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LoathsomePete 03-13-2009 12:55 AM

One of the photos I took of Reno.

garbanzo 03-13-2009 06:12 AM

look, it's a grasshopper!

glutoro 03-13-2009 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 389608)
How can you find anything in that lot? I am an anorak. All my music and dvds are in alphabetical order. I am sad I know!

Gentleman Johnny WTF is a crepusculo? Thanks for the admiration!

All my cds are together and organized by color, and so are my DVDs, BLU RAY and yes VSH and BETA... lol

to the picture above me.. thats amazing, I love it.

LoathsomePete 03-15-2009 09:44 PM

My two cats fighting over of dominance of my backpack

Freebase Dali 03-15-2009 09:53 PM

I'm not much of a photographer, but I have fun editing photos I've taken.
Here are several pics I took about a year ago after getting a new cam.

1. Closeup of a mask brought back from Africa by a friend, edited in photoshop:

2. Closeup of my condenser microphone, edited in photoshop:

3. Playing with macro, photo of my mixing board, edited...:

4. Began as a photo of my headphones, turned into something else in photoshop:

Janszoon 03-16-2009 03:13 PM

I got back last night from a three and a half day camping trip out to Death Valley, the lowest and—I think—the hottest place in North America. This was my second time there and I absolutely love this place. It's so big and harsh it just makes you realize how small you are. Anyway, I thought I'd post some of my photos:

Badwater salt flats. 282 feet (86 meters) below sea level. No shade anywhere to be found and a vast white, highly reflective surface all around you. It is freaking hot here.

The path from the road out into the salt flats at Badwater. The white surface you see is not pavement but salt that has been flattened and smoothed by people walking on it.

Dante's View looking down into part of Death Valley. To give you an idea of the scale of the place, look for a thin vertical white line in the lower left of the photo. That line is the path into the salt flats from the previous photo.

Just a little ways away from Badwater is the Devil's Golf Course which is these lumpy salt formations stretching off into the distance. One of the things that's so neat about this place to me is that you can be standing in a place like this, where it's quite hot, and still see snow up in the mountains.

Janszoon 03-16-2009 03:27 PM

Here are some more of my Death Valley photos (the first set are on the previous page). I figured I'd split them up in a couple of posts to avoid having one monster post full of photos but if a mod wants to merge them that's fine too.

This one is of Ubehebe Crater. Created by an exploding volcano a couple thousand years ago this was believed by the local Shoshone people to be the place where the first humans crawled out of the Earth.

Looking away from Ubehebe Crater you can see the immense field of volcanic ash that still remains from the eruption.

Far from Ubehebe Crater is the Artist's Palette, multi-colored hills that are the product of the different minerals in them.

Looking to the left of the Artist's Palette I saw this little canyon. I don't think it has a name but I thought it was cool looking.

Janszoon 03-16-2009 03:39 PM

And here's my last group of Death Valley photos:

Zabriskie Point. You may have heard of the movie of the same name or more likely the movie's famous soundtrack. Well this is the place the movie gets its name from.

Zabriskie Point, facing the opposite direction from the previous photo.

People with cameras out on a ridge by Zabriskie Point.

At last but not least, an unrelated photo from the Mesquite Sand Dunes, which are little ways from Zabriskie Point, heading in the direction of Ubehebe Crater. The colors didn't come out very good in this photo for some reason but it was a cool place.

lucifer_sam 03-16-2009 04:09 PM

Yes! I love the Californian desert, I was there around this time last year. I wasn't in Death Valley, but I still got to go to Joshua Tree. One of the strangest and most beautiful places I have ever been. It's so strange to be able to gaze across Coachella Valley and see snow-capped mountain peaks fifty miles away.

Here's a few pictures from my trip about a year ago.
the park itself is filled with these: massive piles of rocks (presumably sandstone) that litter the landscape like giant piles of gravel. this one had to be at least a hundred feet tall (im sure i climbed it).
and also filled with these joshua trees. they are the weirdest plant life imaginable and look like a toddler drew them with only the faintest idea of what trees are supposed to look like.
this isn't a perspectual illusion -- these palm trees are fucking huge. sixty feet tall at the least and built like a mountain gorilla. there was a bee's nest nearby and i must have gotten stung about six times before i could take a good picture.
more plant life -- little cacti that filled massive open areas on the way down into the valley. i was lucky that i got there when these suckers were blooming. i was also unlucky; it was impossible to navigate through the field without getting stung by these fuckers.

Janszoon 03-16-2009 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 615198)
Yes! I love the Californian desert, I was there around this time last year. I wasn't in Death Valley, but I still got to go to Joshua Tree. One of the strangest and most beautiful places I have ever been. It's so strange to be able to gaze across Coachella Valley and see snow-capped mountain peaks fifty miles away.

