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EPOCH6 01-13-2017 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1794835)
Jealous. A well loved 20s or 30s Gibson would be my ultimate dream guitar. Love the warm sounding body shapes they had back then.

I hear ya, the 20s Gibson L3 is my ultimate dream guitar. Gibson has been re-issuing the L1 lately which is similar (same shape, different styling) for ~$2500 but it's not nearly as cool as a genuine L3.

Good lord just look at the thing.

Xurtio 01-13-2017 12:48 PM

I have a distortion pedal and a sparkle drive and a delay pedal for most of my work...


I finally just got what could be my favorite pedal...

I'm so excited about this...

like literally giddy..

not sarcasm


you're going to **** your pants...

Chula Vista 01-13-2017 01:58 PM


Frownland 01-16-2017 05:21 AM

Marshalls can be buttrock fuel but they cut through and record very well. Get a compression pedal and put on some single wound strings on your guitar and you'll get your jangly sound.

pauldoon 01-17-2017 12:50 PM

I play a Mesa Boogie Dual Rec 100 watt (bought from Blaze Bailey's guitarist - at the time anyway haha) through a laney cab, PRS SE Clint Lowery Signature Edition and a Schecter Hellraiser Series 6 solo edition with Floyd Rose as a backup.

Big fan of Marshalls but couldn't pass on the Mesa ha

Frownland 01-17-2017 12:51 PM

Mesa Boogie>>>>>>>>>>>Marshall for sure

pauldoon 01-17-2017 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1796436)
Mesa Boogie>>>>>>>>>>>Marshall for sure

It was (and still is to be fair) in mint condition when I got it, with delivery from down south I paid £915 all in. Was genuinely shocked to see it going on ebay for so little

EPOCH6 01-17-2017 09:18 PM

Team MESA over here as well. The Lonestar Classic 2x12 is still my go to amp for most sounds, although I also have an old Single Rectifier that I run through a Laney cab for metal gigs.

Chula Vista 01-17-2017 09:42 PM

I use to gig with a Mesa DC50 with a 4 x 12" and that rig was loud and rocked like hell.

I currently have an Express 5:25 in a 1 x 10" combo that's gathering dust cause it's too loud for my current situation. Anyone interested?

EPOCH6 01-17-2017 10:56 PM

I love the Express 5:25, great little amp, but I'm not looking to take in more gear right now. I've got no hesitation vouching for its quality if somebody else is, though.

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