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Soulflower 06-08-2014 08:38 PM

I think James hand touch it after it bounce off of Parker's leg. He crying like a baby

Soulflower 06-08-2014 08:39 PM

I ... Hate the nba

Soulflower 06-08-2014 08:42 PM

I hope the Heat fans and the NBA are happy, :)

Sparky 06-08-2014 08:49 PM

Miami won that one can't argue ref interference. Lebron was great down the stretch, and Bosh filled in for a vacant d-wade with some help from lewis.

No way they let Bron go 1-1 with leonard or anyone for that matter again, gotta double him. Make him beat you and live with what Wade gets.

Wpnfire 06-08-2014 08:54 PM

This game should be watched by all fans. Tons of passing by both teams, absolutely no selfishness by either team. Sensational defense, and both coaches making radical changes to their game. Miami is playing such a different game with James and Wade just LIVING in the paint and from the free throw line-and Bosh in particular made numerous star caliber plays-just a great all around game. Wow.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 09:07 PM

Is there an objective basketball sports fan who can come here and comment? Fred boo where are you at? lol

This was a horrible game with awful calls and foul calls.

Great game by Spurs.

The only reason why Miami won was because of the horrible refs.

James did not do anything but cry and whine.

Wade, Bosh and Charmers did horrible flops.

Spurs should have blown them out in the first half after the 11 point run.

Parker missed those free throws because Charmers elbowed him in the ribs which was a dirty foul he did. He should have got kicked out the game for that cheap shot. That was a flagrant 2.

James FINALLY got a foul call on Duncan.

NBA rigged this for Miami

Sparky 06-08-2014 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1458331)
Is there an objective basketball sports fan who can come here and comment?

really dude
only one who whined in that game was tim duncan, and got t'd up for it:laughing:

Paul Smeenus 06-08-2014 09:13 PM

Wpnfire 06-08-2014 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1458334)

I wholly agree with the cat lady comparison at this point.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1458332)
really dude
only one who whined in that game was tim duncan, and got t'd up for it:laughing:

Yea because Miami flopped horribly to night and that was a dirty play by Charmers.

Did you not see the technical foul Lebron got for arguing with the ref?

Sparky 06-08-2014 09:23 PM

:o: no I didn't actually

I saw a lot of physicality in general. And I saw lebron make basket after basket.

It's a make/miss game. No amount of flopping etc can win against a team that is putting the basketball in the hoop more often.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1458334)

Wpnfire 06-08-2014 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1458331)
Is there an objective basketball sports fan who can come here and comment?

you want an objective sports fan to come here and comment?

....Bahahaha! The irony. I'm in stitches. hahahahaha.


Parker missed those free throws because Charmers elbowed him in the ribs which was a dirty foul he did
no he didn't. If he was in that much pain, he would have told the refs he couldn't shoot the free throws and someone else would have shot them. Parker thought he could do it, and that's on him. It's 100% his fault for not making them.


He should have got kicked out the game for that cheap shot. That was a flagrant 2.
Speaking of objective statements... That was not even close to a flagrant 2. You know how I know it's not? Because I watch a lot basketball games, and they always show the rules for flagrant fouls every time the refs review for them.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1458339)
:o: no I didn't actually

I saw a lot of physicality in general. And I saw lebron make basket after basket.

It's a make/miss game. No amount of flopping etc can win against a team that is putting the basketball in the hoop more often.

Edit: Thanks for admitting that!

The Spurs out scored Miami in the first half.


Miami made a little a run and tied it going into second half. However the refs made bad calls and allowed Miami to get away with fouls.

It was a close game through second half thanks to the dirty refs and horrible flopping by Miami.

Lebron showed up in the 4th quarter but he did not do squat majority of this game

Wpnfire 06-08-2014 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1458344)
However the refs made bad calls and allowed Miami to get away with fouls.

How? By calling James' 3 three-pointer's in the game as threes and not twos? LeBron put the team on his back and he won it for them. Also, the heat picked up 5 bad fouls not even 6 minutes in to the fourth quarter. The heat got plenty of fouls called on them. Also you keep bringing up Chalmers flagrant foul, and none of the spurs player had flagrant fouls...

Oh wait, you don't care about evidence... Smh.


