Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 09-17-2023, 06:29 AM   #191 (permalink)
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Andy blushed. He asked Axl in private if this would put a target on his back and pointed out that People were suspicious that he was Drew Tyson.

Axl responded,"You know what, maybe you should make a video as Drew Tyson and wear a disguise such as blue eye contacts and a long blond wig. You have short brown hair and brown eyes, so you want to not look like yourself at all. I can film your video from my burner phone. Andy thought that was a good idea. They made plans to film this in a secluded place tomorrow.

They all soon fell asleep.

The next day, they got up and ate and got ready for the day. Axl and Andy told the rest of Cake Cream their plan. There was actually a motorcycle convention going on today and lots of People would be wearing motorcycle helmets like the kinds that Cake Cream and Axl wore. They put on their bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the motorcycle Convention where they had to pretend to be interested in Harley Davidson Motorcycle conversations.

They were REALLY good at acting like they loved Harley Davidson Motorcycles. The actual Harley Davidson Motorcycle lovers bought their act hook, line, and sinker. After the motorcycle convention, Axl and about 8 REAL motorcycle enthusiast all wearing motorcycle helmets went to a local costume store and Axl bought a long blonde wig and blue eye contacts for Andy. The other real motorcycle enthusiast bought similar things.

Axl left the costume store. Axl went back to Cake Cream and they all went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Axl washed the blonde wig and the blue eye contacts and he and Andy left both wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the secluded place. Axl gave Andy the blond wig and the blue eye contacts and Andy took off his motorcycle helmet and put on the blond wig and the blue eye contacts and Axl filmed Andy with his burner phone.

Andy looked COMPLETELY different from his usual self with the blue eye contacts and the long blond wig.

Andy used a changed voice and said,"Hi, I'm Drew Tyson, two time Lottery Winner. It's been amazing that I've been lucky enough to beat the Lottery odds TWICE this year and I plan to enjoy the money and live my life up with it. I'd like my privacy however and would love it if people would give me the decency to not hound around asking who I am. I actually plan to move to Antigua and live my life out in peace. Thank you. Drew Tyson, over and out."

Axl stopped filming. Axl thought Andy's video was good. Andy put back on his motorcycle helmet. Axl sent the video to YouTube and Andy and Axl went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite.

Soon, Axl's video of "Drew Tyson," went viral and people were even more intrigued on who Drew Tyson was. Thank God Andy was wearing a long blond wig and blue eye contacts.

The Lottery Officials were getting phone calls asking them who Drew Tyson was and the Lottery Officials were alarmed but refused to give out who Drew Tyson really was.

Andy, Cake Cream, and Axl were all relieved that the Lottery Officials refused to give out Andy's identity. Axl and Andy and the rest of Cake Cream all chilled for the rest of the day and then went to sleep.

Last edited by Karice; 09-17-2023 at 10:27 AM.
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Old 09-17-2023, 06:32 AM   #192 (permalink)
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Older Axl chuckled wryly. I'm glad I'm alive too and I'm glad you're alive too!" " he said wryly.

Older Axl and Axl chatted for a long time and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Soon on Social Media, it was revealed that the Axl Rose dead was a hoax. It was mentioned that 89 percent of People no longer found these death hoaxes funny anymore.

Axl said,"11 percent of people find death hoaxes funny? What the ****? "

Cake Cream said,"We don't find them funny either."

Axl responded,"Good."

Axl thought about the fact that Cake Cream and Axl hadn't done a show in a little while. Axl asked Cake Cream if they wanted to do a Cake Cream Show soon. All of Cake Cream said,"Yes."

Axl smiled. On Social Media, Fans pointed out that Cake Cream and Axl hadn't done a show in a little while.

Cake Cream and Axl all chuckled at the coincidence.

Cake Cream and Axl put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to James L Knight Center and Axl booked them for tomorrow. Fans were happy.

They went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and chilled and then went to sleep.

Last edited by Karice; 09-17-2023 at 10:28 AM.
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Old 09-17-2023, 06:33 AM   #193 (permalink)
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The next day, they got up and ate and got ready for the day. They put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the James L Knight Center and practiced and then it was time for the show to start. The show started behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and was really good. Fans cheered wildly. During the break, Axl was asked how it felt being told on Social Media that he had died.

Axl responded,"I was shocked because I assumed that it when they said,"Axl Rose has passed away," they meant OLDER Axl had died. I knew I was still alive, so I automatically assumed that Older Axl was dead. I called Older Axl and was relieved he is still alive. He pointed out that Social Media said that I was the one who had died and I was shocked and hoped that no one ACTUALLY thought I was dead. He pointed out that Cake Cream were all there to comfort him and Cake Cream all backed him up.

Fans were like,"We're all glad both Axls are still alive and that Cake Cream comforted you, Axl!"

Axl and Cake Cream chuckled and were all like,"We're glad too!"

Fans, Axl, and Cake Cream all chatted for a while and then the break was over and the show was back on. The show was really good. Axl loved being the Backing Singer for Mike. Fans cheered wildly. The final sendoff happened to more wild cheering and the show was soon over.

After the show, they went to Denny's and had a nice late night Dinner. They paid and left and went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. They chilled for a little bit and then went to sleep.

They got up the next day and ate and got ready for the day.

They put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the ice skating rink. An Olympic Hopeful was doing REALLY good ice skating moves and Cake Cream and Axl cheered wildly. She blushed happily. She tried to do a quintuple Axle move, but failed.

Soon, she went to Cake Cream and Axl and said her goal in life was to perform a quintuple Axel move.

