I forgot one piece of advice that I thought of from reading Mr. marcusclark49's post. When you do learn a song, this is what I do. I start relatively late at night and play through it a bunch of times until I'm too tired to think. Then just go to bed. Then practice the next day and you'll be better after the sleep. Now what's going to happen is this. As you practice, your brain makes notes of how your muscles moved and which movements are correct. When you're asleep, your brain will subconsciously erase all of the incorrect movements and keep the muscle movements that led to the correct or more correct playing of the song. I do it late at night because its really fresh in your brain. I did this while I was learning the sweep for the Metalocalypse theme. I started around 12:30 at night and played until I fell asleep... literally. All I recall is the fretboard getting blurry, the TV infomercial stopped making sense (I practice with insignificant TV program on for background noise), my sweeping became very sloppy, then I swept down and didn't go back up. I woke up around 10 minutes later, practiced for another 15 or so then went to bed. I woke up able to play the sweep a bit faster and smoother but I still need to work on it (I started like 1/32 the speed its played). I hope this is a good tip for learning new songs.