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Karice 07-25-2022 04:25 PM

Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D
This is an alternate version of my Young Axl Rose in 2022 story where I focus more on the relationship between Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream. :) My other story, Cake Cream wasn't even mentioned until Axl met them at Guns N'Roses Concert after he he been in 2022 for a few days . :)

St. Louis Cake Cream Fans wanted to see Cake Cream do a show for them. Cake Cream was excited to do a St. Louis Concert, but Axl had his doubts.

Axl scoffed to Cake Cream, "You guys want to do a St. Louis Show? You guys do remember I have future PTSD about St. Louis right? I have future flashbacks of the St. Louis Riot. I'm not sure I should be at a St. Louis Show with you guys. I still feel pissed off at St. Louis. I might snap or something."

Cake Cream begged Axl,"Please? St. Louis Riot was 31 years ago and it's water under the bridge in 2022. We really want to do the St. Louis Show. Besides, Older Axl is fine with St. Louis."

Axl said,"Hmm. Maybe Older Axl can accompany you to the St. Louis Show. You guys should go ahead and call Older Axl to go accompany you to the St Louis Show since he's fine with St. Louis. I'm sure he'd be fine with accompanying you guys to the St. Louis Show. I'm still not fine with St. Louis."

Billy said,"We want YOU to accompany us to the St. Louis Show, not Older Axl."

Cake Cream agreed.

Axl looked at them all deeply and relented reluctantly. He gave in knowing how much this meant to Cake Cream.

"Fine, do the St. Louis Show. I'll accompany you."

Cake Cream smiled. Axl and Cake Cream made plans to do the St. Louis Show. They practiced. They bought First Class Plane tickets and were treated like Rockstars on the Airplane.

Axl smiled at all of Cake Cream on the Airplane as they were served champagne, Lobster, steak, and chocolate cake and ice cream. Ina luxurious Lounge. Axl said,"This is a huge perk of being Rockstars. Getting served delicious food and champagne in a first class plane lounge. We're wealthy and can enjoy this." They smiled back.

They had a nice plane ride and after the flight, they got a Limo to a Marriott Hotel and paid and walked to the Lobby. At the Front Hotel, they tried booking 6 different Rooms, but the Front Desk apologetically told them that that everyone of the rooms were booked except for room 213. They asked what Room 213 was and the Front Desk pointed out that Room 213 was suite that only had 3 beds.

Meaning that two People had to share a bed. Cake Cream and Axl didn't usually sleep in the same bed with each other, there was 6 bedrooms in Billy's house, one for each Cake Cream Member and Axl. But in this hotel, they had no choice but to book the suite with only three beds. They booked it and settled in. They ordered Room Service and ate and drank, showered, watched some TV and got ready for bed. Axl and Billy slept in the same bed, Andy and Mike slept in the same bed, and Jimmy and James slept in the same bed. Cake Cream and Axl hoped the Media wouldn't find out that all six of them were sleeping in the same Suite rather than having their own rooms.

Karice 07-25-2022 05:37 PM

Cake Cream and Axl woke up and got ready for the day. They practiced for the St. Louis Show. They had Room Service food and drinks. They did some sightseeing in St. Louis. Axl had made everyone wear motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests despite not being at a Show yet. Cake Cream tried to ease Axl's worried mind about St. Louis by pointing out that MOST of the Crowd who would be seeing Cake Cream perform weren't born yet in 1991, they'd be around Cake Cream and Axl's ages, 20 something. Axl smiled. They had fun sightseeing. They ate. They got ready for the show.

At the St. Louis Concert Hall Venue, they did Soundcheck and practiced. The St. Louis tickets for Cake Cream were once again $25. Axl had told them lower tickets were the way to go even if they were huge Superstars now. More People could afford to pay only $25 to see Cake Cream. 50,000 People showed up to watch Cake Cream! Axl and Cake Cream were proud. Axl still felt a little anxious about St. Louis, but he kept his emotions in check. Cake Cream had their very own Opening Act, Wild Water, another Rock Band which was a good Band. Cake Cream having their own Opening Act was proof they had made it big time in the Music Industry.

Cake Cream did their set and they were really good. Axl provided backing vocals for Mike. The Crowd loved that and loved the Show. Axl and Cake Cream were happy. The Show was a long Show, about 2 hours. The Crowd was happy. They did a send off ending to thunderous applause. Axl was glad he faced his St. Louis fears. After the show was over, they went to dinner to celebrate the good show.

Axl thanked Cake Cream for talking him into accompanying them to the St Louis Show.

They all welcomed him. They had a nice dinner and paid and left.

Karice 07-26-2022 12:33 AM

After the meal, they went back to the Hotel. Paparazzi saw them all go to Suite 213. And filmed them. Paparazzi asked if they were all sleeping in the same Suite.

Axl said,"No, we all have our own rooms. We are just hanging out with each other in this room for a little while. "Cake Cream confirmed this. They all went inside. They chatted and got ready for bed. They slept and woke up and showered and got ready for the day. They checked out. They left the Hotel and took a limo back to the Airport and flew back home first class and had a luxurious experience again.

At home, they watched YouTube and the 2022 St. Louis Show already went viral. They were happy. They chilled for the rest of the day.

The next day, it was a particularly hot day, around 90 degrees and Axl decided he wanted to cool off Cake Cream in Billy's backyard. He told them his plan and they were on board with it. He had them go outside and he ran Billy's garden hose to make sure the hot water would run out first and then only cool water would be left. He then splashed all of Cake Cream with the cool water from the garden hose and they loved it, having fun. Then it was Axl's turn to get splashed by the cool water from the garden hose. Billy splashed Axl with the cool water from the garden hose and he had fun. They then alternated and were soon splashing one another with the cool water from the garden hose.

They soon finished splashing each other with the garden hose and dried off and went inside.

They ate, drank, and chilled. They went on YouTube and them splashing each other with the garden hose was already going viral on YouTube.

Cake Cream and Axl were disturbed that someone had filmed them without their acknowledgement in their backyard. It was creepy and disturbing they were filmed in their own backyard without their acknowledgement. Comments were saying stuff like,"I need Friends who I can splash around with a garden hose like these 6 guys do! LMAO! :D

Other Comments said stuff like,"Cake Cream and Axl splashing each other with a garden hose is just plain weird. I get that it's 90 degrees, but get a damn pool!" Axl and Cake Cream turned off YouTube soon after. Axl told them that he'd splash around with a garden hose with Duff, Steven, Izzy, and Slash and there was nothing wrong with splashing around with a garden hose with Friends. Cake Cream smiled shyly. They watched some TV, chilling some more.

Karice 07-26-2022 01:46 PM

They ordered no contact pizza again and ate it. They watched the News and the splashing each other with the water hose was on the News! Cake Cream and Axl couldn't believe that this made the news.

Billy said, "This must be a slow news day."
Cake Cream and Axl had to chuckle at this. They checked Social Media and a Paparazzi Person had put them going into room 213 together on Facebook! And YouTube! Comments were asking stuff like,"Wait..... Were Cake Cream and Axl sleeping in the same Suite? How weird." Other Comments were like,"Between the splashing each other with the garden hose and sleeping in the same Suite, this is really weird. I wonder if Cake Cream and Axl are more than Friends and Manager/Clients."

A response said something like,"Cake Cream and Axl are all Straight."

Andy looked at the ground shyly as he knew he was Gay. Cake Cream and Axl also knew he was Gay.

Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and straight up asked him if he and Cake Cream were dating each other. Axl responded,"No, we're not dating each other. We're just Friends and Manager/Clients."

Claven Records responded,"A lot of Fans are wondering if you and Cake Cream are lovers. Care to publicly address these questions?"

Axl didn't know how to answer and told Claven Records so. Claven Records decided to rest on it.

The next day, Cake Cream and Axl went to Olive Garden and had lunch. During Lunch, Paparazzi asked Cake Cream and Axl if they were boyfriends. Axl and Cake Cream all responded," We plead the Fifth Amendment." The Paparazzi smirked. Fans also asked them this and they responded,"We plead the fifth Amendment." They didn't want to give any incriminating answers. They had a tense lunch and paid and left. While they were walking home, Billy tripped and Axl held onto him to keep him from falling down. He righted Billy. Paparazzi filmed this. Cake Cream and Axl went home. Axl stopping Billy from falling down was put on YouTube where it went viral and claimed Axl was "embracing Billy in a passionate hug."

Comments were like,"Definitely looks like Axl is hugging Billy to me."

Cake Cream and Axl were like,"WTF?" They all knew that Axl wasn't "hugging," Billy, he was merely stopping him from falling down.

Karice 07-26-2022 09:36 PM

They watched some more TV and then got ready for bed. They went to their own bedrooms ;) and went to sleep.

