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Baggs 04-22-2011 11:25 AM

Rigoni/Schoenhertz "Victor"
Just learned this long out-of-print masterpiece will finally be reissued by Made In Germany.

Origional 2 lp and Baggs gots it on vinyl!

Recorded in 5 studios (including Abbey Road), produced by Peter Hauke who founded the Krautrock label Bacillus (Nektar,message,9 Days Wonder,Dyzan), "Victor' is a concept incorporating full orchestra and covering many different styles; rock, prog,blues....
Usually when someone's brazen enough to go from one style to another on the same lp, the results are embarrassing. Here it works.

What? You say you never heard of this lp set/

How come Baggs isnt surprized to hear that.

jackhammer 04-22-2011 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Baggs (Post 1040475)
Just learned this long out-of-print masterpiece will finally be reissued by Made In Germany.

Origional 2 lp and Baggs gots it on vinyl!

Recorded in 5 studios (including Abbey Road), produced by Peter Hauke who founded the Krautrock label Bacillus (Nektar,message,9 Days Wonder,Dyzan), "Victor' is a concept incorporating full orchestra and covering many different styles; rock, prog,blues....
Usually when someone's brazen enough to go from one style to another on the same lp, the results are embarrassing. Here it works.

What? You say you never heard of this lp set/

How come Baggs isnt surprized to hear that.

You probably haven't heard of a third of what I listen to either or for that matter a third of many MB members who actually listen to more than one genre of music but we just don't shout about it.

Just because you have heard a prog album recorded by 3 men with tin pots on their heads whilst tripping on garden mushrooms doesn't mean that you are all of a sudden superior to everyone else.

When you come back with rare Reggae or Electronica or Folk or Jazz or Post Punk or Avant Garde albums then I will listen to you.

U were mildly amusing for a while with a peculiar turn of phrase but really. I have shat out more musical knowledge in the last week than you seem to think you posses and I KNOW that I am a elitist twat.

Baggs 04-22-2011 08:56 PM

Jacksie Danny:

The biggest Canadian dealer in prog/psych VINYL for the past two decades is Iranian and is known to those that matter as The Golem. Some 15 years ago someone was giving Baggs the lip in front of The Golem's stall at the Toronto record show and The Golem stood up for Baggs informing the windbag that, " Walter here has more knowledge of prog in the last joint of his little finger than you have in all your combined body parts."
"When you come back with rare Reggae or Electronica or Folk or Jazz or Post Punk or Avant Garde albums then I will listen to you. "

Feck reggae and all your metal/postpunk.

Still Baggs do possess rare Berlin-school electronics, UK folk and avant garde lps.
But Im not gonna brag here . And I have no least intention of posting my collection and thus spoonfeeding sponges in one single go some good taste.

Anyways, since when is mere possession of rarities equivalent to the hard knocks school of an education?

Baggmaster looked through ONLY the first 10 pages of your posted collection. Some 250 entries.
Im not out to make an enemy here, but at the same time Im not about to lie -

what Im seeing here frankly is 50% artists I have no awareness of (and I dont want awareness of either, since Im pretty sure they belong to genres I abhor).
Im seeing a lot of common fodder like ACDC and ...

In the "A" section , only a mere handful of good things; Amon Duul, Ashra,BJHarvest,Daevid Allen.

(Baggs almost flipped when Baggs saw "Anacruza". Baggs thought "Now thats strange, this bloke actually knows of the Chilean 70's folkprog band?" But then I make out the band is something like Anacrucis and described as being thrash...or summat equally ludicrous.)

As to your being an elitist,you'd do better to re-evaluate your self.
The word does more than imply "a choice part of".

AcDC and Aerosmith are not a choice part of anything...really.

TockTockTock 04-22-2011 09:03 PM

Your routine is getting tiresome.

Baggs 04-22-2011 09:04 PM

By the way - would be interested in seeing your film collection.

Myself I dont really have one.
But Baggman do have a list of some 20 (obscure?) horror films that Ive always wondered about.

Okay, maybe I will brag.
The rarest lp in my collection:

What makes this one so valuable is that the band was a late 60s South American beat-psych deal which (during rehearsals for the 2nd release) fortuitously caught the tail-end of a Time Bandit dwarf-manufactured blackhole through the center of the earth connecting Chile (or was it Peru?) to PRESENT TIMES New Zealand.

Arriving in New Zealand they pretended to be Maori nationality and released this their second lp WHICH THEY THEN BLACKHOLE/TIME-TRAVELLED BACK TO CHILE/PERU and sold in the 1968 shops there.

Origional copies are easily spotted from the counterfeits since it is very difficult to duplicate the sleeve "foxing" caused by blackhole transference.

Paedantic Basterd 04-22-2011 09:41 PM

Your most recent post has been merged with your last. Please cease double posting.

Freebase Dali 04-22-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Baggs (Post 1040740)
what Im seeing here frankly is 50% artists I have no awareness of (and I dont want awareness of either, since Im pretty sure they belong to genres I abhor).

This statement completely destroys any credibility you think you have as someone anyone without their head stuck up their own ass should take seriously.

Baggs 04-22-2011 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1040769)
This statement completely destroys any credibility you think you have as someone anyone without their head stuck up their own ass should take seriously.

Sentence structure exhibited above is somehow giving Baggs a headache.Is there backwards masking hidden there somehow? Or is it just bad grammar.

