Originally Posted by Batty
Is it just with the TT or does it do the same with CDs, if so there could be a problem with the volume control. Does it sound crackly when you turn the knob? If so it needs cleaning with switch cleaner, just spray it inside the pot and wiggle the knob for a few seconds. If that does nothing then it may need a new volume control.
I use it with a CD player and tape deck as well and have no volume problems with those. There's nothing wrong with the volume knob anyway.
Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre
You're boosting it twice.
If your signal chain has more than 1 phono level input in it, you're feeding it through a boosted input twice, meaning its going to be better off through another socket.
That makes a bit of sense alright. Probably not much I can do about it so I'll just keep it connected to a tape input and apply a bit of tone for now. Thanks for the help anyway guys.