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FETCHER. 01-31-2010 05:00 PM

The part I'm going to will hopefully be more snowy, I couldn't find a picture of the exact area though, but that one justified it enough :D

gunnels 01-31-2010 05:02 PM

Going here this summer:
And Athens.

someonecompletelyrandom 01-31-2010 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 819390)
I'm going here next month for snowboarding!

Right on, I love snowboarding!


Originally Posted by gunnels (Post 819432)
Going here this summer:
And Athens.

I've always wanted to see that side of Europe. It's where most of my family is from.

jackhammer 01-31-2010 05:48 PM

I am in London in a couple of weeks and then it's Germany in June, crossing the border into Switzerland for a gig and then back in Germany the day after, so it will be 3 countries in five days- England, Germany and Switzerland.

someonecompletelyrandom 01-31-2010 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 819471)
I am in London in a couple of weeks and then it's Germany in June, crossing the border into Switzerland for a gig and then back in Germany the day after, so it will be 3 countries in five days- England, Germany and Switzerland.

Where in the UK do you live?

duga 01-31-2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by gunnels (Post 819432)
Going here this summer:
And Athens.

if you are traveling all around greece i highly recommend checking out monemvasia...they have this cool little castle town that they turned into a hotel of sorts. they have great wine in there, too. it really feels like going back in definitely ranked in top 3 things i saw in greece.

Mojo 02-01-2010 04:27 AM

The best holiday i've been on was to Australia. I only really saw Melbourne, the small town my family live in just outside of Melbourne and had a few days in Sydney. I'd like to go back and see more of it but i was there mainly to see my family and i pretty much spent the rest of my time there drinking, especially as my cousins uni were having their equivalent to Freshers week at the time.

I also loved some of southern Ireland, Dublin but only for crazy drunken sessions really, Amsterdam likewise (I went to the Anne Frank house but after that what else is there to do other than get fucked up?), Ostend in Belgium was a beautiful place and some parts of Scotland, outside of the main cities i've been too have been really good looking and peaceful too.

I'm going to Belfast in a couple of weeks for a wedding and to see friends. I had an absolute blast the last time i was there.

Astronomer 02-01-2010 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 819721)
The best holiday i've been on was to Australia. I only really saw Melbourne, the small town my family live in just outside of Melbourne and had a few days in Sydney. I'd like to go back and see more of it but i was there mainly to see my family and i pretty much spent the rest of my time there drinking, especially as my cousins uni were having their equivalent to Freshers week at the and to see friends. I had an absolute blast the last time i was there.

Ah, O-week! How I love O-week... so much drinking to be done. Do you know which university it was? I went to Monash and our O-week was always massive!

Seriously though, you should go back and explore more of Australia. It really is a wondrous country. Melbourne will always be my favourite city, though. And while you're there you can pop over here to New Zealand :)

Mojo 02-01-2010 04:37 AM

Hehe i would like to go to NZ too, it looks like a beautiful country. It was Monash actually. I was there for O-Week (I couldn't remember the name of it before) in 2004. They had Spiderbait playing who werent great by any means but it was a fun enough gig. I had such an awesome week that week but i don't remember a great deal of it.

FETCHER. 02-01-2010 07:20 AM

I'd kill to visit Australia/America. I've lost so many friends to those country's it's unbelievable. You all and your pull factors :(.

Mojo 02-01-2010 07:22 AM

Oh yeah i forgot to mention Florida! Duh. I went and saw Mickey and everything!

Janszoon 02-01-2010 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 819786)
Oh yeah i forgot to mention Florida! Duh. I went and saw Mickey and everything!

It makes me sad that so many people who come visit my country have the misfortune of winding up in Florida.

Mojo 02-01-2010 09:39 AM

Hehe well i went there because my sister wanted to get married out there. I cant remember what its called now, the place she got married but it was outdoors and it was gorgeous. And i rocked Disney World. I really enjoyed it but then again i was only there once for two weeks.

FETCHER. 02-01-2010 09:47 AM

I've been told alot of good things about Florida. If I ever go to America I would want to visit it! :)

Janszoon 02-01-2010 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 819820)
Hehe well i went there because my sister wanted to get married out there. I cant remember what its called now, the place she got married but it was outdoors and it was gorgeous. And i rocked Disney World. I really enjoyed it but then again i was only there once for two weeks.