Lebron showed up in the 4th quarter but he did not do squat majority of this game
Actually, he showed up in every quarter but the first.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 09:44 PM

Flopping can make a non shooting team win any day.

Wade got a foul call when he flopped.

The Spurs received a TON of undeserving fouls called against them for the Miami flops

I'll admit Timmy should have hit those free throws.........Parker was purposely elbowed in the ribs so he has a legitimate excuse for his missed ones in my opinion.

The Miami flops does make a difference if the refs are going to count them.

I think its a conspiracy.

Sparky 06-08-2014 09:53 PM


Blame this on pop's scheme against Lebron. Can't let him be isolated the entire game, could argue game one would have had same outcome without the cramps.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1458342)
you want an objective sports fan to come here and comment?

....Bahahaha! The irony. I'm in stitches. hahahahaha.

Yes :)

I already admitted I get emotional when it comes to the Spurs lol

But I can admit when they are wrong or could have done something better.

All I see is a bunch of ass kissing for Miami.

They flopped horribly tonight and the refs were awful.

They cheated and still barely beat the Spurs lol


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1458342)
no he didn't. If he was in that much pain, he would have told the refs he couldn't shoot the free throws and someone else would have shot them. Parker thought he could do it, and that's on him. It's 100% his fault for not making them.

I don't think you are being objective at all.

Parker had to sit out after that flagrant cheap foul.

Did you see that?

He got hit in the ribs and that could have easily off set his jumper at the line.

Charmers knew what he was doing when he elbowed him on purpose.

I at least respect him for following through and not crying like a baby like someone else I know.


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1458342)
Speaking of objective statements... That was not even close to a flagrant 2. You know how I know it's not? Because I watch a lot basketball games, and they always show the rules for flagrant fouls every time the refs review for them.

This does not justify your opinion or make it more credible.

I actually think this is very immature. Instead of giving me a lecture on "how you watch more basketball yada yada yada" (which really means nothing)

Why dont you explain to me with detail facts and evidence that proves that it was not since you "watch so much basketball"

I did not like it because it was dirty/nasty and uncalled for.

He did it out of frustration. He purposely elbowed him and it was a hard one. Tony had to sit out the game after that. His flopping behind should have been kicked out for that cheap shot but I'll take the flagrant 1...messing with my babies.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1458349)

Blame this on pop's scheme against Lebron. Can't let him be isolated the entire game, could argue game one would have had same outcome without the cramps.

You can call me a troll all you want. I am not kissing the Heat's ass or the NBA's.

The ref's made horrible calls this game and the Heat flopped horribly.

That is MY opinion, you don't have to agree with it.

Sparky 06-08-2014 10:16 PM

I love pop and the spurs. The first quarter every basket came from an assist, it was a treat to watch.

Then it fell apart in the 4th quarter. Timmy missing free throws. I think most common sense spurs fans would blame their own team for this loss.

Do you really think spurs players have a moral high ground over the heat? Manu Ginobli has garnered a flopping repuation himself. Most NBA star players have, it's an innate reaction. It's been in the league as long as I've watched it. You try to get the call.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1458346)
How? By calling James' 3 three-pointer's in the game as threes and not twos? LeBron put the team on his back and he won it for them. Also, the heat picked up 5 bad fouls not even 6 minutes in to the fourth quarter. The heat got plenty of fouls called on them. Also you keep bringing up Chalmers flagrant foul, and none of the spurs player had flagrant fouls...

Oh wait, you don't care about evidence... Smh.

By calling all those horrible flops as fouls. Danny, Lenny,Manu etc got a ton of unnecessary fouls in my opinion

Going into the 4th quarter the Heat got some calls against them but it certainly was not like that for majority of the game.

What do you mean evidence? I brought up the flagrant foul to prove that Parker had a legitimate excuse for missing his free throws and because it was a dirty play. When the Heat are down they revert to desperate low tactics. I am glad my Spurs are professional and are not like that.


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1458346)
Actually, he showed up in every quarter but the first.

Okay, if that is the way you see it ;)

I disagree.

I saw more from his "supporting cast" Bosh, Ray Ray, Wade etc

Soulflower 06-08-2014 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1458354)
I love pop and the spurs. The first quarter every basket came from an assist, it was a treat to watch.

