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pastor of muppets 04-30-2005 11:48 PM

The Guitar Thread
Talk to me bout your guitars people!! Faves, what you own etc..

gregb 04-30-2005 11:53 PM

I admit I'm a complete newbie and own a $150 yamaha squire :( I will upgrade soon I promise! ;)

SATCHMO 04-30-2005 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by pastor of muppets
Talk to me bout your guitars people!! Faves, what you own etc..

Dude, Seriously, I wanted to be the first one to start a thread on this new forum, and you beat me by a minute! That's so not fair. Anyway, my current set up is pretty boring: I own a lefty Ibanez steel string acoustic, an olde Kaye acoustic-electric custom modified to lefty, and an Epiphone nylon string modified to lefty. That's it.

pastor of muppets 05-01-2005 12:10 AM

haha i beat u suck my fat one !!! :p: yeh mines pretty boring too i just got a crap strat copy electric, ibanez bass, spanish classical nylon one and my dads got this epi 12 string but i kinda nabbed it cos he doesnt play much anymore. finally now that i got a job i might be able to get some moneys and get a decent guitar and amp :p:

ladyluckrules 05-01-2005 09:02 AM

Mines just a fender squire strat, boring, but i'll customize it or something

pastor of muppets 05-02-2005 03:52 AM

yeh tweak it up dude.. add some sick decals.. thatd b rockin!

ladyluckrules 05-02-2005 12:59 PM

! I've added a pink lightining bolt already

Fenixpunk 05-02-2005 02:00 PM

I have several guitars and a few differant amps laying around. My choice being my Paul Reed Smith guitar playing through my Peavy Centurion head and 4X10 Ram fiberglass cab. Nice crunchy sound, no pedals needed. Other guitars i have - Jackson/Charvel, Fender Strat, Fender Gemini Acoustic. Had a real nice Ibanez but got rid of it and a Kramer Striker that got stolen at a gig we played in california.

rockerelf 05-06-2005 09:08 PM

i play a Colt steel thread guitar, it's awsome :band: . it sounds really good with my fendor amp, but i have only played guitar for 2 yrs..

pastor of muppets 05-07-2005 06:31 AM

im looking for a new guitar in round the $400 - $500 price range and just wondering if you got any recommendations???

also what do you guys reckon of the washburn idol 64??? go here to see it

SATCHMO 05-07-2005 10:59 AM

I like it. its pretty much a gibson SG. It hat a mahogany set neck and the Buzz Feiten tuning system. pretty cool.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 05-09-2005 11:20 PM

i play a pretty damn nice squier. i know that sounds stupid, but its the best playing 250 dollar guitar that i could find. im going to upgrade to a gibson or an esp pretty soon. just waiting for the birthday to roll around. i plug in to a crate glx212. a great amp, but it weighs a ton.

pastor of muppets 05-10-2005 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
I like it. its pretty much a gibson SG. It hat a mahogany set neck and the Buzz Feiten tuning system. pretty cool.

yeh man i thought it was pretty cool and when i find one im gonna have me a play of it....

ashatteredhope 05-10-2005 06:20 AM

i have a simple but effective set up of a fender strat. and marshall amp. i am currently trying my best to save enough to get a double stacked!

Fenixpunk 05-10-2005 08:24 AM

a 4x10 cab is all you really need to play just about anywhere effectively, I wouldnt waste too much time and money getting a double stack.

ashatteredhope 05-10-2005 08:59 AM

yeah i know its just i wanted one like forever and watching Page play makes me want one even more.

phoenixflames 05-12-2005 06:56 AM

I played guitar for about 7 years and made the switch to bass after the bass player for our band left. I've gotten rid of most of my guitar equipment (except for my guitar), but I did have a Fender Ultimate Chorus amp, Zoom 505 multi-effects pedal, and an Ibenez guitar. I also have an acoustic guitar that I mess around with. My bass setup is a GK SBX-115 cab, Beheringer 300W head, and an OLP Music Man Stingray. Not the world's greatest equipment, but I really like the sound and it gets the job done.

SaTaNsChIlD666 05-18-2005 09:27 AM

i play a washburn face eraser (Jon Donis's guitar) and i have a beringer cab wiht a marshall head...and my seven string wasburn too.

SATCHMO 05-18-2005 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by phoenixflames
I played guitar for about 7 years and made the switch to bass after the bass player for our band left. I've gotten rid of most of my guitar equipment (except for my guitar), but I did have a Fender Ultimate Chorus amp, Zoom 505 multi-effects pedal, and an Ibenez guitar. I also have an acoustic guitar that I mess around with. My bass setup is a GK SBX-115 cab, Beheringer 300W head, and an OLP Music Man Stingray. Not the world's greatest equipment, but I really like the sound and it gets the job done.

How do you like OLP's version of the stingray?

phoenixflames 05-18-2005 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
How do you like OLP's version of the stingray?

