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Old 06-02-2009, 11:42 AM   #821 (permalink)
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you should try putting the titles in bold, easier to see
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Originally Posted by mr dave
isn't this one of the main reasons for this entire site?

what's next? a thread made specifically to banter about music?
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Old 06-02-2009, 12:44 PM   #822 (permalink)
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1.Between the Buried and Me-Ad a Dglgmut
-I'm sure many people are aware of the hype over Colors, but i'm gonna rewind it a bit, back to their album The Silent Circus, where their music was a bit more brash, but still as beautiful

2.Green Day-She
-even today, after all of the albums and change in their music, this is still my favorite Green Day song and one very close to my heart.

3.Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention-Hungry Freaks, Daddy
-This was my first foray into Zappa. yeah, a little less avant garde than anything he released afterwards, but a song with a unique edge to it and a rocking solo

4.Korn-Make Me Bad
-I bought Issues a few years ago, and at the time it was one of the weirdest albums i've ever heard. even so there were some definate gems in there, this song being one of them

-to this day i still have to rewind this song at 1:18 to listen to the insane guitar lick brought on this monsterous track

6.Red Hot Chili Peppers-Mellowship Slinky in B Major
-back when i bought BSSM for christmas in 04, this was one of the songs that stuck with me, just the whole thing is good.

7.Jimi Hendrix Experience-May This Be Love
-a very beautiful and overlooked Hendrix song, with Jimi on slide guitar. quite a listen

8.Soundgarden-Face Pollution
-one of the bands most notoriuosly underrated songs, this is a blast of punk with some technicality thrown in

-This is not only one of my favorite Sublime tracks, but really shows Brad Nowell's guitar skills at work. I also love the lyrics which pretty much say "i don't feel like doing **** today". reminds me of me

10.Clutch-The Dragonfly
-ha! you didn't think i was gonna make this without a Clutch song, did you ? but yeah, this is one of my favorites, with the guitar and bass riff as well as the general weirdness of the song itself.

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here you go

btw, if you skip through any of these songs i will hunt you DOWN
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Originally Posted by mr dave
isn't this one of the main reasons for this entire site?

what's next? a thread made specifically to banter about music?

Last edited by Antonio; 06-03-2009 at 12:20 AM.
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Old 06-02-2009, 11:58 PM   #823 (permalink)
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Well let's see here. These definitely aren't my ten favorite songs, but they are the ten most important songs to me.

1. Castles Made of Sand - Jimi Hendrix Experience
This song is absolutely breathtaking music with such amazing lyrics... This song just carries me away, I love it. This one is my favorite song by my favorite artist.

2. Walking Contradiction - Green Day
Reminds me of days back in 6th or 7th grade out skating in the runoff drain back in the woods across the street from my house. Me and my friends would go out there with a radio and listen to music and skate on homemade **** all day in the summer. Back when life was so easy...

3. Needle of Death - Bert Jansch
This is a great folk song by a fantastic old folk singer. This one strikes particularly close to home with me, and is nice to listen to when I miss that someone.

4. Fentoozler - Blink 182
This one takes me way back, to my introduction to rock music. This album, Cheshire Cat, was one of the first albums I owned, and really this song was one of the early songs I heard that really got me interested in music.

5. Lazarus - The Boo Radleys
The first shoegaze music I ever heard was the Boo Radleys' Lazarus EP, and this was definitely my favorite song from it. This stayed in the record player for quite a while, and really got me into shoegaze.

6. Crack Rock Steady - Choking Victim
Ah... high school. This was one of me and a lot of my friends' favorite songs back in high school, and while a lotta people would play **** Tha Police when they wanted to mess with the cops, we'd blast this song from our radio skating in DC. The best anti cop song ever written.

7. Young Pilgrims - The Shins
This song reminds me off myself.

8. Outer Shpongolia - Shpongle
Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost was the first album I listened to the first time I took acid. As such, this song has a lot of great memories attached to it, as I was with a lot of good friends that are gone now. Very strange and trippy song, I love it.

