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S.h.i.t.e. Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-21-2007 02:12 PM
**** off! this is my blog! Nah i kid, come in, entertain me then you can go. :)
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 10
Comments: 40
Views: 84,272

In Music Moneyshotsmile Entry Tools
  #6 New 02-10-2007 09:34 AM
my band, 5 piece, me bassist, 2 guitarist, drummer and vocalist. sounds like Therapy?
Joy Division
And Monster Magnet
All Rolled Into One Twisted, Perverted, Writhing Bohemoth - we shall have a recording soon. Add us, worship us....would be nice if you did.
Views: 2283 | Comments: 1
In Music Here's some free tunes. Entry Tools
  #3 New 01-24-2007 11:00 AM
Just a load of random bollocks clumped together, some chris cornell, therapy?,stone temple pilots, er....some northern soul stuff i downloaded after reading the northern soul thread recomendations, turbonegro, testament, the buzzcocks, monster magnet, bob dylan, black label society, guns 'n' roses etc.

it's there for anyone who wants it, someone download as it took me over 2 hours to upload it.
Views: 1007

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