The next day, they got up , ate, and got ready for the day. They went to the Mall and hung out. At the Mall, Fans asked them for Selfies and Autographs and they obliged. The Fans were happy and left. Cake Cream and Axl went to Home Depot and chose sprinklers so they wouldn't have to cool each other down using the garden hose anymore. The Cashier smirked as he rang up the sprinklers. "What, no garden hoses?" He quipped light heartedly. Cake Cream and Axl blushed shyly. They paid for the sprinklers and went home. They set up the sprinklers. And went inside.

Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and told him that Regy's Concert Hall wanted to book Cake Cream for the next night. Axl talked this over with Cake Cream and they were up for it. Axl told Claven Records that they were up for this.

Cake Cream and Axl practiced for the upcoming Regy's Concert Hall Concert tomorrow.

They chilled until the next day and ate and got ready for Regy's Concert Hall.

At Regy's Concert Hall, Cake Cream and Axl practiced and then it was time for the show. Axl made everyone wear motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests. 25,000 Fans showed up to the gig! Cake Cream and Axl were happy. The show went smoothly until Axl suddenly saw one of the "Fans " had a gun and aimed right at Billy! Axl screamed inhumanly,"Noooooo!" And protectively pushed Billy out of the way and got shot by multiple bullets even though Billy was safe.

No! Billy screamed horrified, watching Axl get shot multiple times. Billy couldn't believe Axl just got shot multiple times..

Security tackled the shooter and arrested him and took away his gun. The Show was understandably cut short. Axl was in pain, but grateful that he pushed Billy out of harm's way and grateful that he was wearing a bulletproof vest. Axl was tended by medical personnel and Billy was glad that Axl had pushed him out of harm's way but worried about Axl's multiple gunshots. Cake Cream was also concerned. Axl smiled weakly and told them he would do this all again. Axl was taken to an ER where his gunshot wounds were taken care of.

Cake Cream accompanied him. The medical staff pointed out he was lucky he was wearing a bulletproof vest. He was later released and allowed to go home. Cake Cream and Axl went home and Cake Cream took care of Axl.

Karice 07-28-2022 12:31 AM

They massaged his gun wounds and Billy felt guilty about Axl getting shot multiple times for him.

Axl said,"You have nothing to feel guilty about, Billy." He was smiling.

Billy wondered why the shooter aimed right at him.

Cake Cream and Axl also wondered why the shooter wanted to shoot Billy. Billy was a kind and sweet person.

They all agreed that this was weird. They watched the News and the shooter's mugshot was revealed. He was a 35 year old man, which made this even weirder. Why did he attempt to shoot a guy 9 years younger than him? The guy was being held on a 1 Million dollar bond. The News Anchors said that Cake Cream and Axl could press charges against him. Axl could have DIED had he not been wearing the bulletproof vest. Cake Cream and Axl were interested in pressing charges. A police officer soon knocked on Billy's house, and this time it was not to arrest Axl, but to see if Cake Cream and Axl wanted to press charges. They all wanted to press charges. Once again, Axl could have DIED. The Police said that the Shooter had a Court Hearing coming up tomorrow. Axl wryly said,"I punched a Guy in his face and broke his camera and my Court date was three days after I turned myself in. This Guy SHOT me multiple times and his Court Date is tomorrow. Go figure. The Police Officer smiled wryly himself. The Officer gave the Court Hearing information to Cake Cream and Axl who took it. The Police Officer left soon after. Axl was still in pain from the multiple gunshot wounds he had. Cake Cream gave him food, water, and some Tylenol. Axl soon fell asleep. Cake Cream fell asleep a little while later.

When they woke up, they ate and got ready for the Court Hearing. They left and went to the Courthouse..

Karice 07-28-2022 01:02 PM

At the Courthouse, they were searched for Weapons. Axl had made Cake Cream and himself wear bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets just in case that creep tried to shoot in the Courtroom. They had watched Diary Of A Mad Black Woman and Jameson had shot Charles in the Courtroom using the Baliff's gun. Axl could see the creep doing that in the Courthouse in real life.

Cake Cream trusted Axl and did what he advised. They all came to the Courthouse protected by the motorcycle helmets and the bulletproof vests.

In the Courthouse, they were earlier than the creep. Axl realized that the Bailiff's gun was visible just like in Diary Of A Mad Black Woman movie. He told the Bailiff he should REALLY have his gun hidden, telling him about the Diary movie Courtroom scene. The Bailiff said he didn't think a Criminal would be audacious enough to shoot right in the Classroom. Axl wryly quipped," Who knows with Criminals?" The Bailiff hid his gun. Axl smiled.

Soon, the Criminal was escorted in. Axl and Cake Cream noted that the Creep had handcuffs on and they felt safer. The Creep was named John Wilson. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

Some of the medical staff who treated Axl's multiple gunshot wounds testified for Axl and even showed pictures of Axl's multiple gunshot wounds. The Courtroom gasped. John gave remorseless glares. Axl and Cake Cream were grateful the medical staff testified for them. They thanked the medical staff and the medical staff welcomed them.

Some Claven Records executives, including Timothy testified for Cake Cream and Axl. They pointed out that Cake Cream and Axl were like Family to them and they wanted to see John get punished for what he did.

Cake Cream and Axl thanked Claven Records executives for testifying for them and they were welcomed.

Cake Cream and Axl were put on the stand and testified against John. They pressed charges.

John was asked by Courtroom Staff why he tried to shoot Billy.

John coldly replied," Because I don't like Billy. I hate him so much. He's trash and a creep. I bought a Cake Cream ticket and showed up with the sole purpose of killing Billy. If only his Boyfriend Axl hadn't saved Billy, Billy could have been dead. Cake Cream and Axl ignored the "Boyfriend," response.

He was asked if he'd do it all again.

John coldly replied,"I'd do it all again but I'd make sure Billy was the one shot. Multiple times. And that he was dead. If I had a gun, I'd shoot him and kill him right here in this Courtroom. " If I didn't have on these handcuffs and the Bailiff had a gun, I'd shoot Billy. I regret that Billy's still alive. And that I was caught, arrested, and put in jail. "He gave Billy a cold, hateful glare. "I wish I killed you," he told Billy directly, his voice filled with hatred.

John was asked if he felt any remorse for shooting Axl multiple times.

John coldly responded,"Axl getting shot multiple times was his own fault. Had he not pushed Billy out of the way, he wouldn't have gotten shot multiple times. It's Axl's fault I didn't get to kill Billy. Axl had the multiple shots coming."

The Court asked him how he pleaded. John coldly replied,"Guilty." He gave Billy and Axl very hateful glares.

Billy was understandably freaked out. Cake Cream and Axl were unnerved too. Axl said," This Creep has no remorse for shooting me multiple times. Nor does he have remorse for trying to shoot Billy. Keep this Creep locked up. He's a danger to all of us. Everyone in this Courtroom and society in general.

Billy said,"I won't feel safe with John out in Society."

Axl said,"Listen to Billy. He was the intended Victim. And John himself admitted he'd do it all again and make sure Billy died."

The Court agreed. They charged John with double Attempted Murder, assault with a deadly weapon, reckless gun discharge, endangering Society. They decided John needed to be put back in Jail immediately. Cake Cream and Axl all breathed sighs of relief. John was led away and soon the Courtroom Hearing came to a close. The Bailiff gratefully thanked Axl for his,"Hide your gun," advice. Axl smiled back. Cake Cream and Axl went home.

Karice 07-28-2022 04:45 PM

Billy was understandably traumatized by what John had done . Axl tried to light heartedly joke that he was the one who got shot multiple times, not Billy. This didn't cheer up Billy. Billy hadn't wanted Axl to get shot, especially multiple times.

Axl wrapped his arms around Billy and softly told him that he really was sorry that John tried to murder Billy. Billy hugged him back. Billy burst into tears. Billy couldn't believe anyone would want him dead. He couldn't believe Axl got shot multiple times protecting him. Axl gently wiped away his tears. They turned on the News and John Wilson now had two black eyes, a busted lip, and a broken nose. A couple of Axl and Cake Cream Fans who had ended up in jail themselves beat up John.

Billy and Axl couldn't help but smile at this. Jimmy, James, Andy, and Mike straight up laughed.

Axl told Billy,"See? Our Fans have our backs." Billy felt a little better.

Jimmy seriously said,"We would have thought John was our Fan too. He did buy a ticket to our Show and show up."

Axl responded,"John isn't a Fan of us. He's a Hater who was masquerading as a Fan.

Jimmy asked,"How do we know more Haters masquerading as Fans won't shoot?"

Axl responded,"We don't. We really need better safety measurements. Maybe thick bulletproof plexiglass barriers between us and the audience at all of our future shows."

Cake Cream agreed this wasn't a bad idea.

Axl wryly said,"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I long for the time Brian Washington was our biggest problem." Cake Cream backed up Axl.

Cake Cream and Axl ate, watched some TV, and showered and got ready for bed. They fell asleep.

Karice 08-01-2022 04:20 AM

Axl's phone was ringing and he woke up. It was Older Axl. Axl picked up his phone.

