Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 10-13-2022, 08:16 AM   #71 (permalink)
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Billy said he was going to go to the movies. Cake Cream and Axl said they would go with him. Billy then claimed he was going to go to the Zoo. Billy then claimed he was going to go to the mall. They all said they would go with him. Billy then said he was going to go to the Supermarket. They all said they would go with him.

Billy said,"Please! I just want to go out by myself!" He was acting like Axl kind of, LMAO!

They let him go out by himself. Cake Cream and Axl had a feeling that Billy was really going to go buy more Cocaine.

Billy was wearing a bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet. He went to a drug dealer and bought Cocaine from him. He thanked him and was welcomed.

Billy went back home.

Cake Cream and Axl pointed out he was home awfully early. Billy shyly blushed. He went to his room and snorted Cocaine. He then took some Subutex.

He left his room and watched TV with Cake Cream and Axl.

Axl wryly sang in the tune of Mr. Brownstone,"He's been dancing with Mr. Coco. Mr. Coco won't leave him alone!" Billy blushed. Cake Cream and Axl all pointed out they knew that Billy just did more Cocaine. Billy admitted it and begged them to not tell anyone else.

They were like,"We're not going to tell anyone else about your Cocaine use."

Billy breathed a sigh of relief and thanked them and Cake Cream and Axl welcomed him.

Axl asked,"Did you at least take your Subutex?"

Billy responded,"Yes," I did.

Axl smiled and replied,"At least you're being responsible." Cake Cream smiled too.

They all reminded Billy to only do Cocaine in the house. Billy said,"I know." They all smiled. They continued to watch TV. Billy fell asleep on Axl's lap.

Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and told them that Fans wanted to see them perform at James L Knight Center in two days. They chatted a bit and then said their goodbyes.

Axl told them that Claven Records said Fans wanted to see them perform at James L Knight Center in two days. Cake Cream really didn't want to perform in two days, but Axl once again pointed out they were working for the Fans. They reluctantly agreed to do another James L Knight Center performance. They watched more TV. Billy woke up and they told Billy about yet another James L Knight Center performance in two days. Billy groaned reluctantly but the rest of Cake Cream said,"We're working for the Fans, remember that " Axl smiled. They were repeating his Fan Mantra. They chilled and practiced for two days and then it was time for the show.

They got ready and put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the James L Knight Center and practiced again and then the Show started. They performed behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers Fans were thrilled to have James and Jimmy playing Lead Guitar and Bass Guitar again, amicably close to each other like the good old times. The tension that was present the last time they played together seemed to have been water under the bridge. They sounded really good together. Two great Guitar Gods playing amicably next to each other. In fact, all of Cake Cream did a phenomenal jobs Fans cheered wildly. The show was beyond great.

It was time for the Final Sendoff and everybody was happy, particularly James and Jimmy were happy. The budding Civil War between them ended. The Sendoff was great and the Fans cheered wildly and the Show was over. They went home.
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Old 10-13-2022, 08:04 PM   #72 (permalink)
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Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and told them that the Fans wanted another show at the James L Knight Center tomorrow.

Axl groaned reluctantly and told Claven Records to hold on. They did.

He told Cake Cream that Claven Records said that the Fans wanted another show at the James L Knight Center tomorrow and the day after that.

Cake Cream groaned reluctantly. They really didn't want to do another show tomorrow and the day after that. Axl said,"We're working for the Fans, remember that."

Cake Cream once again decided to do the show tomorrow and the day after that. Axl smiled and told Claven Records that Cake Cream would do those shows. Claven Records were happy. They chatted and then soon said goodbye and hung up.

Cake Cream practiced for the two shows, ate, and slept.

The next day, it was time to get ready for the James L Knight Center Show again. Billy was having a hard time getting up. He was awake, he just didn't want to get out of bed. Cake Cream and Axl were like, "Billy, it's time to get ready for the show," and Billy was lethargic and was like,"Start the show without me. I'll meet up with you guys later."

Cake Cream and Axl were like, "Starting the show without your amazing drumming is risky." Billy was like,"Yeah, whatever, and didn't want to get out of bed. He was like,"I'm coming later." Cake Cream and Axl were like,"Okay," reluctantly and went to the James L Knight Center without Billy.

They started the show (They had on Bulletproof vest and motorcycle helmets) and Fans were immediately like,"Where the hell is Billy?"