I'd post photos if I could find them, I think all the ones I had got erased off my old computer.

EDIT: hang on, I knew there was a reason I used Facebook...

That's funny. I was in Joshua Tree around this time last year too, the first week of April actually. Really cool place. Some of those rock piles look like they were drawn by Dr. Seuss.

lucifer_sam 03-16-2009 04:47 PM

this was taken in one of the little stream valleys that dot the landscape during the wet season. we were there at the very end of it so most sources of water had dried up already but the plant life was gorgeous.
this may have been approaching the summit of some hill, can't really tell from the perspective. as you can see, however, the vegetation tends to hang around the lower areas of the hills and in the shady areas.
i managed to take this picture through a mild fifty mph breeze. coachella valley below is about four thousand feet beneath my line of sight and thirty miles away. and the mountain in the distance? oh, that's only about sixty miles away.
for s&g's. i'm on the left.

looking back now that may have been one of the best parks i've been to. there were almost no other people, no goddamn tourists (except us teehee) or concessions stands (thank god for that) and only two roads through the park, but plenty of opportunity to leave yer car and get lost. i can honestly say i fell in love with the desert after that.

Janszoon 03-16-2009 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 615222)
looking back now that may have been one of the best parks i've been to. there were almost no other people, no goddamn tourists (except us teehee) or concessions stands (thank god for that) and only two roads through the park, but plenty of opportunity to leave yer car and get lost. i can honestly say i fell in love with the desert after that.

Joshua Tree is definitely a cool place. If you like it I'd definitely recommend Death Valley to you. It's the largest American national park outside of Alaska and even more isolated and remote than Joshua Tree. The other cool thing about Death Valley is that it's near Sequoia National Park, which I only visited briefly last year but it's beautiful and almost the complete opposite of Death Valley in terms of terrain and climate.

Ambroise Fleuette 03-16-2009 05:32 PM

Incredible pics, guys! Those are both some of the coolest looking places on Earth for sure. I'm not entirely sure, but I believe I've been to Death Valley and Joshua Tree before as I used to live in California. I'm sure I've been to Sequoia National Park, that was awesome. :thumb:

dudewtf512 03-16-2009 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 615178)
And here's my last group of Death Valley photos:

Zabriskie Point. You may have heard of the movie of the same name or more likely the movie's famous soundtrack. Well this is the place the movie gets its name from.

it was also a pink floyd album. those are some great pictures, landscapes are beautiful.

likuidcoka 03-16-2009 07:18 PM pics people..heres some ive taken..=]

in Mexico

Janszoon 03-16-2009 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by dudewtf512 (Post 615342)
it was also a pink floyd album. those are some great pictures, landscapes are beautiful.

"Zabriskie Point" is not a Pink Floyd album. But Pink Floyd is on the soundtrack I referred to. It a great place either way though. :)

Kevorkian Logic 03-17-2009 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by likuidcoka (Post 615348)

how old are you?

likuidcoka 03-17-2009 11:58 AM

why? what does that have to do with the pictures?

PinkCigarette 03-17-2009 02:12 PM

She looks pretty old in her pictures.

lucifer_sam 03-17-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 615247)
Joshua Tree is definitely a cool place. If you like it I'd definitely recommend Death Valley to you. It's the largest American national park outside of Alaska and even more isolated and remote than Joshua Tree. The other cool thing about Death Valley is that it's near Sequoia National Park, which I only visited briefly last year but it's beautiful and almost the complete opposite of Death Valley in terms of terrain and climate.

Yeah, I've been there before as well, but only when I was like eleven years old.

I need to take a year or so off and go back there. Not just Joshua Tree or Death Valley; I've heard the Mojave is beautiful, and there are places in Mexico which I'd love to go to if the political climate weren't so volatile.

likuidcoka 03-17-2009 03:54 PM

The older the berry the sweeter the juice..anyways the pictures obviously lack quality because I took em with my cell phone, but booze n shoot glasses are somethng I admire and the beer bottle with the perv showin his penis was
humourous to me there fore I took a there a fu*king problem?

simplephysics 03-17-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by likuidcoka (Post 616133)
The older the berry the sweeter the juice..anyways the pictures obviously lack quality because I took em with my cell phone, but booze n shoot glasses are somethng I admire and the beer bottle with the perv showin his penis was
humourous to me there fore I took a there a fu*king problem?

You went to Mexico! Surely you have better shots than just those, there's plenty of alcohol and shotglasses to look at in the U.S.

