: 11-24-2007 02:11 PM
under under is offline
Account Disabled
i write a lot and i have some feelings toward certain things...
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 18
Comments: 47
Views: 109,849

In Music Dream Theater/John Petrucci Outlook on Life Entry Tools
  #18 New 10-03-2008 08:45 AM
I really really really enjoy the works of John Petrucci and the majestic abilities that go with Dream Theater. I have yet to see them live which im sad about but i really hope i get the chance soon to see them.
I've seen DVD's and videos of live shows and i just really want to see them

I've also checked out the John Petrucci/Steve Vai/Joe Satrianni (G3) DVD, and i have to say, I really enjoy it.

If only i were to be there when they were recording that. It would have been a day that i wo ...More Read More
Views: 2334 | Comments: 18
In Angry Nothing Entry Tools
  #17 New 03-13-2008 10:37 AM
theres nothing to be said here. i've been bored all my life and there seems to be no way out.
Views: 1701 | Comments: 3
In Angry Depression - Hurts Other People Too Entry Tools
  #16 New 03-10-2008 10:38 PM
Does it really hurt the people around you? Im sure it does because i've known a few friends who have suffered with it and it pains me to see them that way. i dont like it but it's something that we have to live through. God made us different. It could have made us the same but It didnt.
Views: 1070 | Comments: 2
In Angry free time in a non free world Entry Tools
  #15 New 12-16-2007 03:11 PM
why is it that when we have free time we don't do anything.
but when we dont have free time we wish we had it?

its like.
when we want something we dont have, we work for it.
when we get something we want, we don't do anything with it.

Views: 2377 | Comments: 2 (1 Private)
In Angry most awkward thing in the world. Entry Tools
  #14 New 12-02-2007 01:42 PM
parents make everything in the world very awkward. i mean when they ask you questions like "are you depressed?"
god, i cant say anything because its dont want to talk to them about that.
or if there like "so, hows your love life?" i literally just walk away....

you know what i mean?
Views: 1137 | Comments: 1
In Weird the living guitarist in our time Entry Tools
  #13 New 12-02-2007 11:14 AM
ive noticed.
how with he remaining top 100 guitarist these days.
they all seem to be walking away from there career.
i find it pretty sad that it seems to be happening because a lot of them had some seriously good talent.

but i suppose if you have done something for a long amount of time it could get really boring. but why throw away such good talent to something that you know you're not going to enjoy. =/
Views: 1022 | Comments: 1
In Interesting piano players Entry Tools
  #12 New 12-02-2007 11:13 AM
i had a dream last night.
about a pianist who was like seriously good looking.

i realize that anyone who can play the piano very well is someone i would fall over.
he must be hot though.

Views: 1094 | Comments: 1
In Interesting funny...but sadly its true Entry Tools
  #11 New 12-01-2007 10:30 PM
so i get on the phone...

and i answer it, and the person goes
may i speak to robert(me) please
and i go: you're speaking to him

and they go: oh im sorry. i thought this was ms.(my last name here)

than they hung up

Views: 727
In Lifestyle whats in the past...stays in the past... Entry Tools
  #10 New 12-01-2007 10:16 PM

recently i've just had some thoughts about how much i have changed throughout being on musicbanter. i mean its great but its also very emotional.

my music taste has changed.
my view on life has changed.
i've met some cool people.
the way i greet and talk has enormously changed.

so much stuff.

but i love MusicBanter

its amazing!
Views: 893 | Comments: 1
In Lifestyle poetryforchildren Entry Tools
  #9 New 12-01-2007 08:31 PM
starting off so small and strengthless
life will bring you to grow strong.
if one thing would stand in front of you
and in your way of living
pass along and begin learning your self influence

you can follow your own shadow
not somebody elses.
if you are caught in a time of pressure
get out of it and walk away from the shadow of someone else.

it only takes you to learn that
for yourself and others cant portray it.
Views: 1042 | Comments: 9

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