Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 08-11-2022, 03:47 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Karice View Post
On a side note, I seem to have been ahead of my time with Axl's plexiglass suggestion to prevent Audience Members from shooting Cake Cream or himself. Lady Gaga just recently put up plexiglass to prevent Audience Members from throwing things at her.
You should get royalties.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 08-11-2022, 08:10 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by thebig3 View Post
you should get royalties.
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Old 08-19-2022, 10:07 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Andy went to bed. Axl and Billy watched some more TV. Axl decided to surprise Billy and bought 10 Jumbo bags of Kit Kats for Billy from Instacart. He smiled at Billy.

A little while later, the Jumbo bags of Kit Kats arrived.

Axl got the Kit Kat bags and gave them to Billy. "A little birdie told me you loved these," he said to Billy rakishly. Billy's eyes shone with happiness. "Thank you, Axl!" Billy said gratefully.

Axl welcomed him. Billy offered Axl some Kit Kats and Axl graciously accepted. They ate some Kit Kats, giggling and watching some more TV.

After watching TV, they felt tired. Billy asked,"Your bedroom or mine?" He was rakishly smiling at Axl

"Your bedroom," Axl replied, also smiling rakishly.

They got ready for bed and then climbed into Billy's bed. Billy and Axl snuggled close to each other. Billy caressed Axl's hair this time and Axl was relaxed and smiling. He loved Billy caressing his hair. Axl brought Billy even closer to him and kissed him on the mouth. Billy kissed him back. They soon fell asleep.

They woke up the next morning and ate and got ready for the day.

Cake Cream and Axl went to the mall and did some shopping. They were wearing bulletproof proof vests and motorcycle helmets. Fans of them asked Billy and Axl if they were Lovers. Billy and Axl both said,"No." Cake Cream also said that Billy and Axl weren't Lovers.

The Fans smirked skeptically. They pointed out that Billy and Axl were standing REALLY close to each other at the latest Cake Cream Show.

Axl pointed out," Just because we were standing REALLY close to each other doesn't mean that we are dating."

Billy looked at the ground and said,"Axl and I are just Manager/Clients/Mentor/Protege/Friends. We're not dating."

Cake Cream backed them up. The Fans and they chatted awkwardly and then the Fans left and they continued hanging out in the mall. They decided to go to a Supermarket and buy some food. In the Supermarket, Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr played and Billy and Axl stared at each other knowingly and blushed. A Fan, unbeknownst to them, filmed this. Cake Cream and Axl finished shopping and went home. They turned on YouTube and the "Secret Lovers," and Billy and Axl's reactions to each other already went viral.

"No!" Cake Cream and Axl all screamed together in horror. Billy begun to cry. He said,"My Parents are most likely going to see this video and question my sexuality!" Axl found himself comforting Billy, hugging him and wiping away his tears again. Billy hugged him back.

"Come on, it'll be alright," Axl told him soothingly. He caressed Billy's hair and Billy fell asleep again.

Jimmy, James, Mike, and Andy pointed out how at ease and in love with Axl Billy was. Axl smiled shyly.

Axl asked Cake Cream,"Should Billy and I come out of the closet publicly?

Jimmy answered,"Hmm. A lot of our Fans are Gay. You and he can be an Ally for them. They'd accept and support that you and Billy are dating since they date the same sex themselves."

Andy said,"I'm not so sure that Axl and Billy should come out publicly. I'm gay and I still haven't come out publicly."

James said,"Maybe you and Billy can leave a subtle hint about your relationship, such as claiming you and he are close Friends, whereas you see me, Jimmy, Mike, and Andy as Brothers."

Axl smiled and thought James's idea had a valid and logical point.

Last edited by Karice; 08-19-2022 at 11:03 AM.
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Old 08-22-2022, 09:28 PM   #24 (permalink)
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They all chatted and went on Social Media. Fans of Guns N'Roses were pointing out that Guns N'Roses hadn't had a new Album in 14 years. They were clamoring for a new Album. Axl's gears turned in his head and he wondered if he could impersonate Older Axl and make a New Album. After all, he was still Axl Rose, just the Younger one. He told Cake Cream his idea and Jimmy said," It sounds like an interesting idea, but couldn't Older Axl sue you for Identity Theft for Impersonating him?"

Axl responded," It would be awkward if Older Axl sued me for Identity Theft for Impersonating him since we are both Axl Rose," Axl said laughing.

