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Old 06-10-2009, 05:55 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Advice on Yamaha Tour Customs?

Anybody ever play on one of these? I'm thinking of buying this used kit below. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Advice on Yamaha Tour Customs?-814181i_20.jpeg  
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Old 06-10-2009, 06:53 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Did you get a look at the condition of the cymbals? Those cost.
Heads are relatively cheap and you might end up wanting to change them anyway.
The hardware looks good from what I can tell, but you're going to want to look at the condition of the hi-hat hardware. If the seller has pictures of the toms straight on, you can verify that they're not "badly" out of round.

Ultimately, the question is: Can you actually go to the location, or is this shipping online?
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Old 06-10-2009, 07:30 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I posted a pic which is focused on the toms. The condition looks good. The guy lives really close so I'll be dropping by tomorrow. He says he has some zildjians + hardware but he didn't say weather or not those were included. All I know is that his asking price is a $1000 (Canadian). He's an older guy and he seems willing to negotiate. He said "come over to my house and check out my set-up, this might be a kick in the ass for you to purchase them." I figure he might let me walk away with the kit plus a couple cymbals (including hardware) for around $800-1000. Assuming the condition is good and I do get these zildjians and hardware, would you say the deal is fair? My main concern is the quality of the Tour Customs. I have previously owned the Stage Customs, they were decent (but a little over-priced) but the Tour Custom's are a level higher.
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Old 06-11-2009, 03:57 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Well from the looks of it (and thanks for posting that picture from the main position side) they're not in bad shape.

But here are the things you need to consider:
Those specific drums aren't new. In fact, I don't think they even make Yammie Tour Customs any more.. I could be wrong about that.
But I know they're good drums. Still, You have to take into account the roundness of the shell, the condition of the bearing edge the heads rest on, etc..

By itself, that 5 piece kit without hardware and cymbals, USED, should be no more than 400 dollars. At least, that's what I'd expect.
You add in the hardware, cymbals, and seller's fee, you shouldn't be paying more than 750 for that kit depending on the exact cymbals and their condition.
But that's the catcher right there...
Cymbals do make a difference. Zildgian is a good company, but there's a huge difference between the types of cymbals they make, both price-wise and quality-wise.

You just have to go and try the set out.. but don't be enamored by the sound of them... Play them, but inspect them. Look for imperfections, anything that can get the seller's price down. Don't be content with having a drum-set. Be content with knowing you paid the right price for the drum-set you have.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:37 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Fiction, would you say it's a better idea to invest in a new Yamaha Stage Custom instead? Or do you think it's worth checking out used kits?
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:14 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sam-Y View Post
Fiction, would you say it's a better idea to invest in a new Yamaha Stage Custom instead? Or do you think it's worth checking out used kits?
Oh it's definitely worth checking out used kits.
You just have to make sure that the used kit you're buying isn't going to cost more in the long run than a new one.
If you can physically inspect the used kit and determine its condition, you can make an estimate of how much money you may need to put into it. Add that figure to the cost of the kit, then compare it to a new kit of a similar setup and ask yourself whether the price difference is large enough to choose the used kit.

The only variables here are the brand of kit you may be comparing to, as that will have an effect on the price.
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Old 06-12-2009, 07:39 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Alright man, so I went by his house yesterday to check out the kit. He didn't have it set up, it was all piled up in the corner so I didn't get to check it out much. It turns out that for $1000, I can get this tour custom (6-piece set, he's throwing in an extra pearl floor-tom which doesn't match the yellow kit), all the necessary hardware (I don't know why, but he won't tell me exactly what kind or how many pieces of hardware I'm getting, all he said is "Sam put it this way, whatever you need I'll give you), a customized "leather set" (actual leather); however, no cymbals at all. He only has these top of the line zildjians (one ride, 2 crash rides, and a china) he'll sell for $900, or I can buy them separately for $2-300. So a grand for a kit without cymbals kind of turned me off. He says this kit is rear and that Yamaha stopped making the tour custom, I can still buy a new tour custom from this music tour for $2000 brand new (5-Piece with hi-hat stand, crash stand, and boom stand in addition to a 4-Pack Paiste cymbals package). That is twice the price and I'm getting a brand new kit with cymbals...So this is the deal, what do you think Fiction? The seller is telling me I'm not only getting a good deal, I'm getting a steal lol.

Help a brother out man lol

Turns out I could get it online with snare/hi-hat/2 cymbal booms stands for $1300 + shipping.

Last edited by Sam-Y; 06-12-2009 at 07:52 AM.
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Old 06-15-2009, 03:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Have you looked into other new kit brands and compared pricing?
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