"Hi Axl," he told him sleepily.

"Hi Axl, Older Axl repeated warmly. "How are you holding up?"

Axl responded,"I'm still in a lot of pain. Luckily, Cake Cream has been taking really good care of me."

Older Axl replied,"You are so lucky you have Cake Cream taking care of you. You should get a lot of rest and heal. I hope you feel better.

Axl thanked him. Older Axl welcomed him.

Older Axl said,"Speaking of Cake Cream, are you guys you know, in love with each other?

Axl responded,"Come on, Axl, you know you and I are not Gay. We're the same person and you know we don't like guys that way."

Actually, you and I are technically two different People. If we were the same Person, we wouldn't be talking to each other like we are now," Older Axl pointed out wryly and matter of factly.

Hmm. Good points," Axl said.

"So, Older Axl repeated, "Are you and Cake Cream lovers?"

Axl responded,"It's complicated. "

"Wanna tell me about it? I mean, I'm closely related to you and you can trust me with your thoughts and feelings."

Axl responded,"Okay. I love Billy. He's my favorite Cake Cream Member. I feel very close to Billy and trust him the most out of all of Cake Cream."

Older Axl responded, "Does Billy feel the same way about you?"

"I'm not sure. But Billy feels guilty and concerned about me getting shot multiple times. He was also the only one who visited me in jail. So he does care about me."

Older Axl responded, "Billy has nothing to feel guilty about you about the multiple shots thing.

"I told him that but he still feels guilty about it."

Older Axl responded, "He shouldn't feel guilty. Older Axl added,"Would you have pushed Andy, Jimmy, James, or Mike out of the way of gunfire?"

Axl responded,"Of course I'd push any of them out of the way of gunfire. They're all my Friends and Clients."

Older Axl answered,"But with Billy you felt a more emotional connection, right?"

Axl responded,"Yeah. I was very scared when John aimed the gun at Billy. "

Older Axl responded,"Do you want Billy to be your Boyfriend?"

Axl responded,"Yes, I want Billy to be my Boyfriend.

Older Axl asked,"Have you told Billy how you feel about him?

Axl responded,"No."

Older Axl responded,"There could be a chance Billy loves you right back, the same way you love him. Maybe you should drop at least one hint that "someone," loves him."

Axl responded,"If Billy's straight, that would be really embarrassing.

"You won't know until you give it a try," Older Axl said.

Axl replied,"You make a lot of sense, but I'm just not ready yet.

Older Axl replied,"Okay. Go at your own pace."

Axl told Older Axl,"Please don't tell anyone what I said about Billy.

Older Axl responded with a laugh,"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Axl thanked him and was welcomed.

Axl added,"I love Billy but I also love women. Am I Gay if I love just Billy romantically out of all of Cake Cream? I mean, it's only ONE guy I want to date.

"You're actually bisexual since you love and want Billy but also love and want Women." Older Axl told Axl softly.

Axl told Older Axl," I'm Billy's Manager. I'm not so sure I should love Billy that way. I'm not sure Claven Records will allow me to still be Billy's Manager since I love him that way.

Older Axl responded," It's 2022. Many Companies are more open minded about stuff like this now compared to 1987. Claven Records might not care if any of you or Cake Cream date love/date each other."

Axl thanked him and he was welcomed. They chatted a little while longer and then said their goodbyes and hung up. Axl went back to sleep.

Karice 08-02-2022 02:50 AM

Axl woke up the next morning and ate, drank, and showered and got ready for the day. Soon Billy, Jimmy, James, Andy, and Mike also got up and ate, drank, and showered and got ready for the day too.

Billy said," I'm so sorry you got shot multiple times protecting me," Billy said remorsefully.

Axl replied,"Me getting shot multiple times wasn't your fault at all. You have no reason to feel sorry."

Billy replied, "I know that in my head, but my heart's not so sure."

Axl replied,"Tell your head to tell your heart that the multiple shots wasn't your fault at all."

Billy was still conflicted.

Axl said,"Billy, if the situation were reversed, you would have done the same thing for me."

Billy said,"Yep, I would have."

Axl smiled.

Cake Cream and Axl spent the day just chilling, eating, drinking. They continued to take care of Axl's multiple gunshot wounds and give him food, water, and Tylenol. Axl thanked them and they welcomed him.

They showered and got ready for bed. Axl climbed into his bed and was close to sleeping.

Billy knocked on Axl's door and Axl let him come in.

Billy said,"I still feel traumatized. I want to sleep in the same bed with you. Is that all right? Axl said,"Yes, it's all right."

Billy smiled and climbed into bed with Axl. Billy snuggled close to Axl and Axl found himself caressing Billy's hair as he drifted off to sleep. "Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go?" Axl told Billy, still caressing Billy's hair. Billy had a peaceful, serene look on his face and Axl couldn't help but smile. Axl soon fell asleep himself soon. When he awoke, Billy was already awake.

Billy shyly said,"Please don't tell Jimmy, James, Andy, or Mike we slept in the same bed last night."

Axl responded,"We slept in the same bed at the Marriott Hotel. There's not that much of a difference."

Billy responded,"But at the Marriott Hotel, we had to sleep in the same bed. In our house, we CHOSE to sleep in the same bed."

Axl smiled shyly. Billy looked at the ground shyly himself. Billy said,"Thanks for letting me sleep in the same bed with you last night. It means a lot to me."

Axl welcomed him. Billy smiled. Billy also mentioned he enjoyed Axl caressing his hair as he drifted off to sleep. He said it felt good and thanked him for that. Axl once again welcomed him. Billy left Axl's room undetected by Andy, Jimmy, Mike, and James. He went to his own room.

Axl smiled, happy Billy chose HIM and not one of his 4 Cake Cream Band Members to sleep in the same bed with. And purposely snuggled close to him when he could have easily slept on the other side of the bed and let him caress his hair and even enjoyed it and was thankful. Could Billy love him back like Older Axl suggested?

Karice 08-03-2022 06:14 AM

Axl soon got out of bed and showered and got ready for the day. Jimmy, James, Andy, Billy, and Mike also showered and got ready for the day. They were eating breakfast when Jimmy said to Billy, " Billy, you weren't in your room when I went to check on you last night about 11.

Billy and Axl shyly looked at each other and then quickly looked away.

Billy said,"Uh, last night, I was at Claven Records getting a copy of the New Contract we signed for the Demo."

Claven Records closes at 8." Jimmy responded.

Billy had a look of panic and Axl said,"Uh, Billy asked Claven Records Executives to do a special opening so he could get that copy."

James, Mike, Andy, and Jimmy looked suspicious. "Why would Claven Records do a special opening for Billy that late at night?" Jimmy questioned.

Billy responded,"They wanted to do us a huge favor. Claven Records loves us."

Axl backed up Billy.

Jimmy said,"So, let's see this copy of the New Contract Claven Records supposedly gave you that late at night." Billy had a look of panic. He knew he didn't REALLY get a copy of the New Contract from Claven Records last night.

Axl said,"I'm your guy's Manager and Billy gave me the copy of the New Contract last night." Billy gave Axl a grateful look. Axl smiled back at him. Billy said,"Yep, I gave it to Axl."

Axl said,"I have it in my room. Give me about five minutes to go find it." Cake Cream excused Axl and Axl went to his room, locked his door and quickly reprinted his own Copy of the New Contract and gave it to Jimmy. Here it is the Copy of the New Contract!" Billy gave Axl a grateful look. Axl smiled back at him again.

Jimmy said,"We should call Claven Records and thank them for accommodating Billy so late last night!"

Billy and Axl both had looks of panic on their faces. "Please don't thank Claven Records for that," Billy begged Jimmy. They weren't supposed to do that in the first place. Please don't bring it up to them."

Axl backed up Billy.

Jimmy agreed to not thank Claven Records for doing a special opening for Billy last night.

Billy and Axl gratefully thanked him for agreeing not to thank Claven Records for doing the special opening for Billy. He welcomed them back.

Cake Cream and Axl finished eating and drinking.

Karice 08-03-2022 10:04 AM

They all decided they wanted to go have some fun and wanted to go to a bar. Axl bought 6 hard plated bulletproof vests and made them all put them on along with motorcycle helmets. At the bar, there was early Karaoke.

Axl wanted to drop a hint to Billy that he loved him, so he sang,"Sweet Child Of Mine," and just changed the "She's," and the "her," to ,"You/you've" and "Your," Billy had blue eyes so he kept the lyric about blue eyes. He was extremely emotional at the "Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" Part, knowing Billy loved that part. He briefly looked at Billy and Billy was enjoying the song. Billy was smiling happily..The crowd and Cake Cream loved it too. Axl smiled. He really was enjoying himself and enjoying the fact he was able to give Billy a hint that he loved him using Sweet Child. Of Mine.

