Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 09-15-2022, 09:40 AM   #41 (permalink)
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They went back to the Hotel Room. Axl felt tired after that heavy food in his stomach. He fell asleep.

When he woke up, Billy was talking on his cellphone to Andy. Axl pretended to still be asleep.

"Andy, I know you're sorry about attempting to sell out Axl for $5,000, but you hurt him REALLY bad. He loves you like a Brother and he would never have even thought of selling you out for $5,000. You shouldn't have attempted to sell Axl out for $5,000. You messed up really bad there. You really shocked and disgusted me, Jimmy, James, and Mike when you suggested we sell out Axl for $5,000. I gave you that $5,000 in order to protect Axl from you attempting to sell him out for $5,000." There was a pause.

Billy said, "I know Axl wasn't supposed to find out about you attempting to sell him out, but he did and it's out in the open. There was another pause.

Billy responded," Promise Axl you will NEVER attempt to sell him out again, beg him for forgiveness, and he just might forgive you.

Axl smiled a little to himself. Andy must have been begging Billy to have Axl forgive him or something.

Andy and Billy chatted for a little while longer about Axl and Billy said,"Axl's sleeping now, but I'll ask him for you when he wakes up. It's really good that you feel horrible about attempting to sell out Axl for $5,000. At least you have a remorseful conscience. They soon hung up. Axl was still smiling to himself.

Axl pretended to be asleep for about 30 more minutes and then "Woke up."

Billy looked at Axl intently. Billy asked,"How do you feel about forgiving Andy?"

Axl said,"I'm hurt, but if he truly is sorry, I'll forgive him. He just has to ask me to forgive him.

Andy and I spoke while you were asleep and he told me he wants you to forgive him. He's really remorseful over attempting to sell you out for $5,000. He strongly implied he would never do that again. "

Axl smiled and said,"Tell him to come over and we can talk this out. I'm willing to forgive him, but he has to tell me sorry and ask me to forgive him." Billy smiled and called Andy and told him that Axl wanted to speak with him. Andy was grateful and said he'd be right there.

Billy told him the good news and Axl was happy.

A little while later, Andy knocked on Axl and Billy's hotel Room door. He was let in.

Andy said to Axl,"Axl, I'm really sorry about attempting to sell you out for $5,000. I feel awful about it.

Axl responded, "You really hurt me when you did that. I love you like a Brother." Andy caught on to the "love," and not loved, which was a sign that Axl was forgiving him.

Axl said,"I'm willing to forgive you if you ask me to forgive you. "

Andy said, "I want you to forgive me. Will you forgive me?"

Axl said," I'm willing to forgive you, but you have to do one more important thing for me.

"What's that?" Andy asked.

"Promise me you will NEVER attempt to sell me out again and I'll forgive you.

Andy smiled and said,"I promise I'll NEVER attempt to sell you out again."

Axl smiled and said, "I love the sound of that verbally, but care to put it in writing?" Andy agreed and Axl drew up a Contract that stated that Andy promised to NEVER attempt to sell out Axl for money ever again. Andy signed it and Billy was asked if he'd like to sign the Contract as a Witness. Billy happily agreed and signed as a Witness and Andy signed and Axl signed.

Axl made another Contract that stated that he forgave Andy and all three signed again.

Axl also verbally told Andy he forgave him.

Andy felt a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulders and Axl and Billy were happy too. Andy, Axl, and Billy ended up chilling happily in the Hotel Room until night and Axl and Billy amicably said their goodbyes to Andy and vice versa and then Andy left to go back home. Axl and Billy chatted for a long time, and also made out and then fell asleep again.

Last edited by Karice; 09-15-2022 at 05:49 PM.
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Old 09-15-2022, 10:08 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Billy and Axl got up and got ready for the day and ordered Room Service. They were eating when Billy saw the song Axl wrote about Andy's attempted betrayal.

"Wow, this song is really raw and passionate. Billy said, impressed.

Axl blushed. "I was REALLY hurt by Andy when I wrote that song and that song was/is my self therapy for my hurt feelings.

Billy said, "This song could be a big hit if you would give it to Cake Cream.

Axl responded, "Once again, this song was written out of hurt I felt at Andy. We've made up, and I no longer feel that crushing hurt."

Axl ripped up the paper containing the angry song, much to Billy's dismay.

Shame. That really is a good song. Billy continued, "You really are a good Songwriter."

Axl said," If I'm such a good Songwriter, WHY did you guys perform your Demo songs at The Rolling Stones Show and not songs like All The Right Words that I wrote for you?

