Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 10-08-2022, 01:35 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Jimmy went to his room. Axl decided to call Mike and ask him to watch Jimmy while he visited James. He wanted to visit James but didn't want to leave Jimmy by himself.

Mike said,"Sure. I'll go home now and we'll make the switch."

Axl smiled.

He didn't tell Jimmy his plan, just let Jimmy watch TV in his room.

Soon, Mike came over and they amicably chatted and made the switch. Axl went to the hospital and went to James's room.

James looked disoriented and drunk. He was babbling incoherently. He was hopped up on multiple painkillers like Billy said.

Billy and Andy were happy that Axl was there.

Billy and Andy pointed out that James was in bad shape. James barely even knew what was going on. Axl could see that. He felt sorry for James. The Doctors were working hard on James. James slipped into a Coma.

"Nooooooooooo!" Axl cried horrified!

Billy and Andy were also horrified!

The Doctors told Andy, Billy, and Axl that they had to leave the room since they weren't James's Family.

Axl, Billy, and Andy claimed they were James's Brothers. Billy and Axl looked at each other and blushed realizing they just called each other Brothers. Andy blushed too.

Billy and Axl said that Billy, Andy, and James were Brothers. Billy and Axl said that they(Billy and Axl) weren't Brothers. Andy backed them up. The Doctors smirked knowingly, thinking about the speculation that Billy and Axl were Boyfriends.

Axl and Billy straight up told the Doctors that they were Boyfriends and begged them not to tell anyone.

The Doctors responded,"We had a deep feeling you guys were Boyfriends. We're not going to tell anyone. "

Axl and Billy thanked the Doctors and they welcomed them.

Axl, Andy, and Billy begged the Doctors to not kick them out. Axl even offered the Doctors 50 million to let them stay. Andy and Billy also offered 50 Million each to let them all stay. The Doctors were touched and told them to keep their 150 million, they'll allow them to all stay without paying 150 million. Axl, Jimmy, and Andy were relieved.

The Doctors worriedly exclaimed that they were losing James.

"Nooooooooooo!" Axl, Billy and Andy claimed in horrified unison!

Axl had a radical idea. He said,"I want you guys to use the thing that you say,"Clear!" With for James.

The Doctors said,"You mean the Defibrillator."

Axl said,"Yes, that's what I mean. James needs to be shocked awake.

The Doctors brought out the Defibrillator, that was ready but were hesitant to use the Defibrillator on James.

Axl emotionally said," James only has about 5 minutes left to live! Please Doctors, James doesn't want or deserve to die, especially at only 26! Please save him! Billy and Andy also begged The Doctors to save James's life.

Axl kept emotionally pleading for them to save James's life.

The Doctors were still hesitant to use the Defibrillator on James.

Axl emotionally said,"I'll do it, Goddamn it!" And went to the Defibrillator. The Doctors tried to stop him, but he refused to listen. He brought the Defibrillator close to James and the paddles on James, giving him the much needed shock to wake up.

James woke up.

The Doctors were amazed that this Music Manager, Axl Rose from Guns N'Roses, who was not a trained medical professional was able to shock James back to life.

James was still incoherent, but at least he was out of his Coma.

Axl smiled at James. Andy and Billy smiled too.

The Doctors seriously told Axl that using the Defibrillator on someone who was hopped up on multiple painkillers could have negative consequences, which is why they were hesitant to use the Defibrillator on James. Axl was just glad James was no longer in a Coma. He did worry about the negative consequences.

They said that they would have to monitor James VERY closely to see if the Defibrillator caused any negative consequences on James.

Axl, Billy, and Andy prayed for James to be okay. James had a mini seizure, but the Doctors were able to stabilize him.

The mini seizure was the only negative consequence that happened and was over very quickly. The Doctors were amazed that Axl saved James's life with the Defibrillator and the only negative consequence was the mini seizure that was over quickly.

Last edited by Karice; 10-09-2022 at 08:27 AM.
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Old 10-10-2022, 07:11 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Axl, Andy, and Billy were relieved that James was out of the Coma. But were worried about his incoherent babbling.

Axl sat in a chair, thinking about the mess Cake Cream became. This was not the Cake Cream he signed up for when he chose to become their Manager. He had thoughts of wanting out of this "Bakery," but knew he was tied to them.