After Sweet Child Of Mine, Cake Cream and Axl drank some Coke and Rum. They laid back and relaxed and Billy and Axl were sitting next to each other. Billy was actually having a good time. This was definitely the fun outing Billy needed to get his mind off of the traumatizing fact that John had tried to murder him. Axl smiled at Billy, seeing how happy Billy was. Billy smiled back at Axl. Jimmy, Andy, Mike, and James looked deeply at Axl and Billy. Was there something going on between Axl and Billy? They all decided not to ask Billy or Axl about what they were wondering. After the bar, they went back home.

Karice 08-03-2022 04:28 PM

At home, Jimmy spoke to Axl in private. That was an interesting twist on the Sweet Child Of Mine song you sang at karaoke today. Axl blushed.

"Who did you have in mind when you sang that altered version today?"

"No one in particular," Axl said, blushing and looking at the ground shyly.

"Sure you weren't thinking about someone special to you?" Jimmy questioned.

"I wasn't thinking about anyone special when I sang that altered version today," Axl lied, still looking at the ground shyly.

Jimmy then said,"Billy has blue eyes. Just like the "Sweet Child," in your song.

Axl had a caught look in his body language and face, but chose to lie. He responded,"I thought Billy's eyes were gray."

"No, Billy's eyes are blue. Just like the sky," Jimmy said pointedly.

Axl said,"The alternate version of Sweet Child Of Mine I sang today wasn't about Billy. It was just a silly little thing I did for fun."

"And your name is really Michael Randall Johnson," Jimmy said wryly.

Axl blushed.

"Whatever you want to confess to me, I'll keep it a secret," Jimmy promised.

Axl took a deep breath and said,"All right. I love Billy. The alternate Sweet Child Of Mine song I sang today is about Billy. Please don't tell anyone else," Axl pleaded.

Jimmy promised to keep it a secret. Axl thanked him and was welcomed.

Jimmy asked, "Does Billy know you love him?"

Axl replied,"I haven't told him."

Jimmy responded, "The way you guys were smiling at each other at the bar today looked like two guys in love."

Axl blushed. "Do you think I should tell him how I feel?"

"Let's just say, Billy might be receptive to you loving him."

Axl looked at Jimmy in surprise. "Is Billy Gay?" Axl asked.

"Let's just say that Billy has dated at least one guy before."

Axl smiled. Jimmy said,"You didn't hear that from me." He winked at Axl.

Axl thanked him and was welcomed.

Karice 08-03-2022 05:32 PM

Jimmy went to his room. Soon, Billy came into the kitchen and saw Axl. Axl looked intently at Billy.

Axl said, "Can we talk, just us two?"

Billy said,"Sure." Axl and Billy sat at the table and Axl said,"I have a confession to make."

Billy prompted him to make the confession.

Axl took a deep breath and said,"I love this guy, I'll call him Kenny. I always thought I was Straight until I realized I love Kenny. Kenny's really sweet, kind, warm, smart, friendly, and he's cute. I want him to be boyfriend but I don't know how to tell him how I feel about him. I've never wanted a Man before meeting Kenny, so this is new to me."

Billy asked," Maybe Kenny loves you too. Maybe Kenny thinks you're also really sweet, kind, warm, smart, friendly, and cute. All you have to do is tell him. You won't know unless you tell Kenny how you feel."

What does Kenny look like? Billy asked him.

Axl replied,"Kenny has beautiful blue eyes, like the sky or a beautiful blue ocean. He has beautiful blond hair like the sun." Billy replied,""Hey, me and Kenny have the same features," " Billy said, wryly.

Axl smiled at him. "Yep, you and he have the same gorgeous features." Billy sat really close to him and said,"So ready to tell,"Kenny," how you really feel? "Billy gave him a knowing smirk. Billy hugged Axl. Axl hugged him back. "I know who "Kenny," is, Billy said smiling. "I'm sure,"Kenny," loves you too. "All you have to do is tell "Kenny," how you feel about him. Axl said, "I love you, "Kenny," to Billy. Billy replied happily, "I know. I love you too, Axl." Billy kissed Axl right on the mouth. Axl kissed him back.

Axl couldn't believe he'd just kissed a guy on the mouth but it felt right. "Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" Axl asked,"Kenny," Billy laughed.

Karice 08-04-2022 08:38 AM

They ate dinner, just the two of them, really enjoying each other's company. Was this technically a date? It was. After the dinner date, they showered and got ready for bed. Axl asked Billy if he wanted to sleepover in Axl's bed again. Billy said,"Yes, I want to sleepover in your bed again." Axl smiled and they both climbed into Axl's bed. Billy put his head on Axl's chest and Axl caressed Billy's hair again. "I love you, Billy. Axl told him softly. "I love you too," Axl, Billy repeated softly. They both drifted off to sleep in that position.

Jimmy once again went to check on Billy and Billy wasn't in his room. He then went to Axl's room to check on Billy and Billy had his head on Axl's chest and Axl had his arm around him. They were both asleep and smiling peacefully and serenely. Jimmy smiled, surmising that Axl told Billy how he felt about him and Billy was receptive and loved him too.

Jimmy shut the door and went back to his room.

The next day, they all woke up and ate breakfast and showered and got ready for the day. On Social Media, Fans were getting anxious that Cake Cream hadn't performed in a couple of days. Axl asked Cake Cream if they wanted to do an impromptu performance at the local Marriott Hotel. He especially looked at Billy who looked shy. Billy, if you're not ready to perform yet, that's okay. You had a very traumatic experience. Billy said,"I love performing. I don't like disappointing our Fans. Axl said," "So, are you up for an impromptu performance at the Marriott Hotel?" Billy shyly said,"Yes. But can we put better protection for the stage?" Axl agreed. Cake Cream also agreed. They all decided to do the impromptu performance at the local Marriott Hotel. Tickets were $25 again. For the same day.

Axl made everyone wear the hard plated bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and they went to the local Marriott Hotel. Axl had the Marriott Hotel Staff put bulletproof plexiglass barriers on the stage to separate Axl and Cake Cream from the Audience. They also asked Marriott Hotel Staff to make Fans do Fans pass gun checks before being allowed in and the Marriott Hotel Staff did. Cake Cream and Axl thanked the Marriott Hotel Staff for doing that and they were welcomed. They all felt better protected. They practiced for the show, and soon it was time for the Show.

30,000 Fans showed up to see Cake Cream and Axl and Cake Cream were happy at the support of their Fans and happy they were protected. They performed their set behind the bulletproof plexiglass barrier and they were really good. Fans loved the performance. After the Show, they did the final send off to thunderous applause. Billy and Axl were standing really close to each other, but the rest of Cake Cream had some distance between each other. Soon, the show was over and they left. They went home and ate and showered and got ready for bed.

Karice 08-04-2022 12:34 PM

Billy shyly asked Axl if he wanted to sleep in Billy's bed. Axl said,,"Yes," with a big smile. Billy smiled too. They both climbed into Billy's bed. Billy lovingly massaged Axl's gunshot wounds, and Axl felt loved and comfortable. Then Billy kissed him on the mouth and Axl kissed him back. After kissing, Billy asked him,"Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" And Axl smiled. They snuggled together and fell asleep.

They woke up in the morning about 3 AM. They were still hiding their relationship from Cake Cream. Billy and Axl decided they wanted to go book a Hotel Room just them two. They packed their Suitcases, showered and dressed. Then they ordered a LYFT to the Local Marriott while the rest of Cake Cream were all asleep and left with the suitcases when their LYFT arrived. They went to the Local Marriott and booked a Hotel Room for just them two.

They settled in and made out with wild abandon and passion. Axl and Billy had brought condoms, and lubricant with them and wanted to make love to each other. Axl put on the condom and lubed up Billy and entered Billy, face to face and made gentle love to him. They also kissed sensually while doing the gentle lovemaking. They both loved this. As Axl came, he held Billy's hand. Billy moaned with pleasure as this happened.

The lovemaking was something they both wanted. After Axl in Billy lovemaking happened, Billy said he wanted to return the favor and Axl was up for this. Billy got a new condom and lubed up Axl and put the condom on him and entered Axl this time. They were face to face once again and Billy was also gentle with the lovemaking he did to and Billy and Axl did more sensual kissing. They loved the gentle lovemaking and sensual kissing. As Billy came, he held Axl's hand too and Axl also found himself moaning with pleasure. After the lovemaking, they showered, showering each other luxuriously and making out again. They finished showering, toweled off, and got dressed and went to sleep together.

Axl woke up about 9 and saw he had missed calls from Andy, Mike, James, and Jimmy and the voicemails were basically asking him where the hell were Axl and Billy. Axl looked at Billy sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face and Axl smirked. He enjoyed the lovemaking he and Billy had done. Billy woke up a little while later and also saw he had missed calls from Andy,Mike,James, and Jimmy that had voicemails asking him where the hell were he and Axl. Billy and Axl looked at each other and smirked mischievously. Billy and Axl made out with each other again. After they made out, they ordered Room Service and ate and drank and got ready for the day.