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-17-2009 04:04 PM

That's not Mexico

That's Jackhammer's fridge

likuidcoka 03-17-2009 05:30 PM

Lol..well jackhammer has my respects. If his fridge is stocked u plike that. And yeah I took lots of other pics with my digital camera but my kids are in those pics and more personal so im not gonna post em,but like I previously stated, there's lots of good photographs in this thread and I hope to share more later on.

Janszoon 03-17-2009 05:32 PM

I like the alcohol and shot glass pictures! :) Where in Mexico was that?

likuidcoka 03-17-2009 05:37 PM

Lol re u bein srkastic!:p..well was taken In nuevo progresso ,tamaulipas mexico. On the border of texas/mexico.

Janszoon 03-17-2009 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by likuidcoka (Post 616198)
Lol re u bein srkastic!:p..well was taken In nuevo progresso ,tamaulipas mexico. On the border of texas/mexico.

Not being sarcastic at all. The pictures actually remind me of some of David Byrne's pictures from Mexico City in the book Naked Ritual. :)

likuidcoka 03-17-2009 06:10 PM

I've been to mexico df..its crazy!I have lived in veracruz mexico also.I have some of those pics too.ill post em up some time.I will check that out!gracias=]

The Prophet 03-17-2009 09:44 PM

I have an addiction to taking pictures of cats:

LoathsomePete 03-17-2009 11:33 PM

My cat that is out of shape

It's like she's bending over trying to catch her breath

and oh she was able to do it.

Thrice 04-08-2009 01:19 PM

Wow I just landed a sweet side Job on Craigslist to take pictures of houses and property. Its awesome to get paid doing what you love, and rare.

jackhammer 04-08-2009 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 616144)
That's not Mexico

That's Jackhammer's fridge

Are you trying to imply that I like the odd alcoholic beverage? :thumb:

Thrice 04-08-2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 632660)
Are you trying to imply that I like the odd alcoholic beverage? :thumb:

What do ya like jack?

Ive been drinking some crazy stuff lately.

jackhammer 04-08-2009 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Thrice (Post 632674)
What do ya like jack?

Ive been drinking some crazy stuff lately.

Everything except red wine lol. Tequila boom boom is great and gets you in the mood for a good night out as this old pic testifies:

The four of us did 2 bottles and a few beers before we went out and hit the town. It was just one of those classic nights where you never seem to get truly out of it and remember everything.

Thrice 04-08-2009 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 632683)
Everything except red wine lol. Tequila boom boom is great and gets you in the mood for a good night out as this old pic testifies:

The four of us did 2 bottles and a few beers before we went out and hit the town. It was just one of those classic nights where you never seem to get truly out of it and remember everything.

I love those. Thats when I put on my 'Mack Jacket' ha ha. I've been tearing up red wine recently. My old lady is breastfeeding and she can have one glass a night, which means one bottle minus a glass a night for me. Ive become quit the wine coniseur over the past year, but it still might be my least favorite. I've also been drinking alot of nasty ass beers from this company called Weyerbacher. They range from 9-14% and are thick, but get you going after only a few. To keep this post somewhat on topic heres a photograph of it.

jackhammer 04-08-2009 01:57 PM

9- 14 % Yowser. Sounds like my sort of tipple!

333 04-08-2009 02:02 PM

I'm happy to see that there are some photographers here. Cardboard, you do some excellent work. Does anyone have a deviantART account?

I've just got a digital Sony DSC-H3.

Here are some of my photos:
May 2007 in the mountains of NC. I took this in the back of a Chevy van through the window.
Taken in my backyard. I don't know how I feel about those red circles.
Not edited in anyway, but cropped. I took this while driving home from class.
The original color of this photo is the red you see. I have an option on my camera to do partial color, so I did partial b&w on the bassist. This was taken while visiting some good friends of mine in the studio. The bassist is MB's ElephantSack.

Thrice 04-08-2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 632696)
9- 14 % Yowser. Sounds like my sort of tipple!

They are fun, when they get over 11% they start selling them in 4 packs (hence the 'quad') and 22oz bottles (insanity). They are costly, but well worth the expierence. I started drinking the 'merry monks' which is around 9.8% I think and was lucky if I could even make it to the sixth one.

Thrice 04-08-2009 02:07 PM

I rock out with my Asahi Pentax k1000. it is very old school, but I'm all about manual photography I just cant seem to go auto/digital, although I have a friend that takes some beautiful pics with his, I like the focus potions available with a manual.

LoathsomePete 04-08-2009 02:10 PM

can't say "at least he went peacefully" I mean someone gouged out his eyes and sewed them back into an X shape.

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