Axl smiled and told her the Axel is what he named himself after seeing a triple Axel at an Olympics show and he told her he'd love to see her do a quintuple Axel move. He told her he would pay her 20 Million to do a quintuple Axel move. Cake Cream all said they would add extra 10 million if she successfully did a quintuple Axel move. She could earn 70 Million by doing a quintuple Axel move! She agreed. Axl and Cake Cream Drew up a Contract that she read, understood, agreed, and signed. Cake Cream and Axl asked if they could film her and upload to YouTube. She agreed. They started filming her.
She smiled, even more motivated to do the quintuple Axel move. She continued trying hard to do the quintuple Axel move, but failing. Cake Cream and Axl all encouraged her to keep trying. She appreciated their enthusiasm and support and was even more determined to do that quintuple Axel move. She tried again, 1, Axel, 2 Axel,3, Axel,4, Axel, FIVE Axel moves! She made HISTORY, being the first ever person to do quintuple Axel moves in ice skating.

She had a triumphant smile on her face. Cake Cream and Axl Zelled her the combined 70 Million. She thanked them profusely. They welcomed her. She asked them for Autographs and Selfies and they obliged. She thanked them and was welcomed. They then asked for her Autographs and Selfies, being she just made history. She obliged. They thanked her and she welcomed them.

They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and Cake Cream and Axl all left and uploaded the video to YouTube. It soon went viral and lots of ice skating fans loved it. They were like,"Who is this Woman? Her quintuple Axel move is amazing! Axl and Cake Cream blushed happily, knowing they encouraged her to do that historical ice skating move. Cake Cream and Axl went to the bar and had wings, fries, Coke and rum and the news report did a report on the historical five Axel move. The other bar patrons and even the staff were like,"That's amazing, a quintuple Axel ice skating move!" Cake Cream and Axl were all happy. They all chatted and then left and went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. They watched TV for a long time, chilling and then went to sleep.
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Old 09-17-2023, 10:31 AM   #194 (permalink)
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They watched the NBA 2002 Finals Interview on YouTube where Axl Rose was interviewed.

Axl said,"Who is this 17 year old boy posing as me in 2002?"

Cake Cream were all like,"Check out the appetite for destruction album Cross tattoo! It's you, Axl!

Axl looked at the appetite for destruction album Cross tattoo and was like,"Holy crap, it is me! But why do I look so young? In 2002, I was almost 40 .but yet here I look 17. Hell, I look YOUNGER in 2002 than I do now at 25.

Cake Cream were like,"Botox and healthy living and taking good care of yourself.

Axl was like,"Okay." Axl added,"I must have been REALLY calm in 2002 because that News Reporter is damn near KISSING me, all near my face like that and I don't even ask him to back away from me! If a Reporter put his face that damn near my face this year, I'd probably punch him!"

Cake Cream all laughed. They were like," We believe you!"

Axl laughed too. Axl pointed out in the NBA interview he looks overly shy and once again surmised he must have been REALLY calm in 2002. Cake Cream backed up Axl.

Axl said,"I can't believe they called me Axel Rose on a NEWS STATION. What Idiots can't spell Axl? It's a three letter name! Cake Cream were like,"They soon change it to the right spelling." Axl was like,"Okay. " Axl smiled when the News Station changed it to Axl Rose, the correct spelling. Axl also took notice of his 2002 self mentioning that this was his first basketball game in person. Axl said,"I waited until I was almost 40 to go to a basketball game? WHAT? And who the hell is this Basketball Player named Allen Iverson who I seem to be starstruck by? Is he a good basketball player?" Cake Cream filled him in. Axl smiled.

Axl soon asked Cake Cream,"What do you think of me getting my hair braided? Would it look good on me?"

Cake Cream were all thinking,"This is late 2002 Axl talking."

They all said,"Please don't get your hair braided. You got braids in late 2002 and you looked weird."

Axl was like,"Hmm okay, so 86 on the braids."

Cake Cream were all relieved and smiled.

Axl realized that he hadn't spent a lot of time being affectionate with Billy lately. He asked Billy to come to their room and Billy obliged happily. Billy and Axl went to their room and made out and cuddled for a long time. Billy and Axl were content, just laying back and relaxing and enjoying each other's affection. Billy soon fell asleep in Axl's arms. Axl felt contently happy and soon fell asleep himself too.

They all got up the next day and ate and got ready for the day. They decided to go to the Insurance company to get a payout on Billy's burned down house. Axl had secured important paperwork digitally and they weren't just paper contracts. They put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and left. They went to the Insurance Company and spoke to the Insurance Agent about getting a payout. Since Billy wasn't the one who burned down his house, they could get a hefty payout on Billy's burned down house.

Axl showed the Insurance Agent the importany paperwork. Billy's house was worth $500,000. The furniture was was worth $20,000. The instruments that burned in the fire were also worth $20,000. Cake Cream and Axl's clothes were worth $10,000. 6 TV's, 6 computers, were worth $20,000. Miscellaneous things were worth $10,000.

The insurance agent offered them a payout of a VERY generous million. They agreed to take the deal and contracts were drawn up, read, understood, agreed and signed. The Insurance Agent Zelled roughly $166,000 to Axl and Cake Cream and they were all happy. They thanked the Insurance Agent and was welcomed. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and left.

They went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Axl decided to take a look at the GoFundMe that was set up for his Bail the first time he turned himself in for Assault and property damage. He saw that Billy, Jimmy, James, Andy, and Mike had all given $3,000 each, and other various fans had provided the rest.

He Zelled Andy, Mike, James, Billy, and Jimmy $6,000 each and had contacted GoFundMe in order to give $50,000 combined for the Fans who donated $25,000 for his bond. The Fans were pleasantly surprised to get double their money back. Mike, Billy, James, Andy, and Mike were all pleasantly surprised to get double their money back too. Axl smiled at all of them.

Claven Records called Axl's cellphone and Axl and Axl wondered why Claven Records was calling him. He and Cake Cream had quit Claven Records a while ago.

Axl picked up the phone and Timothy said,"Hi, Axl, how are you doing?

Axl responded warily,"I'm fine, Timothy, how are you?"

Timothy responded,"Not doing good at all. Claven Records is in BIG trouble."

Axl asked,"What's going on?"

Timothy responded,"Well, we just recently fired an Employee, and that Employee hacked into our system and corrupted all of the files out of revenge and anger, so a LOT of Artist's files are ruined. Could you please help us out?""