Disney World can be fun—I used to work there actually and it was certainly a unique place to be employed—but Florida in general sucks. My whole thing is there are so many more worthwhile places in the US to visit. But many, if not most, foreign tourists wind up going to Disney World and I think they come away with the impression that the whole US resembles the craphole that is central Florida. :p:

Janszoon 02-01-2010 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 819825)
I've been told alot of good things about Florida. If I ever go to America I would want to visit it! :)

It's awful, seriously! Miami is it's only redeeming feature. I would highly recommend California over Florida any day of the week if you're looking for beaches and palm trees.

FETCHER. 02-01-2010 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 819830)
It's awful, seriously! Miami is it's only redeeming feature.

Ha, Miami does look awesome. I'd have no idea where to start in America, so much to do!

Janszoon 02-01-2010 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 819831)
Ha, Miami does look awesome. I'd have no idea where to start in America, so much to do!

My vote would be New York City or California. Two completely different types of experiences but both places have a ton to offer.

Mojo 02-01-2010 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 819828)
Disney World can be fun—I used to work there actually and it was certainly a unique place to be employed—but Florida in general sucks. My whole thing is there are so many more worthwhile places in the US to visit. But many, if not most, foreign tourists wind up going to Disney World and I think they come away with the impression that the whole US resembles the craphole that is central Florida. :p:

I can understand this. I know people who go there every year and have been doing so for many years yet Florida is the only place in the States they have ever been. Florida has such a rep for being a tourist location that i think an opinion like this is quite normal. It's like alot of English people and London. I like London in the sense thats its a fun place to go to for a few days but any more than that and it irritates me. Its a shithole really, it just happens to be a shithole thats fun in small doses.

FETCHER. 02-01-2010 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 819832)
My vote would be New York City or California. Two completely different types of experiences but both places have a ton to offer.

NYC would be awesome. I'd probably go there. California's beautiful if I'm right in thinking. I'd like to go somewhere unourist-y too, I like going places that nobody else really visits. :)

Mojo 02-01-2010 10:01 AM

Yeah i've always wanted to hit NYC, California, Vegas etc but just cause i unashamedly want to hit some of the more obvious tourist spots first. I would want to see much more of America than that though.

Janszoon 02-01-2010 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 819833)
I can understand this. I know people who go there every year and have been doing so for many years yet Florida is the only place in the States they have ever been. Florida has such a rep for being a tourist location that i think an opinion like this is quite normal. It's like alot of English people and London. I like London in the sense thats its a fun place to go to for a few days but any more than that and it irritates me. Its a shithole really, it just happens to be a shithole thats fun in small doses.

Heh. London is really the only part of Enlgand I've been to except for one day in Bath. :o: I can't help but think it's a little different though because London is a major world city with tons of history and culture and is also England's seat of power, while central Florida is a cultural wasteland which, aside from being home to America's most famous tourist trap, is of little cultural, historical or political significance to the US.

FETCHER. 02-01-2010 10:04 AM

My school was doing a school trip to Vegas, NYC and LA this year. I was gutted I wasn't still at school. :( I think I would have prefered China anyways. Less tourist-y.

right-track 02-01-2010 10:13 AM

Just booked this hotel in Hisarou, Turkey.

Close to Olu Deniz lagoon.

Roll on August.

FETCHER. 02-01-2010 10:15 AM

^Wow that's beautiful, ever been to Turkey before? I'm also going this year, maybe I'll see you ;):laughing:

Mojo 02-01-2010 10:16 AM

^ That looks great. Looks like a good place to go and de-stress for a couple of weeks.


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 819838)
Heh. London is really the only part of Enlgand I've been to except for one day in Bath. :o: I can't help but think it's a little different though because London is a major world city with tons of history and culture and is also England's seat of power, while central Florida is a cultural wasteland which, aside from being home to America's most famous tourist trap, is of little cultural, historical or political significance to the US.

Oh yeah i agree, that makes a big difference. London is the one place most people want to go to in this country if they are coming to England to visit though. London is England for a lot of people and they don't bother with the rest of it.

right-track 02-01-2010 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 819848)
^Wow that's beautiful, ever been to Turkey before? I'm also going this year, maybe I'll see you ;):laughing:

Went to Bitez near Bodrum, before the kids were born.
Whereabouts you going Kayleigh?