Axl addressed the elephant in the room and said,"We are down our Drummer, but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun with our lead guitar, bass guitar, Singer, and keyboardist!" The Fans were like,"Okay." Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike performed for about an hour, and sounded good but Billy's awesome drumming was missing.

Billy showed up about an hour into the set, clearly looking off. He was stumbling and went to his drums and played sloppily and lazily. Fans were like,"What the hell, Billy?" Cake Cream and Axl were also like,"What the hell, Billy?"

Billy had a glassy look in his eyes. Axl said,"Stop the show for a much needed break!" The show stopped for the much needed break. Axl asked the James L Knight Staff for a rapid Covid test package and a thermometer. They gave Axl a Covid test and a thermometer.

Axl said to Billy,"Come here." Billy obediently came to Axl. Axl said,"I'm going to need you to remove your motorcycle helmet so I can test you for Covid and check your Fever. " Billy was like,"Okay." He removed his motorcycle helmet. Axl tested Billy's forehead and was like,"You've got a fever of 100. This is not a good sign." He then used the Covid test on Billy. Billy put on his motorcycle helmet. Axl waited a couple of minutes and was like,"Your Covid Test says that you tested positive for Covid. I can't believe you showed up here hopped up on Covid. I'm so disappointed that you came here on Covid. We'll talk about this later. Go home and get some rest. You'll be healthy tomorrow and back tomorrow for the next show."

Billy nodded and left. Axl said, "The show can resume." The Show resumed without Billy. Cake Cream and Axl knew exactly what happened. Billy had done Cocaine at home and then showed up to the Show under the influence of Cocaine. Axl had used "Covid," as shorthand for "Cocaine." But they didn't want to tell their Fans that Billy had done Cocaine in the house and then come to the show.

The final Sendoff happened and it was kind of weird without Billy, but Fans still cheered wildly. The show was soon over.

Last edited by Karice; 10-15-2022 at 08:44 AM.
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Old 10-15-2022, 08:44 AM   #73 (permalink)
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After the show, they were approached by Medical Staff.

The Medical Staff were like,"Care to get tested for Covid?" They had brought 5 Rapid Covid Tests.

Axl, Jimmy, James, Andy, and Mike tried to run, but Cops came and told them they'd all be arrested if they refused the tests. The Cops pointed out that since Billy tested positive for Covid, all 5 of them needed to be tested for Covid since they all were in close contact with Billy. Actually, Billy had tested NEGATIVE for Covid when Axl had tested him, he didn't have Covid, Axl just lied to keep Billy's Cocaine addiction a secret.

Axl said with a lot of serious authority,"I want it put in writing that these tests are against our will and we were told if we do not take the tests we will be arrested. I want all results to be strictly confidential and also put in writing that the results are to be strictly confidential. I want it clear that we will NOT be arrested after doing these tests. I will draw up the Contract myself and everyone will read it, understand it, to agree, and sign this legally binding Contract."

Cake Cream was impressed by how quickly Axl put on his authoritative Manager hat. They agreed with what he was saying.

The Medical Staff and police agreed to Axl's demands, uh, negotiations and Axl drew up the Contract very succinctly and thoroughly, making absolutely no mistakes. He made it clear that there was no technical loopholes in this Contract. Everyone read, understood, agreed and signed. Everyone got their own copies of this impromptu Contract.

The Medical Staff did the rapid Covid Tests on everyone and they all tested NEGATIVE for Covid.

They were free to leave and smirked and went home.
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Old 10-15-2022, 09:26 PM   #74 (permalink)
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At home, Axl went to check on Billy. Billy was peacefully sleeping. He'd talk to Billy about showing up high on Cocaine tomorrow.

Cake Cream also went to check on Billy and saw him peacefully sleeping. They all decided to let him keep peacefully sleeping.

They all soon went to bed themselves.

The next morning, they all woke up. They ate and got ready for the day. Axl looked at Billy intently. Billy blushed, knowing Axl was about to really let him have it for showing up to Cake Cream show yesterday high on Cocaine. And Billy was right.

Axl said,"Billy, how dare you show up to Cake Cream Show high on Cocaine? You had the audacious nerve to do that.

Billy looked at the ground. "You only told me to do Cocaine in the house. You said nothing about not showing up to Cake Cream Show after doing Cocaine."