Axl responded,"Oh no. What do you need help with?"

Timothy responded to"Can you, Jimmy, James, Billy, Mike, and Andy give us like a combined 200 Million so we can fix the corrupted files and upgrade to a better system?

Axl was like,"Asking us for a combined 200 million is very steep. Aren't you guys worth like 700 Million?

Timothy said,"No. The ex Employee stole almost all of our roughly $700 Million. We're basically broke, hence why we fired him."

Axl had a gut wrenching Dejavu, thinking about Andy stealing 1.6 Billion from Cake Cream. He had a lot of empathy for Claven Records.

Axl took a deep breath and said,"Okay. I'll talk to the Cake Cream Boys and try to get them to help you and I'll help you too."

Timothy was grateful. Thank you, Axl!" Timothy said gratefully. Axl welcomed him. They chatted for a while and then hung up.

Axl told Cake Cream Claven Records predictament. They were reluctant to help out, but Axl pointed out that Claven Records helped them out before. He looked deeply at Andy and said,"Andy, you should be the FIRST one stepping up to the plate on this one, considering the fact that you stole 1.6 Billion from Cake Cream, much like the ex Claven Records Employee stole almost $700 Million from Claven Records." Mike, Billy, James, and Jimmy all backed up Axl.

Andy blushed shyly." I gave back all the money I stole,plus extra."

Axl said,"We know. But the fact you stole the money in the first place should mean you should be the FIRST one stepping up to the plate on this one." Mike, Billy, James, and Jimmy all backed up Axl again.

Andy was like,"You guys still resent me stealing that $1.6 Billion from you guys, don't you."

Mike, Billy, James, Axl, and Jimmy were all like,"Yes."

Andy said,"It was an impulsive decision I made that I soon felt REALLY bad about. I paid back all the money I stole, plus extra. I never should have stolen that money and I'm sorry I ever stole that money."

Mike said bitingly," You were also sorry you tried to sell out Axl for $5,000/$1,000 and you still stole $1.6 Billion from us even after you were sorry for trying to sell out Axl for $5,000/$1,000. James, Jimmy, Axl, and Billy backed up Mike.

Andy said emotionally,"We barely even knew Axl and we were only worth about $15,000 each when I suggested that we sell out Axl for $5,000/$1,000!

Axl looked at Andy deeply and asked,"If I were a Fugitive today hiding from the Authorities and you knew where I was, would you attempt to sell me out?"

Andy said,"No, I wouldn't attempt to sell you out of you were a Fugitive today."

Axl was like,"Okay." Axl drew up a Contract that stated that Andy was NEVER going to steal money from Cake Cream or Axl. Or sell them out. Cake Cream backed up Axl.

Andy read, understood, agreed and signed. Cake Cream and Axl all signed as Witnesses. Everybody smiled. Axl stored the Contract digitally.

They decided to go help out Claven Records in PERSON because they thought of the fact that someone could have been spoofing Claven Records phone number and been trying to scam them out of 200 Million. But even if the person was trying to scam them, the money would go to Claven Records and not the Scammer. Still, they decided to do it in person.

They went to Claven Records and spoke face to face with Timothy and Timothy looked really despondent like he was in big trouble.

Timothy said,"Claven Records is only worth about $5 Million due to our thieving ex employee. Please help us."

Axl, James, Jimmy, Mike, Billy, and Andy all took deep breaths and agreed to help out Claven Records. Timothy was delighted. Axl decided to draw up a Contract that stated that the $200 Million was PURELY for Claven Records to fix the damage the thieving ex employee had done. Axl wanted to make sure Claven Records wasn't running a scam. Axl told Timothy this and Cake Cream backed up Axl. Timothy responded,"You guys really think we'd be trying to scam you guys?

Axl responded in his authoritative Business Manager type of voice"We just want to make sure there's nothing fishy going on. Asking us for 200 Million is awfully steep. We want to help you, but we don't want to be played for fools." Cake Cream were once again impressed by Axl's authoritative Business Manager persona and all backed up Axl.

Timothy promised it wasn't a scam. Axl said,"Sign Contract and we'll Zelle you the $200 Million." Cake Cream backed up Axl.

Timothy agreed and called a few Claven Records Executives and Cake Cream and Axl told them the Contract plan.

Timothy and the other Claven Records Executives agreed and Axl and Cake Cream Drew up the Contract. Timothy and the other Claven Records Executives read, understood, agreed and signed. Cake Cream and Axl all signed too. Cake Cream and Axl all Zelled Claven Records all roughly $33 Million. Timothy and the other Claven Records Executives were thankful and Cake Cream and Axl welcomed them. Axl and Cake Cream decided to Zelle Claven Records another combined $100 Million for "Fun," money for Claven Records. Timothy and the other Claven Records Executives were thankful and Cake Cream and Axl welcomed them. They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes.

Axl and Cake Cream went to Denny's again. They couldn't believe they gave $300 Million to Claven Records, but knew it was the right thing to do. Claven Records needed their help desperately and had helped them out multiple times. They had a nice brunch and paid and left and went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and chilled.
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Old 09-17-2023, 10:32 AM   #195 (permalink)
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They watched Beverly Hills Cop and Axl said,"Axel Foley's first name was named after me". Cake Cream all giggled. They were skeptical, as Axl was only 22 when Beverly Hills Cop was released in 1984 and wasn't worldwide known yet.

James said,"So at only 22 you were the inspiration for the Axel Foley name?" Billy, Jimmy, Mike and Andy all continued giggling.

Axl said,"Hey, King Tut was only like NINE when he became an Egyptian Ruler! Stranger things have happened then me being the inspiration for the Axel Foley name!"

Mike said,"Why isn't this a world wide known fact?" Cake Cream all backed up Mike.

Axl said,"Because I didn't want to be swarmed with Fans of Beverly Hills Cop."

Jimmy asked,"How much were you paid to have the Axel Foley named after you?

