Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 08-03-2022, 06:14 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Axl soon got out of bed and showered and got ready for the day. Jimmy, James, Andy, Billy, and Mike also showered and got ready for the day. They were eating breakfast when Jimmy said to Billy, " Billy, you weren't in your room when I went to check on you last night about 11.

Billy and Axl shyly looked at each other and then quickly looked away.

Billy said,"Uh, last night, I was at Claven Records getting a copy of the New Contract we signed for the Demo."

Claven Records closes at 8." Jimmy responded.

Billy had a look of panic and Axl said,"Uh, Billy asked Claven Records Executives to do a special opening so he could get that copy."

James, Mike, Andy, and Jimmy looked suspicious. "Why would Claven Records do a special opening for Billy that late at night?" Jimmy questioned.

Billy responded,"They wanted to do us a huge favor. Claven Records loves us."

Axl backed up Billy.

Jimmy said,"So, let's see this copy of the New Contract Claven Records supposedly gave you that late at night." Billy had a look of panic. He knew he didn't REALLY get a copy of the New Contract from Claven Records last night.

Axl said,"I'm your guy's Manager and Billy gave me the copy of the New Contract last night." Billy gave Axl a grateful look. Axl smiled back at him. Billy said,"Yep, I gave it to Axl."

Axl said,"I have it in my room. Give me about five minutes to go find it." Cake Cream excused Axl and Axl went to his room, locked his door and quickly reprinted his own Copy of the New Contract and gave it to Jimmy. Here it is the Copy of the New Contract!" Billy gave Axl a grateful look. Axl smiled back at him again.

Jimmy said,"We should call Claven Records and thank them for accommodating Billy so late last night!"

Billy and Axl both had looks of panic on their faces. "Please don't thank Claven Records for that," Billy begged Jimmy. They weren't supposed to do that in the first place. Please don't bring it up to them."

Axl backed up Billy.

Jimmy agreed to not thank Claven Records for doing a special opening for Billy last night.

Billy and Axl gratefully thanked him for agreeing not to thank Claven Records for doing the special opening for Billy. He welcomed them back.

Cake Cream and Axl finished eating and drinking.
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Old 08-03-2022, 10:04 AM   #12 (permalink)
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They all decided they wanted to go have some fun and wanted to go to a bar. Axl bought 6 hard plated bulletproof vests and made them all put them on along with motorcycle helmets. At the bar, there was early Karaoke.

Axl wanted to drop a hint to Billy that he loved him, so he sang,"Sweet Child Of Mine," and just changed the "She's," and the "her," to ,"You/you've" and "Your," Billy had blue eyes so he kept the lyric about blue eyes. He was extremely emotional at the "Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" Part, knowing Billy loved that part. He briefly looked at Billy and Billy was enjoying the song. Billy was smiling happily..The crowd and Cake Cream loved it too. Axl smiled. He really was enjoying himself and enjoying the fact he was able to give Billy a hint that he loved him using Sweet Child. Of Mine.

After Sweet Child Of Mine, Cake Cream and Axl drank some Coke and Rum. They laid back and relaxed and Billy and Axl were sitting next to each other. Billy was actually having a good time. This was definitely the fun outing Billy needed to get his mind off of the traumatizing fact that John had tried to murder him. Axl smiled at Billy, seeing how happy Billy was. Billy smiled back at Axl. Jimmy, Andy, Mike, and James looked deeply at Axl and Billy. Was there something going on between Axl and Billy? They all decided not to ask Billy or Axl about what they were wondering. After the bar, they went back home.

Last edited by Karice; 08-03-2022 at 10:11 AM.
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Old 08-03-2022, 04:28 PM   #13 (permalink)
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At home, Jimmy spoke to Axl in private. That was an interesting twist on the Sweet Child Of Mine song you sang at karaoke today. Axl blushed.

"Who did you have in mind when you sang that altered version today?"

"No one in particular," Axl said, blushing and looking at the ground shyly.

"Sure you weren't thinking about someone special to you?" Jimmy questioned.

"I wasn't thinking about anyone special when I sang that altered version today," Axl lied, still looking at the ground shyly.

Jimmy then said,"Billy has blue eyes. Just like the "Sweet Child," in your song.

Axl had a caught look in his body language and face, but chose to lie. He responded,"I thought Billy's eyes were gray."

"No, Billy's eyes are blue. Just like the sky," Jimmy said pointedly.

Axl said,"The alternate version of Sweet Child Of Mine I sang today wasn't about Billy. It was just a silly little thing I did for fun."

"And your name is really Michael Randall Johnson," Jimmy said wryly.

Axl blushed.

"Whatever you want to confess to me, I'll keep it a secret," Jimmy promised.

Axl took a deep breath and said,"All right. I love Billy. The alternate Sweet Child Of Mine song I sang today is about Billy. Please don't tell anyone else," Axl pleaded.

Jimmy promised to keep it a secret. Axl thanked him and was welcomed.

Jimmy asked, "Does Billy know you love him?"

Axl replied,"I haven't told him."

Jimmy responded, "The way you guys were smiling at each other at the bar today looked like two guys in love."

Axl blushed. "Do you think I should tell him how I feel?"

"Let's just say, Billy might be receptive to you loving him."