Axl was like,"Don't use my own loophole against me."

Billy was like,"Okay. I feel better than yesterday and can perform normally today.

Axl said,"You do look much healthier than yesterday and are speaking a lot better today. Can't wait for you to do your amazing drumming today, not that sloppy and lazy drumming you did yesterday.

Billy blushed shyly.

Axl added tenderly,"I love you."

Billy responded,"I love you too."

They kissed for a little while and Cake Cream all practiced for today's Show. It was soon time for the James L Knight Center show today. They soon left for the show. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

They went to the James L Knight Center and practiced some more and the Show started. Billy was acting really normal and looked normal and was playing normally.

Cops had shown up to make sure Billy was okay after what had happened yesterday.

Axl once again had to stop the show for a break to show that Billy was okay.

The Cops said they wanted to test if Billy was under the influence.

Axl said,"I'm Cake Cream's Legal Representative and I have the authority to act as their Authority Figure. I can test if Billy is under the influence."

The Cops allowed Axl to test if Billy was under the influence.

Axl told Billy to come to him again and Billy obediently did.

Axl said,"Billy, I'm going to give you a kind of field sobriety test to test if you are under the influence."

Billy agreed.

The Audience was like,"I hope Billy passes the field sobriety tests."

Billy, Axl, and Cake Cream all smiled.

Axl said,"I want you to stand on one leg for 10 seconds." Billy stood on one leg for 10 seconds.

Axl said,"Good. I need you stand on the other leg for another 10 seconds." Billy stood on the other leg for 10 seconds." Axl said,"Good."

Axl said,"I'm going to need you to count from 1-10 backwards. " Billy said,"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. " There were nervous chatterings.

Axl said,"You counted from 1-10 perfectly the normal way. You must have not heard the word backwards. I'm going to need you to count from 1-10 BACKWARDS.

Billy said,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1."

Axl said,"Good."

Axl said,"Billy, I'm going to need you to follow my finger." Axl moved his finger from left to right and then right to left. Billy followed his finger perfectly.

Axl said,"Good."

Axl said,"I'm going to go to the opposite side of the stage and I'm going to need you to walk to me without stumbling. Axl went to the opposite side of the stage and Billy walked to him without stumbling. They walked back to where they were. Billy didn't stumble.

Axl said,"Good."

Axl asked,"What is the name of the City and State you live in?"

Billy responded,"Miami, Florida."

Axl responded,"Good."

Axl said, "I'm going to need you to say the Alphabet in the exact order."

Billy said,"Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz."

Axl said,"Good."

Axl said,"I'm going to need you to tell me what your full name and age are."

Billy answered," William Anderson Parks. 26."

Axl said,"Good."

Axl was like,"I'm done with my field sobriety test of Billy. Billy passed all of the tests. He is not under the influence.

The Cops were like,"Billy passed all your questions with flying colors, but here is a VERY important test to check if Billy is TRULY okay.

They pulled out a breathalyzer and told Billy to breathe into it. They sanitized the Breathalyzer.

Axl asked the Cops if he could administer the Breathalyzer test.

The Cops were like,"Sure." They handed him the Breathalyzer.

Axl told Billy to blow into the Breathalyzer and Billy obediently did. Billy's Breathalyzer was a 0.0.

Axl showed the Breathalyzer Results to everyone, including the audience.

To Billy, Axl said lightheartedly," You passed your Breathalyzer test with a Zero. Just like the Song by The Fixx,"Saved By Zero." Although that technically doesn't apply since you passed all of the tests anyways even before the Breathalyzer. It only helps your case that you also passed the Breathalyzer test with a Zero."

Billy smiled. The Audience cheered at Billy passing all of the tests. Cake Cream and Axl also cheered. Billy smiled even more. The Cops were satisfied. Axl gave them back the Breathalyzer. The Cops left.

The Show resumed and it was a really good show. Fans cheered wildly and the final sendoff happened and the Fans cheered even more wildly. The show was over.

Last edited by Karice; 10-15-2022 at 09:31 PM.
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Old 10-18-2022, 05:57 PM   #75 (permalink)
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They went home. Already the Cake Cream show from today went viral. Fans were happy Billy passed all his tests but were confused and suspicious that Billy had already been back on stage the day after testing positive for Covid. They pointed out he should have come back about a week later, not the next day. They were like,"Since when does Covid have a one day sickness? Covid usually lasts at least 3 days, not one day People who test positive for Covid are supposed to quarantine for about a week.". "Cake Cream and Axl blushed knowing that Axl straight up lied about Billy having Covid.