Then it fell apart in the 4th quarter. Timmy missing free throws. I think most common sense spurs fans would blame their own team for this loss.

Do you really think spurs players have a moral high ground over the heat? Manu Ginobli has garnered a flopping repuation himself. Most NBA star players have, it's an innate reaction. It's been in the league as long as I've watched it. You try to get the call.

I previously admitted that there was no excuse for those missed free throws by Timmy. :p:

I said that ages ago so not sure what point you are trying to make.

I stand by Parker's missed free throws though. He had an excuse. He got hit HARD.

Manu is sloppy sometimes but he doesn't flop ALOT like Wade and company

I am more shocked with the fact that you are trying to justify the Heat's flopping by insisting it is a NBA "thing". Well of course it is a NBA thing but its outrageously ridiculous how the NBA refs count the Miami flops as official fouls and you know just as well as I do that Miami gets away with it ALOT.

Lebron NEVER gets called for a foul and when he does, he cries and whines. He makes it seem like the whole world is coming to an end. He is the king of flopping

Paul Smeenus 06-08-2014 10:34 PM

Lebron had 13 points in the first half, 14 in the third quarter and 8 in the fourth quarter.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 10:53 PM

They try to make it seem like he carries his team BY HIS SELF. His cast are factors as well in his win's. He did not have an extraordinary Michael Jordan game tonight. They over hype him way to much.

Sparky 06-08-2014 10:59 PM

Much like they did with Michael. He carried the load offensively, and not just with scoring, like Michael.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 11:08 PM

But MJ was extraordinary and Lebron is not like that. Lebron is a good but he is not Michael Jordan.

MJ crushed by 40-50 points majority of his games and has a lot of shooting titles. MJ had a supporting cast, yes but Lebron is not MJ. The NBA desperately wants ya'll ratings which is why they try to hype him as something he isn't.

LBJ jumping around the court for a 2 point barely won game that they flopped, whined and did flagrant fouls to get.

Wpnfire 06-08-2014 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1458350)
I don't think you are being objective at all.

Parker had to sit out after that flagrant cheap foul.

Did you see that?

He got hit in the ribs and that could have easily off set his jumper at the line.

First of all, it's not called a jumper when you shoot a free throw. Both of your feet have to be on the line or its a violation and the free throw doesn't count.
And this is actually a good point too: shooting a free throw takes considerably less effort than attempting a jump shot because of this. It's all upper body work and Parker should have been able to hit them unless his arm was broken, which I don't think Chalmers hit....................

Also this is freaking Tony Parker we are talking about, and the guy has taken just as many hard falls as someone like Dwyane Wade. The guy is a rock.


Charmers knew what he was doing when he elbowed him on purpose.
1. How do you know this?
2. Because you don't know what he was thinking, this isn't an objective statement.


This does not justify your opinion or make it more credible.

I actually think this is very immature. Instead of giving me a lecture on "how you watch more basketball yada yada yada" (which really means nothing)

Why dont you explain to me with detail facts and evidence that proves that it was not since you "watch so much basketball"
Well actually you made the original claim that Chalmer's foul should be a flagrant 2 and he should be ejected for it, so it's actually up to you to prove that. I then said it was nothing close to a flagrant 2 and you've still yet to support that. At any rate an example of a flagrant 2 would be what Metta World Peace got for that elbow he threw at the head of James Harden many moons ago. What Chalmers did is not even in the same league as that. I'm absolutely not denying that it was a flagrant foul (1), but it was also absolutely not ejection worthy.


I did not like it because it was dirty/nasty and uncalled for.
Correct, but it wasn't ejection worthy, which is the important distinction here.


He did it out of frustration. He purposely elbowed him and it was a hard one.
Again, how do you know what Chalmers was doing?


Tony had to sit out the game after that.
No he didn't. Pop took him out for safety, but Parker was clearly fine and clearly wanted to get back in the game. Parker is a lot tougher than you're giving him. This is someone who attacks the basket time and time again and he gets really roughed up at times a la Dwyane Wade, but he gets up does it again and again.

Soulflower 06-08-2014 11:50 PM

I did give Parker credit.