Karice 08-04-2022 02:02 PM

They decided they should call Cake Cream and tell them they were okay. Cake Cream were their Friends and deserved to be told they were okay. Axl and Billy called each and every one of them and told them they were okay.

James, Andy, and Mike all asked them why they were at the Local Marriott Hotel just them two. Axl and Billy asked them how they knew that and they reminded them they could trace their Locations using their Cellphones. Jimmy had already known their was something going on between Axl and Billy so he wasn't surprised.

Andy pointed out he was Gay and had a feeling he knew why Axl and Billy had went to the local Marriott Hotel together without telling any of them. Axl and Billy blushed.

Cake Cream told them they were glad they were okay and approved of whatever was going on between Axl and Billy.

Axl and Billy admitted that they were dating.

Cake Cream asked Axl and Billy when they were coming back home. Axl and Billy responded they'd be coming home the next day. Cake Cream were all relieved. Axl and Billy all chatted with their Cake Cream Bandmates and soon hung up and had fun that day. The next day, they checked out and used a LYFT to go back home. At home, they unpacked and Cake Cream all looked at them intently.

Axl and Billy blushed.

James asked,"Why did you pull that stunt? You could have just told us you guys were dating. We found out anyways.

Axl and Billy admitted they thought they'd be judged by Cake Cream if they told them they were dating. Andy pointed out that he was Gay and no one judged him.

Jimmy said,"You guys could have at least told me."

Axl and Billy looked at the ground.

Mike said, "We should all be more open with each other." Axl and Cake Cream agreed to be more open with each other.

Axl and Billy asked Cake Cream if Claven Records would still allow Axl to be their Manager considering the fact that Billy and he were Boyfriends.

Cake Cream replied they would keep Billy and Axl's relationship a secret just in case Axl wasn't allowed to date Billy. Billy and Axl thanked Cake Cream and were welcomed.

Karice 08-05-2022 06:09 AM

Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and straight up asked Axl if he and Billy were dating. Axl said,"No, Billy and I aren't dating. We're just Friends and Manager/Clients.

"You promise? Claven Records asked.

Axl had a look of turmoil on his face. "I plead the fifth Amendment." Axl replied.

Claven Records asked if Axl and Billy wanted to come to Claven Records and "discuss," an important thing with them. Axl knew this was about he and Billy's relationship. Axl told Claven Records to hold on and they did. He explained the situation to Billy. Billy also felt the "discussion," would be about their Relationship. And was willing to go to Claven Records and "discuss," their Relationship.

Axl and Billy made out and then Axl went back to Claven Records phone call and told them that he and Billy were willing to come to Claven Records and discuss the important thing. Claven Records and they made plans to discuss the important thing. Axl and Claven Records chatted a bit and then both said goodbye and hung up.

Axl and Billy held hands and discussed the important thing Claven Records wanted to talk to them about to the rest of Cake Cream.

Cake Cream said,"We should all go to Claven Records. We should be supporting Axl and Billy in front of Claven Records." Everybody agreed.

They all ate and got ready to go to Claven Records. They left and went to Claven Records.

At Claven Records, they were all in Timothy's office and Timothy asked Billy and Axl if they were dating. Axl and Billy held hands right in front of Timothy to non verbally tell him that they were dating. Timothy was like," Okay, got it. You guys are dating."

Billy and Axl nodded.

Jimmy straight up said,"Axl's the best Manager we've ever had. He's also our Friend. We love Axl. Please don't fire him as our Manager. Please don't fire Billy from Cake Cream. Billy's the best Drummer we've ever had. Billy's also our Friend. We love Billy too." "All of Cake Cream basically said the same thing. Axl and Billy smiled happily and everyone smiled back at them.

Timothy was amused. "We're not going to fire Axl as your Manager. Nor are we going to fire Billy. It's only Claven Records Staff who can't date each other or their Clients, for example, I wouldn't be able to date any of you guys nor can I date Patrick Gordon, one of my Co Managers. But Axl dating Billy is allowed.

All of Cake Cream and Axl breathed sighs of relief. Everybody thanked Timothy and Timothy welcomed them. They all chatted and soon left and went back home.

Karice 08-08-2022 10:27 AM

At home, they relaxed and watched TV. Billy had his head in Axl's lap while Axl lovingly caressed Billy's hair. Both Billy and Axl were smiling. Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike thought Billy and Axl made a cute and good couple. Soon, Billy fell asleep. Axl, Jimmy, Mike, Andy, and James chatted while watching TV. Soon, Jimmy, James, and Mike went to their rooms.

Axl asked Andy,"Andy, Billy is my first and only Boyfriend. Since you date Guys, any advice for me and Billy?"

Andy replied, "Be open with each other. Be attentive to each other's needs and wants. Be loyal to each other."

Axl asked,"Is there any special things Billy likes?"

Andy replied,"Billy loves Kit Kats. If you buy him Kit Kats, he'll love you even more. Billy loves getting his hair caressed as you've already figured.

Axl looked at Andy deeply. Have you and Billy ever dated?"

Andy answered shyly,"No, we're just Friends. Billy had a boyfriend before you, but that Boyfriend wasn't me. Nor has Billy ever dated any Cake Cream Member. All five of us have a close Brotherly type of Friendship."

Andy and Axl chatted for a long while watching TV.

Andy said,"You and Billy are such a good couple. He was smiling.

Axl blushed deeply and thanked him and was welcomed.

Billy woke up a little while later and Billy, Andy, and Axl all continued watching TV. Billy and Axl gave each other loving states. Axl and Billy were happy they found true love with each other.

Karice 08-11-2022 07:11 AM

On a side note, I seem to have been ahead of my time with Axl's plexiglass suggestion to prevent Audience Members from shooting Cake Cream or himself. Lady Gaga just recently put up plexiglass to prevent Audience Members from throwing things at her. :)

TheBig3 08-11-2022 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Karice (Post 2214151)
On a side note, I seem to have been ahead of my time with Axl's plexiglass suggestion to prevent Audience Members from shooting Cake Cream or himself. Lady Gaga just recently put up plexiglass to prevent Audience Members from throwing things at her. :)

You should get royalties.

Karice 08-11-2022 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by thebig3 (Post 2214180)
you should get royalties.

lmao! :D

Karice 08-19-2022 10:07 AM

Andy went to bed. Axl and Billy watched some more TV. Axl decided to surprise Billy and bought 10 Jumbo bags of Kit Kats for Billy from Instacart. He smiled at Billy.

A little while later, the Jumbo bags of Kit Kats arrived.

Axl got the Kit Kat bags and gave them to Billy. "A little birdie told me you loved these," he said to Billy rakishly. Billy's eyes shone with happiness. "Thank you, Axl!" Billy said gratefully.

Axl welcomed him. Billy offered Axl some Kit Kats and Axl graciously accepted. They ate some Kit Kats, giggling and watching some more TV.

After watching TV, they felt tired. Billy asked,"Your bedroom or mine?" He was rakishly smiling at Axl

"Your bedroom," Axl replied, also smiling rakishly.

They got ready for bed and then climbed into Billy's bed. Billy and Axl snuggled close to each other. Billy caressed Axl's hair this time and Axl was relaxed and smiling. He loved Billy caressing his hair. Axl brought Billy even closer to him and kissed him on the mouth. Billy kissed him back. They soon fell asleep.

They woke up the next morning and ate and got ready for the day.

Cake Cream and Axl went to the mall and did some shopping. They were wearing bulletproof proof vests and motorcycle helmets. Fans of them asked Billy and Axl if they were Lovers. Billy and Axl both said,"No." Cake Cream also said that Billy and Axl weren't Lovers.

The Fans smirked skeptically. They pointed out that Billy and Axl were standing REALLY close to each other at the latest Cake Cream Show.

Axl pointed out," Just because we were standing REALLY close to each other doesn't mean that we are dating."

Billy looked at the ground and said,"Axl and I are just Manager/Clients/Mentor/Protege/Friends. We're not dating."

Cake Cream backed them up. The Fans and they chatted awkwardly and then the Fans left and they continued hanging out in the mall. They decided to go to a Supermarket and buy some food. In the Supermarket, Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr played and Billy and Axl stared at each other knowingly and blushed. A Fan, unbeknownst to them, filmed this. Cake Cream and Axl finished shopping and went home. They turned on YouTube and the "Secret Lovers," and Billy and Axl's reactions to each other already went viral.

"No!" Cake Cream and Axl all screamed together in horror. Billy begun to cry. He said,"My Parents are most likely going to see this video and question my sexuality!" Axl found himself comforting Billy, hugging him and wiping away his tears again. Billy hugged him back.

"Come on, it'll be alright," Axl told him soothingly. He caressed Billy's hair and Billy fell asleep again.

Jimmy, James, Mike, and Andy pointed out how at ease and in love with Axl Billy was. Axl smiled shyly.

Axl asked Cake Cream,"Should Billy and I come out of the closet publicly?

