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Unknown Soldier 04-10-2012 04:33 PM

Without reading through the whole thread, I've got a pretty powerful Bose system that hasn't been used in a couple of years. Do you guys do any sound proofing with your stereo systems, as I don't want to piss the neighbours off. I've read all types of opinions on the internet but most seemed pretty impractical.

silverwick 04-11-2012 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1176463)
Without reading through the whole thread, I've got a pretty powerful Bose system that hasn't been used in a couple of years. Do you guys do any sound proofing with your stereo systems, as I don't want to piss the neighbours off. I've read all types of opinions on the internet but most seemed pretty impractical.

In England you can make as much noise as you wish between the hours of 07:00hrs and 23:00hrs. If you stick to these times you are in no danger of the environmental health people.
If you wish to consider your neighbours you should negociate a time table with them that is mutually convenient

Unknown Soldier 04-11-2012 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by silverwick (Post 1176867)
In England you can make as much noise as you wish between the hours of 07:00hrs and 23:00hrs. If you stick to these times you are in no danger of the environmental health people.
If you wish to consider your neighbours you should negociate a time table with them that is mutually convenient

I know the law on that kind of stuff and actually work quite a bit with environmental health etc. I really don't want to go down the road of negotiating with my neighbours and would sooner do some kind of soundproofing. I live in an area with some snooty neighbours and I guess they wouldn't be too happy with me belting out music at full blast. I only have neighbours on one side as I live in a semi.

silverwick 04-16-2012 01:17 AM

Attach batons to the wall and then place loft insulation between the batons before attaching plaster board to them. Finally cover the plaster board with foam tiles. The whole thing is a fire hazzard so perhaps your snooty neighbours would prefer a timetable, than having their property go up in smoke???

Unknown Soldier 04-19-2012 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by silverwick (Post 1178538)
Attach batons to the wall and then place loft insulation between the batons before attaching plaster board to them. Finally cover the plaster board with foam tiles. The whole thing is a fire hazzard so perhaps your snooty neighbours would prefer a timetable, than having their property go up in smoke???

hahaha I've seen these types of ideas before.

Oscar 04-22-2012 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 581118)
Yamaha Rx-V363 (Pretty ****ing amazing, Im proud to say I own it)

ANd thats hooked into 2 Bose 201 series bookshelf speakers.

Do you really own it?:yikes: Maybe you'd better to protect it by a flight case.

PianoLuva4Ever 05-01-2012 05:51 PM

I have an epiphone sg and I run that through a boss rt20 into a Line 6 spider IV 75 watt amp. It's an awesome rig. But changing the channels are a pain without the switcher pedal.

I sometimes run my Casio ctk-519 through it, which gets some pretty amazing sounds.

Batty 06-03-2012 09:38 PM

Upgraded some stuff, I now have an AudioGD NFB2 DAC and Squeezebox Touch for digital. I broke the cantilever on my Denon DL103 so that is away at Soundsmith in the US getting rebuilt, still using the 1042 in the meantime. I have a borrowed Planar 3 from 1978 with original Acos built Rega R200 tonearm. I am halfway through building a step up amp for when the DL103 gets back.

SATCHMO 09-21-2012 12:00 PM

Over the past couple months I've had a bit of a headphone/IEM obsession, which has lead me to purchase some great, but mostly not so great, headphones.

Recently however I've acquired a couple of pieces of equipment that have thoroughly impressed me with their quality:

Fiio E-17 Alpen headphone amplifier/DAC

This little thing-- it's about 2/3rds the size of my iPhone -- is absolutely amazing and has opened up a world of audio fidelity that I have yet two experience with a pair of headphones. it has a variable gain switch; bass, treble, and balance controls; can accept input from just about anything you can imagine: USB, SPDIF, Optical etc.. Via a 13 pin line out dock, the digital signal circumvents the iPhones subpar internal amplifier and digital to audio converter and routes the unamplified signal directly to the e17. It has turned my iphone into a veritable audiophile device.

I have it attached to my iPhone case with velcro, like so:


I also purchased, after extensive research a pair of Thinksound TS02 earphones:
For $80 the sound quality of these IEMs is immense. Nearly perfect balance across the frequency ban, (admittedly they could use a bit more sub bass extension), and the soundstage, width and depth are absolutely stellar. In my opinion they are the closest you can come to perfect audio fidelity for under $100, and the synergy between them and my headphone amp is nearly perfect. And did I mention they are made from /packaged with recycled materials. Their customer service, from all the reviews I've read, is second to none, although I've not yet had to take advantage of it.