Axl said,"I was paid 30 Million to have the Axel Foley named after me."

Cake Cream all continued giggling. They felt that Axl was full of ****.

Andy asked,"Why is the character named Axel Foley and not Axl Rose if he is indeed named after you?"

Axl responded,"Because I didn't want to make it glaringly obvious. I'm the only one named Axl Rose and it would have been a dead giveaway to name him Axl Rose."

Billy said at 22, you were for the large part unknown. WHY would the Beverly Hills Cop movie staff name their character after someone who was still pretty much an Average Joe in 1984?"

Axl and,"Because they wanted to. They had a feeling I was going to become a huge success really soon.

Cake Cream all laughed again. How full of **** was Axl?

Axl was like,"Fine, don't believe me then."

Cake Cream were like,"Okay, you said it, not us."

Axl and Cake Cream all laughed.

Axl and Cake Cream finished watching Beverly Hills Cop and Axl saw that a movie named A.X.L was next. Axl called Older Axl and asked him if he told the A.X.L. movie staff they could name it A.X.L.. Older Axl replied he had not, just what Axl was thinking. They chatted for a little while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Axl asked Cake Cream if he could sue the A.X.L movie staff for copyright infringement since he was the only one who spelled his name Axl and he nor Older Axl had given the A.X.L. movie staff permission to name it that.

Cake Cream urged him to just let it go and advised him that suing the movie staff could be more trouble than it was worth. Axl decided to take Cake Cream's advice not sue. Cake Cream all breathed sighs of relief. They didn't want Axl looking like a prima Donna or anything like that. They all watched the A.X.L. sci-fi movie and enjoyed it. After the movie, they ate and chilled more and then went to sleep.

When they got up, they ate and got ready for the day. On YouTube, Charles Winters, the ex Claven Records Employee filmed himself bragging about stealing $695 Million from Claven Records. He also bragged about hacking into the system and corrupting the Claven Records files after being fired. He was an idiot. His video went viral and Posters were ragging and dragging him hard calling him a ****ing nasty thief.

Cake Cream and Axl laughed. Charles probably thought he'd get a lot of praise for his actions, but instead he was getting harshly criticized. As he should be. Axl told Cake Cream,"Some people will do anything for clot." They knew what he was trying to say, clout, and they agreed with him.

Axl also said,"He just incriminated himself on YouTube, admitting to Grand Larceny Theft and property damage and a case could be built against him. A smart person wouldn't have admitted this to YouTube of all places. " Cake Cream all nodded.

Charles responded saying something like,"Why am I being attacked? I'm a Multimillionaire now. I should be getting praise!"

Posters replied,"You're only a Multimillionaire because you stole that money. You don't deserve even a penny of that money. What you deserve is a hefty prison sentence. You're a ****ing thief who should give Claven Records back all the money you stole from them and then you need to rot in a prison cell for decades."

Charles was stunned that no one was giving him praise for stealing $695 Million from Claven Records, just harsh criticism.

Charles got harassing phone calls cussing him out for the theft and Charles couldn't believe how this turned out.

Axl and Cake Cream had their answers that Claven Records really was ****ed over by Charles and Claven Records weren't scamming them.

Current Claven Records Artists wondered about their music now that Charles had corrupted all the Claven Records files.

Timothy from Claven Records said on the news that VERY generous Donors saved the day with $200 Million and they fixed all the corrupted files and upgraded to a better system and they were extremely grateful to those VERY generous Donors. The Artists were all relieved. Cake Cream and Axl all smirked smugly, knowing THEY were the VERY generous Donors.

James pointed out that realistically, most people would have asked Claven Records to show them the corrupted files before giving them the $200 Million. Cake Cream and Axl were like,"Good point," and Axl pointed out,"But we drew up a Contract that stated that they weren't running a scam and they signed it and then we gave them the money." Cake Cream all backed up Axl. They chilled in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and then went to sleep.
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Old 09-17-2023, 10:33 AM   #196 (permalink)
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Axl booked another Cake Cream show at the James L Knight Center for tomorrow. Fans were delighted. Cake Cream and Axl chilled until the next day.

The next day, they got up and ate and got ready for the day and put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the James L Knight. They practiced more, and Andy played Axel Foley's theme from Beverly Hills Cop on keyboard as a wink to Axl Rose. Axl was honored and the rest of Cake Cream liked this too. Soon it was time for the Show to start.

50,000 Cake Cream Fans showed up and Cake Cream and Axl were happy.

Andy played Axel Foley's theme from Beverly Hills Cop on keyboard and some Fans were like,"That's Crazy Frog without Crazy Frog!" Cake Cream laughed, but Axl was confused. Axl didn't know what Crazy Frog was. Other Fans were like,"Andy's actually playing Axel Foley's theme from Beverly Hills Cop. " Andy, Axl, and the rest of Cake Cream confirmed this, smiling.

The crowd cheered wildly. After playing Axel Foley's theme from Beverly Hills, Andy said,"I hope you enjoyed me playing Axl's theme on the keyboard!" Andy cleverly called it Axl's theme after playing it rather than Axel Foley. Cake Cream and Axl all giggled at the cleverness. There was more wild cheering.

The show continued and was really good. The audience cheered wildly. At the end of the Show, Andy played Axel Foley's theme from Beverly Hills Cop again, and the Audience cheered wildly. The final sendoff happened to more wild cheering and then the show was over. Cake Cream and Axl went to Denny's and had a nice brunch.

Today's show was already going viral and Fans were like,"I love that Andy played Axel Foley's theme from Beverly Hills Cop! That's one of the most classic 80's songs of all time!" Fans also pointed out that Andy called it Axl's theme and wondered if he was referring to Axl Rose or Axel Foley. Fans pointed out they had the same first name, technically.

Cake Cream and Axl all giggled happily. They paid and left and went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and chilled more. On YouTube, Axel Foley's theme from Beverly Hills Cop was getting a LOT more views, like 100 Million views in just a couple of hours and a LOT more comments saying stuff like,"Andy from Cake Cream rocked this on keyboard at the Cake Cream show today!"

