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jibber's blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-24-2007 06:56 PM
jibber jibber is offline
I decided to start a blog.
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Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 13
Views: 9,601

In Angry I hate people Entry Tools
  #1 New 01-24-2007 07:10 PM
So I'm in a not so good mood, so what follows will be a series of rants about whatever I deem to be a good topic in which to vent my frustration, the first topic being lazy people.

I had just returned home from work when I see a commercial advertising a perscription drug. Now, normally I don't see a problem with people medicating themselves, in fact I rather enjoy the benefits of some good, strong perscription drugs, but this one was just rediculous. It was for something called "restless leg syndrome". The commercial is completely serious, it wasnt a skit on Saturday Night Live or MAD TV making fun of lazy people, it was actually a drug designed for people inflicted with the unfortunate condition of, as the commercial put it, "having the urge to move." Now, here's a thought, it might be crazy, but I'm just gonns throw it out there, instead of popping pills that most likely have side effects ranging from dizzyness to blood clots to death, why not, when you get that strange tingly feeling in your legs after the 14th hour of a World of Warcraft marathon, you dust the pringles crumbs off your fat rolls and lift your fat ass off your lazy boy. Is this seriously what our culture has come to? People actually medicate themselves so when their most basic instinct is telling them to MOVE, they can sit intheir ass grove in the couch for a few more days? There's a REASON you get that strange tingly feeling in your legs; it's because people weren't MEANT to spend the majority of their day fused to the duct tape they've repaired their couch with in a dark room that they haven't left since Survivor first aired. Fuck maybe this pill isnt such a bad idea, maybe it'll give all the usless lazy fatties blood clots and cause them all the die of heart attacks or anneurisms.
Views: 2334 | Comments: 10

RSS Feed 10 Responses to "I hate people"
#10 10-07-2015 10:52 PM
xtbanksx Says:
This is so true, I find it in the new generation of people we seem to want to solve our problem with drugs and prescription completely engulfed in a area of no return. People seem to think it is right to abuse and use these drugs, although the truth behind this - Doctors make money off these products the medical industry is using other lives - whether or not if affects anyone, even small children. We need more people to stand up and realize this! Just as you have !
#9 06-21-2014 05:46 PM
Sboa1302 Says:
hi. how are you. this blog is awesome!
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#5 01-24-2007 10:49 PM
jibber Says:
oh yeah, i definitely acknowledge (after the handy wiki page that cardboard adolescent posted) that it's far from simply being lazy. So now the rant doesnt really make sense, but hey, it's a rant, so now just kindly ignore the aspect about the actual syndrome and replace it with a more generalized rant about lazy people who never do anything.
#4 01-24-2007 10:07 PM
lol jibber you crack me up but my mom actually had this. she doesnt sit around all day either, actually shes pretty far from lazy. she said it feels like ants stuck under your skin crawling around all the time. very uncomfortable.
#3 01-24-2007 07:57 PM
I'm in full agreement there.
#2 01-24-2007 07:26 PM
jibber Says:
fair enough, I stand corrected about restless leg syndrome. I still hate lazy and stupid people. warning labels should be taken off of things, let the idiots blow dry their hair in the shower, then natural selection can take its course.
#1 01-24-2007 07:22 PM From what I can grasp, it's believed to be a neurological disorder. Physical activity does temporarily relieve the symptoms, but if it's so bad to the point where you can jog all day and still have uncontrollable urges to shift your legs while you're trying to get to sleep late at night, I can't really criticize those people for wanting a drug to alieve the symptoms.

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