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Creation Date: 04-03-2010 05:14 AM
reeganyo reeganyo is offline
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 1
Comments: 0
Views: 2,055

In Humor :3 Sneak-Blog-Attack! Entry Tools
  #1 New 04-03-2010 05:25 AM
o.0 suprising your signifigant other with the creation of a blog attacted to his account.. = Pure genius. + Awsomeness.
Not knowing alot about epic beats.. = epic fails.
buuut genius+ epic fails + awsomeness... still equal some kind of cool ..
im just not completely made of win. ^-^ i wonder if you will use this? as some form of musically ragfest. or write about your love/hate relationship you usually have with music.. if you <3 it you really love.. it touches your soul.. if you dislike it for whatever reason.. then its a massive gayfest. ^^..

Hate me for blogging but someone has to do it.

..i...<3... you :O!
Views: 605

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