Billy said,"You're still hurt about the Demo thing?"

Axl said,"Yes, I am. It would be like if you wrote songs for Guns N'Roses and Guns N'Roses instead sang songs from Rapid Fire."

Billy said,"Oooh. Okay, I get why you're upset. We didn't think it would be such a big deal. We just wanted to perform our Demo songs.

Axl said,"You guys could have practiced the Demo Songs if that's what you were planning to perform, instead of practicing some songs I wrote for you guys. You guys could have told me you wanted to perform your Demo songs. I wouldn't have been blindsided as I would have had a heads up."

Billy said,"Next time, we can discuss the songs we want to perform with you before going up on stage."

Axl smiled. "I'd like that." Billy smiled and they finished eating and drinking and decided to go to see a movie together. They had fun at the movie and held hands throughout the movie. After the movie, they were leaving when a Fan asked them why they had just been to the movies by themselves and Axl and Billy once again lied and claimed that James, Andy, Mike and Jimmy had been watching another movie but their movie ended earlier and they went back home.

The Fan smirked skeptically, but let it rest and asked if they could take a picture with Axl and Billy. Axl and Billy obliged their Fan and took a picture with their Fan, all smiling. The Fan was happy and chatted with them a little and then they all said goodbye. Axl and Billy went back to the Marriott Hotel. Another Paparazzi Person saw them walking in the Lobby together and snapped a single picture of them and ran off. Billy and Axl shook their heads at this but were a bit grateful the Paparazzi Person only took a single picture of them and ran off, not multiple pictures of them. They went to the hotel room. They made out passionately again and then both soon fell asleep.
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Old 09-20-2022, 06:52 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and told Axl Fans wanted to see them perform tomorrow. Axl wanted to spend tomorrow making out with Billy, not doing a Cake Cream Show. But, he had to do his Manager Responsibilities. He told Claven Records he wasn't with Cake Cream now and Claven Records asked why and Axl admitted he was in a Hotel Room with Billy. Claven Records knew about Billy and Axl's Relationship, but gently pointed out again that the Fans wanted to see Cake Cream perform tomorrow.

Axl said he'd call Cake Cream and tell them that the Fans wanted to see them perform. Claven Records were happy and Axl and Claven Records chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes.

Axl told Billy that Claven Records told him that Fans wanted to see them perform tomorrow.

Billy questioned them performing tomorrow when Axl felt resentful of Cake Cream for the Demo Stunt and Andy trying to sell out Axl for $5,000.

Axl responded, "I have already forgiven Andy for attempting to sell me out for $5,000 and only we 6 know about me being resentful of the Demo Stunt. The Fans don't know that. We're working for the Fans, remember that."

Billy was in awe on how quickly Axl could put on his "Manager," hat and admired that. Billy agreed to do the Cake Cream Show tomorrow. Axl smiled and called Jimmy, James and Andy and told them the Fans wanted to see them perform tomorrow. They all agreed to do the Show tomorrow. Axl and Billy were smiling. Axl and Billy chilled until the next day.

The next day, Cake Cream were all in Axl's hotel and got ready for the Show later in the Afternoon. They chatted amicably and practiced.

They went to the Venue and were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets. They practiced again and 50,000 fans showed up to see Cake Cream perform. They performed behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and were really good. All of a sudden, a WOLF meandered into the venue, near front row. Cake Cream and Axl couldn't believe they were looking at a WOLF. The Cakers(Cake Cream Fans) were shocked too.

There were nervous chatterings and Axl said," Let's all not panic. A Wolf is just a wild dog that hasn't been trained yet. Let's see if I can communicate with this wild dog. Axl did a dog whistle with his voice and the Wolf obediently sat calmly. Cakers and Cake Cream were impressed that Axl could communicate with Wolves. Axl smiled and the Show went on and after the show, the Wolf left. Axl quipped that even a Wolf was a Cake Cream fan. Cakers and Cake Cream had to laugh at this. They all left the Venue and went back to the hotel and chilled, musing about the random Wolf that came to see Cake Cream. They were in a happy mood.
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Old 09-22-2022, 10:01 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Axl and Billy booked another week in the Hotel. Cake Cream and Axl hung out more, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company, just like if it were a normal day at Billy's house. In fact, James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy also booked their own rooms at the hotel too for a week. They all went to the Hotel Restaurant and had a nice steak, fries, soda, water, and chocolate cake and ice cream, and paid and went back to Axl and Billy's Hotel Room and chilled again and then Mike, Andy, James, and Jimmy left to their own Rooms.