Cake Cream and Axl were happy. They chilled even more and then went to sleep.
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Old 09-17-2023, 10:34 AM   #197 (permalink)
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They got up and ate and got ready for the day. They watched the morning News and Allison did a scathing prison interview where she trashed Cake Cream and Axl. She said,"Jimmy and James have VERY small penises. I saw Billy doing lines of Cocaine when he thought no one was looking. I saw Andy looking at Gay porn. I overheard Billy and Axl talking about how Andy tried to sell out Axl for $5,000 when they were hiding Axl from the Authorities when Axl was on the run!" I saw Mike masturbating to Straight Porn!"

Oh no, Cake Cream and Axl thought, Allison just told their secrets in that interview. Tongues were sure to be wagging. Axl was like,"I'm going to go drink some Coke now, can't believe our secrets are out like this. Axl drank about 4 glasses of Coke. Cake Cream knew that Axl drinking Coke excessively meant he was feeling stressed.

Andy asked,"Are we all going to go to jail for perjury, hiding you when you were a Fugitive on the run and Billy being a drug addict?" Billy, Mike, Jimmy and James were all worried too.

Axl looked deeply at all of them and said,"Hopefully not. We can just point out that Allison is on record committing Perjury and false allegations of Rape. Allison won't look good. "

Cake Cream all breathed worried sighs of relief, a true oxymoron. They decided to go to the mall as if it were another normal day. They were determined to not let Allison's scathing interview mess with their heads too much. They put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and left. They went to the mall and we're trying to have a good time, but Paparazzi were harassing them and asking if Allison was telling the whole truth in that scathing interview that aired on the morning News.

Axl responded,"Allison's the same woman who committed Perjury and false allegations of Rape in Court, so this proves Allison has lied before."

Cake Cream all backed up Axl.

The Paparazzi asked Axl if he promised to God that Allison was lying in that scathing interview. Axl's stomach turned violently and his heart skipped several beats. He couldn't promise to God that Allison was lying in that scathing interview because she was telling the truth. Axl said,"I really don't feel like talking to Paparazzi now!" Cake Cream all backed up Axl.

Paparazzi still continued to ask if Allison was lying in that interview and if he promised to God that she was lying. Axl took out his cellphone and played on his cellphone, his way of telling Paparazzi this interview was over. Cake Cream all followed Axl's lead and played with their cellphones too. The Paparazzi got tired of being ignored and sulked off. Cake Cream and Axl all smirked. They had fun at the mall.

After the mall they went to the bar and had wings, fries and Coke and rum. Axl told Cake Cream he wanted to sing Back Off Bitch by Guns N'Roses exactly how it was sung, but this time, it would be about Allison. Cake Cream were all onboard with this as they all felt Allison was a Bitch. Axl smiled and went to Karaoke and said,"I'd like to sing a Guns N'Roses song today. The Audience and Cake Cream all cheered for Axl.

Axl sang emotionally

Oh baby, pretty baby
Oh honey, you let me down honey
I ain't playin' childhood games no more
I said it's time for me
To even the score
So stake your claim
Your claim to fame
But baby call another name
When you feel the fire
And taste the flame

Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Makin' love
Cheap heartbreaker, broken backed
Nasty ballbreaker, stay out of my bed, outta my head
If it's lovin' you
I'm better off dead

Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Emotions ripped, gone on a binge
Life lipped, I said you're off the hinge
Tellin' lies of such fame and glory
I don't even want to hear your story

Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
It's such a pity that you're such a bitch

Back off, back off bitch
It's time to forget, forget you bitch(Axl thought the original lyric, "It's time to burn, burn the witch might be too far)
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch, bitch
Bitch, bitch, bitch
Hey wha'd'ya think he's tryin' to say there, anyway?
I think it's something each person's s'posed to take in their own special way
****ing bitch

Axl in 1991 singing Back Off Bitch sounded more like he was tired and over the woman in the song, but in 2022 Axl sounded full of passionate, angry, hateful, viritrol, sounding even more pissed off in 2022, than he did in the 1991 version. The Audience and Cake Cream cheered wildly. Axl smiled and got off the stage. He rejoined Cake Cream and they continued having a good time. They left in about an hour and went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and chilled more.
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Old 09-17-2023, 10:35 AM   #198 (permalink)
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The Back Off Bitch bar performance was already going viral. Haters of Cake Cream and Axl were like,"Axl should be cancelled over this, calling a Woman a Bitch in 2023! Shame on him! "

Axl asked Cake Cream,"What does cancelled mean in 2023? Is it like canceling a TV Show?"

Cake Cream were like,"Basically, the Haters are implying that you should be shunned."

Axl was like,"Allison deserved that song, I shouldn't be shunned over it, she really is a lying, conniving, evil, cold hearted Bitch."

Cake Cream all backed up Axl. Axl smiled.

Fans stood up for Axl saying,"Allison literally ****ed over her Boyfriend with his Brother! At least James quickly realized he made a mistake having sex with Allison, but Allison is STILL being a downright Count! Axl is completely right!".

Axl blushed shyly at the support of his Fans. Axl posted, "I never Allison's name in Back Off Bitch, but thank you guys for the support.

Fans were skeptical about Axl's answer about Allison not being said I'm Back Off Bitch, but welcomed him. Axl and the Fans chatted for a bit and then said their goodbyes.

For fun, Axl suggested to Cake Cream that he write a list of Cake Cream and Axl's friends and enemies. Cake Cream thought that would be fun. Axl smiled and wrote, "Enemies. Brian Washington, Mr. Wealthy, Charles Martin, Max Kendall, Allison Peters, John Wilson, Maxwell Nichols, Mark Riley, Billy's Prosecutor.