In the hospital room, Annie 2014 was playing and Little Girls was playing. Colleen's frustrations with the Little Girls mirrored Axl's frustrations with Cake Cream. The "Get me out of here! And I'm done with Little Girls (Cake Cream) spoke to Axl succinctly. Axl wanted off the Cake Cream ship. But he was stuck because of the Contract he signed to be their Manager. Cake Cream felt more of a Burden to him at this point than Assets. Billy and Andy fell asleep.

Axl called Older Axl and when Older Axl responded,"Axl cried,"I can't take it anymore! I can't do this anymore!" He was crying.

Older Axl worriedly said,"Axl, what's going on?"

Axl through a lot of hysterical tears told Older Axl his frustrations with Cake Cream. He said,"Cake Cream is driving me crazy!" He was close to a mental breakdown.

Older Axl calmly said,"You're a good Manager for Cake Cream. They love and trust you."

Axl said,"Thanks for the warm words, but I just want to leave Cake Cream and just run away!" He cried more.

Older Axl said," You know what? Why don't you take a nice couple of days and just relax? You deserve to be able to relax for a couple of days. I can take care of Cake Cream for you."

Axl was grateful at Older Axl's offer and he gratefully accepted. Older Axl welcomed him. They made plans for Older Axl to switch with Younger Axl today.

Older Axl came to the hospital while Billy and Andy were still asleep and they chatted and made the switch. Axl left the hospital, grateful Older Axl could take care of Cake Cream for him while he went on a much needed mini vacation. Axl took a LYFT to the mall and bought some clothes and other toiletries and then went to the Airport and booked a last minute flight to California and went to the Marriott and went to the front desk to make a last minute booking.

The Front Desk Clerk said, in awe, "You're Axl Rose!"

Axl blushed and admitted he was Axl Rose.

The Clerk asked, "Where is Cake Cream?"

Axl said,"I left them in Older Axl's care and fled to California."

The Front Desk Clerk smiled and said,"You wanted a little getaway just for yourself, right?"

Axl responded,"Yep. I wanted a little getaway for myself, by myself."

The Clerk smiled and booked a room for him. He graciously thanked the Clerk and was welcomed. He went to his room and settled in. He ordered Room Service and paid and ate it. He chilled, enjoying his stay at this hotel.
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Old 10-11-2022, 02:43 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Axl's phone rang and it was Billy.

Billy asked ,"Why is Older Axl at the hospital with us and not you?"

Axl responded reluctantly,"I just wanted to get away by myself for a few days."

Billy said,"You just left us suddenly, didn't even say goodbye." He sounded sad.

Axl responded,"I just needed a much needed break and besides, Older Axl is with you, so technically, I'm still with you."

Billy responded,"Older Axl and us don't have the same relationship with each other as you and we do."

"Axl responded,"I was just feeling overwhelmed and stressed out."

Billy responded,"You still love us, don't you?"

Axl responded,"Are you talking about our personal relationship or my Cake Cream Brothersship in general?"

Billy responded,"I am talking about both."

Axl responded,"I still love both."

Billy responded,"Good. I love you in a relationship way and Cake Cream loves you in a Brotherish way too."

Axl smiled and he and Billy chatted for a bit.

Axl asked,"How is James?"

Billy answered, "He's a lot better. He is speaking with a lot of sense now. Speaking a lot more normal. Is a lot more aware about what's going on."

Axl felt a huge sense of relief wash over him.

"Thank God," Axl responded, relieved.

Billy was relieved too. Billy said,"The Doctors say he might be home in a couple of days.

Axl said,"That makes me happy!"

Billy responded,"I'm happy too."

Axl then had an awful thought, "James can't go home with Jimmy still being pissed off at him. He'll most likely hit him again and land him in the hospital again!"

Billy responded,"Yeah, you're right.

Axl said,"Maybe I can get Older Axl to let James live with him for a while."

Billy responded,"Older Axl's pretty busy with Guns N'Roses. I'm not so sure Older Axl will have time to have James living with him. "

Axl responded,"Hmm. Maybe if I BEG Older Axl to let James live with him, he'll see how desperate I am to have him protect James."

Billy said,"Asking Older Axl to let James live with him is a risky question."

Axl replied," If he says no, I can always let James live in a homeless Shelter," Axl said with a hail Mary offer, knowing that Billy wouldn't want James, one of his Brothers, living in a homeless Shelter.

