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jibber's blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-24-2007 06:56 PM
jibber jibber is offline
I decided to start a blog.
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 13
Views: 9,597

In Lifestyle Random Travel Goals Entry Tools
  #3 New 02-17-2007 09:08 PM
So I'm determined not to make any real plans for traveling this summer, aside from setting a few goals.

1. Teach the kids in the orphanage in Phnom Penh a selection of Beatles and Bob Dylan songs

2. Teach the kids how to play hockey, and start a weekly "hockey night n Cambodia" (my fellow canuckistanians will relate to this) since I'll be missing the playoffs for the 2nd year in a row.

3. Keep up my streak of going cliff jumping in every country I travel to.
Views: 1398 | Comments: 2
In Angry I hate people cont. Entry Tools
  #2 New 01-24-2007 08:31 PM
so my last entry triggered another topic: This one will be entitled "spoiled brats are a waste of space."

It's tough to determine who I'd like to slap more, spoiled brats, or their parents who stand calmly beside them, watching them turn blue in the face screaming about how their $400 roboti dog doesn't know how to jump through a flaming hoola hoop and saying "now [insert name of said waste of space here], I don't think that's appropriate behavior"; they should both be sent to clear landmine fields in Sierra Leone.

I was at wo ...More Read More
Views: 1291 | Comments: 1
In Angry I hate people Entry Tools
  #1 New 01-24-2007 07:10 PM
So I'm in a not so good mood, so what follows will be a series of rants about whatever I deem to be a good topic in which to vent my frustration, the first topic being lazy people.

I had just returned home from work when I see a commercial advertising a perscription drug. Now, normally I don't see a problem with people medicating themselves, in fact I rather enjoy the benefits of some good, strong perscription drugs, but this one was just rediculous. It was for something called "restless le ...More Read More
Views: 2334 | Comments: 10

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