They chilled until the next day. The next day, Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and asked if Billy had really tested positive for Covid.

Axl said,"Billy tested negative for Covid. I lied when I claimed he tested positive for Covid."

Claven Records asked,"Why did you lie about Billy testing positive for Covid?"

Axl said, "I plead the fifth."

Claven Records straight up said,"Billy looked and acted sick that day. If he didn't and doesn't have Covid, why did he look and act so sick that day?"

Axl responded, "I plead the fifth," again.

Claven Records asked,"Is Billy a drug addict?"

Axl responded," Billy isn't on drugs." Technically, Axl was telling the truth. Billy was only on one drug, not drugs. Technical Loophole. "

"Maybe we should call Billy and get to the bottom of this," Claven Records said.

Noooooo!" Axl said, having a look of panic on his face.

Claven Records were like,"If there's something going on with Billy, we deserve to know."

Axl took a deep breath and said,'?"Okay, okay, Billy had a one day Flu that day!"

Claven Records were skeptical. Usually the Flu lasts a few days, not just one day."

Axl said,"Billy has a super strong immune system."

Claven Records were like," We're skeptical, but we'll give you the benefit of the doubt and drop this. Glad Billy is back to healthy. "

Axl thanked them and was welcomed.

They chatted for a little while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Social Media was still showing a lot of skepticism about Billy having a one day Covid bout. Axl responded on his Facebook page that Billy had a really strong immune system which is why he was healthy the very next day and only had a one day Covid bout. All of Cake Cream said the same on their Facebook pages. Fans were still skeptical but like Claven Records, decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and drop it.

Cake Cream and Axl were relieved.
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Old 10-22-2022, 01:49 AM   #76 (permalink)
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They got ready for bed and slept. The next day, Cake Cream and Axl had another show at the James L Knight Center. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and performing behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers. The show was really good.

After the show, Axl and Billy told Cake Cream they wanted their privacy for a while. Cake Cream smirked knowingly and let them have their privacy and they thanked them and were welcomed. Billy and Axl went to a secluded corner, took off their motorcycle helmets and shared a long, sensual kiss. Axl had his hand lightly touching Billy's neck. Billy had his arm around Axl's waist. Both of their eyes were closed, enjoying each other and their kiss. They kissed for a while, really getting into this wonderful kiss. They then broke apart and smiled at each other. They left the Venue and went home.

Unbeknownst to them, a Fan had filmed this kiss and put it on Social Media. The kiss video went viral on Social Media.

"No! Cake Cream and Axl said in unison again.

Axl and Billy blushed. Their secret was out.

Fans were like,"I knew Billy and Axl were Boyfriends. They should have just admitted it."

Axl said to Billy,"Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" Billy blushed and laughed.

Other Fans added that Axl might have kept he and Billy's relationship a secret since in 1987, a dude dating another dude was highly taboo. Fans added that in 2022, Society was more open with same sex relationships and Axl and Billy dating really wasn't all that taboo.

Axl and Billy blushed more. Everyone got ready for bed and slept.

The next day, Claven Records called Axl and Billy and told them their relationship secret was out. Billy and Axl told them they already knew.

Claven Records told them that them dating each other was okay and they had lots of Gay and Bisexual Fans who would accept and support their relationship. .

Billy and Axl blushed and thanked them and they were welcomed. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Cake Cream and Axl decided to have a fun day and went to the mall. They were all wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets. Fans of Cake Cream and Axl asked Billy and Axl if the viral video of them kissing was real.

Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike told them softly to just come out of the closet and admit that the viral video of them kissing was true.

Axl and Billy took deep breaths and held hands and admitted that the viral video of them kissing was true and they were Boyfriends.

The Fans smiled and said,"Thanks for clarifying. We had feelings you guys were lovers and now our feelings have been confirmed. Billy and Axl smiled back. The Fans asked for Cake Cream and Axl for Selfies and Autographs and they obliged their Fans. They were all smiling.

The Fans, Cake Cream and Axl all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes. The Fans walked away. Axl and Billy felt relieved, as if a huge weight had been lifted off of their shoulders. Andy said to Axl,"Welcome To The out of the closet Gay Life." Axl and Billy blushed. He told Andy that he was actually Bisexual, but in love with Billy. Billy asked,"Are you going to cheat on me with Women?"

