07-10-2010, 10:47 AM
#4 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Posts: 37
Originally Posted by Classof75
Definately a vinyl guy here. Been collecting a long time. It does sound better (imo) too, but you have to find records that are in good condition (if used), and good pressings (there are big differences between the "same" record). Also having a decent turnatable, cartridge and pre-amp. And lastly, cleaning, and keeping your records clean. These things can take some of the "fun" out of it, but all very important for the best sound. This is why so c.d.s are so popular, it's easy. I buy many records from www.Gemm, they have anything you would want, and they rate their sellers. The records are "graded" by the seller, so if you see a "VG+" graded record, you know it will be in decent condition. www.Recordsbymail is also good for buying online. Many vinyl fans over at the Steve Hoffman (.tv) audiophile forum. This is where you can learn alot about records (good pressings, turntables, etc..) - Rock On!
thanks dude, ill check it out.