Originally Posted by Thrice
I dont know how much that is American. When I started to play I would pay $15 for all day, including a spider/tip, lunch, co2, mask and paint. Only catch, which I still think is the greatest part of the game is limited paint. You would only get 30 balls, and it made it so fun. Other than lack of time, one reason I got out of it was it became too big. Too many people sprayin a quarter case of paint in a round.
Right now £40 is $63 point something dollars, and I hate limited paint, I stress when I'm running out. We just go as a group of friends and play against each other, it makes it fun as you can get revenge on friends and such. I went with my work once which also made it interesting. $15 is amazing for a whole day, thats cheap as chips! Sooo cheap compared to the bomb we pay for it