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FETCHER. 07-20-2010 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 902798)
In a few days I am going to the Lake District for a week where I plan on going many places and also taking the opportunity to relax a little before i start work when i get back. This is pretty much the perfect place for that.

As you can imagine I have heard of here very many times. Yet never been. It is MUCH more beautiful than I ever imagined :O Where abouts is it situated like? Near us?

ribbons 07-20-2010 09:25 AM

Leaving tomorrow for Louisiana to visit relatives for a week, with my kids and mom.

Mojo 07-20-2010 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 902884)
As you can imagine I have heard of here very many times. Yet never been. It is MUCH more beautiful than I ever imagined :O Where abouts is it situated like? Near us?

it really is a gorgeous part of the country. Yeah its not far. Its Cumbria area in the North West. I'm not very good with approximating distance and mileages and but i would say it's probably 150-175 miles away from you?

thomasracer56 07-20-2010 12:42 PM

I was going to go to England a year or two ago. Times change, and it's a pity. Well, as an aspiring race car driver, I will be able to travel soon. For now, I'm taking racing at farthest Wisconsin and the next stop is Santa Maria, CA(In state travelling, out of town).

FETCHER. 07-21-2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 903019)
it really is a gorgeous part of the country. Yeah its not far. Its Cumbria area in the North West. I'm not very good with approximating distance and mileages and but i would say it's probably 150-175 miles away from you?

I was quite astounded by the photos. Britain really surprises me sometimes with how gorgeous it is at times!

Turkey countdown: 65 hours :love:

Cressidagater 07-21-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 903788)
I was quite astounded by the photos. Britain really surprises me sometimes with how gorgeous it is at times!

Turkey countdown: 65 hours :love:

cool have a nice time :D im going to Turkey next tuesday as well

FETCHER. 07-21-2010 05:54 PM

Where abouts?

James 07-21-2010 05:58 PM

On Saturday i'm going to a place called Ulston it's within an hours distance to both Newxastle and The Lakes so I shall be visiting both. If you see me say hi Mojo!

VEGANGELICA 07-21-2010 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by ribbons (Post 902929)
Leaving tomorrow for Louisiana to visit relatives for a week, with my kids and mom.

I hope you have or are having fun, ribbons! I bet it will be hot hot hot.


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 903788)
Turkey countdown: 65 hours :love:

That should be fun, kayleigh! You've been there quite a few times, right? I knew Germans love Turkey, but I didn't realize it was a destination for Scottish people, too!

Hey, maybe you'll see Cressidagater there! ;)

I was in Turkey in Istanbul and Bodrum in 1996 for several weeks visiting my then significant other and his family after his military duty was over. We went to Ephesus on a 110 F day! I loved the Roman history there, especially the Roman toilets and plumbing. And the blue blue ocean next to the mountains in Marmaris! Really lovely.

I was even learning Turkish. All I remember now is "seni seviyorum" (I love you) and "patlijan" (eggplant) and "usure," a delicious vegan Turkish desert made with beans!

Mojo 07-21-2010 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 903858)
On Saturday i'm going to a place called Ulston it's within an hours distance to both Newxastle and The Lakes so I shall be visiting both. If you see me say hi Mojo!

Its within an hours distance to BOTH Newcastle and the Lakes? Alright seriously, where the hell is this place? :p:

jibber 07-22-2010 07:21 AM

sweet! two people are coming to visit me (but not really, haha).

I'm leaving in 18 days, I can't even believe it. Going to get my syrian visa tomorrow, and then on the 9th I leave the city to start my trip with 6 days at the beach resort i bartended at last summer. It just hit me today that I'm going to have five months off of work, I haven't gone five months without working since I was 15!

FETCHER. 07-22-2010 07:24 AM

Haha that'd be super freaky if we all bumped into each other :O

But yeah I leave for hometime on the 8th :( the day before you!

jibber 07-22-2010 07:30 AM

lame, haha. have a great vacation though! next time you come to turkey don't miss out on coming to istanbul (way cooler than marmaris ;) )

Cressidagater 07-22-2010 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh
Where abouts?

Istanbul for a few days, then gonna get a 12-hour coach to Izmir. :hphones:


Originally Posted by jibber
sweet! two people are coming to visit me (but not really, haha).