Axl and Billy snuggled close to each other in bed and Axl said to Billy,"I'm really glad I met you." Billy said,"I'm glad I met you too." They kissed for a little while and then fell asleep. When they woke up, they ate and got ready for the day. Cake Cream and Axl decided to go to Disney World and have fun. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets. At Disney World, Cake Cream asked Axl who his favorite Disney Character was and Axl responded with a big smile,"Mickey Mouse. He's the best Mouse in the world." Cake Cream smiled back. Soon, as luck would have it, Mickey Mouse himself was near them and Axl wanted to have a picture with Mickey Mouse, his favorite Disney Character. Axl and Cake Cream asked Mickey if Axl could have his picture taken with him and Mickey happily obliged. Axl and Mickey posed for a picture, both smiling widely and James took the picture. Axl thanked Mickey for the selfie and Mickey welcomed him. Mickey amicably said his goodbyes with Cake Cream and Axl, and then left. Axl was happy he got his picture taken with Mickey.

Cake Cream were all asked who their favorite Disney Character were.. Jimmy said Cinderella. James said Sleeping Beauty. Billy said Pluto. Andy said Goofy. Mike said Beauty Belle. They all got pictures taken with their favorite Disney Character and the DC and Cake Cream were all smiling. Soon after, they went on rides and then ate and drank and soon went back to the hotels. They all took deep naps and woke up and uploaded their pictures to Social Media and chilled for a long time.
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Old 09-24-2022, 01:52 AM   #45 (permalink)
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After uploading their pictures to Social Media, they ate some food and watched TV and chilled more.

On Social Media, Cake Cream and Axl Fans were wondering if Axl could be the father of any Cake Cream Members.

Axl said to Cake Cream,"I'm not any of your Fathers because one, I don't have any Children, and two because in 1995 and 1996, I was a Hermit who wasn't having any sex at all. There's absolutely no way I am any of your Fathers and it would be downright creepy if I were Billy's Father." Billy blushed. And besides, NONE of you look even remotely like me."

Cake Cream suggested they all do a DNA test with Axl to be sure. Axl said,"I already told you, I wasn't having sex the years you were conceived and born."

Cake Cream insisted and Axl reluctantly agreed to do the DNA test with all of them. The next day, they went to a rapid DNA testing site and did the DNA tests and it turned out that Axl was right. None of Cake Cream were his Sons.

Cake Cream had their definitive answer. Axl wasn't any of their Fathers. They went back to the hotel. They had Room Service and chilled.
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Old 09-24-2022, 08:05 AM   #46 (permalink)
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They chilled in the Hotel for that week, having fun. Then they went back home.

On Social Media, Fans pointed out that Cake Cream didn't have any Music videos and they wanted to see at least one music video.

Axl asked Cake Cream if they were up to making a music video to appease their Fans. Cake Cream were up for this.

Axl took out his cellphone and Cake Cream recorded All The Right Words while Axl filmed this in the house with his cellphone's Camera. Cake Cream and Axl had a blast making this home music video.

After the home music video was shot, they're uploaded it to YouTube and Fans loved it. They loved the simplicity of it, like these were your Friends you were hanging out with who decided to perform a song for you. It quickly went viral.

Claven Records called Cake Cream and congratulated them on how good the All The Right Words music video was. They all thanked Claven Records and were welcomed. They all chatted and then said their goodbyes. Cake Cream were really happy they accepted Axl's offer to be their Manager. Axl was a really good Manager. Axl smiled back at them.

They ordered no contact pizza and ate it and chilled again.

Brandon Records called them and offered Cake Cream 500 Million EACH to leave Claven Records and work for them. Brandon Records was worth about 4 Billion.

Cake Cream would be worth about 600 Million if they took this deal, much more than the roughly 100 Million they were worth now. Cake Cream and Axl told them they would think about it and call them back soon. They agreed.

Cake Cream asked Axl what he thought about this deal and Axl had a bad feeling about this. He had a guy feeling that something shady was going on. He didn't trust this offer.

He told them his bad gut feeling and Cake Cream questioned if he was just apprehensive because Cake Cream would be wealthier than both Axls if they took this deal. They pointed out his resentment of the Demo Stunt and the Grammy wins.

Axl was hurt but pointed out he cared about them and didn't want to see them get hurt. He said he didn't care about the fact that with this deal, they would be wealthier than both Axls. He once again pointed out that he cared about THEM.