"No!" Billy said desperately. "I don't want James living in a homeless Shelter! "

Axl smiled, knowing Billy wouldn't want James living in a homeless Shelter. His feelings were right.

Billy and Axl chatted seriously about getting Older Axl to let James live with him. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Billy who was with Older Axl asked him how he felt about letting James live with him.

Older Axl responded, "I'm not so sure it's a good idea to let James live with me when I am going to do multiple Guns N'Roses Shows. Billy had also originally said that to Axl.

Older Axl called Axl.

Axl picked up.

Older Axl said,"A little Birdie asked me if James could live with me for a while."

Axl responded,"Please? I mean, James needs to be protected from Jimmy and you're the perfect person to help him out. And besides, you agreed to watch James," Axl tried guilt tripping Older Axl.

Older Axl said,"I agreed to watch Cake Cream for a couple of days while you relaxed on a much needed break for yourself. Not have James live with me for a while." Older Axl said matter of factly.

Axl begged him,"Please? Please? Please? Please?"

Older Axl lightheartedly said," You sound like a desperate dog. I'll do it because I can see how desperate you are for me to protect James from Jimmy and because we're close Family Members."

Axl thanked Older Axl and Older Axl welcomed him. Billy wasn't listening to this conversation. Older Axl had walked away from him.

Older Axl and Axl chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.
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Old 10-12-2022, 02:24 AM   #64 (permalink)
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Axl chilled for a couple of days by himself in his much needed break from Cake Cream.

He enjoyed his mini break from them.

James had improved even more and had been discharged from the hospital. Older Axl in the ride home told James to turn off his Location so that Jimmy couldn't trace his Location. James did. He took James to his house.

Older Axl said," I get a new Roommate for a while." He smiled, kind of like the weird looking smile Young Axl had when they had done the Demo without telling him about it.

James said, "I hope I won't be a burden to you." He looked at the ground.

Older Axl said, "It's just that I wasn't exactly expecting a new Roommate now."

James said, "Thank you for allowing me to be your Roommate for a while." Older Axl welcomed him.

Older Axl looked at him even deeper. "You really shouldn't have had sex with Allison."

James looked at the ground and acknowledged he shouldn't have had sex with Allison.

Older Axl said,"I'm going to go get ready for a Guns N'Roses Show. Please behave yourself and make yourself at home."

Jimmy smiled and Older Axl got ready for the Guns N'Roses Show. He told James goodbye and James said it back to him. He left.

Allison called James and asked about her and James budding relationship. James said,"I like you, but I can't hurt Jimmy even more than I already did by dating you. I can't date you."

Allison said,"That sucks, I like you, and you like me, but I respect your decision not to date me. Goodbye."

James repeated it too. They both hung up.

James wanted to date Allison but knew dating her would not be okay. James settled in and fell asleep.

Axl called his phone and asked how he was doing.

He responded that he just ended Allison and his budding relationship out of respect of not hurting Jimmy even more.

Axl responded,"I'm proud of you ending your budding relationship with Allison in order to not hurt Jimmy even more."

James responded,"Thank you." Axl welcomed him. Axl asked how he was physically after his hospital stay.

James responded,"I'm holding up well, just chilling in Older Axl's house. Safe from Jimmy. Luckily Older Axl is allowing me to live with him for a while.

Axl didn't know if he should tell him that James living with Older Axl was his idea and he begged Older Axl to let him live with him.

He decided not to. He didn't want to cause James to resent Older Axl or something.

James and Axl chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes.
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Old 10-12-2022, 03:35 AM   #65 (permalink)
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Axl checked out of the California Marriott and flew back to Florida and then took a LYFT home. Andy, Billy, Mike, and Jimmy were happy to have him back home. He smiled back at them.

He unpacked and Billy and he went to Axl's room and made out passionately. Then they both took naps. Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and he woke up.

Claven Records said that Fans wanted to see them perform at the James L Knight Center again. Axl pointed out that James wasn't with them as Jimmy and James had to be separated.

Jimmy can be the sole bass guitar," Claven Records said matter of factly.

Axl reluctantly agreed.

Claven Records were satisfied. They chatted for a little while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Axl informed Cake Cream that Fans wanted to see them perform tomorrow at the James L Knight Center.

Cake Cream wanted to chill tomorrow, not perform.