Friends and Acquaintances. Rocking Rick, Timothy Wilkinson, Older Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, Steven, Melissa from Guns N'Roses, Melissa The Waitress, Frank, Richard, Dizzy, Sam, Patrick, Dean, Matthew, the Manager from the Local Marriott, the LYFT Driver, the Manager from the Olympic Stadium, Kenny, Thomas (Wild Water), Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Mick Jagger, James's Medical Staff, Jim from Jim's Mixed Martial Arts.

Axl was like,"We have more Friends and Acquaintances than Enemies, so that's good." Axl was smiling. Cake Cream backed up Axl.

Cake Cream and Axl all chatted about how quickly things escalated from when Brian Washington was their biggest problem.

Axl said,"Yep, we had no idea what we were going to be headed into when I punched Brian Washington in his face and broke his camera for harassing, stalking, filming and following me around! " Axl laughed and Cake Cream laughed too.

Jimmy said,"Actually, this all started when I lifted up your sleeve at the "We made it!" Party and revealed your Appetite For Destruction Album Cross Tattoo when we still thought you were Michael Randall Johnson. " Cake Cream all backed up Jimmy.

Axl was like,"Yep, you're right, Jimmy. Wow, we've come so far since then. Who knew that revealing my Tattoo at the party would lead to all these ups and downs? " Cake Cream and Axl all giggled. Axl added,"I wonder were Cake Cream would be today if you guys and the the general public STILL thought I was Michael Randall Johnson to this day." Cake Cream answered,"Hopefully, we'd still be successful to this day." Everybody smiled. James said,"A lot of things wouldn't have happened however like Brian Washington wouldn't have been stalking, filming, harassing, and following Michael Randall Johnson.

Andy said,"Axl wouldn't ever have been a Fugitive on the run if Brian Washington thought that Axl was Michael Randall Johnson.

Axl looked at Andy deeply and said,"And you never would have attempted to sell me out for $5,000 had I never been a Fugitive on the run."

Andy blushed. Andy said,"I'm REALLY sorry about that."

Axl responded,"I know."

Cake Cream and Axl all chatted about how JIMMY started the chain of events by revealing Axl's Tattoo at the party early on.

Axl responded,"Actually, I PUBLICLY started the chain of events when I got up on stage and covered for Older Axl when he lost his voice at the first Guns N'Roses Show I went to in 2022. The News begun wondering if I was really Axl Rose who time traveled from 1987 to 2022. Before I went on stage to cover for Older Axl, people just said stuff like,"You look just like Axl Rose! I dyed my hair black so People would stop telling me I looked just like myself!" Axl laughed.

Cake Cream laughed too. Axl paused thoughtfully. "Actually, the Guns N'Roses Fans I ran into within my first moments of being in 2022 did keep making jokes that I was Axl Rose. Fans tend to know more than people who don't care about Guns N'Roses." Cake Cream backed up Axl. They all chatted for a while.

On the News, Allison did another scathing prison interview, where she said,"Axl and Cake Cream have a creepy codependency on each other. They have an extremely toxic relationship and friendship with each other. It's very disturbing. I saw Mike masturbating to Child Porn. I saw Andy doing Voodoo Rituals. I saw Billy and Andy ****ing each other in bed! Jimmy cheated on me with a Prostitute, so I ****ed James to get back at Jimmy! I purposely left my panty in James's bed, and then bounced, knowing that Jimmy would find it and beat up James over it!

Mike said uncomfortably ,"I have never watched Child Porn, only watched Adult Porn. Axl said,"I know. Cake Cream backed up Mike and Axl.

Andy said," I have never done Voodoo! And Billy and I have never had sex!

Billy affirmed that he and Andy had never had sex with each other.

Axl said,"I believe you Billy and Andy."

Jimmy said,"I didn't cheat on Allison with a Prostitute."

Axl and Cake Cream backed up Jimmy.

Axl looked at James deeply and was like,"THIS lying ho is who you temporarily threw away a good Brothership with Jimmy for!

Jimmy looked at James deeply and James blushed.

James said,"Yeah, I made a huge mistake having sex with Allison and temporarily throwing away a good Brothership with Jimmy.

There was a break in the News and commercials aired. When the News came back on, Allison continued ranting in the interview. She said,"Axl called me a Bitch in the Back Off Bitch song at the bar. Axl's a dick, an *******, a Mother****er, a creepy creep, a Loser! I'm suing Axl for calling me a Bitch!"

Allison went on a nasty rant against each and every Cake Cream Member. Allison came off as a raging, vindictive, selfish, bitter ho.

The News Anchors were like,"Wow!" They were speechless.

Axl was like,"Look at how innocent Allison looks. She is so pretty, you'd never guess how evil, vindictive, petty, bitchy, hateful, etc she really is just by looking at her. She truly has a face of an angel with a love of a witch!"

Cake Cream all backed up Axl. Cake Cream and Axl ate and chilled more in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and fell asleep.
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Old 09-17-2023, 10:35 AM   #199 (permalink)
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They got up the next day and ate and got ready for the day.

Axl got a call from Rocking Rick and asking him if he and Cake Cream would like to do an interview tonight about Allison's latest interviews.

Axl told Rocking Rick to hold on and he did.

Axl told Jimmy, James, Billy, Mike, and Andy that Rocking Rick wanted to do a in house Radio interview with all Cake Cream and Axl.

They were all like,"Rocking Rick is a good interviewer, we trust him, so yeah."

Axl smiled and agreed. He told Rocking Rick that everybody was up for it.

Rocking Rick was thrilled. Axl and Rocking Rick chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes..

Cake Cream and Axl all chilled in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and soon it was to get ready for Rocking Rick interview.

They got ready and put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and left. Axl told them to not confess to anything that could get anyone of them into trouble. They agreed.

They went to Y-100 Radio Station and Rocking Rick warmly welcomed them.

They all warmly welcomed him.

Rocking Rick said,"I'm Rocking Rick here with Andy, Axl, Billy, James, Jimmy, and Mike from Cake Cream! How is everybody?

Cake Cream and Axl all admitted Allison's scathing prison interviews were taking a toll on them.