I highly recommend both products. Together they have, for me, opened up a whole new world of music appreciation.

ferdie_poly 09-23-2012 05:53 AM

A Yamaha Stagepass 300 and my trusted Ipod!

Get Drums 10-21-2012 02:48 PM

I know this threads been dead a little while but I'd love to hear about some more sound systems that people have if there are any recommendations out there?

I'm currently running a pair of Mackie 350's through a MOtu 8pre into my macbook pro but was considering changing the speakers, any thoughts people?

s_k 10-24-2012 08:12 PM

My mom recently got a call from a collegae that she had 'an old stereo rig' gathering dust in the attic.
Next bit of info was 'It's wood and heavy'.
Next bit of info was 'It's from Luxman and Teac'.
Ah well...
Luxman L-309V with fitting Tuner, B&W DM6 speakers, TEAC A-3440SX tapedeck, Micro Seiki DQX-500 record player with Stanton 881S.
I'm repairing it bit by bit. The Seiki has an erroneous motor control. It's rather impossible to fix, going to hook it up to an external motor with a belt.
The A-3440SX is up and running by now. The B&W's are in working order, but need revision, the Luxman tuner is brilliant, the Amp needs some looking after.

Living room rig is sort of this:
I replaced the Teac A-3300SX tapedeck by a Teac A-6100 and the Nakamichi BX-150 cassettedeck by a Yamaha TC-720
The record player is a borrowed Thorens TD-160B with Linn Basik arm and Goldring Eroica LX cartridge. I've bought a Thorens TD-166 II which I will fit with the same arm and a better plinth. Should get rather close to the TD-160B :).

Magneplanar Magnepan SMGa speakers.

XtremeEclectic 03-13-2013 07:53 AM

My computer system is comprised of a Pioneer SA-7500ii amp, DCM Timepeice w bass mods for speaks ran through a Cambridge audio DAC magic 100 off the laptop.

s_k 06-14-2013 04:15 PM

Except for some power cables, a plank and proper junction boxes, not much of a change.
I actually reconstructed the Thorens shown above, which I borrowed.
I now have my own Thorens with a Linn arm.
Speakers are still the same:

Most interesting addition is probably this:
Outdoor speakers!

Mr. Charlie 10-28-2013 06:17 PM

My system comprises of:

Sugden Masterclass CD player
Sugden Masterclass pre amp
Sugden Masterclass class A solid state power amp
Proac Future Point Five loudspeakers
Isotek Titan mains conditioner
Nordost Valkyrja XLR balanced interconnects (2 pairs)
Chord Company Signature loudspeaker cable (2 pairs) in a bi-wire config
Van Den Hul Mainsstream mains cables (x3)

All the main components are British and hand built. I won't list it's value. I'm too embarassed to.

I don't usually go for same brand systems but the Masterclass components work so well together that they add up to a sum greater than their individual parts.

Sound quality is warm, organic, almost analogue-like, and incredibly musical. The kind of system you can play loud for hours with no listening fatigue.

I'd post pics but I'm too lazy to put them on a hosting site.

SATCHMO 10-28-2013 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1378212)
My system comprises of:

Sugden Masterclass CD player
Sugden Masterclass pre amp
Sugden Masterclass class A solid state power amp
Proac Future Point Five loudspeakers
Isotek Titan mains conditioner
Nordost Valkyrja XLR balanced interconnects (2 pairs)
Chord Company Signature loudspeaker cable (2 pairs) in a bi-wire config
Van Den Hul Mainsstream mains cables (x3)

All the main components are British and hand built. I won't list it's value.I'm too embarassed to.

Last I knew the Nordost Valkyrja cables alone retailed at about $3k. I'd hate to try to wager a guess at what your whole system is valued, at but I'm sure it's significantly more than what I earn in a year... or maybe two years.

Mr. Charlie 10-29-2013 11:41 AM

They are expensive but they're bloody good and extremely revealing when partered with suitable components.