Axl said,"No, I'm committed to our relationship. I love you and won't jeopardize our relationship by cheating on you. I promise."

Billy promised to not cheat on him either as he loved him too.

All of Cake Cream smiled. Cake Cream and Axl hung out, ate and drank in the food court and went home.
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Old 10-22-2022, 10:20 AM   #77 (permalink)
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They got ready for bed and slept. The next day, they woke up, ate and got ready for the day. They didn't have any shows for today, so they were able to chill for today. But in a twist of fate..... Claven Records called them and told them that Woodstock 2022 Three Day Festival was underway for the day after tomorrow and Cake Cream were invited to be a part of it.

Axl suggested to Cake Cream that they perform on the first day because the first day is when everyone is in happy moods, but the second and third day, People get pissed, tired, crazy, etc.

Axl also pointed out that if things got horrifically bad like Woodstock 1999, at least Cake Cream would be out of the line of danger if they performed the first day(The safe day) and bolted. They would be safe from suspicion if they weren't there if things went bad.

Cake Cream agreed with Axl's thoughts.

Cake Cream and Axl contributed 18 Million(3 million each) to Woodstock 2022. They wanted to prevent the horrific tragedy of Woodstock 1999.They provided for free water, free food, fire extinguishers, free clothes, air conditioners, etc.

Cake Cream and Axl practiced for Woodstock 2022.

Two days later it was time for Woodstock 2022. Cake Cream and Axl went to the Woodstock 2022 Venue wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.and performing behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers.

Cake Cream was really good and Fans were cheering wildly. They did the final sendoff to wild cheering and then left.

Axl was proud that his Protege, Mentorees, and Clients performed at Woodstock 2022. They all left and went to a Restaurant and had a nice steak dinner and paid and left. They went home.

The Cake Cream Woodstock performance was already going viral and Fans loved it. Cake Cream and Axl were proud. They chatted for a while and got ready for bed and slept.
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Old 10-22-2022, 09:00 PM   #78 (permalink)
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The next day, they woke up and are and got ready for the day. On Social Media, Fans wondered if Older Axl was Gay since Young Axl was dating Billy.

Axl responded on Facebook, "Older Axl and I are two different People technically. Older Axl is Straight and I am Bisexual."

Fans were like,"Okay, that makes sense."

Cake Cream and Axl soon went on YouTube and the impromptu interview that Fan did with them was on YouTube. It was viral.

Fans pointed out Axl's look of panic when he was asked if Billy was like his Brother was a huge sign that Billy was his Boyfriend. And the fact that Axl said Billy was his close Friend was also a sign that Billy was his Boyfriend.

Cake Cream and Axl smiled. They knew that the Fan was filming and was going to put it on YouTube and it was going to go viral on YouTube.

Fans posted they had a feeling that Billy and Axl were Boyfriends when that video of them blushing at each other when Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr played in the Supermarket.

Fans asked if Billy and Axl were going to make out openly in Cake Cream Shows and openly in public now that their relationship was out in the open.

Cake Cream and Axl didn't know if Billy and Axl should make out publicly and at Cake Cream shows even with their relationship being out in the open.

They watched TV and Court TV was airing the John Wilson Court Case and Cake Cream and Axl watched the part where John Wilson straight up called Axl Billy's Boyfriend before Billy and Axl even dated.

Cake Cream and Axl mentioned how ironic it was that John Wilson predicted Billy and Axl being Boyfriends. At the time Billy and Axl straight up ignored John calling Axl Billy's Boyfriend.

Billy and Axl stared at each other lovingly. They were so glad they were dating. But they did find it weird that Axl's shooter and the man who intended to kill Billy predicted them dating. Cake Cream found this weird too.

Axl's multiple gunshot wounds had all healed up nicely, thank God. And Billy had coped very nicely about the trauma over John trying to Murder him.

On YouTube, Fans mentioned Axl purposely taking multiple gunshots for Billy. They mentioned him saving Billy's life.

Axl responded on YouTube,"I didn't purposely take multiple gunshots for Billy. I pushed him out of the way and got shot multiple times instead. I'm glad Billy wasn't shot. In a better scenario, NONE of us would have gotten shot multiple times. "

His post got 200 likes.