Axl said,"Don't you think it's odd that Brandon Records is offering over HALF of their net worth to you guys? They are worth 4 Billion. Why would they offer to give you guys $2.5 billion? Trust me, something REALLY bad is going on here. This is a major red flag. Don't do it, please, "Axl begged them desperately. Cake Cream pointed out that Axl had solid points.

They reluctantly agreed to decline Brandon Records offer and called Brandon Records politely told Brandon Records they declined.

Axl smiled, relieved that they trusted and believed him.

Brandon Records said,"That's a shame, but we respect your decisions."

They politely chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Cake Cream were apprehensive about the fact that they just let 500 Million slip away from them each, but Axl warmly pointed out that they did the right thing and that 500 Million deal was SKETCHY. He literally screamed the word SKETCHY.

Cake Cream hoped Axl was right. He assured them he was right.
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Old 09-24-2022, 08:53 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Axl and Cake Cream wondered if they should report Brandon Records shady offer to Claven Records.

Axl and Cake Cream decided to look at the Contracts they signed when they decided to work for Claven Records.

According to the Contracts they signed to work for Claven Records, they were supposed to report shady stuff like the shady Brandon Records offer. Which is what they wondered already.

They got ready to go to Claven Records and then left and went to Claven Records.

At Claven Records, they reported Brandon Records shady offer and Timothy acknowledged that this was a shady offer and it was a good thing they didn't go for it. Cake Cream and Axl breathed relieved sighs of relief.

Timothy pointed out that Brandon Records were a shady Record company who most likely would have tricked Cake Cream into doing shady stuff. Timothy pointed out the 500 Million offer each was most likely a straight up scam and they probably would have paid them more like 10 Million each.

Timothy went on Google and there were lots of links pointing out that Brandon Records was a straight up BAD Company, with lots of shady practices and scams. It was truly a miracle they were still in business. At least Claven Records was a Legitimate and honest Record Company. Cake Cream were grateful Axl prevented them from making a HUGE mistake. Axl really was a good Manager.

They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and left.

At home, Cake Cream thanked Axl for saving them for working for a shady Company.

Axl smiled and said,"Thanks. That's what a good Manager does. Looks out for his Clients."

They all smiled and chilled.
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Old 09-26-2022, 08:42 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Brandon Records went on the News and claimed that they paid Cake Cream 500 Million each to work for them and Cake Cream took the 500 Million each and never showed up to work. They claimed they were suing Cake Cream for Theft.

Cake Cream and Axl were STUNNED. How could Brandon Records blatantly lie about them on the News and even think of suing them for something that never happened?

Axl was like,"What did I tell you? Brandon Records is SKETCHY!"

Cake Cream backed up Axl, even more grateful for his foresight that saved them.

Claven Records called Cake Cream and Axl and told them about Brandon Records blatant lies about them and the lawsuit.

Cake Cream and Axl told Claven Records that they already knew. Claven Records said that they had their backs.

Cake Cream and Axl thanked Claven Records and were welcomed. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Cake Cream pointed out all the bad luck that happened to them, them having to give back the 5 Grammys, John Wilson trying to Murder Billy, Axl getting shot multiple times, Axl becoming a wanted fugitive, Axl ending up in jail, their private moments in their backyard being filmed and uploaded without their permission, John trying to Murder Billy again, Brandon Records lying about them and getting ready to sue them, NBC rolling the camera in the interview when they weren't supposed to be rolling etc.

They asked Axl if they were cursed.

Axl wryly responded,"We are not cursed. Cursed is the Titanic that hit the iceberg and broke and sank into the ocean. We are no where near as bad as a ship hitting an iceberg, breaking in half and sinking into the ocean."

Cake Cream had to smile at this.

Axl continued wryly," We are more like Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events."

Cake Cream smiled some more.
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Old 09-28-2022, 03:41 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Brandon Records called their phones and told them they were going to sue them tomorrow.

Cake Cream and Axl begged Brandon Records to just leave them alone. Brandon Records refused to leave them alone and reiterated that they would see them in court tomorrow. They had tense conversations and then hung up.

Axl and Cake Cream couldn't believe Brandon Records was suing them. They hadn't done anything wrong. They went to a Law Firm and hired some Lawyers. The Lawyers took their cases and paid them half upfront and would pay them after the Court Hearing.

They all practiced the case and went home. They ate and chilled and pondered about their upcoming cases tomorrow.

They got ready for bed and then went to sleep.

The next day, they got ready for the day and ate and went to the Courthouse. They were early and once again practiced their court cases with their Lawyers.

Brandon Records came in and Court was in Session. Brandon Records brought fake Documents with fake signatures claiming they paid Cake Cream 500 Million each and Cake Cream never showed up to work.