Jimmy answered,"Hmm. A lot of our Fans are Gay. You and he can be an Ally for them. They'd accept and support that you and Billy are dating since they date the same sex themselves."

Andy said,"I'm not so sure that Axl and Billy should come out publicly. I'm gay and I still haven't come out publicly."

James said,"Maybe you and Billy can leave a subtle hint about your relationship, such as claiming you and he are close Friends, whereas you see me, Jimmy, Mike, and Andy as Brothers."

Axl smiled and thought James's idea had a valid and logical point.

Karice 08-22-2022 09:28 PM

They all chatted and went on Social Media. Fans of Guns N'Roses were pointing out that Guns N'Roses hadn't had a new Album in 14 years. They were clamoring for a new Album. Axl's gears turned in his head and he wondered if he could impersonate Older Axl and make a New Album. After all, he was still Axl Rose, just the Younger one. He told Cake Cream his idea and Jimmy said," It sounds like an interesting idea, but couldn't Older Axl sue you for Identity Theft for Impersonating him?"

Axl responded," It would be awkward if Older Axl sued me for Identity Theft for Impersonating him since we are both Axl Rose," Axl said laughing.

Axl continued, "And besides, it's been way too long since Chinese Democracy. Fans want a new album and I can make it happen."

Billy woke up a little later and Axl and the rest of Cake Cream filled him in on Axl's plan.

Billy agreed that it was time for a new Guns N'Roses Album. But he pointed out that Older Axl might not be okay with Axl impersonating him.

Axl thought and thought. He came up with a new plan.

He said,"You know what? Why don't I just write a new Album for Guns N'Roses and talk Older Axl and the rest of Current Guns N'Roses into recording it?"

All of Cake Cream agreed that this plan was better than Axl straight up impersonating Older Axl.

Axl smiled and wrote a whole new Album for Guns N'Roses and called it," Time For A New Era!" And Cake Cream thought the lyrics looked really good. Axl smiled and called Older Axl.

Older Axl picked up the phone and Axl said,"Axl, Fans have been complaining that there hasn't been a new Guns N'Roses album in 14 years. They want a new one.

Older Axl replied,"We're doing fine as a nostalgia act. Fans love the nostalgia act we do constantly."

Axl responded,"Come on, it's time for a new era!"

Older Axl picked up quickly. "Axl, do you have something up your sleeve?" He asked, curious.

Axl responded,"Yes, I do. I already wrote a new album and called it,"Time For A New Era!" I wrote it for you and the rest of Current Guns N'Roses. All you guys have to do is record it. Fans will love it."

"This means a lot to you, doesn't it," Older Axl said thoughtfully.

"Yes, it does, " Axl responded, smiling.

Older Axl replied,"Okay, I'll talk to the rest of Current Guns N'Roses about recording it."

Axl smiled and thanked him. They chatted a little while and then both hung up.

Cake Cream and Axl also chatted and then Older Axl called Axl and told him that Current Guns N'Roses was interested in recording Time For A New Era!" Album. Axl and Older Axl made plans for tomorrow to record Time For A New Era!"

Cake Cream and Axl chilled until the next day

The next day, Older Axl and Current Guns N'Roses came to Billy's house, they all chatted, and Current Guns N'Roses read Time For A New Era! Lyrics and loved it. Axl had them record Time For A New Era! Into a cassette and they all had plans to give this to Claven Records later that day.

Later that day, they gave Time For A New Era! To Claven Records and Claven Records loved it.

Claven Records offered 50 Million plus Royalties for Time For A New Era! And Current Guns N'Roses and Older Axl wanted this offer. Contracts were drawn, understood, and accepted. Both Axls signed,"W. Axl Rose," which amused Claven Records. The rest of Current Guns N'Roses also signed. Time For A New Era!" Was put on iTunes and it was a big hit! Fans of Current Guns N'Roses loved it! Cake Cream, both Axls, and Current Guns N'Roses were ecstatic and Claven Records were ecstatic too. They all chatted happily and then Current Guns N'Roses, Cake Cream, and both Axls left Claven Records.

Karice 08-25-2022 07:57 AM

Axl mused about how rich he was in 2022. He got Royalties for writing All The Sweet Filling, Tasty Cake, Tasty Cake Reloaded, and Time For A New Era! He also got a little from the Demo and some money for Cake Cream live concerts and got some money for the NBC Grammy Interview, and still had a couple of Millions left from Older Axl's gift to him. Axl was very wealthy, certainly a lot wealthier than he was in 1987. Both Axls were very wealthy in fact.

Axl decided to tell Cake Cream to always pay their taxes. In fact, he decided that they should file their taxes tomorrow. Cake Cream agreed.

They chilled until the next day and woke up, showered, got ready for the day and ate.

Axl and Cake Cream went to a Tax Preparer and they filed their taxes. Axl's net worth was about 150 million! Much more than the under $20,000 he had before Cake Cream became huge Superstars. He smiled. Cake Cream were also worth about 100 Million each. Axl was worth about 50 Million more due to the fact that he wrote all of Cake Cream's songs besides their Demo, which was comprised of songs they had written before they even met Young Axl. After filling taxes, they went home and ate. They watched TV, and there was a Segment on MTV of Current Guns N'Roses performing Time For A New Era! They were really good and Fans of Current Guns N'Roses were really enjoying the show.

Axl was proud of Current Guns N'Roses performing Time For A New Era! So good and told Cake Cream,"They look and sound great performing Time For A New Era!" He was smiling. Cake Cream also smiled and agreed.

Axl's stomach rumbled with a little bit of want however. He had feelings of wanting to be on stage performing Time For A New Era!" Himself.

He told Cake Cream his feelings and they pointed out that his older self was still performing so technically, he was performing. Axl smiled wryly. "But I want to be up on stage, performing Time For A New Era. "

Cake Cream acknowledged that Axl was a performer and of course he'd want to be on stage performing.

Billy, Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike chatted with each other in secret on how to help Axl. They decided that maybe Older Axl should be called and asked if Younger Axl could perform with them Time For A New Era! At their next show. Billy called Older Axl

Older Axl asked Billy how he and Axl's relationship was and Billy replied that their relationship was good. Older Axl was happy.

Billy asked, "Axl, how do you feel about Younger Axl performing Time For A New Era!" With you guys tomorrow?"

Older Axl replied,"Does he want to perform tomorrow with us?"

Billy responded,"He does."

Older Axl replied, "Okay, that's fine. Tell him we'll be fine with him performing Time For A New Era! With us tomorrow."

Billy smiled and thanked Older Axl and was welcomed. They chatted a little while longer and then both hung up.

Billy told Cake Cream the good news and then they all told Axl the good news. Axl was ecstatic.

Karice 08-25-2022 11:23 AM

Cake Cream and Axl chilled until the next day.

The next day, they got ready for the Current Guns N'Roses Show and then went. At the Venue, Current Guns N'Roses and Axl practiced. Everybody was wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets. It was soon time for the show. The Show was being done behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers.

Current Guns N'Roses and Axl performed Time For A New Era! Axl was happy to be on stage performing with Older Axl and the rest of Current Guns N'Roses. The Fans and Cake Cream oved Axl and Older Axl harmonizing with each other, Axl singing like his 80's self and Older Axl singing like his 2022 self. They sounded good harmonizing with each other and the rest of Current Guns N'Roses also sounded good playing their instruments. Older Axl and Axl even danced wildly and energetically and Fans and Cake Cream loved this too. As the Show came to an end, the applause was deafening. Fans and Cake Cream loved it. At the final sendoff, Axl, Older Axl, and Current Guns N'Roses all did a bow and the applause was even more deafening. After the Show, they all went out to a fancy Restaurant where there were no Fans there and were able to eat in complete peace. They had fun at the Restaurant and paid and left.

Cake Cream and Axl went home and showered and slept. The next day, they saw that last night's Time For A New Era! Already went viral. Fans loved it.

Axl and Cake Cream smiled happily at each other.

A Fan of Cake Cream, Older Axl, Axl, and Current Guns N'Roses wondered if Cake Cream, Axl, Older Axl and Current Guns N'Roses should perform Time For A New Era at Current Guns N'Roses next Show. Cake Cream and Axl looked at each other thoughtfully and all admitted that that would be an interesting Show. They could call it Cake, Guns, Roses. They chatted more about this possibility and were actually excited. They decided to call Older Axl and talk about this. Older Axl was onboard for this and the next day, they got ready for the Current Guns N'Roses Show and practiced at the Venue. They all had motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests. When the Show started, Cake, Guns, Roses performed Time For A New Era! Behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers. Mike, Axl, and Older Axl sang together, Andy, Melissa, and Dizzy played Keyboard, Slash, Duff, Jimmy, Richard, and James played Guitar, Frank and Billy played the Drums. They all sounded really good and Fans loved this. Axl and Older Axl once again danced energetically and wildly and Fans loved this again. The Show was phenomenal and the Crowd went wild as Jimmy, James, Billy, Andy, Mike, Axl, Older Axl, Melissa, Frank, Richard, Dizzy, Slash, Duff did the final sendoff. The show was then over.