I like it alot. It seems very high quality (especially for the price). Plays well and sounds excellent. I don't have any complaints about it.

SATCHMO 05-18-2005 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by phoenixflames
I like it alot. It seems very high quality (especially for the price). Plays well and sounds excellent. I don't have any complaints about it.

Cool, Iv'e been thinking about picking one up, but thought the price might be some indication of the quality.

phoenixflames 05-19-2005 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
Cool, Iv'e been thinking about picking one up, but thought the price might be some indication of the quality.

If you are worried about quality, go to your local music store and check it out (assuming they stock them). I'm not saying its the same quality as a $2500 bass, but its definatly worth every penny. Check out the reviews for it on . I don't think you can go wrong getting this bass.

Josephine 05-21-2005 06:46 AM

Gibson ES-335 Satin Finish
I just wanted to say that I fell in love...
And my love, she's soooo beautiful and damn sexy...A real hot one!
I see her every f***ing night in my dreams, I see her incredible body...
Oh my god, she drove me mad!!!

Well, there's only one problem: I couldn't ever give her what she needs.
Her standard of living is much too expensive for me, she's very pretentious...
So it seems she broke my heart & I don't know if I'm able to survive my heartache...

Her name is Gibson ES-335 Satin Finsh.

Isn't anybody out there who can rescue me?
PLEASE, won't anybody pay my unconditional love???

phoenixflames 05-21-2005 07:56 AM

^ Your post scares me!

Josephine 05-21-2005 08:40 AM

Don't be scared!!!!
Well, it was supposed to be a joke indeed :laughing:
But I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOOOOVE this beautiful guitar!!!!

phoenixflames 05-21-2005 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Josephine
Well, it was supposed to be a joke indeed :laughing:
But I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOOOOVE this beautiful guitar!!!!

LOL, well I figured that much (otherwise, you would be a real sicko)! When I first got my new bass, I was kinda the same way. Oh and if someone hasn't done so already, welcome to MB!

xX-Avenged7X-Xx 05-21-2005 09:21 AM

I play an ibanez rg2550, thru a marshall mode4 + 4x12 cab. Mainly tuned to drop c#, 0.13 guage strings. Got a few pedals but don't really use them. Really want a Gibson ES-335 but spent all of my money on my amp. I got a few other guitars but non worth mentioning

Josephine 05-21-2005 09:40 AM

To all you musicians!!!
Yeah, I'm not THAT freaky ;)
Hehe, I've to confess that I'm not a real musician (Shame on me!!!)...It's really embarrassing for me to confess, but I don't even have a guitar!!!
And I'm not good at all in playing, cause I cannot read notes... But I really wanna start playing finally, I always wanted. I dunno what held me back all the time. I guess, I was real stupid and know I wonder if I'm already too old to start...
But I get encouraged from everyone and I got the advice to begin with a Pacifica 112.
OF COURSE I would love to start with my lovely Gibson ES-335, but as I said already: She's much too expensive... Unfortunatly!
What bout an amp? What kind do I need?
Please, recommend me some (and don't think I'm crazy)!!!

Imonlydancing 05-21-2005 10:52 AM

hehe...why not start of with a slightly...different guitar, like a pacifica? *looks at your post* which has been suggested... You could always read tabs if you cant read notes, and do you play any other instruments like piano? cos that could help.

Josephine 05-21-2005 11:38 AM

She broke my heart!
Yeah, I can play a bit piano (taught it to myself), but it's always hard without notes. And I guess, there's no musician who can't read notes...
But is it so difficult to learn reading them? Cause I definitely wanna play guitar, I would do almost everything..
Hehe yes, I should start with a cheaper one, I know... Do ya think a Pacifica is a good choise? And I guess my darling Gibson would be wasted on my lack of talent! :(
She deserves somebody who treats her right!!! My beautiful one...
*Close to tears*

SATCHMO 05-21-2005 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by xX-Avenged7X-Xx
I play an ibanez rg2550, thru a marshall mode4 + 4x12 cab. Mainly tuned to drop c#, 0.13 guage strings. Got a few pedals but don't really use them. Really want a Gibson ES-335 but spent all of my money on my amp. I got a few other guitars but non worth mentioning

Wow, C#, D Just isn't low enough? Anyway, how about that Mode4? you must be in 7th heaven with that rig. I played through for about an hour an a half in a music store sound booth a couple weeks ago. I would have been longer but they had to drag me outta' there cuz' the store was closing.

dog 05-22-2005 05:50 AM

i gotta legend strat copy thing. and a washburn amp. - very exciting

phoenixflames 05-22-2005 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
Anyway, how about that Mode4? you must be in 7th heaven with that rig. I played through for about an hour an a half in a music store sound booth a couple weeks ago. I would have been longer but they had to drag me outta' there cuz' the store was closing.