Cake Cream were disturbed by the forged signatures.

Cake Cream Lawyers pointed out that Axl's signature wasn't on any of the documents, and he was their Manager. They also questioned them giving Cake Cream $2.5 billion when they were worth $4 billion.

Claven Records were also there to testify against Brandon Records and pointed out that Cake Cream and Axl never signed "Contract release from Claven Records," documents, which would be required to work for Brandon Records. Cake Cream and Axl were grateful that Claven Records testified for them and Claven Records welcomed them.

Brandon Records insisted that Cake Cream signed the documents.

Cake Cream went on the stand and said they didn't sign those Documents and had politely declined to work for them over the phone after Axl pointed out that he didn't trust the offer. Axl also went on the stand and said Cake Cream didn't sign those Documents and his signature wasn't even on the Documents . Cake Cream Lawyers asked Cake Cream to sign on a blank sheet of paper to compare the signatures. Cake Cream signed the paper and Claven Records also showed the real signatures on the actual Documents Cake Cream signed to work for Claven Records.

The Cake Cream signatures on the paper and the Claven Records signatures matched perfectly, but the Brandon Records forged signatures didn't match perfectly at all.

Under pressure, Brandon Records admitted they forged the signatures out of petty revenge for Cake Cream declining to work for them.

The Judge was disgusted and ordered Brandon Records to pay Cake Cream the 500 Million each for defamation of character and fraud, or be sentenced to 20 years in Prison. Brandon Records Zelled Cake Cream the 500 Million each(They didn't want 20 years in Prison) and Cake Cream were elated that they beat their cases and were 500 Million each richer.

This meant that Cake Cream were all richer than Axl now, but he was elated that he turned out to be right that Brandon Records were shady. He smiled at all of them. As a special gift, each of Cake Cream Zelled Axl 100 million each to thank him for being such a good Manager for them. He was touched and welcomed them. They paid their Lawyers the rest of the money they owed them and Court was over and they went back home, very happy.

Last edited by Karice; 09-28-2022 at 03:47 AM.
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Old 09-28-2022, 11:48 AM   #50 (permalink)
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The Court Date was already going viral on Social Media.

Fans of Cake Cream and Axl supported them and were disgusted that Brandon Records lied about them.

Fans also congratulated Cake Cream on their 500 Million each award. They were happy Brandon Records got their well deserved bad karma.

Axl and Cake Cream were happy their Fans had their backs.

On the News, the Court Hearing was shown and the News Anchors were disgusted by Brandon Records actions. The News Anchors congratulated Cake Cream for the 500 Million each award.

Axl had a sudden pang in his stomach. He thought of Brandon Records trying to steal the 500 Million each back from Cake Cream. He told them his gut feelings and Cake Cream wondered if Axl could be right. He pointed out that he was right about Brandon Records so far. They trusted him and Axl urged them to open new Accounts in another Bank.

They all agreed to go to Ocean Bank and they all opened new Accounts in Ocean Bank. Axl had gotten a new valid ID since he had been exposed as Axl Rose, . After they opened their new Ocean Bank Accounts, Cake Cream transferred 500 Million each to their Ocean Bank Accounts. Brandon Records hadn't paid Axl, so his Account was safe, but he had opened an Ocean Bank Account too as solidarity with Cake Cream.

Sure enough, just about an hour later, Cake Cream got alerts on their phones stating that Brandon Records had tried to steal 500 Million each from Cake Cream's primary Bank Accounts. Thank God for Axl's foresight once again! They all thanked Axl for saving them again. He welcomed them.

Cake Cream wondered if they should sue Brandon Records for attempted theft. Axl wondered about the fact that Brandon Records weren't supposed to ever contact them again, would Cake Cream be violating some kind of Contact if they forced Brandon Records to be in contact with them with a Lawsuit. He told Cake Cream his pondering and they agreed with Axl.

Axl said that they should just report Brandon Records attempted theft to a Judge and have the Judge take care of it themselves.

They all were like,"Good idea, Axl!" Trusting him. They all chilled until the next day and the next day, they went to the same judge and showed them the attempted theft Brandon Records had done. The Judge was disgusted by Brandon Records once again and contacted Brandon Records on Cake Cream's behalf and Brandon Records admitted they tried to steal the 500 Million each back. The Judge issued arrest warrants for Brandon Records. Brandon Records went on the run to another Country.

The Judge said if caught, they would serve the full 20 years in Prison for the attempted theft.

Cake Cream and Axl were glad that they would be safe from Brandon Records for at least 20 years.
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