I didn't buy the whole system in one go (I'm not a wealthy man, but rather choose to spend the money I make on hi-fi and music) and have been building it up slowly over a number of years and upgrading different parts when I can.

Honza 01-16-2014 06:06 AM

Using a Bose Wave Music System. Its small, not too expensive and has a decent quality sound. The bass is quite natural sounding and rich. I'm happy with it.

Sculptor 01-19-2014 04:02 AM

I use Audioengine A5+ for my PC and Sennheiser 598 for headphones.

Ponzio 03-09-2014 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs (Post 581243)
I am, seems to sound wonderful though. And I am having trouble finding a good bass (subwoofer) though.

what's your budget?

innerspaceboy 02-16-2015 04:47 PM

Not sure if anyone is still following this old thread, but I'm the new guy clocking in.

I've recently retired my McIntosh 4280 integrated amp and my McIntosh C39 Pre, and settled into the full, natural sound of my Yamaha CR-840 from my college days.

It's paired with Focal 814v floorspeakers, though I keep my old Advent 1s as a set of extension speakers on an A/B switch in an adjacent room.

My Cambridge Audio DACMagic quit on me so I'm making due with a Behringer u-Control from my music server to the Yamaha until I get the itch to upgrade.

Picked up a beautiful tube-powered, copper-bodied Harmon Kardon Solo receiver for $12 at an estate sale and the tube appear to be working... I'm just going to test the thing before I hook it up to my gear.

My turntable is a Denon DP-60L - the rosewood flagship of its year. Fitted with an Ortofon 2M Red and she sings so sweetly.

Also using Sennheiser HD-380 Pro monitors, XLO Ultra cables, Audioquest Python series interconnects, and Tributaries Silver Series RCAs.

My listening room is my sancuary. Nearly 13,000 albums between my music server, CD and vinyl collection, so there's always something to spin.

Also just dropped off a Sonance Sonamp 260, a NAD L40 CD/amplifier, and an Integra adm2.1 power amp off at my local record shop to see if I can make a few bucks to put toward some of my grails.

Great to see all your gear!

Hypnotia 03-13-2015 10:04 AM

My home system.

Denon PMA520AE Amp
Denon DCD520AE CD Player

Monitor Audio Bronze BR1 Speakers

QED Performance Graphite Stereo Interconnect

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Running Poweramp App via QED Profile J2P cable

Hitsville UK 03-30-2015 04:56 AM

My stuff:

Amp: Marantz PM6005
CD player: Marantz CD6005
Speakers: Q Acoustics 2020i

Hope to expand and add a turntable in the near future and dust off those vinyl records in from the loft.

Mr. Charlie 08-16-2015 05:29 PM

Chord DAC 64

Anyone in the market for a high end CD player should consider one of these.

I picked one up the other day and, wow, it makes music purr. It's greatest strength however is that it sounds good regardless what transport you use (will even sound incredible hooked up to a £100 CD player). It's one of the most celebrated DACs in the world and can be found used these days for under a grand, yet has sound quality to rival CD players costing around £4K.

It's a good looking component:

...and the build quality is simply astonishing:

Mr. Charlie 08-20-2015 06:59 PM

Finally got round to posting pics of my system for the fellow hi-fi lovers and audiophiles on these boards.

Isokek Titan GII Mains Conditioner - this thing feeds the entire setup with clean and conditioned electricity. It can output a staggering 23,000 watts at its peak, so no matter how big, sudden or complex a musical transient, the systems grip on music remains tight:

Sugden Masterclass PDT-4F Fusion CD Player, only being used as a transport (disc spinner) at the moment which is a terrible waste:

Chord DAC 64 Digital to Analogue Converter:

Sugden Masterclass Pre Amplifier (old model), hand modified by Sugden for increased performance, a one off:

Sugden FMMaster FM Tuner, fantastic sound out of this, very warm and organic:

Sugden Masterclass SPA4 Power Amplifier, bags of power and control from this solid state, pure class A beast:

ProAc Future Point Five Loudspeakers, these beauties sound stunning, and the fabled ribbon tweeters more than live up to their reputation:

The system in it's entirety (camera battery was just about flat by this stage so it's blurry with no flash):

All hand made British components, hooked up with Nordost Valkyrja speaker cables, Nordost Valhalla links, Nordost Valkyrja interconnects, and Van Den Hul Mainsstream mains cables modified with Furutech mains plugs and IEC connectors.