Billy said to Axl,"Thank you for pushing me out of harm's way when John aimed at me and when John lunged at me."

Axl responded with a smile,"You're welcome."

They watched MTV and the Second Woodstock day was underway. People were having fun and Axl and Cake Cream's 18 Million helped a lot. It was not the tragedy so far that Woodstock 1999 was.

But then a rattlesnake came into Woodstock and began biting People! Oh no. Luckily, the 18 Million that Axl and Cake Cream donated provided emergency medical supplies and staff and the bitten People were quickly given medical attention. The rattlesnake was killed and the Woodstock show went on. Woodstock Staff and Woodstock Fans were thanking Cake Cream and Axl for those Donated 18 Million.

Cake Cream and Axl were happy.
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Old 10-22-2022, 09:06 PM   #79 (permalink)
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They went to sleep.

They woke up the next day and ate and got ready for the day. This was the third Woodstock day, and Wild Water performed and they had the bright idea, well, wet idea to pour water on the hot Fans. Fans as in people, not fans the cooling item. A strong breeze happened to put some of the water on the equipment and malfunctioned the equipment. Wild Water got some shocks and medical staff took care of them. None of the Fans were hurt, thank God.

Once again, Cake Cream and Axl were thanked for their 18 Million providing lots of Medical Staff.

Woodstock despite the rattlesnake biting People and Wild Water causing equipment to malfunction by deciding to put water on the hot Fans was a huge success largely in part to Cake Cream and Axl's 18 Million. They were heavily praised for their 18 Million. Cake Cream and Axl looked at each other and smiled.xl decided to book Cake Cream for the Olympic Stadium in Canada. Guns N'Roses is permanently banned from performing there due to a Riot that happened in the 90's, but Axl reasoned to himself that this would be Cake Cream performing in the Olympus Concert, not Cake Cream. He told Cake Cream his thoughts and Cake Cream pointed out that Guns N'Roses was banned from performing there.

Axl said,"Guns N'Roses is banned from performing there, but not Cake Cream. Sure you are the New Guns N'Roses, but you are not Guns N'Roses. Technical Loophole. He was smiling.

Cake Cream agreed with Axl's thoughts and Axl called the Olympic Stadium to book Cake Cream there.

The Manager said,"Guns N'Roses is permanently banned from performing at the Olympic Stadium."

Axl said,"Cake Cream is the New Guns N'Roses, but they are not Guns N'Roses. Technical Loophole.

The Manager hesitantly agreed to book Cake Cream. He said,"Make sure you and Cake Cream actually perform here "

Axl smiled and said,"Yes."

The Manager said,"Okay." He gave a booking for three days from now. Axl thanked him and was welcomed. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Axl told Cake Cream the good news and they were excited. The tickets for the Cake Cream at Olympic Stadium was in a frenzy soon. Lots of Cakers wanted to see them perform.

Cake Cream and Axl chilled, practiced, bought rushed plane tickets and Canada hotel bookings. The couple of days passed in a blur.

The day before the Olympic Stadium Concert, Axl and Cake Cream went to Miami International Airport wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and got processed and went on Air Canada first class and had a luxurious first class experience again.

They landed in Montreal International Airport and took a LYFT to the Marriott Hotel in Montreal.

Billy and Axl had a room and James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy each had their own rooms. They settled in and relaxed. They ordered Room Service and practiced for the Olympic Stadium Concert show tomorrow. They had fun and showered and went to sleep.

The next day, they woke up, ate, showered, got ready for the day, put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets, practiced more,left, ordered a Lyft, did sightseeing and had more fun and went to the Olympic Stadium Concert and they were really good. 100,000 Cakers came from all over the world to see Cake Cream! Axl and Cake Cream were proud. They started performing behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and were really good.

The Olympic Stadium manager came out in the set and asked Axl to apologize for the No Show that got Guns N'Roses permanently banned from the Olympic Stadium a long time ago.

Axl responded,"I would be apologizing for something I personally haven't done in my timeline yet and don't personally remember."

Cakers begun chanting,"Apologize, Axl!" The Manager nodded and even Cake Cream was like,"You really should apologize, Axl".

Axl took a deep breath and said,"I apologize for the No Show that Guns N'Roses did in the Olympic Stadium a long time ago."