Anyways, you all DO realize that your derailing my thread?

TockTockTock 04-22-2011 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Baggs (Post 1040775)
Sentence structure exhibited above is somehow giving Baggs a headache.Is there backwards masking hidden there somehow? Or is it just bad grammar.

Anyways, you all DO realize that your derailing my thread?

I see a few grammatical errors with your own statement as well...

Burning Down 04-22-2011 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Baggs (Post 1040775)
Sentence structure exhibited above is somehow giving Baggs a headache.Is there backwards masking hidden there somehow? Or is it just bad grammar.

Anyways, you all DO realize that your derailing my thread?

Your threads will stay on topic once you start a legitimate discussion. There's nothing to discuss when it's just a dumping ground for stuff you like.

Freebase Dali 04-22-2011 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Baggs (Post 1040775)
Sentence structure exhibited above is somehow giving Baggs a headache.Is there backwards masking hidden there somehow? Or is it just bad grammar.

Anyways, you all DO realize that your derailing my thread?

An actual response to what I said would have been preferable to a deflection.

You DO realize you're derailing your credibility as a member deserving of any sort of respect here, correct?

Baggs 04-22-2011 10:28 PM

Baggs is certain Baggs garners the respect of them that matter.

Not sure however if any matter here on this specific forum.

Thats the trouble with the internet - you dont know who you are addressing.

Could be adults, could be junior keeners.


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1040777)
Your threads will stay on topic once you start a legitimate discussion. There's nothing to discuss when it's just a dumping ground for stuff you like.

Help me.

So then posters here are not encouraged to enthuse over what they deem merits listening?

Whats the alternative you propose??

Freebase Dali 04-22-2011 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Baggs (Post 1040790)
Baggs is certain Baggs garners the respect of them that matter.

Not sure however if any matter here on this specific forum.

Thats the trouble with the internet - you dont know who you are addressing.

Could be adults, could be junior keeners.

On the internet, it doesn't matter whether you're addressing adults or "junior keeners"... Either one has the capacity to contribute something worthwhile, or completely ridiculous. If you focus less on who you're addressing, and more on what you're putting out there, I think you'll do a lot better. Regardless of who ends up respecting it or not.

The fact is, at this forum, I know the majority of people here respond better to content that isn't aimed at insulting their intelligence or tastes. You can place yourself as high as you want, but in reality, you won't be looking down on very many people here. This forum is comprised of some of the most intelligent and open-minded people I've ever come across, and I'm only 30. You can choose to view this as either a testament to my personal characteristics, or the characteristics of the community as a whole. Either is fine. But you do lose something pretty vital when you choose to see yourself above all. I won't insult your position by specifying what that is, because I'm sure you already know.
And no, it's not respect.

Baggs 04-22-2011 10:46 PM

Open-mindedness is over-rated.
Why should one be open-minded to something one considers shoite-taste.

Thats just being disingenuous to the Self.

Janszoon 04-22-2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Baggs (Post 1040800)
Open-mindedness is over-rated.
Why should one be open-minded to something one considers shoite-taste.

Thats just being disingenuous to the Self.

Sentence structure exhibited above is somehow giving Janszoon a headache.Is there backwards masking hidden there somehow? Or is it just bad grammar.

Freebase Dali 04-22-2011 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Baggs (Post 1040800)
Open-mindedness is over-rated.
Why should one be open-minded to something one considers shoite-taste.

Thats just being disingenuous to the Self.

Well, for one, you're being closed-minded to things you haven't even heard before. I'm not sure how you're able to carve out a perspective for yourself when you're only getting a small portion of the facts.

I'm saying that in relation to your comment about, and I'm paraphrasing, "50 percent of the stuff I see here, I haven't heard of, but I'm assuming I won't like it anyway."
Sounds to me like you either know your self truth is really limited, or you're just ignorant of anything outside your own little bubble. If it's the latter, and you're happy, then that's great. No problem. But when you act like your little bubble floats higher than all the others, you can see how little your opinions are going to be taken seriously, given the fact that you know nothing about anything outside of it.

Baggs 04-23-2011 07:09 AM

How can one NOT experience reggae, supermarket muzak ,hiphoppery, nauseum.
I mean really! ITS EVERYWHERE, right?

Baggs be glad Baggs is not in a job position where Baggs is forced to listen to all that. (Baggmaster used to work in a laboratory. Baggs was immature then and used to have obnoxious, foul-mouthed aggression-music playing loud all the time: German Sheperds,Lydia Lunch,Crass,Karen Finlay, Butthole Surfers and all that. One evening the president of the company (whom rarely ever entered the plant) makes a surprize visit showing some knob a tour - once Gorbachev went through!. Just then I had some noiseband on loud and the singer is frothing at the mouth going on how much he wants to kill the martinet-boss! Baggs was clear at the other end of the lab and could not get to the boombox to shut the "music" off. The president just shakes his head and smiles. Baggs feared getting a "call-in" the next day, but thankfully nothing at all developed.)

So then, yes I DO know the "silly" musics. And, just like yourself - and to quote Genesis: "I damn well know what I like."

(When one of my guitar heros, Jan Akkerman, totally ruined a solo album of his by doing a reggae version of "All Along The Watchtower"(!!!) that was something not to be forgiven.)

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