I even implied that he is alot tougher than Lebron by insisting that "At least he does not whine like a baby like someone else I know". Regardless whether he wanted to sit out or not, Pop felt that it was a hard foul which is why he wanted him to sit out for a while.

If Pop did not feel like it was a hard foul, he would not have took him out the game regardless whether Parker wanted to or not.

After Charmers elbowed him Parker was holding his stomach on the ground in pain. That does not mean I am implying he is not "tough" but just showing that he had a hard time physically getting up as a result of the hard foul.

I really don't have anything to "prove" because it is my opinion whether you agree with it or not. I explained why I felt it was a flagrant 2. Charmers ALWAYS does nasty cheap shots like that all time out of frustration. That's why I KNOW because I have seen him do it before. I personally think his dirty and he also flopped previously in the game. I just thought it was a low move to do that and I just personally felt that he should have been kicked out the game. Tony Parker did not deserve that and did not do anything to him. He was blocking him but he was not on him. I stand by that. Miami gets away with to much.

I know what a jumper is vs. a free throw shot but sometimes I might use the word "jumper" interchangeable I can call it whatever I want to call it and quite frankly that is rather irrelevant and petty.

The rib cage is very essential to upper body movement being that it facilitates breathing and lung expansion. If the bones that form the cage are bruised that can naturally alter upper body movement

Paul Smeenus 06-09-2014 12:55 AM

Personal Fouls

MIA: 20
SA: 20

Free throws made/attempted

MIA: 16/21 76.2%
SA:12/20 60.0%

Bench scoring

MIA: 12
SA: 37

Starters scoring

MIA: 86
SA: 59


MIA: 37/70 52.9%
SA: 36/82 43.9%

3pt made/attempted

MIA: 8/19 42.1%
SA: 12/26 46.2%

Rebounding O/T

MIA: 5/33
SA: 11/37


MIA: 16 (points off turnovers 14)
SA: 11 (points off turnovers 5)


MIA: 16
SA: 26


MIA: 3
SA: 1

Fast break points

MIA: 13
SA: 9

Points in paint

MIA: 44
SA: 34

Sparky 06-09-2014 02:16 AM

You could argue exact same amount of fouls gives more credence to the notion of "makeup calls"

But makeup calls aren't necessarily bad

Soulflower 06-09-2014 08:03 AM

Foul Statistics don't mean anything if you actually watched the game and saw some calls were unfairly given.

Most of the fouls calls given to the Spurs were not deserving and in my opinion Miami should have received more.

Looking at the statistics we can clearly see Spurs should have won this. Besides Miami out scoring them in the free throw, they were excellent.

The NBA makes me sick.

FRED HALE SR. 06-09-2014 08:25 AM

Lots of no calls and lots of miscalls on both sides. That stuff evens out during a series and if you ask me was even during the game. You can argue the Wade flop, but what about the miscall when Lebron knocked it off of Parkers leg. What if, What if. The Spurs make those four free throws and i'm sure you wouldn't have much to talk about. Lebron was excellent, but what coach doesn;t start doubling down earlier and making him give the ball up. POP actually got out-coached in this game. Nobody should ever leave Lebron on an island with isolation coverage. I thought Bosh was clutch early and kept them in the game. Wade did alot of small things/intangibles that kept Miami in it. I thought him and Lebron were excellent on the boards all game long.

Sparky 06-10-2014 03:56 PM

lebron won't be isolated tonight

Paul Smeenus 06-10-2014 05:10 PM

This game and this series could go either way.

Wpnfire 06-10-2014 07:52 PM

Holy ****! 41!??!?

Sparky 06-10-2014 08:20 PM

90% until midway through second quarter. Highest % ever at end of half.

Miami is going to have to flop like they've never flopped before to counteract this.

Dr_Rez 06-10-2014 08:38 PM

Paul Smeenus 06-10-2014 08:43 PM

In all fairness

Soulflower 06-10-2014 11:44 PM

If it had not been for those dirty refs last game it would be 3-0 right now....

Heat got slaughtered:):):):)

Spurs 111- Heat- 92

Night night :love:

Wpnfire 06-11-2014 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1459126)
Heat got slaughtered

This is an unprecedented occasion where I outright agree with you. That was an ass kicking of historic proportions (literally, by the Spurs' first half field goal %).

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