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Old 06-29-2009, 10:11 PM   #221 (permalink)
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There was grumblings right after he died of him faking his own death to get out of doing the come back tour.

Michael pac. Word.

Now they think the doctor over medicated him..
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Old 06-29-2009, 10:18 PM   #222 (permalink)
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i knew it....

for christs sake hes dead, get over it and let him Rest In Peace

as for the people who think kurt cobain is still alive?? omfg....
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Old 06-29-2009, 10:42 PM   #223 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
On a more positive note.

How would you rank MJ's albums?

Out of a scale from 1 to 5.
Alright, I'll play. I only have Off the Wall, Thriller and Bad (though I'd love to get a hold of Dangerous ) so I'm not going to comment on any albums aside from those.

Off the Wall ***
I agree with Boo Boo that this is his most consistant album, but I find the songs to be consistently good, not great. For me this one is enjoyable but not exactly mind-blowing.

Thriller ***
This one is extremely hit-or-miss for me. When it's on the songs blow anything on Off the Wall out of the water, but when it's off it's really off. The real big hits are definitely the best songs on the album, and the rest of the album should've been called Filler.

Bad ***1/2
I realize I'm probably in the minority here, but I actually think this is his best album. It still has a couple clunkers like "Dirty Diana" and "I Just Can't Stop Loving You". But for me it still has the most really great songs out of any of these three albums and it probably has the most variety as well.
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Old 06-29-2009, 11:00 PM   #224 (permalink)
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Rate MJ Albums

Off The Wall ****
Fantastic album, for the basslines alone. The album song for song is probably my favorite album. They blend together nicely, the instrumentals are much more real than anything else MJ ever did. 'Rock With You' and 'Get on The Floor' are the standouts for me.

Thriller ***1/2

MJ's most overrated album by far. The hits carry this one. Every thing else, like Janszoon said, is filler. The hits are among the best ever made though. Also, I heard somewhere that this album sold like a lot of copies or something. So I guess it's good in that right. Billie Jean and Beat It are must have tracks.

Bad *****

So how do you follow up the most popular album in modern music? You one up that ****, that's how. Michael does exactly that on Bad, his most hard-rocking album to date, featuring more electric guitars and electric piano parts reminicent of Beat It and Billie Jean. By following the formula that worked on Thriller and throwing out most of the Filler, MJ produced his most treasured masterpiece. Dirty Diana, Man in The Mirror, and Smooth Criminal are outstanding tracks.

Dangerous ***1/2

It's been said that had this album would have been the album of the year, had it been released one year earlier. The rise of Nirvana and 90's alternative had ransacked the charts and MTV. This marked the down-turn of MJ's popular career, several solid tracks grace this album, unfortunately they just weren't as well received as his last 3 efforts. This album still, is must have MJ material. Jam and Black or White are stand out tracks.
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Originally Posted by OBEY
"Never trust your own eyes, believe what you are told".
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Old 06-30-2009, 01:02 AM   #225 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by captured View Post
i knew it....

for christs sake hes dead, get over it and let him Rest In Peace

as for the people who think kurt cobain is still alive?? omfg....
I've never heard anything about Kurt Cobain still being alive

And I find conspiracy theorys quite interesting..
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Old 06-30-2009, 03:29 AM   #226 (permalink)
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as much as it pains, i have to tell myself that kurt cobain is dead
but he COULD have been murdered?? im not quite sure..
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Old 06-30-2009, 03:33 AM   #227 (permalink)
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The only evidence that he was murdered, was the fact he had so much drugs pumped through him it could've knocked out a horse.

But he only did that so when he put a bullet through his head, he wouldn't feel it as much?
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Old 06-30-2009, 03:37 AM   #228 (permalink)
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I don't think he was murdered, it was blatantly obvious that he was emotionally untable and depressive.. plus wasn't there a suicide note or a letter that indicated this? I remember reading it in some biography. "It's better to burn out than fade away" is one of the lines I remember.
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Old 06-30-2009, 03:41 AM   #229 (permalink)
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that is one good line... thats probably one of the reasons he killed himself

and then theres rumours that the suicide note was written by courtney love and put under her pillow
gaah i dont know what to believe
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Old 06-30-2009, 03:42 AM   #230 (permalink)
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Yeah but the suicide letter, towards the end, the writing changed.

Which meant someone else finished it off, which meant he was murdered.

Hmm, yeah, cos he wrote 3 quaters of a suicide letter but was still murdered.. clearly he just had so much drugs running through him he got the shakes or something.
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