I would do but I'm actually cripplingly shy you know :shycouch:


Originally Posted by VENGANGELICA
All I remember now is "seni seviyorum" (I love you) and "patlijan" (eggplant) and "usure," a delicious vegan Turkish desert made with beans!

Just for you this is a song combining them all :D

James 07-22-2010 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 904139)
Its within an hours distance to BOTH Newcastle and the Lakes? Alright seriously, where the hell is this place? :p:

I can't even find it on Google Maps! it's a conspiracy!

jibber 07-22-2010 10:24 AM

^^ oh that's just bad, just so so bad....that song should never be played haha.

right-track 07-30-2010 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by JohnHurst (Post 909390)
trying to get 15 posts

...for a permanent vacation.

right-track 07-30-2010 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by JohnHurst (Post 909391)
ill never do this again hahah

You can say that again.

VEGANGELICA 07-30-2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Cressidagater (Post 904429)
Just for you this is a song combining them all :D

Wow...a song combining "seni seviyorum," "patlijan," and "usure," just for me!!! (I actually couldn't tell that the song included "usure"). What are the odds of a song containing all three? Thank you.

I hope your trip to Turkey goes well despite your cripplingly shy personality. You must speak Turkish, so at least you'll be able to understand people when they speak at you as you are hiding behind palm trees or what have you.

jibber 08-21-2010 08:16 AM

heading off to iraq tomorrow! soooo very excited.

right-track 08-21-2010 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by jibber (Post 921238)
heading off to iraq tomorrow! soooo very excited.

Sounds like fun.
Are you travelling with someone, or going alone?

btw. Got back from Turkey earlier this week. Where were you girl!?

jibber 08-21-2010 08:28 AM

gonna be travelling with someone else, were meeting up in another town tomorrow then heading down from there. Its just a short side trip, only five days in the kurdish controlled area (the only safe part, everywhere else youd have to have a death wish to visit).

How was your trip? Ive been off in random places way off in east turkey for the past 2 weeks, its been great so far. ive got until september 10 in turkey and then off to syria.

right-track 08-21-2010 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by jibber (Post 921241)
gonna be travelling with someone else, were meeting up in another town tomorrow then heading down from there. Its just a short side trip, only five days in the kurdish controlled area (the only safe part, everywhere else youd have to have a death wish to visit).

How was your trip? Ive been off in random places way off in east turkey for the past 2 weeks, its been great so far. ive got until september 10 in turkey and then off to syria.

The trip was great apart from a mix up with our rooms that took a couple of days to sort out.
I'd forgotten how friendly the Turks were. Not to mention their appalling style sense.
What's with the men's hairstyles all looking something like Al Pacino's in 'Scarface'...

...only all spiked up as if they just arrived on a motorbike without a helmet?

As for their dress sense...if douche bag was a fashion style, they have it nailed!

jibber 08-21-2010 08:43 AM

oh god i know, my favorite is what people here call 'apaçi' style. basically the gelled up chicken mullet with tight jeans and either a badly translated english tshirt or an open button down shirt. like these guys :D

right-track 08-21-2010 08:50 AM


Some of the hotel bar staff were sporting that very style.
Brow piercings seem to be the in thing too.

Have fun in Kurdland and Syria, jibber.

Unfortunately my trips are limited to more conventional/family friendly ventures these days.
Planning a short trip to Rome before the end of the year and then a family holiday in Florida for next summer. Not as cavalier, but bound to be loads of fun.

jibber 08-21-2010 09:02 AM

haha, yeah I think going to iraq is pretty much as off the beaten track as you can get, Im really excited that it worked out. after syria ill be going to lebanon, jordan, israel and egypt.

rome is great though, my parents took us to italy when we were kids (I think I was about 8) and my brother and I loved it. I just remember thinking all the ruins and ancient castles were just really awesome forts to play in :D

(and if your kids like cats, keep an eye on them; I scared the crap out of my parents by running after all the mangy stray cats and trying to pick them up and pet them)

debaserr 08-21-2010 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by jibber (Post 921244)
oh god i know, my favorite is what people here call 'apaçi' style. basically the gelled up chicken mullet with tight jeans and either a badly translated english tshirt or an open button down shirt. like these guys :D

i need the guy on the left's pants.

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