Rocking Rick said,"I wouldn't be thrilled myself in your shoes. Would you like to clear the air about Allison's scathing prison interviews?

Billy said,"Allison is lying. She is just out to hurt us.

Jimmy said,"We knew she was trouble when she temporarily caused a rift in James and my deep Brothership.

James said,"Having sex with Allison was a huge mistake that I deeply regret. I am truly sorry about breaking Jimmy's trust.

Jimmy replied,"I know, and I forgive you.

James said,"I appreciate it!"

Andy said,"I never tried to sell out Axl for $5,000, or $1,000 for me, Billy, Mike, Jimmy, and James..

Axl said,"Andy had just gotten paid $17,000 as a new Claven Records Client. WHY would he attempt to sell me out for an extra $1,000?"

Rocking Rick said, "Hmm. I wouldn't sell someone out for $1,000 if I were worth $17,000 myself."

Axl said,"Billy, Mike, James, Jimmy, and Andy had no idea where I was when I was on the run. I was sleeping on park benches, bathing in the ocean, using public bathrooms, and buying food and drinks wearing a disguise like I have said multiple times. "

Rocking Rick said,"I remember you saying that."

Andy said,"I have never done Voodoo Rituals in my life!

Rocking Rick said,"That voodoo ritual claim Allison made made me go,"What is wrong with Allison?" Myself.

Everybody laughed.

Mike said,"She falsely claimed that I watched Child Porn, a damaging lie that could have destroyed me if I were in a position of Authority, such as a Firefighter.

Rocking Rick said,"It's odd that you specifically said,"Firefighter, Mike. Did you want to be a Firefighter at any point?

Mike said,"When I was a child, I wanted to become a Firefighter. But as I got older, I realized I loved Singing and singing is my true passion and calling. He smiled.

Rocking Rick said,"You really are a good Singer. " He smiled too.

Rocking Rick asked Axl if Back Off Bitch at the bar was about Allison. He pointed out that Allison claimed she was suing him for calling her a Bitch.

Axl responded,"I never once said Allison's name in the Back Off Bitch bar performance. The fact that she automatically assumed that Back Off Bitch bar performance was about her when I never said her name says she has issues and is projecting. "

Cake Cream all backed up Axl.

Rocking Rick said,"Must be tough with Allison falsely accusing Jimmy and James of rape and trying to get a $100 Million combined.

Axl said,"I knew Allison was lying . James and Jimmy aren't rapists. I got her to confess in court that she lied about Jimmy and James raping her because she wanted revenge against them for both dumping her and she wanted $100 Million. James and Jimmy thanked Axl and he welcomed them.

Rocking Rick said,"You played that really well, Axl.

Axl responded,"Thank you."

Rocking Rick said,"You're welcome."

James and Jimmy said,"Axl really is a good Manager, Lawyer, Mentor,Brother, and Friend.

Andy and Mike backed up James and Jimmy. Billy said,"I'm not Axl's Brother, but I agree with everything else. Cake Cream and Axl all laughed and Axl thanked them and was welcomed.

Rocking Rick asked Andy and Billy,"What about Allison claiming she saw you two having sex?"

Billy said,"Allison's lying. Andy and I are Brothers and weren't having sex. Nor have we ever. I wouldn't cheat on Axl, especially not with my Brother!

Andy responded,"I am Straight and into Women, not men and like Billy said, we're Brothers. besides, we would never break Axl's trust and heart.

Axl said,"I know it."

Rocking Rick said,"Andy, what about Allison claiming she saw you masturbating to Gay Porn?"

Andy said,"That never happened. Once again, I'm interested in Women, not Men."

Everybody backed up Andy.

Rocking Rick asked,"What about Allison claiming you guys have a creepy and disturbing codependency on each other?"

Axl replied, "We do not have a creepy and disturbing codependency on each other. We have healthy friendships and Billy and I have a healthy relationship.

Mike responded,"A creepy and disturbing codependency on each other would mean we couldn't function without each other, which is not the case at all."

Jimmy said,"Allison's a bitter woman who is just trying to make us look bad when she falsely claimed that we have a creepy and disturbing codependency on each other."

James said,"Allison's way too obsessed with us. She's making herself look REALLY bad with all of her hateful lies."

Andy said, Allison's jealous of our good Family, so she's trying to make us look bad."

Billy said,"We six do not go EVERYWHERE together, so we don't have a creepy and disturbing codependency on each other."

Rocking Rick was like,"Okay, so you guys don't have a creepy and disturbing codependency on each other. Good to know." He smiled.

They all agreed.

Rocking Rick asked Jimmy, "Did you cheat on Allison with a Prostitute?"

Jimmy answered,"I didn't cheat on Allison with a Prostitute. I never cheated on her with anybody. She's the one who cheated on me, with James, which I forgave after I saw how sorry and remorseful he was. Everybody backed up Jimmy.

Rocking Rick said,"Allison seems like a conniving liar."

Everybody responded,"She is!"

Rocking Rick said that maybe Cake Cream and Axl could press charges against Allison for her false claims.

Cake Cream and Axl said they thought that wasn't a bad idea. Rocking Rick smiled.

They all chatted more and at 8 PM, Rocking Rick said,"This was a wonderful interview! Thanks for stopping by, Andy, Axl, Billy, James, Jimmy, and Mike! You guys were wonderful guests.

Cake Cream and Axl said,"You're welcome. You were a gracious host."

Rocking Rick thanked everybody and they all welcomed him.

Rocking Rick said,"This is Rocking Rick signing off, Rocking Rick, over and out!"

The interview ended. Cake Cream and Axl and Rocking Rick chatted a little while longer and then said their goodbyes and Cake Cream and Axl went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. They soon fell asleep.
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Old 09-17-2023, 10:36 AM   #200 (permalink)
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They got up the next day and ate and got ready for the day. The Rocking Rick interview went viral and lots of Fans were on Cake Cream and Axl's side.

