Brian Krashpad |
05-31-2012 12:26 AM |
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez
(Post 1194542)
Nice colection but where is your strats. I see one strat and about 1 million teles and humbuckers. Although kudos on reppin the melody maker/lessy jr styles hard. I like that shecter with what looks like filtertrons.
I'm just not a Strat guy. LP's and Teles are better suited to what I do and what I want. The Strat works well for church, and would also work in my side roots rock band, but that band is extremely inactive of late (and possibly kaput).
The Schecter has P90's. It's a Tempest Special, basically a Les Paul Special (flat-top, mahogany, setneck) in the shape of a Tempest. I really like P-90's as you note. A buddy of mine lost a beauty singlecut Gibson LP Special in Spearmint Green to a local pawn awhile back (I was too broke to buy it from him), if I could sell that Schecter and a couple other pieces I'd buy his LP Special for safekeeping as it were. That way he could buy it back some day if he can get on his feet again, and meanwhile I can loan it back to him if he misses it too much.
Don't really have anything very close to Filtertons. The red Gretsch singlecut is an Electromatic Special Jet. It has US-made DeArmond pickups, which are kinda like Dynasonics on the cheap.