Axl pointed out once again that they were working for the Fans. Cake Cream reluctantly agreed to perform tomorrow at the James L Knight Center.

Axl smiled and they practiced.

The next day, they went to the James L Knight Center for the Show. They practiced and then the Show started. Cake Cream minus James were doing the set wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and performing behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers. Cops came to arrest Jimmy for assaulting James at the last Cake Cream show! There was obviously a break. Jimmy and Axl had a short chat where Jimmy promised to allow the Cops to arrest him peacefully.

Axl begged the Cops to at least let Cake Cream finish their set as these Fans paid to see Cake Cream perform and he promised Jimmy would peacefully allow them to arrest him and wouldn't run away or fight them or anything like that. Jimmy agreed. The Cops said they would allow Cake Cream to finish performing. Axl and Jimmy thanked them. They were welcomed.

Cake Cream continued the show. They were really good. They did a final sendoff to wild cheering. The show was over. The Cops put handcuffs on Jimmy, who didn't resist. They put him in a Cop car. They drove him to the Police Station. Axl and the rest of Cake Cream went to the Police Station too to support Jimmy. Jimmy was booked and his Bail was $100,000 and his Court Date would be in two days. Axl paid his bail for him and he was free to go until his Court Date. Jimmy thanked Axl for paying his bail and he welcomed him. They went back home. Already Jimmy's arrest went viral. There were reports that Jimmy was kicking and screaming, fighting his arrest wildly like a rabid dog. That wasn't the case at all.

Cake Cream and Axl shook their heads at this knowing that Jimmy surrendered peacefully.
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Old 10-12-2022, 11:34 AM   #66 (permalink)
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Axl looked at the Contract he signed to be Cake Cream's Manager. It said he had Power Of Attorney over Cake Cream. He assumed that meant that he could act as their Lawyer. Attorney meant Lawyer, so that must mean he has the power to act as their Attorney.

He told Jimmy he could act as his Lawyer. Jimmy was like ,"Uh, Axl, you're not a Lawyer.

"You guys gave me Power Of Attorney over you guys so that means I can act like your Lawyer. Axl answered.

Cake Cream and Jimmy pointed out that Power Of Attorney did NOT mean that Axl could act as their Lawyer. They explained to him that Power Of Attorney basically meant that he was in charge of their finances and health decisions, such as if they become plagued with elderly Dementia or have serious health issues. Axl was one year younger than all of Cake Cream, so he most likely wouldn't be an eligible Power Of Attorney for them in their old age, but he could make important life decisions for them such as when he used the Defibrillator on James when James slipped into a Coma. Axl was touched that Cake Cream trusted him so much they gave him power over their health and finances. He thanked them and they welcomed him.

Axl did have a say in whether or not Cake Cream could go on the stand such as the Axl Rose vs Brian Washington Court Case. He was their Legal Representative, but not their Lawyer.

Cake Cream and Axl wondered if Axl could still act like Jimmy's Lawyer in Jimmy's case. This was a fine line since both Jimmy and James were Axl's Clients. Axl was like,"I'm pretty sure that me representing Jimmy is a conflict of interest since both Jimmy and James are my Clients. If Jimmy had hit some random dude Allison had sex with, the line to defend Jimmy would be much clearer. The fact that he hit James for having sex with Allison makes this line murky. Very murky."

Axl and Cake Cream chatted more about this. Axl still wasn't clear what to do.
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Old 10-12-2022, 04:41 PM   #67 (permalink)
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Axl thought and thought. Maybe he could get Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer and he could act as Jimmy's Lawyer? Technically, Older Axl and Axl were two different People, just close Family Members.

Jimmy went to his room. Axl told Billy and Andy his thoughts and Billy asked "Axl, are you out of your mind? Asking Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer? Older Axl barely even wanted James to live with him and now you're thinking of asking him to act as James's Lawyer?

Andy said,"Do you REALLY think Older Axl would go for this?

Axl was like,"It can't hurt to ask him. Billy and Andy both shook their heads in a "Please don't do it!" Gesture.

Axl said,"I'm still going for it!"

Billy said verbally,"Baby, please don't ask Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer."

Andy said,"It's a plain bad idea. A good Manager listens to his Clients' objections and pleas." Billy backed him up

Axl's stomach churned. He understood that Andy and Billy definitely didn't want him to ask Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer.