Axl and Cake Cream were happy. A Judge called Axl's cellphone and asked him if Cake Cream and Axl would like to press charges against Allson for her slanderous lies. Axl told the Judge to hold on and he did. Axl told Cake Cream that the Judge wanted to know if he and Cake Cream wanted to press charges against Allison for her slanderous lies. Cake Cream all said,"Yes." Axl said,"I want to press charges against Allison too."

Axl went back to the phone call and told the Judge,"Yes, Cake Cream and I all want to press charges against Allison for her slanderous lies."

The Judge was like,"I don't blame you."

The Judge said they could press charges against Allison tomorrow.

Axl thanked him and was welcomed. The Judge and Axl chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Axl and Cake Cream chilled all day in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. They fell asleep.

They got up the next day and it was time to get ready for Allison's new Court Hearing. They got ready and ate and put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the Courthouse. They got processed and went to the Court. This was being televised.

Soon, Allison was brought in, wearing her jail uniform. Cake Cream and Axl glared at Allison and she glared back. Allison's Court appointed Lawyer said that Allison didn't deserve to get charges pressed against her because Axl made her look bad in Court.

Axl countered with,"Allison Peters lied in Court about Jimmy and James Raping her because she wanted $100 Million, and wanted revenge against Jimmy and James for dumping her. She made herself look bad, I wasn't the one who made her look bad.

Allison said," You called me a Bitch in Back Off Bitch bar performance!"

Axl said,"I did no such thing. Back Off Bitch is just a Guns N'Roses song."

Allison said,"You knew what you were doing, Axl singing that particular song!"

Axl said,"I never said your name, so what you're saying is pure speculation."

The Judge asked if Cake Cream and Axl wanted to press charges against Allison for the recent interviews she gave on the news.

Billy, James, Jimmy, Mike, Andy and Axl all said,"Yes."

Allison's Court appointed Lawyer said,"If what Allison is true, Billy, James, Mike, Andy, and Jimmy should all be in jail for hiding Axl when he was a Fugitive and for perjury.Mike should be in jail for looking at Child Porn. Billy should be in jail for snorting Cocaine.

Allison smirked smugly.

Axl asked Allison, "Miss Peters. Do you have concrete evidence or concrete proof that Mike was looking at Child Porn, that Billy snorted Cocaine, that Mike, James, Jimmy, Andy, and Billy hid me while I was a Fugitive on the run?"

Allison said,"I plead the fifth!"

Axl said,"I pause my case for now!" The Judge called an hour recess.

Axl surmised that what Allison REALLY wanted was money. Most likely Millions. She was money obsessed and most likely would be willing to sign a Contract to get Millions of dollars.

Axl said to Cake Cream,"I'll bet Allison would be willing to sign a Contract that states she will confess in Court that everything she said in those prison interviews were lies and she NEVER says anything damaging about us again if she gets say $50 Million each from us."

Billy, James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy were wary about them all paying Allison $300 Million to confess in Court that she was lying and that she was never allowed to say anything damaging about them ever again. They said they felt it was like a bribe.

Axl said,"It is bribish, but we want Allison off our backs for good. We've gotta lose the Battle and win the war on this one. Trust me. "

Billy, James, Jimmy, Mike, and Andy tentatively chose to trust Axl. Axl smiled.

Axl and Cake Cream Drew up a Contract that stated that if Allison confessed in Court today that she lied about everything she said in those prison interviews and never said anything damaging about Cake Cream or Axl again, Cake Cream and Axl would all Zelle her $50 Million each.

They all went up to Allison and Axl said,"Allison, we all know what this is all about. You want Millions of dollars from us. " Cake Cream backed up Axl.

Allison smirked sardonically. "No ****, Sherlock. Of course I want Millions of dollars from you guys. I need to be rich."

Axl smirked. He was right on the money, pun intended.

Cake Cream also all smirked.

Axl said,"We're going to all give you $50 Million each!" Cake Cream all backed up Axl.

Allison's eyes lit up!. "I'm going to be $300 Million richer!"

Axl said,"Yes, you are." Axl and Cake Cream presented her with the Contract.

Allison read it and said,"This Contract states I have to confess in Court I was lying about everything I said in the Prison interviews and can't say anything bad about you guys ever again. I'm not sure I want to sign this.

Axl said,"In order to get the $300 Million, you have to sign. $300 Million will be yours and you just have to do a couple of things.

Allison said,"I do want the $300 Million.

Axl said,"Like the song by Rick Springfield says,"It don't mean nothing until you sign it on the dotted line." Cake Cream all backed up Axl.

Allison read, understood, agreed, and signed. Axl signed as W. Axl Rose and Cake Cream all signed their full names. Cake Cream and Axl all smirked at Allison.

There was still time left in the recess, and everybody ate, used the bathroom, used their phones, etc.

After the recess, Allison said to Court, "I lied about everything I said about Cake Cream and Axl in the prison interviews. I was just mad. I promise to never speak bad about them again."

Cake Cream and Axl all smirked and Zelled Allison $50 Million each. Cake Cream and Axl all knew that Allison wouldn't have access to the $300 Million behind bars while she was incarcerated. She'd have to wait until the rest of her year jail sentence was up to have access to the money.

The Judge was like,"Would Cake Cream and Axl still like to press charges against Allison now that she's confessed to lying about you guys in the prison interviews?"

Cake Cream and Axl all smirked and said,"No we do not want to press charges against Allison. We just wanted her to confess in Court that she lied about everything she said about us in the prison interviews and she did. She also promised in Court to never say anything damaging about us."

The Judge said,"Fair enough." He banged his gavel and said,"Court is adjourned." Allison was led back to prison to finish out her one year sentence for lying about James and Jimmy raping her.

Cake Cream and Axl all went to the bar and had Coke and rum and just chilled, laying back and relaxing, happy that Allison confessed in Court the prison interviews were complete lies.

Fans asked them for Autographs and Selfies and they obliged. The Fans were happy and thanked them and they welcomed them. The Fans went back to their tables. After chilling in the bar, they went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and chilled more and fell asleep.
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