9. Hey Man (Now You're Really Living) - The Eels
This is simply perfect to listen to when you're depressed and you need a pick-me-up song. It's great to listen to the lyrics and think about it, "Have you ever made love to a beautiful girl, made you feel like it's not such a bad world", just makes me remember sometimes life's good and sometimes it's not.

10. Nuthin But A G Thang - Dr. Dre
Back in high school right after I got my license, this song was mandatory on every blunt ride any of my friends and I ever went on. Reminds me of quite a lot of really fun times and funny stories

I guess that's it! Those are in no particular order, just sort of threw things in there as I thought of them. There's probably some other songs I coulda put in there instead of some of these, but whatever. Hope you enjoy, although I would imagine everyone hear has probably already heard all of these songs.

My 10 Song Compilation
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Old 06-10-2009, 05:23 PM   #824 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by music_phantom13 View Post
10. Nuthin But A G Thang - Dr. Dre
Back in high school right after I got my license, this song was mandatory on every blunt ride any of my friends and I ever went on. Reminds me of quite a lot of really fun times and funny stories
This is a classic plain and simple. And you are right, this is prime cruisin music. "The Chronic" is one of the best rap albums put out in my opinion.
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Old 06-11-2009, 05:31 PM   #825 (permalink)
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951-942 Compilation

1. Etron Fou Leloublan - La Musique (3:03)
2. Mahavishnu Orchestra - Birds of Fire (5:50)
3. Il Balletto di Bronzo - Primo Incontro (3:27)
4. Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand (10:25)
5. Panzerpappa - Vintervake (5:35)
6. Hatfield and the North - Fitter Stoke Has a Bath (7:33)
7. Quest For Fire - Bison Eyes (4:05)
8. Änglagård - Kung Bore (12:57)
9. Sleepy Sun - White Dove (9:23)
10. Renaissance - The Vultures Fly High (3:08)

Download - Comus' 1001 Albums Compilation 951-942.rar -, the one and only online file hosting distribution service.
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Originally Posted by antonio
classical music isn't exactly religious, you know?
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:47 PM   #826 (permalink)
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well heres my first compilation. no real theme going on here just stuff that i like a bunch. i am not entirely sure this is the order but here is a quick rundown of what is inside.

Pavement - Summer Babe(Winter Version)
probably my favorite track off my favorite pavement album. i love the guitar work here.

Pinback - Non-Photo Blue
hooks galore pretty much sums up this band.

Grizzly Bear - While You Wait For The Others
one of the best songs off the great new album.

The Unicorns - Inoculate the Innocuous
some may be put off by the vocals, and they do take some time to get used to. if you can get past that, you will find one real gem of an album.

Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong
one of the best songs off my favorite radiohead album(amnesiac).

Arcade Fire - Crown of Love

my favorite song off the best album of this decade so far(that i have heard).

LCD Soundsystem - Us v Them
i don't think i know a band that is more fun than this one. bells.

Modest Mouse - Doin' The ****roach

to quote pitchfork: "Isaac Brock barked and whimpered this disc from atop some craggy creative peak while his guitars got into the spirit of Stephen King's directorial debut Maximum Overdrive and began to play the hell out of themselves."

Slint - Good Morning, Captain


Pixies - Monkey Gone To Heaven

one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands.

Last edited by debaserr; 06-11-2009 at 11:06 PM.
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Old 06-12-2009, 06:25 AM   #827 (permalink)
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Haha I like mb actually edits ****roach. Trace, that's an awesome list if you just take off I Might Be Wrong, Radiohead sucks but the rest of those songs are all really really good. Specifically props for one of my favorite Slint, Pixies, and Unicorns songs. You're absolutely right, Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? is a definite grower; it's one of my favorite albums. Too bad the Unicorns are gone...