He told them he wouldn't ask Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer."

Billy and Andy breathed sighs of relief.

Axl said maybe he could just plain hire two different Lawyers for James and Jimmy.

Billy and Andy said they thought that was better than asking Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer.

Mike came out of his room(Jimmy was still in his room) and they all chatted about this.

Mike said," Actually, letting James and Jimmy pick their OWN lawyers would be ideal."

Billy, Axl, and Andy thought Mike's suggestion was good. Mike smiled.

Jimmy came out of his room and Mike, Billy, Axl, and Andy asked him how he felt about picking his own lawyer for his upcoming court case against James.

Jimmy responded,"I'd be okay with choosing my own lawyer." Everybody smiled.

They went to a law firm and Jimmy chose his own lawyer. He paid the lawyer half upfront. He would pay him the rest after the case. His lawyer practiced the court case with him. They all chatted and then said their goodbyes and left.

They went home and ate and drank. Jimmy fell asleep and Axl called James and gave him a warning to get his own lawyer, one that was NOT the same person Jimmy had chosen for obvious reasons. Axl told him Jimmy's lawyer's name. James thanked him for his suggestions and he welcomed him.

The next day, James hired a different lawyer than Jimmy and paid him half upfront. They practiced the case.

The next day, Jimmy's court date, Mike, Axl, Jimmy Billy and Andy got ready for the court date and went to court. Jimmy's lawyer practiced the court case with him again.
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Old 10-12-2022, 05:26 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Soon after, James and his lawyer came in and Jimmy glared at James. Axl thought,"Oh no," and begged Jimmy to not kick James's ass right there in the Courtroom. Everybody was wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

Jimmy said,"I won't hurt James. "

Axl breathed a relieved sigh.

Court was in Session and everybody was sworn in.

Jimmy's lawyer brought up the fact that Jimmy was a good person and just temporarily lost his temper when he hit James with his Bass Guitar.

James's lawyer said,"My client is the victim of this monster named James King. James Dobson, my Client almost died in the hospital due to Jimmy attacking him like a wild animal with his Bass Guitar. Jimmy is a wild animal."

Axl was offended that James's Lawyer called Jimmy a monster and a wild animal. Jimmy wasn't a monster. Jimmy was a nice and sweet person who got screwed over by James and Allison. Even James looked offended by Jimmy being called a Monster and a wild animal. James shook his head.

James went on the stand and said,"Jimmy isn't a wild animal or a monster. I had sex with Allison, his ex girlfriend, and he has every right to be pissed off at me."

James's Lawyer said,"Shut up, you stupid fool! We need to win this case!"

Axl was appalled at James's Lawyer calling him a stupid fool and telling him to shut up."

Mike, Billy and Andy were like,"Oh hell no!" They were also appalled by James's Lawyer.

James also looked appalled. Jimmy looked appalled too. James made a huge questionable mistake by having sex with Allison, but he did not deserve for his Lawyer to speak to him and about him so incredibly rudely.

Axl said,"Objection. You're fired for incredible rudeness and unprofessionalism to my Client." James looked grateful.

James lawyer nastily responded,"I still get paid in full for agreeing to be this stupid Idiot's lawyer!"

Axl paid him the rest of the money and told him,"Hit the bricks!" James's Lawyer smirked and told James nastily,"Good luck winning this case with no Lawyer, you stupid ass hole!" And left.

Jimmy did NOT like how James's Lawyer spoke to and about him at all. He'd never seen such atrocious behavior from a lawyer in real life.

But now, James was left with no lawyer.

Jimmy told Axl in private, "If he apologizes to me for having sex with Allison, I'll be willing to completely forgive him. He never did apologize to me for having sex with Allison. That's all I REALLY want."

Axl responded,"That's not an unreasonable thought and is the right thing for James to do. Allison is completely out of the picture, trust me."

Jimmy smiled at Axl and Axl smiled back.

The judge was like,"Wow. That was bad." The judge asked James if he wanted to press charges on Jimmy.

Axl telepathically begged James to not press charges on Jimmy and to just apologize to Jimmy for having sex with Allison.

James took a deep breath and said,"No. I don't want to press charges against Jimmy. I was in the wrong for having sex with Allison and shouldn't have done it."

The judge asked him if he wanted to apologize to Jimmy for having sex with Allison.

