Music Banter - I gots me a gig. Music Banter

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S.h.i.t.e. Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-21-2007 02:12 PM
**** off! this is my blog! Nah i kid, come in, entertain me then you can go. :)
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 10
Comments: 40
Views: 84,309

In Angry I gots me a gig. Entry Tools
  #7 New 02-28-2007 01:19 PM
On the 10th, i expect you all to fly over as it is my first gig with my most recent band that nobody payed attention to when i tried to promote them here
its important you all fly over and attend,

Views: 2154 | Comments: 6

RSS Feed 6 Responses to "I gots me a gig."
#6 06-28-2015 10:00 AM
sager Says:
Guys u can download any of song for free on android using torrent music app. Download link for app is
#5 09-18-2011 07:05 AM
Check out my reverbnation page at music and originals..
#4 01-26-2010 11:48 PM
zldj0101 Says:
wish you Tiffany jewelries
#3 03-11-2007 10:39 AM
under Says:
I may actually be flying there soon, never know
#2 03-02-2007 07:32 AM
Aye thats him.
#1 02-28-2007 04:19 PM
who's lead vocals? the blond-haired fella?

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