And Comus, I haven't even heard of most of those bands. Any specific songs you would recommend for someone that's not a huge prog fan? (excluding Achilles' Last Stand, of course I know zeppelin...)
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Old 06-12-2009, 07:56 PM   #828 (permalink)
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Gothic Country/ Americana Vol. 3

Found myself with a little bit of extra time and decided to make a new Gothic Country mix tape. For those of you not aware of what it is, I created a thread on it in the Country, World, and Folk section (Gothic Country/ Americana Thread) in which I explained the basic concept of it and gave a few examples, and have been adding to it whenever I find a new band. Anyhow this is my third mix tape, with all new artists that I've found within the past two weeks, hope you enjoy it.

01. "After The Soil Fails" - Curtis Eller's American Circus

Found these guys a few days and was able to procure their album with relative ease. If you like story telling and history then these guys are for you, I'm still not well versed in their songs, but this one really stood out for me.

02. "Cursed Neck" - Strawfoot

Wow, these guys are really something else. Incredibly dark, melodic, and great story tellers. It was a tough choice just choosing one of their songs, but this one about a Preacher sent to kill a man by a woman was just such a good story.

03. "Gone To Jericho" - The Peculiar Pretzelmen

Not really sure what these guys are, they've got a dark cabaret sound to them, but at the same time some of their songs sound like something you'd hear in the Louisiana bayous. If you like Tom Waits then you'll love these guys.

04. "Killer In Texas" - Ghoultown

Another one of the new groups I got this week, apparently these guys have been around for a while and have set up quite the fan base. Extremely good country rockabilly with Gothic overtones.

05. "Blood In The Valley" - Sons of Perdition

These elusive little ****ers were quite the pain in the ass to track down, and I eventually had to grudgingly buy their album off Amazon, but whatever, I finally had it. These guys are just as dark as Those Poor Bastards but nowhere near as harsh on the vocals, which is something that can turn off a lot of would-be fans.

06. "Wapole Prison Blues" - Angry Johnny & the Killbillies

Found these weirdos yesterday and by god are they ever fun to listen to. Fast, in your face, and rough around the edges... I haven't really absorbed their music much past that point, but it was a good find none the less.

07. "Devil's Eyes" - Creech Holler

Very good group I found a few weeks ago, made a youtube video for this song and posted it in the Gothic Country thread that got some decent reviews. Again, these guys are a bit more together sound wise, very rockish, great album that's all I gotta say.

08. "Swamp Witch" - Haunted George

You thought Angry Johnny & The Killbillies were weird, well Haunted George puts them to shame. These guys seriously belong in a Quentin Tarantino movie or something. With a serious fuzzy and rough rockabilly sound and armed with a voice that sounds like it's being channeled through an old '40's speakerphone, they are not a force to be reckoned with.

09. "Damn River Rising" - Hank Ray

Solo outing for this guy, can't say I know much about him though, I've been getting so much music in the past few days that he's managed to elude a decent listening from me. I recall liking this song though, which is why it made on the mix tape.

10. "Honest Girl" - Gulf of Michigan

Again, a group I don't know much about, however all their stuff was available for free from Unfortunately it's all EP's with three songs each. This song worked pretty well with me though, hope it works for you.

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Old 06-12-2009, 10:45 PM   #829 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by music_phantom13 View Post
Haha I like mb actually edits ****roach. Trace, that's an awesome list if you just take off I Might Be Wrong, Radiohead sucks but the rest of those songs are all really really good. Specifically props for one of my favorite Slint, Pixies, and Unicorns songs. You're absolutely right, Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? is a definite grower; it's one of my favorite albums. Too bad the Unicorns are gone...

And Comus, I haven't even heard of most of those bands. Any specific songs you would recommend for someone that's not a huge prog fan? (excluding Achilles' Last Stand, of course I know zeppelin...)
Read my 1001 thread, and get the albums, the songs are the ones I reccomend! And act as a taster.
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Originally Posted by antonio
classical music isn't exactly religious, you know?
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Old 06-15-2009, 03:48 PM   #830 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Comus View Post
Read my 1001 thread, and get the albums, the songs are the ones I reccomend! And act as a taster.
Err... huh?
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