AMAZINGMIDI wav to MIDI wtf? no controll over BPM?
Hi, I lost my MIDI controller, and rather than replace an expensive piece of equipment, I thought I'd use a wav to MIDI transcription program to create a MIDI file from a guitar track, that I could then assign a sound font to and create music that way. I found AmazingMIDI to transcribe single notes very well, but the problem is, it creates a MIDI file that is not in the correct tempo, and I can not change the tempo, or cut and paste my data into the correct tempo in cakewalk. EVEN MORE BIZARRELY, there is absolutely ZERO information on how to deal with this problem that I could find online.
Seems to me a pretty useless program if you can create a MIDI file with this software, but can't make any adjustments to the tempo in order to actually use the MIDI for production. I'm going to boot back into xp and run cakewalk again and see if saving the file in a different format will correct this problem. Seems odd that it would alter the tempo to begin with, odder still that it won't allow me to change the tempo, and oddest of all that there is no help whatsoever with this issue-- I can't be the only person who experienced this problem.