Janszoon 02-01-2010 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 819834)
NYC would be awesome. I'd probably go there. California's beautiful if I'm right in thinking. I'd like to go somewhere unourist-y too, I like going places that nobody else really visits. :)

Yeah, California is gorgeous and extremely diverse in terms of it's environments (big cities, deserts, beaches, snowcapped mountains, old growth forests, etc.). The great thing about California too is it's so huge that there are lots of out of the way places you can find. Personally I'm big fan of Death Valley, a 5262 square mile national park in eastern California. Since it's a national park it's obviously a tourist attraction, but it's so big and desolate it feels very out of the way. I posted these a while back, but here are some pictures I took last time I was there:

Janszoon 02-01-2010 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 819845)
Just booked this hotel in Hisarou, Turkey.

That's gorgeous! I'm really hoping to take a trip to Turkey myself at some point.

FETCHER. 02-01-2010 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 819858)
Went to Bitez near Bodrum, before the kids were born.
Whereabouts you going Kayleigh?

I've been to Turkey a million times, it's scalding!
I'm going to Marmaris this year, I've been before. About 10+ times (Only place family will go :() But this year I'm going with about 7 friends :D. I'm happy that I'm going somewhere I know for a first holiday with my friends though! :)

right-track 02-01-2010 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 819864)
That's gorgeous! I'm really hoping to take a trip to Turkey myself at some point.

It's a bit greener than death valley isn't it? ;)
The Turks were pretty friendly the last time I went. Much more friendlier than their grumpy, bad tempered Greek neighbours.

Janszoon 02-01-2010 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 819866)
It's a bit greener than death valley isn't it? ;)
The Turks were pretty friendly the last time I went. Much more friendlier than their grumpy, bad tempered Greek neighbours.

Haha, yes, much greener than Death Valley. I've never heard that Greeks have a rep for being grumpy. My wife and I are talking about going to Greece next year, I hope that's not our experience.

right-track 02-01-2010 10:37 AM

I went to Crete a while back. I remember getting on a local bus and the first thing out of the drivers mouth was..."SIT DOWN!!!"
The creepy twat spent the rest of the journey trying to look up my wife's skirt in the rear view mirror.
If the missus hadn't calmed me down, I'd have ended up on an extended holiday courtesy of the Greek government.

jackhammer 02-02-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 819509)
Where in the UK do you live?

I live in the SW of England. London is more South East. But I grew up in Telford (about 80 miles north).

cheltenham uk - Google Maps

someonecompletelyrandom 02-02-2010 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 820721)
I live in the SW of England. London is more South East. But I grew up in Telford (about 80 miles north).

cheltenham uk - Google Maps

Ah I see. You're about the same distance from London as I from the city of Dallas. I consider it vacationing when i'm up there, it's a bout a 4 or 5 hour drive away.

jackhammer 02-02-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 820725)
Ah I see. You're about the same distance from London as I from the city of Dallas. I consider it vacationing when i'm up there, it's a bout a 4 or 5 hour drive away.

Same sorta distance here but add an hour just to get into London as the traffic infrastructure is terrible.

FETCHER. 02-02-2010 04:21 PM

Really it takes you that long to drive to London from Cheltenham?

We drove from Glasgow down to Silloth, and it took us about 1hr 30mins. Not bad at all :)

jackhammer 02-02-2010 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 820746)
Really it takes you that long to drive to London from Cheltenham?

We drove from Glasgow down to Silloth, and it took us about 1hr 30mins. Not bad at all :)

Not me, the coach. It's quicker on the train but simple mathematics come into play. Train =£50 return (roughly) 2 hours journey time. Coach= 4 hours £12 return which leaves £38 more for beer. No brainer really.

FETCHER. 02-02-2010 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 820749)
Not me, the coach. It's quicker on the train but simple mathematics come into play. Train =£50 return (roughly) 2 hours journey time. Coach= 4 hours £12 return which leaves £38 more for beer. No brainer really.

Haha I suppose those coaches do drive slowish. I got the train to London from Glasgow, 4hrs on the virgin media one. It's very silly to drive down, I imagine it'd take about a lifetime to get allllll the way down to London in a car. But absolutely, I'd rather take the coach and have more beer money :D. Clever.

FETCHER. 02-03-2010 12:35 PM

I just booked up to go to London Friday - Monday in March :D:D So excited.
I went last year too, but I wasn't 18, so unfortunately had to head home when the rest of the girls went clubbing :(. Bad times :(. This year I am old enough!

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