debaserr |
03-20-2012 02:02 PM |
Stolen from somewhere else:
Budget Headphones: $0-$75
Looking for a pair of headphones for travel, something cheap to throw around? Or perhaps you can't justify spending much on a pair of headphones but want something of decent value? Look here!
(1-B) JVC Marshmallow, $10-$14. Strong bass, recessed mids, tinny highs. Good for exercising.
(1) Meelectronic M6, $20-$30. Good controlled bass with good extension, slightly aggressive, but clear, mids, clear highs. These IEMs are highly regarded for budget IEMs.
(1-B) Meelectronic R1, $25-$30. Cheap woodies. Deep extended bass with good impact, perhaps too much at times. Warm mids, though somewhat grainy. Rolled off highs that are pleasing to the ear.
(1-B) SoundMagic E30, $40. Strong bass, slightly pushy. Mids are slightly forward, great attack and clarity. Highs extend well, not fatiguing but slightly sibilant. Great for bassheads who don't want the rest of their sound compromised.
(1) Maximo iMetal iM590, $40-$50. Rather balanced sound, rather clear throughout.
(1) Meelectronic A151, $45-$60. Full warm sound. Full bass, clean smooth mids, clean highs. Build quality is great, no microphonics. One of the best, if not the best option under $100.
(1) Soundmagic PL-50, $50-$65. Decent bass but not much impact, great mids, clear highs. A very good value.
(1) Apple Dual Driver IEM, $65-$75. Warm bass with some impact, clear mids and highs. Rather detailed for the price. Has inline remote/mic for iPod/iPhone.
(1) Dunu Ares, $70-$85. Decent overall balanced sound, leans slightly to the warm sound. Bass is adequate, nothing special, mids and highs are lush, but slightly grainy. These are excellent for those who want a good looking IEM while having decent sound.
Open Headphones
(1) Koss KSC75, $10-$20. Bloated bass, decent mids, clear highs. *These are clip-ons*. Good for portable use.
(1) Superlux HD681, $30-$40. Good Bass, mids, and highs.
(1-S) Superlux HD686b, $30-$50. Neutral, slight emphasis on treble.
(1-B) Koss PortaPro, $30-$40. Strong, slightly, muddy, bass, recessed mids, slightly rolled off. Good for portable use.
(1) Samson SR850, $40-$60. Good punchy/slightly deep bass, slightly recessed clear mids, detailed and clear highs.
Closed Headphones
(1) JVC HARX700, $30-$40. "A poor mans A700." Thumpy/muddy bass, decent mids, decent highs.
(1-B) Sony MDR XB500, $50. Comfortable. Strong bass, recessed mids, decent highs. Good for portable use.
(1) JVC HARX900, $50-$60. "A poor mans A900." Decent soundstage. Tight/deep bass, recessed mids, bright/fatiguing highs.
(1) Beyerdynamic DT231, $45-$60. Slightly boosted lows, clear mids, slightly boosted, but clear, highs. Considered to be one of the best closed headphones under $100.
(1-S) Sony MDR-V6, $60-$70. Clear sound with a rather flat response.
(1) Sennheiser HD 448, $50-$60. Rather weak bass, overall balanced clear sound.