Originally Posted by dac
Dude, your expectations are incredibly high. I'm a browns fan, we won ten games last year. Even though we didn't make the playoffs, that season was one of the biggest things in Cleveland sports in a LONG time. Oh how we love our Brownies.
lol I was only joking to begin with

It was a tongue in cheek comment, based on my misconception of your comment 'I never bet against Manning', and all of his perceived 'chokes' in the playoffs... I was joking about all the money you would have lsot on said chokes IF you bet on him during the playoffs...
FWIW, I reckon the Colts will wrap up a WC as well... I really don't like any of the teams from the AFC East though... My favourite would be Miami

Though the likelihood of them getting through is minimal, I would love em to grab that 6th WC spot...