There was loud applause and the Manager was happy. He told Cake Cream and Axl that the ban against Guns N'Roses was now lifted. Axl, Cakers, and Cake Cream were all happy, but Axl asked to get that in writing. The Manager drew up a Contract and Axl read, understood, agreed and he and the Manager both signed. Cake Cream signed as Witnesses. The matter was settled and the ban against Guns N'Roses was lifted. Cakers cheered wildly. Cake Cream, Axl, and the Manager were happy too. The show resumed. They were really good.

The final sendoff happened to wild cheering and the Show was over. Cake Cream and Axl were really happy.

Last edited by Karice; 10-22-2022 at 09:12 PM.
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Old 10-22-2022, 09:13 PM   #80 (permalink)
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They took a LYFT back to their hotel and had fun, ate, and chilled. They showered and got ready for bed and slept.

The next day, they woke up, ate, showered got ready for the day and checked out and left. They took a LYFT to Montreal International Airport and got processed at the Airport and got on the plane back to Miami International Airport. They had a luxurious first class experience again.

At Miami International Airport, they took a LYFT back home. At home, they took long naps. When they woke up, they watched the News and Wild Water had been arrested for throwing water on random People on the streets. Wild Water resisted arrest and had been wildly attacking Police.

Social Media wondered if Wild Water were the New Guns N'Roses. They pointed out that Wild Water were behaving reckless like young Guns N'Roses.

Cake Cream looked at Axl curiously.

Axl shook his head. "Guns N'Roses didn't go around throwing water on random People. Nor did we wildly attack police. Wild Water is much wilder than we ever were."

A Social Media post said something like,"No, Cake Cream is the New Guns N'Roses, not Wild Water."

Cake Cream and Axl smiled.

Wild Water Members had their mugshots taken and they all had remorseless,"I don't give a fuc sneers," on their faces and each even had double middle fingers sticking up.

Axl looked up his own mugshot from 1980 and showed it to Cake Cream and said,"Look at how scared I look in my mugshot." There's a huge difference between the remorseless sneers all of Wild Water is doing and the scared face I have on my 1980 mugshot." Cake Cream pointed out he had a valid point. Axl smiled.

Cake Cream and Axl chatted for a while, chilling and watching more TV.

Wild Water's bail was set at $5,000 each. There were 6 Wild Water Members. Axl and Cake Cream were confused. How was the collective bail($30,000) for Wild Water $10,000 LESS than Axl's $40,000 bail? Axl punched Brian Washington in his face and broke his camera after Brian harassed and stalked him. Wild Water was throwing water on random People on the street and wildly attacked police while resisting arrest!

Cake Cream were like, "Maybe it's because you went on the run for a couple of days, whereas Wild Water got arrested the same day?"

Axl was like,"That could be a valid point."

The News said that Wild Water's Court Date would be tomorrow.

Cake Cream and Axl all shook their heads at the fact that Axl would have rot in jail for three days before his Court Date had it not been for the Go Fund Me, yet Wild Water's Court Date is TOMORROW. WOW.

Cake Cream was like,"Once again, you went on the run for a couple of days, whereas Wild Water was arrested the same day. That has to be a factor."

Axl was like,"You guys hid me for those couple of days!" He childishly stuck out his tongue.

Cake Cream was like,"And you accepted!" They all stuck their tongues out back at him.

They all laughed. They all were glad they could just sit back and play with each other like this.

They relaxed more and then got ready for bed and slept.

The next day, they watched Wild Water's Court Date. Wild Water looked very remorseless, cussing out the judge. Their Lawyers feebly tried to defend them, claiming they were good people who just lost their ways.

The judge wasn't having it and sentenced them to a month behind bars. They flipped off the judge as they were escorted out. Of

Cake Cream and Axl shook their heads at the audacity of Wild Water's actions.

Axl said, "How dare people compare Young Guns N'Roses to Wild Water? The audacious nerve!" Cake Cream laughed.

On Social Media, Cake Cream and Axl Critics were ragging and dragging Cake Cream for having Wild Water be their Opening Act.

Cake Cream and Axl responded,"Wild Water opened up for us at only ONE show! And we had no idea they were these rebellious, remorseless hellshaits!"

The Critics were like,"Okay, you guys have solid points."

Axl and Cake Cream soon got off of Social Media. They ordered no contact pizza and soda and ate and drank.
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