The Batlord 08-25-2022 11:55 AM

Wait you made slash GNR fanfiction without Slash?

Karice 08-25-2022 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2215321)
Wait you made slash GNR fanfiction without Slash?

Slash is in this GNR Fan Fiction too...... ;)

The Batlord 08-25-2022 02:05 PM

Is he ****ing dudes though?

Karice 08-25-2022 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2215371)
Is he ****ing dudes though?

No, Slash doesn't... ;) Axl and Billy are. Ahem,"More than Friends/Manager/Client," however. ;)

The Batlord 08-25-2022 03:48 PM

Slash without Slash. What's the point?

Karice 08-25-2022 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2215384)
Slash without Slash. What's the point?

Slash is in the Fan Fiction, if it makes you feel better, in my first Axl Rose Fan Fiction, Slash is the FIRST Person Axl calls when he gets his new phone in 2022... ;) Only to have the person on the other line respond that he isn't Slash and Axl has the wrong number ... Axl called Slash's 1987 phone number... In 2022! LMAO! :D

Karice 08-28-2022 02:45 AM

Younger Axl's Cellphone rang. It was his Tax Preparer informing him that he'd already filed his taxes in January! Oh no, Axl said worriedly, knowing exactly what happened. Older Axl had filed his/their taxes in January before Axl had even time traveled.

Axl said apologetically,"I'm so sorry. Older Axl must have filed his/our taxes before I ever time traveled to 2022. "

The Tax Preparer half jokingly said," Filing your taxes twice is Fraud and is subject to legal consequences."

Axl said,"Please don't press charges. I honestly didn't know Older Axl already filed his taxes."

The Tax Preparer said, "Okay. Just come in tomorrow and sign Paperwork stating you didn't know that Older Axl already filed his/your taxes. "

Axl agreed. They chatted for a little while and then both hung up.

Axl soon asked Older Axl,"When did you file your/our taxes?" Older Axl responded,"I filed them in late January." Axl had a guilty, chagrined look on his face. Older Axl looked deeply at him.

"You filed taxes too, didn't you." Older Axl surmised. Axl guilty replied,"Yeah, I did. I didn't know you already filed your/our taxes."

Older Axl responded,"Normally, this would be REALLY bad, but any understanding Tax Preparer should understand that this was an honest mistake."

Axl smiled a little, relieved that Older Axl wasn't furious at him for filing their taxes technically twice."

Older Axl continued,"Just ask me first when it comes to stuff like this." Axl agreed to ask him first."

They both smiled. Axl told Older Axl that he was supposed to sign Paperwork stating he didn't know that Older Axl had already filed his/their taxes. Older Axl said he'd come to the Tax Preparer with him tomorrow and maybe they can both sign Paperwork. Axl agreed this wasn't a bad idea.

Karice 09-11-2022 09:03 AM

Axl and Older Axl chatted for a while, and then they said goodbye. Cake Cream and Axl went home, showered, ate, and got ready for bed and then slept

The next day, they woke up, ate, showered and got ready for the day. Axl made everyone wear motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests. They went to the Tax Preparer and Older Axl came a little while later. Axl was grateful and Older Axl smiled back at him.

Cake Cream and both Axls all chatted, and then it was time to meet with the Tax Preparer to sign the paperwork. Axl and Older Axl both read the paperwork and understood it and signed W. Axl Rose for the paperwork stating that Axl didn't know Older Axl already filed his taxes when Axl filed his taxes. The Tax Preparer was amused at both Axls signing W. Axl Rose and thanked them and they welcomed him. They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes. Cake Cream, Axl, and Older Axl left.

Axl thought of making a distinction between Older Axl and himself. He said, "Maybe I should be called Axl Rose and Older Axl should be called W. Axl Rose, to make the distinction," he said to all of them.

Older Axl said, "That's not a bad idea." He was smiling thoughtfully.

Cake Cream also thought this wasn't a bad idea and smiled. They all went to Billy's house and Older Axl, Axl, and Cake Cream ordered no contact pizza and ordered wine from Instacart and ate and drank, and just chilled, enjoying each other's company. Cake Cream and Axl were amused that Older Axl was just chilling with them, no music endeavors this time. Axl was happy to be chilling with himself, literally. Older Axl was happy to be chilling with himself too, literally. He was also happy to be chilling with Cake Cream too.

Karice 09-12-2022 01:53 AM

Older Axl was invited to sleep over and he gratefully accepted. Everybody smiled. They continued watching TV and just chatting and chilling. Soon, they all begun to feel tired and showered and got ready for bed. Older Axl, Axl, and Billy decided to sleep in Axl's bed. All of the beds in Billy's house were big enough to comfortably fit at least three People.

Billy fell "asleep," and Older Axl and Axl chatted about Axl's relationship with Billy.

Older Axl said,"How are things going with you and Billy?"

Axl responded, "Our relationship is going good. We're so in love with each other. I'm really glad I found Billy. I'm happy with him and he's happy with me too."

Older Axl responded,"I'm glad you are happy with Billy. You and he deserve to be happy together." Older Axl was smiling.

Axl thanked him and was welcomed.

Older Axl continued,"There is one thing weird however."

Axl responded, "What's that?"

Older Axl responded,"You and Billy are dating and in love with each other and I don't like Billy romantically. I like him in a Brother type of way, not a Boyfriend."

Axl responded,"That's because you're Straight and 34 years older than Billy. It be weird if you wanted Billy as a Boyfriend. Like you pointed out, we're two different People technically."

Older Axl responded,"Good points. It's just weird that I don't want to get with Billy that way at all considering the fact that my younger self, you, do."

Axl once again pointed out that Older Axl was only interested in Women, not Men."

Older Axl smiled and asked Axl,"When did you start liking Billy that way?"

Axl responded," I probably started feeling something more than Friendship for Billy when Billy was the first Person I thought of calling when I stormed off from Cake Cream after they exposed my Tattoo in front of Cake Cream Fans. After I calmed down, I called Billy to tell him I was sorry for storming away from them."

Older Axl responded," When do you think Billy started liking you more than a Friend?"

Axl responded,"Definitely when Billy was the only Cake Cream Member to visit me in jail. Cake Cream usually travels together, so for Billy to be the only one who visited me in jail must have meant he was feeling something more than Friendship for me. "

Older Axl and Axl chatted into the night about Billy for even longer.

Billy was listening to this entire conversation, wide awake but pretending to be asleep. Billy was smiling. Billy fell asleep for real a little while later.

Karice 09-13-2022 02:09 AM

Axl and Older Axl fell asleep. In the morning, Cake Cream, Billy, Older Axl and Axl woke up, ate, and got ready for the day. Everybody decided to chill out again. They all had fun again just relaxing again, and then Older Axl left a long while later back to his house that was in another City.

Cake Cream and Axl decided to continue to just chill.

The next day, they got up, ate, showered and got ready for the day.

They were watching TV when the news broke that John Wilson had ESCAPED from Jail!

No! Cake Cream and Axl all cried in horrified unison again! John Wilson had been very far from their minds after he was taken away to jail. But now that John Wilson was on the loose, he'd more than likely be coming right for Billy to Murder him! Axl made everyone wear motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests because John would probably try to break into the house. Billy cried in fear, fearing for his life. Axl held him close to himself to comfort him..Soon, John was at the house and broke down the front door with excessive force and lunged at Billy with a hateful look in his eyes and James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy were stuck with a deer in headlights thing. Axl instinctively pushed Billy out of harm's way and punched John hard on his head. John fell to the ground and hit his head hard on the floor. Blood was already gushing out of his head and he was unconscious.

Axl called the Police and the Police arrived shortly and took John away who was still alive. Billy thanked Axl for saving him again. He welcomed him. Jimmy, James, Mike and Andy were embarrassed that they didn't help Billy as they had frozen. They apologized. Billy was just grateful that he was still alive.

They put the door back up and put furniture behind it to "lock it," for now.

Later on, they watched the News and John Wilson was given medical attention at the hospital and then transported to a jail in another State. Billy felt a little safer that John was in another State. Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike once again apologized for freezing when John lunged at Billy.

Karice 09-13-2022 03:28 AM

Axl and Cake Cream went to sleep. They woke up and ate and got ready for the day.

They discussed yesterday's happenings. Billy of course felt traumatized. Axl's heart went out to him. This was the second Murder attempt of Billy lately. Poor Billy. He didn't deserve this. Jimmy, James Andy and Mike also felt sorry for Billy. Billy was grateful he had a Boyfriend and four close Friends who loved and supported him. Billy smiled at all of them.

They all smiled back. Claven Records called Billy and asked him how he was holding up.