I love good hi-fi. A good system brings music to life. Brings you closer to the music, to the emotion and the soul of a recording.


innerspaceboy 08-21-2015 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1627869)
I love good hi-fi. A good system brings music to life. Brings you closer to the music, to the emotion and the soul of a recording.

Magnificent stuff, Charlie! Thanks for sharing all the photos. What sort of choons do you spin on that lovely set up?

Mr. Charlie 08-21-2015 09:11 PM

Your system's nice too, I really like your vintage components.

What tunes do I play? All sorts. Folk, celtic, reggae, rock, blues, indie, trance, techno, country, gospel, a bit of rap, classical, world music, bluegrass. In no order of preference.

roscoe_the_first 10-23-2015 01:09 AM

What kind of sound system?


Oriphiel 10-29-2015 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by roscoe_the_first (Post 1645736)
What kind of sound system?


DeadChannel 10-29-2015 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1647394)


Mr. Charlie 11-23-2015 11:31 AM

Made a few changes to my system recently. Couldn't justify using my beautiful CD player only as a transport, and so got rid of the Chord DAC 64, and upgraded my amps, and my support system.

Sugden Masterclass LA-4 pre amplifier. Sounds a lot sweeter than my old pre amp and has a better grip on music:

Sugden Sapphire FBA-800 power amplifier. This thing is huge. Biggest amp I've ever had, and the blandest looking, yet without doubt the best.

It's a floating bridge design, pure class A output stage for minimum distortion, four power transistors per channel, 100% balanced from the input to the output by using two amplifiers per channel, gold plated circuit boards, silver wiring; basically a no compromise amp. And what that means in the real world is phenomenal sound quality. It basically creates a holographic soundstage. which in plain english means it sounds like the musicians are there playing in your living room. Amazing:

Atacama Evoque Eco 40-60 Hifi Stand. Power amp was so big I had to get a new hi-fi stand to seat it. And this one's a goodun. Never underestimate what proper support and isolation can do to a system. They can tighten up sound quality:

Music in a bottle 12-12-2015 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 960873)
Upstairs, where I am now:
Can't get the whole room on the picture.
Musicbanter is on the screen ;).
The tapedecks you see up high are not connected.
There's a lot more tapedecks.
There's a cabinet on the other side of the room with some decks on it:
But that's not all. I'm not sure how many I've got. 50? 60?
Should make a list sometime soon :)
A closer look at the mixing console, amplifier and tapedecks
And there's my beloved tannoys and tiny little wharfedale actuve monitors.
I removed the fronts so you can have a look at these weird tannoy DC Units.

That's it for now. Hope you like what you see :)

Are you an NSA contractor? Are you listening in on our phone conversations?:D

Nice hoard you got there. Nicely done!

Music in a bottle 12-12-2015 07:57 PM


Music in a bottle 12-12-2015 08:04 PM


Music in a bottle 12-12-2015 08:25 PM


Mr. Charlie 12-13-2015 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Music in a bottle (Post 1659914)
Well, here's my setup through photos pulled off the net because my stereo is all packed away............

I have a Marantz model 7t pre amp, model 15 amp which is a dual mono block on the same chassis........ a Marantz model 115B tuner and two sets of Dahlquist DQ 10s.

My father had the same Marantz receiver. I remember it well. Lovely warm, velvety sound. Heavy beast too if I remember. I used to enjoy watching the meter needles move to the sound. It was hypnotising.

Mr. Charlie 02-16-2016 09:50 AM

Was very fortunate to find a cheap pair of fabled ProAc 1SC loudspeakers on eBay recently, and they arrived today. Fabulous sound: really sweet treble, decent bass (relative to their size), and a world class midrange that hangs all three together perfectly. The finesse they have with spoken word and acoustic music is simply astonishing. No wonder they're still considered by many as the finest standmount speaker ever built. If you ever get the chance, give 'em an audition. It'll be a treat for your ears.

Hand made in England, they're good looking speakers. Or were at least. Sadly one of the maple cabinets is missing its front lip and they're a tad beaten up at the back, but sonically they're fit as a fiddle. Should sound lovely as the fronts in my home cinema system. :love:

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