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Old 03-05-2012, 07:46 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Farfisa View Post
The definition of music has been challenged, and debated to death. To me, noise can be music, and no one has any right to tell me otherwise. People always call me pretentious, but I get "that's not music" response a lot when I share things that I like. I tell them that saying something can't be music is more pretentious than saying something can be music. It's aggravating how hypocritical people are about music, they can't step outside of their head for 5 minutes to see something in a different way.
So if they don't have the 'right' to challenge your perspective... why do 'you' have the right to challenge them to step out of their personal preferences to consider a different view?

Why do you consider noise to be music? Why are you using a different term? One that's typically associated with dissonant, atonal sound devoid of traditional or recognizable rhythms and melodies. That lacking tonal familiarity within noise IS a fundamental aspect of music to the vast majority of listeners.

Fact is the responses you've presented here are pretentious. You're just twisting what they're saying to use it against them like it amounts to anything. I mean really... it's more pretentious to say that noise can't be music than to say it can. That's just weak. I'm sure you've posted wiser things than that in the past and if that's the kind of 'justifying' you pull while debating with people face to face then you deserve the names and derision.

If you really want to pull out wild far reaching ideas on ambiguous aspects of art and stuff you need to figure out a way to do it which encompasses as many differing and conflicting views as possible, otherwise you're always going to be facing conflict.
i am the universe

Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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Old 03-05-2012, 06:55 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
So if they don't have the 'right' to challenge your perspective... why do 'you' have the right to challenge them to step out of their personal preferences to consider a different view?

Why do you consider noise to be music? Why are you using a different term? One that's typically associated with dissonant, atonal sound devoid of traditional or recognizable rhythms and melodies. That lacking tonal familiarity within noise IS a fundamental aspect of music to the vast majority of listeners.

Fact is the responses you've presented here are pretentious. You're just twisting what they're saying to use it against them like it amounts to anything. I mean really... it's more pretentious to say that noise can't be music than to say it can. That's just weak. I'm sure you've posted wiser things than that in the past and if that's the kind of 'justifying' you pull while debating with people face to face then you deserve the names and derision.

If you really want to pull out wild far reaching ideas on ambiguous aspects of art and stuff you need to figure out a way to do it which encompasses as many differing and conflicting views as possible, otherwise you're always going to be facing conflict.
You're right, I don't deserve to have an opinion. I am obviously a pretentious fuckwit that uses skewed reasoning to make my depressing views appear valid. Now that someone has seriously replied to one of my posts that I put a lot of effort into, I now know that I shouldn't be here. I was waiting for someone to call me out, but you're the first person to actually challenge anything I say, that itself proves people on this forum treat me like a five year old.

And with that, I'll take my leave. Thanks mr dave, I was always hoping you would be the one to actually put me in my place. It's been a nice 4 years on this forum.
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Old 03-05-2012, 07:21 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Farfisa View Post
I was waiting for someone to call me out, but you're the first person to actually challenge anything I say, that itself proves people on this forum treat me like a five year old.
I have to say, the image of someone saying this...

If you really want to pull out wild far reaching ideas on ambiguous aspects of art and stuff you need to figure out a way to do it which encompasses as many differing and conflicting views as possible, otherwise you're always going to be facing conflict a five year old is pretty hilarious.
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Old 03-05-2012, 07:28 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Lol Wut

So did Farfisa just say he's been waiting for someone to tell him he's full of **** and now that that's happened once he can retire? /don'tunderstand

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Old 03-05-2012, 07:32 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mrd00d View Post
Lol Wut

So did Farfisa just say he's been waiting for someone to tell him he's full of **** and now that that's happened once he can retire? /don'tunderstand
Quick, Mrd00d, tell me I'm full of shit!
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Old 03-05-2012, 08:01 PM   #56 (permalink)
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I like how challenging someone's opinion now equates to treating someone like a 5-year-old...