James took a deep breath and said," Jimmy, I'm sorry and I apologize for having sex with Allison."

Jimmy said," I accept your apologies. I am sorry for assaulting you."

James accepted his apologies and the judge said that there would be no charges pressed against Jimmy. Jimmy paid his lawyer the rest of the money he owed him.

Court was adjourned and Cake Cream and Axl left and went to Burger King, like old times, eating and enjoying each other's company.

Last edited by Karice; 10-12-2022 at 05:33 PM.
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Old 10-12-2022, 07:59 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Axl felt good having all five Cake Cream Members back together.

Axl smiled. Fans were like,"Hey, all five Cake Cream Members are here! They begged Cake Cream and Axl for selfies and autographs and they obliged. The Fans were happy and left.

James was particularly extra glad he ended his and Allison's budding relationship. His Brotherly Friendship with Jimmy was so worth more than Allison and his budding relationship. James couldn't believe he temporarily threw away a good brotherly friendship with Jimmy who he had known for years for a temporary fling. James told Jimmy that Allison was definitely out of the picture for him. Jimmy added she was out of the picture for him too. They smiled at each other.

Axl decided to draw up a Contract that stated that no Cake Cream Member was ever allowed to have sex with any other Cake Cream's girlfriend (James, Jimmy, and Mike who were all straight) or any Cake Cream's boyfriend (Andy and Billy who were gay). He'd also add that he and Billy wouldn't cheat on each other. He'd make this Contract when they got home. They enjoyed their time at Burger King and went home.

At home, Axl drew up the Contract, and everybody read it, understood, agreed and all 6 signed. Axl smiled. Cake Cream all smiled too.

They went on Social Media and the Court Case today already went viral.

Fans were disgusted and shocked by James's rude and unprofessional Lawyer and they laughed at Axl's "Hit the bricks," barb. They were like,"LMAO! Axl should have punched that Lawyer in the face for talking about and too James so rudely and insulting him!" Cake Cream and Axl laughed themselves. It felt good for Cake Cream and Axl to be laughing together again, back to basics.

James's Lawyer was being boycotted against and he went on the news and claimed he was suing James for this! The Judge pointed out that he had no merit in suing James as James was the victim of his unprofessional and his rudeness and James hadn't said anything to deserve to be sued. The judge pointed out that if anything, James should be the one pressing charges against his Lawyer. The Lawyer sulked, realizing the judge was right.

Cake Cream and Axl shook their heads at James's lawyer's audacity. They then all laughed at the Lawyer.

Last edited by Karice; 10-12-2022 at 08:13 PM.
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Old 10-13-2022, 12:43 AM   #70 (permalink)
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Axl looked at Cake Cream and thought of how he had these 4 close Brothers and a Boyfriend who loved him dearly and how he loved them all too. Axl felt happy, the exact opposite of how he felt when he was ready to run away from Cake Cream and wanted out of the "Bakery."

They chilled until the next day and decided they wanted to go to the Youth Fair. They got ready and put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and had fun chilling at the Youth Fair.

A Fan asked Axl how he felt about Cake Cream Members. Axl responded," Andy, Mike, Jimmy, and James are like my Brothers." Andy, James, Mike and Jimmy smiled.

The Fan smirked and pointed out that he didn't say that Billy was like his Brother. Billy blushed.

Axl had a look of panic, thinking about his and Billy's relationship and said,"Stuart is my actual Brother. I wouldn't say that me and Billy are like Stuart and I, but I'd say that Jimmy, Mike, Andy, and James are like Stuart and I. Billy is my close Friend, not my Brother." Billy smiled shyly.

The Fan straight up asked Axl and Billy if they were Lovers. Axl and Billy both said ,"No," in unison. Cake Cream also said that Axl and Billy weren't dating.

The Fan smirked skeptically and asked them if they'd ever kissed each other.

They both said,"No," in Unison again. Cake Cream also said that Axl and Billy had never kissed each other before. The Fan had been filming this whole interaction. Axl suspiciously asked if he was filming this and the Fan said,"No," and ran off.

Billy, Axl, and the rest of Cake Cream shook their heads, knowing exactly what the Fan had just done.

Axl and Cake Cream light heartedly mentioned that this impromptu interview would most likely be going viral soon. They all laughed good naturedly. They had more fun at the Youth Fair and then went home and had pizza and soda.
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