Axl continued, "And besides, it's been way too long since Chinese Democracy. Fans want a new album and I can make it happen."

Billy woke up a little later and Axl and the rest of Cake Cream filled him in on Axl's plan.

Billy agreed that it was time for a new Guns N'Roses Album. But he pointed out that Older Axl might not be okay with Axl impersonating him.

Axl thought and thought. He came up with a new plan.

He said,"You know what? Why don't I just write a new Album for Guns N'Roses and talk Older Axl and the rest of Current Guns N'Roses into recording it?"

All of Cake Cream agreed that this plan was better than Axl straight up impersonating Older Axl.

Axl smiled and wrote a whole new Album for Guns N'Roses and called it," Time For A New Era!" And Cake Cream thought the lyrics looked really good. Axl smiled and called Older Axl.

Older Axl picked up the phone and Axl said,"Axl, Fans have been complaining that there hasn't been a new Guns N'Roses album in 14 years. They want a new one.

Older Axl replied,"We're doing fine as a nostalgia act. Fans love the nostalgia act we do constantly."

Axl responded,"Come on, it's time for a new era!"

Older Axl picked up quickly. "Axl, do you have something up your sleeve?" He asked, curious.

Axl responded,"Yes, I do. I already wrote a new album and called it,"Time For A New Era!" I wrote it for you and the rest of Current Guns N'Roses. All you guys have to do is record it. Fans will love it."

"This means a lot to you, doesn't it," Older Axl said thoughtfully.

"Yes, it does, " Axl responded, smiling.

Older Axl replied,"Okay, I'll talk to the rest of Current Guns N'Roses about recording it."

Axl smiled and thanked him. They chatted a little while and then both hung up.

Cake Cream and Axl also chatted and then Older Axl called Axl and told him that Current Guns N'Roses was interested in recording Time For A New Era!" Album. Axl and Older Axl made plans for tomorrow to record Time For A New Era!"

Cake Cream and Axl chilled until the next day

The next day, Older Axl and Current Guns N'Roses came to Billy's house, they all chatted, and Current Guns N'Roses read Time For A New Era! Lyrics and loved it. Axl had them record Time For A New Era! Into a cassette and they all had plans to give this to Claven Records later that day.

Later that day, they gave Time For A New Era! To Claven Records and Claven Records loved it.

Claven Records offered 50 Million plus Royalties for Time For A New Era! And Current Guns N'Roses and Older Axl wanted this offer. Contracts were drawn, understood, and accepted. Both Axls signed,"W. Axl Rose," which amused Claven Records. The rest of Current Guns N'Roses also signed. Time For A New Era!" Was put on iTunes and it was a big hit! Fans of Current Guns N'Roses loved it! Cake Cream, both Axls, and Current Guns N'Roses were ecstatic and Claven Records were ecstatic too. They all chatted happily and then Current Guns N'Roses, Cake Cream, and both Axls left Claven Records.

Last edited by Karice; 08-23-2022 at 03:58 AM.
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Old 08-25-2022, 07:57 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Axl mused about how rich he was in 2022. He got Royalties for writing All The Sweet Filling, Tasty Cake, Tasty Cake Reloaded, and Time For A New Era! He also got a little from the Demo and some money for Cake Cream live concerts and got some money for the NBC Grammy Interview, and still had a couple of Millions left from Older Axl's gift to him. Axl was very wealthy, certainly a lot wealthier than he was in 1987. Both Axls were very wealthy in fact.

Axl decided to tell Cake Cream to always pay their taxes. In fact, he decided that they should file their taxes tomorrow. Cake Cream agreed.

They chilled until the next day and woke up, showered, got ready for the day and ate.

Axl and Cake Cream went to a Tax Preparer and they filed their taxes. Axl's net worth was about 150 million! Much more than the under $20,000 he had before Cake Cream became huge Superstars. He smiled. Cake Cream were also worth about 100 Million each. Axl was worth about 50 Million more due to the fact that he wrote all of Cake Cream's songs besides their Demo, which was comprised of songs they had written before they even met Young Axl. After filling taxes, they went home and ate. They watched TV, and there was a Segment on MTV of Current Guns N'Roses performing Time For A New Era! They were really good and Fans of Current Guns N'Roses were really enjoying the show.

Axl was proud of Current Guns N'Roses performing Time For A New Era! So good and told Cake Cream,"They look and sound great performing Time For A New Era!" He was smiling. Cake Cream also smiled and agreed.