Alex, I know you're reading this now as a guest, because the only way you wouldn't is if you were the kind of person that wouldn't have just left for the reason you did. I just want to let you know that you haven't solved anything. You've simply extricated yourself from a little portion of the internet that prides itself on being open, honest, and sometimes hurts your pride. I'm not sure what kind of world you live in where you're from, but I'm guessing that will tend to happen anywhere on this earth when there are human beings involved. But now, you've left from the only place where it happens to you while you're not looking them in the face.
I'd think this would be the best place to be challenged so you can learn to grow up and deal with it, because you won't be able to run away every time in real life.
Yea, this place is no substitute for real life, but if you can't handle it here, then I have little hope for you in your actual endeavors.

I'm not saying this to be an ass hole. I might seem like one now, but the intent behind it should be obvious. If it isn't, I hope you'll return when it is...
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Old 03-05-2012, 09:45 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post

Alex, I know you're reading this now as a guest
Hopeing thats true, let me say this. I have read enough of Mr. Daves posts over the years to realize when he dissagree's with someone (a few times myself) he doesnt mean it as a personal attack. Realize when disagreeing or debating something through text it is easy to lose the intention of ones words due to not being able to physically see them.

I suck at describing anything so Ill put it simply. I highly doubt he meant anything personal or to belittle you. While many people on this forum do that to people I am quite sure he is not one of them. Hopefully you wise up and return because your a good poster, one of which actually posts in music forums.

@freebase: I was stupid to pick Fornication this week. Idk what the **** to do at all. Sounded cool at the time. Perhaps a porno bassline with groaning over it?
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Old 03-06-2012, 06:31 AM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Farfisa View Post
You're right, I don't deserve to have an opinion. I am obviously a pretentious fuckwit that uses skewed reasoning to make my depressing views appear valid. Now that someone has seriously replied to one of my posts that I put a lot of effort into, I now know that I shouldn't be here. I was waiting for someone to call me out, but you're the first person to actually challenge anything I say, that itself proves people on this forum treat me like a five year old.

And with that, I'll take my leave. Thanks mr dave, I was always hoping you would be the one to actually put me in my place. It's been a nice 4 years on this forum.
What? The longer you hold onto this 'if it's not white it must be black' attitude the longer you're going to be facing what seems like an endless wave of resistance and pressure - everywhere in life. It's a direct result of your own inflexibility.

Would you have preferred a flippant one liner as opposed to an actual thought out response like this one and the previous one? If you've actually been fishing for a call down for a while I'd suggest taking a break from not just this forum but the internet in general. I don't mean to be a prick, but you (and a few other posters) very much remind me of myself in my early 20s and in those cases it's kind of hard to not speak out.

Having said all that, maturity, same as freedom, is 100% state of mind. If you feel like you're being treated like a child you need to ask yourself - are you acting like a child? You say having your opinion challenged is equivalent to being treated like a 5 year old... what does posting the equivalent to 'Screw you guys! I'm going home!' really amount to?

Take a break. Get stoned / laid... both at the same time. Whatever. Relax. Go down the rabbit hole a little deeper, challenge your convictions, consider the sides you hate until you can understand their rationale without getting emotional, see the other colours. Then come back.

Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I have to say, the image of someone saying this... a five year old is pretty hilarious.
This is how I used to talk to my niece, this smilie is a rather accurate reflection of her reaction

Originally Posted by RezZ View Post
I have read enough of Mr. Daves posts over the years to realize when he dissagree's with someone (a few times myself)
We've disagreed? When? Is it because I got humbuckers in my Jaguar?
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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Old 03-06-2012, 06:39 AM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
This is how I used to talk to my niece, this smilie is a rather accurate reflection of her reaction

Next time I see my three year old godson I'm definitely going to try and have a debate about the nature of art with him.
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Old 03-06-2012, 02:29 PM   #60 (permalink)
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For me, the distinction is in whether it is an original composition. An electronic artist who creates is a musician, an electronic artist who simply remixes, is not.
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