Billy admitted he was traumatized but grateful he had the support of his Bandmates and Axl. Claven Records expressed sympathy for Billy. Billy thanked them and was grateful he had the support of Claven Records too. Claven Records and Billy chatted and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Billy took a long nap. When he woke up, he told Cake Cream and Axl that he wanted to go take a walk to clear his head. Jimmy, Andy, Mike, Axl and James offered to go with him. Billy said he wanted to be alone.

The rest of Cake Cream and Axl agreed to let him go alone but reminded him to wear a motorcycle helmet and bulletproof vest. He did and left.

As he was walking, he saw a Drug Dealer and went up to him and asked him for Cocaine. The Drug Dealer sold him the Cocaine and he thanked him and was welcomed and then Billy continued walking. Billy felt overwhelmed, traumatized and felt he needed the Cocaine to cope and self soothe. He went back home with the Cocaine in his pocket and went to his room and locked the door and snorted a line. He felt better. Axl knocked on his door and he guiltily opened the door.

Axl compassionately said, "I know what's going on, Billy. Just remember to take the Subutex I gave you to combat drug addiction and remember to only do drugs in this house. Billy blushed shyly and admitted he was doing Cocaine. Axl responded,"I know. I've done Cocaine myself. We're all Rockstars and I had a feeling that there would be drug use, that's why I gave you guys Subutex in the first place to combat drug addiction."

Billy smiled and took some Subutex. Axl was grateful Billy heeded his advice.

Karice 09-13-2022 07:41 PM

They all chilled until the next day and woke up, ate, and got ready for the day. Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and asked him if Cake Cream could open for The Rolling Stones tomorrow! Axl was excited. He told Claven Records he would talk to them about it and Claven Records said Okay.

Axl dropped subtle, well glaringly obvious hints to Cake Cream.

He said, "I can't get no satisfactn from my red car that I painted black because it won't start up. I nicknamed my car Mick. It's a real Jagger of a car. And when it does start up, it sends stones rolling. My car is just one shot away from breaking down completely. Although it did gimme shelter from the rain, and I won't fade away from the rain, so that's something to be grateful for."

Cake Cream asked,"Are we opening for The Rolling Stones?" They were smiling.

Axl smiled and told them Claven Records wanted them to open for The Rolling Stones tomorrow. They were up for it. Claven Records were called and all of Cake Cream and Axl said they were up for opening for The Rolling Stones. Claven Records were thrilled. They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes. Axl and Cake Cream decided to practice for the opening for The Rolling Stones tomorrow. Axl called Mick Jagger and they chatted. Mick was happy Cake Cream was going to open for The Rolling Stones. Axl told Mick to make all of The Stones wear motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests and make sure the stage had bulletproof plexiglass barriers to separate them from the audience. Mick took his advice seriously.

Cake Cream and Axl chilled until the next day. The next day, they ate and got ready for the show. They went to the Venue.

The Rolling Stones were thrilled to see Cake Cream and Axl and vice versa. They all chatted and practiced and then it was time for Cake Cream to open for The Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones all had motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests and so did Cake Cream and Axl. Cake Cream did some of their Demos, which surprised and confused Axl. He thought for sure that they were going to do some songs he wrote for them, the ones they practiced for. Axl felt a little hurt. They were really good however and the crowd went wild. Axl had to smile at this although he was hurt, confused, and surprised. Axl's smile looked like a smile of mixed emotions.

After they finished their set, Mick asked them if they wanted to stay on stage as The Rolling Stones Featured Guests. Cake Cream were happy, but asked Axl if this was okay because he was their Manager after all. Axl was grateful they still asked for his okay after that Demo stunt they just pulled. Axl gave his okay and Mick was happy and they were the Featured Guests, playing backup for The Rolling Stones and not just opening for them. They sounded good. Axl was proud although he was still a little hurt about the Demo thing. After the show, the Rolling Stones and Cake Cream and Axl all chatted amicably for a while and then Cake Cream and Axl went back home.

Axl asked them why they did their Demo Songs and not Songs he wrote for them. They all replied that they wanted to get back to basics of Cake Cream for The Rolling Stones opening. Axl admitted he was hurt, confused and surprised when they did that. Cake Cream said they didn't mean to hurt Axl. They apologized for not even warning him about the Demo thing. Axl accepted their apologies.

Karice 09-14-2022 02:59 AM

They ate a very late dinner and went to bed. They woke up and ate and got ready for the day. They checked YouTube and the Rolling Stones Show last night with Cake Cream was already going viral. There were multiple close ups on Axl's weird looking smile, which Axl did not foresee happening. Cake Cream looked at Axl curiously. Axl blushed.

"I had multiple emotions when I did that weird looking smile," Axl pointed out to Cake Cream. I wasn't expecting multiple close ups of my weird looking smile."

Billy asked Axl if he felt resentful of Cake Cream.

"No, I love you guys. I'm proud of you guys." Axl answered.

"It's okay if you feel resentful of us," Billy said. It's a natural emotion. "Cake Cream backed up Billy. Axl had a troubled look on his face.

Mike added that they agreed to be more open with each other. Cake Cream backed up Mike.

Axl took a deep breath and admitted he did feel resentful of Cake Cream, especially with that Demo stunt they pulled last night. And the fact that they had a Grammy when Guns N'Roses didn't. Cake Cream thanked Axl for his honesty and James said they should keep being honest with each other.

Jimmy said,"Speaking of honesty, Andy suggested we turn Axl in for $5,000 when he was a Fugitive!"

Andy blushed angrily at Jimmy. Axl hadn't known about Andy attempting to sell out Axl for $5,000.

Axl gave Andy a hurt look. "Is that true, Andy?" Andy admitted,"Yes, it's true. I did suggest we turn you in for $5,000 because at the time I was resentful that we were hiding you as a Fugitive and I wanted extra money. Billy, Jimmy, James, and Mike were disgusted I attempted to get us to turn you in for $5,000. Billy paid me the $5,000 to not turn you in. I do feel awful I suggested we turn you in for $5,000."

Axl's stomach churned at the thought if it were up to Andy, Andy was going to betray him by turning him in.

Axl said hurt, "Andy, I would never even think of turning any of you guys in for money if any of you guys were the Fugitives. I love all of you. This really hurts, Andy."

Andy lowered his head in guilt and shame. "I'm really sorry for that," Andy said, filled with remorse. "You're one of my best Friends and I love you too." he continued.

Billy pointed out that Andy told him a long time ago he felt awful about suggesting they turn in Axl for money. Andy backed up Billy.

Axl wasn't sure what to think and told them so. Andy blushed uncomfortably.

Axl said he needed some time alone to process his emotions. Cake Cream agreed. Axl and Cake Cream said their goodbyes for now and Cake Cream told Axl to wear a motorcycle helmet and bulletproof vest and he did. Axl went to the Local Marriott and booked a Hotel Room for just himself. He wrote a song about how he felt about Andy attempting to sell him out for $5,000. He poured his emotions into that song and then went to the pool and went for a wade, musing about Andy. He then got out of the pool, dried off and went back to his Hotel Room and had Room Service. He enjoyed his meal. He watched some TV and then fell asleep.

Karice 09-14-2022 07:22 PM

Axl woke up the next day and watched some videos of Cake Cream performances with a nostalgic look in his face. He was still hurt over the Demo Stunt and Andy suggesting Cake Cream turn in Axl for $5,000 however. He heard a knock on his Hotel Room door and it was Billy on the other side. He let Billy come in. Billy was wearing a bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet. He took off his motorcycle helmet.

Billy came close to Axl and wrapped his arms around Axl and Axl wrapped his arms around Billy back.

"I love you Axl," Billy said. Axl replied,"I love you too." They ended up kissing passionately again on the Hotel bed, enjoying each other's kisses and company. Billy and Axl decided to spend the day in Axl's hotel Room just chilling and having fun. Billy and Axl ended up falling asleep in each other's arms. They woke up the next morning and got ready for the day. Axl decided to add Billy as a guest to his Room. Billy was all up for this. Billy and Axl went to the Front Desk to add Billy to his Hotel Room. The Front Desk Clerk smirked knowingly and added Billy as Axl's Guest. Axl and Billy blushed and Axl paid for Billy as his Guest. They thanked the Front Desk Clerk and were welcomed. They decided to go to the Hotel Restaurant.

A Paparazzi Person smirked and asked them why they were there just them two and Axl lied and said that Jimmy, James Andy and Mike were also at the Hotel but were sleeping and he and Billy were hungry, so here they were. Billy backed up Axl. The Paparazzi Person asked if he could take a picture with Axl and Billy. Axl was happy that this Paparazzi Person ASKED if he could take a picture and wasn't just snapping away pictures without permission like some other Paparazzi People did, especially Brian Washington.

Billy and Axl agreed to take the picture with the Paparazzi Person. They were all smiling. The Paparazzi Person thanked them for the picture and they welcomed him. The Paparazzi Person left happily and Billy and Axl had orange juice, water, sausage, bacon, pancakes and eggs and paid and left back to their hotel Room.

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