The Mode 4 is that good? I always thought they looked cool (the little MF logo rocks), but I've never actually heard one. Sometimes I think Marshalls reputation is a little bit overblown, but I'm not saying they make bad amps. It just seems like everyone wants one because its the popular thing to have. I can remember for the longest time that I wanted a Les Paul, but then I went to the music store and actually played one. It was like a $4000 guitar, and I didn't really like how it felt or played. I guess that just goes to show you should always test out music equipment before you buy. Don't just assume because its expensive that its good and that you will like it!

So Josephine, I would recommend that you go to a good music store that allows you to play the instruments (Guitar Center or Sam Ash if you live in the States), play all the guitars and amps that are in your price range, and pick out what you like best. Instruments are a highly personal choice, and what everyone else likes may not be the best choice for you. Just my recommendation, take it or leave it. :)

Josephine 05-22-2005 08:45 AM

Thank u so much, phoenixflames...

I still feel so insecure with all these things... It's really complicated, all these equipment stuff...

But I'll try to find a good music store (unfortunately I don't live in the U.S., I'm from Germany). And I will annoy all the sellers in there till I've found the one for me...;)

SATCHMO 05-22-2005 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by phoenixflames
The Mode 4 is that good? I always thought they looked cool (the little MF logo rocks), but I've never actually heard one. Sometimes I think Marshalls reputation is a little bit overblown, but I'm not saying they make bad amps. It just seems like everyone wants one because its the popular thing to have. I can remember for the longest time that I wanted a Les Paul, but then I went to the music store and actually played one. It was like a $4000 guitar, and I didn't really like how it felt or played. I guess that just goes to show you should always test out music equipment before you buy. Don't just assume because its expensive that its good and that you will like it!

So Josephine, I would recommend that you go to a good music store that allows you to play the instruments (Guitar Center or Sam Ash if you live in the States), play all the guitars and amps that are in your price range, and pick out what you like best. Instruments are a highly personal choice, and what everyone else likes may not be the best choice for you. Just my recommendation, take it or leave it. :)

No, your'e right. Marshall and Gibson (les Paul's to be more specific) are two of the most overrated and overpriced brands in the musical instrument world. I hate Les Paul's, I owned one for way too long, and up unti I played the mode 4 I was thoroughly unimpressed with Marshall amps.The mode 4 is nice, but a Mesa Boogie Triple rectifier blows it out of the water.

Josephine 05-22-2005 11:12 AM

But she looks good?!
I just wanted to say that I'm not really able to judge bout the quality of Gibson guitars or Marshall amps, but my baby ES-335 looks good indeed. I'm superficial, I know...

But it's always good to know... Now I won't try to save all my money to get it paid...:)

SATCHMO 05-22-2005 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Josephine
I just wanted to say that I'm not really able to judge bout the quality of Gibson guitars or Marshall amps, but my baby ES-335 looks good indeed. I'm superficial, I know...

But it's always good to know... Now I won't try to save all my money to get it paid...:)

I was more or less talking about Gibson Les Pauls. The main thng about gibson is that, while they're great guitars, they are priced well beyond their actual value and a lot of that has to do with the name attached to them. The ES-335 is a BEAUTIFUL guitar, and for someone who doesn't quite play yet you have excellent taste in guitars, (and expensive tastes as well)

Josephine 05-22-2005 12:32 PM

U understand what I'm feeling towards her!!!

Originally Posted by SATCHMO
I was more or less talking about Gibson Les Pauls. The main thng about gibson is that, while they're great guitars, they are priced well beyond their actual value and a lot of that has to do with the name attached to them. The ES-335 is a BEAUTIFUL guitar, and for someone who doesn't quite play yet you have excellent taste in guitars, (and expensive tastes as well)

Thanx, really...Thanx a lot!

U know, I always try to improve...I mean, I learn from what u are saying (I spent so many years on simply nothing!)
But I see what u mean, it's the same with clothes, for example. All this label stuff...The name counts, quality sometimes doesn't matter...
But I'm relieved that u seem to understand my unconditional love to Gibson ES-335...

SATCHMO 05-22-2005 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Josephine
Thanx, really...Thanx a lot!

U know, I always try to improve...I mean, I learn from what u are saying (I spent so many years on simply nothing!)
But I see what u mean, it's the same with clothes, for example. All this label stuff...The name counts, quality sometimes doesn't matter...
But I'm relieved that u seem to understand my unconditional love to Gibson ES-335...

Epiphone, which is a subsidiary of gibson also makes an ES-335 which is just as good, but signifigantly less expensive.

Josephine 05-22-2005 12:54 PM

How much...?

Originally Posted by SATCHMO
Epiphone, which is a subsidiary of gibson also makes an ES-335 which is just as good, but signifigantly less expensive.

Really? How much would it probably be???
Good advice, thanx again..

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