Axl's stomach rumbled with a little bit of want however. He had feelings of wanting to be on stage performing Time For A New Era!" Himself.

He told Cake Cream his feelings and they pointed out that his older self was still performing so technically, he was performing. Axl smiled wryly. "But I want to be up on stage, performing Time For A New Era. "

Cake Cream acknowledged that Axl was a performer and of course he'd want to be on stage performing.

Billy, Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike chatted with each other in secret on how to help Axl. They decided that maybe Older Axl should be called and asked if Younger Axl could perform with them Time For A New Era! At their next show. Billy called Older Axl

Older Axl asked Billy how he and Axl's relationship was and Billy replied that their relationship was good. Older Axl was happy.

Billy asked, "Axl, how do you feel about Younger Axl performing Time For A New Era!" With you guys tomorrow?"

Older Axl replied,"Does he want to perform tomorrow with us?"

Billy responded,"He does."

Older Axl replied, "Okay, that's fine. Tell him we'll be fine with him performing Time For A New Era! With us tomorrow."

Billy smiled and thanked Older Axl and was welcomed. They chatted a little while longer and then both hung up.

Billy told Cake Cream the good news and then they all told Axl the good news. Axl was ecstatic.
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Old 08-25-2022, 11:23 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Cake Cream and Axl chilled until the next day.

The next day, they got ready for the Current Guns N'Roses Show and then went. At the Venue, Current Guns N'Roses and Axl practiced. Everybody was wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets. It was soon time for the show. The Show was being done behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers.

Current Guns N'Roses and Axl performed Time For A New Era! Axl was happy to be on stage performing with Older Axl and the rest of Current Guns N'Roses. The Fans and Cake Cream oved Axl and Older Axl harmonizing with each other, Axl singing like his 80's self and Older Axl singing like his 2022 self. They sounded good harmonizing with each other and the rest of Current Guns N'Roses also sounded good playing their instruments. Older Axl and Axl even danced wildly and energetically and Fans and Cake Cream loved this too. As the Show came to an end, the applause was deafening. Fans and Cake Cream loved it. At the final sendoff, Axl, Older Axl, and Current Guns N'Roses all did a bow and the applause was even more deafening. After the Show, they all went out to a fancy Restaurant where there were no Fans there and were able to eat in complete peace. They had fun at the Restaurant and paid and left.

Cake Cream and Axl went home and showered and slept. The next day, they saw that last night's Time For A New Era! Already went viral. Fans loved it.

Axl and Cake Cream smiled happily at each other.

A Fan of Cake Cream, Older Axl, Axl, and Current Guns N'Roses wondered if Cake Cream, Axl, Older Axl and Current Guns N'Roses should perform Time For A New Era at Current Guns N'Roses next Show. Cake Cream and Axl looked at each other thoughtfully and all admitted that that would be an interesting Show. They could call it Cake, Guns, Roses. They chatted more about this possibility and were actually excited. They decided to call Older Axl and talk about this. Older Axl was onboard for this and the next day, they got ready for the Current Guns N'Roses Show and practiced at the Venue. They all had motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests. When the Show started, Cake, Guns, Roses performed Time For A New Era! Behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers. Mike, Axl, and Older Axl sang together, Andy, Melissa, and Dizzy played Keyboard, Slash, Duff, Jimmy, Richard, and James played Guitar, Frank and Billy played the Drums. They all sounded really good and Fans loved this. Axl and Older Axl once again danced energetically and wildly and Fans loved this again. The Show was phenomenal and the Crowd went wild as Jimmy, James, Billy, Andy, Mike, Axl, Older Axl, Melissa, Frank, Richard, Dizzy, Slash, Duff did the final sendoff. The show was then over.

Last edited by Karice; 08-25-2022 at 01:21 PM.
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Old 08-25-2022, 11:55 AM   #27 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Wait you made slash GNR fanfiction without Slash?
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 08-25-2022, 01:23 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Wait you made slash GNR fanfiction without Slash?
Slash is in this GNR Fan Fiction too......
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Old 08-25-2022, 02:05 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Is he ****ing dudes though?
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 08-25-2022, 03:46 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Is he ****ing dudes though?

No, Slash doesn't... Axl and Billy are. Ahem,"More than Friends/Manager/Client," however.
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