Axl looked at Jimmy in surprise. "Is Billy Gay?" Axl asked.

"Let's just say that Billy has dated at least one guy before."

Axl smiled. Jimmy said,"You didn't hear that from me." He winked at Axl.

Axl thanked him and was welcomed.
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Old 08-03-2022, 05:32 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Jimmy went to his room. Soon, Billy came into the kitchen and saw Axl. Axl looked intently at Billy.

Axl said, "Can we talk, just us two?"

Billy said,"Sure." Axl and Billy sat at the table and Axl said,"I have a confession to make."

Billy prompted him to make the confession.

Axl took a deep breath and said,"I love this guy, I'll call him Kenny. I always thought I was Straight until I realized I love Kenny. Kenny's really sweet, kind, warm, smart, friendly, and he's cute. I want him to be boyfriend but I don't know how to tell him how I feel about him. I've never wanted a Man before meeting Kenny, so this is new to me."

Billy asked," Maybe Kenny loves you too. Maybe Kenny thinks you're also really sweet, kind, warm, smart, friendly, and cute. All you have to do is tell him. You won't know unless you tell Kenny how you feel."

What does Kenny look like? Billy asked him.

Axl replied,"Kenny has beautiful blue eyes, like the sky or a beautiful blue ocean. He has beautiful blond hair like the sun." Billy replied,""Hey, me and Kenny have the same features," " Billy said, wryly.

Axl smiled at him. "Yep, you and he have the same gorgeous features." Billy sat really close to him and said,"So ready to tell,"Kenny," how you really feel? "Billy gave him a knowing smirk. Billy hugged Axl. Axl hugged him back. "I know who "Kenny," is, Billy said smiling. "I'm sure,"Kenny," loves you too. "All you have to do is tell "Kenny," how you feel about him. Axl said, "I love you, "Kenny," to Billy. Billy replied happily, "I know. I love you too, Axl." Billy kissed Axl right on the mouth. Axl kissed him back.

Axl couldn't believe he'd just kissed a guy on the mouth but it felt right. "Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" Axl asked,"Kenny," Billy laughed.

Last edited by Karice; 08-06-2022 at 03:47 PM.
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Old 08-04-2022, 08:38 AM   #15 (permalink)
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They ate dinner, just the two of them, really enjoying each other's company. Was this technically a date? It was. After the dinner date, they showered and got ready for bed. Axl asked Billy if he wanted to sleepover in Axl's bed again. Billy said,"Yes, I want to sleepover in your bed again." Axl smiled and they both climbed into Axl's bed. Billy put his head on Axl's chest and Axl caressed Billy's hair again. "I love you, Billy. Axl told him softly. "I love you too," Axl, Billy repeated softly. They both drifted off to sleep in that position.

Jimmy once again went to check on Billy and Billy wasn't in his room. He then went to Axl's room to check on Billy and Billy had his head on Axl's chest and Axl had his arm around him. They were both asleep and smiling peacefully and serenely. Jimmy smiled, surmising that Axl told Billy how he felt about him and Billy was receptive and loved him too.

Jimmy shut the door and went back to his room.

The next day, they all woke up and ate breakfast and showered and got ready for the day. On Social Media, Fans were getting anxious that Cake Cream hadn't performed in a couple of days. Axl asked Cake Cream if they wanted to do an impromptu performance at the local Marriott Hotel. He especially looked at Billy who looked shy. Billy, if you're not ready to perform yet, that's okay. You had a very traumatic experience. Billy said,"I love performing. I don't like disappointing our Fans. Axl said," "So, are you up for an impromptu performance at the Marriott Hotel?" Billy shyly said,"Yes. But can we put better protection for the stage?" Axl agreed. Cake Cream also agreed. They all decided to do the impromptu performance at the local Marriott Hotel. Tickets were $25 again. For the same day.

Axl made everyone wear the hard plated bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and they went to the local Marriott Hotel. Axl had the Marriott Hotel Staff put bulletproof plexiglass barriers on the stage to separate Axl and Cake Cream from the Audience. They also asked Marriott Hotel Staff to make Fans do Fans pass gun checks before being allowed in and the Marriott Hotel Staff did. Cake Cream and Axl thanked the Marriott Hotel Staff for doing that and they were welcomed. They all felt better protected. They practiced for the show, and soon it was time for the Show.

30,000 Fans showed up to see Cake Cream and Axl and Cake Cream were happy at the support of their Fans and happy they were protected. They performed their set behind the bulletproof plexiglass barrier and they were really good. Fans loved the performance. After the Show, they did the final send off to thunderous applause. Billy and Axl were standing really close to each other, but the rest of Cake Cream had some distance between each other. Soon, the show was over and they left. They went home and ate and showered and got ready for bed.

Last edited by Karice; 08-04-2022 at 11:49 AM.
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Old 08-04-2022, 12:34 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Billy shyly asked Axl if he wanted to sleep in Billy's bed. Axl said,,"Yes," with a big smile. Billy smiled too. They both climbed into Billy's bed. Billy lovingly massaged Axl's gunshot wounds, and Axl felt loved and comfortable. Then Billy kissed him on the mouth and Axl kissed him back. After kissing, Billy asked him,"Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" And Axl smiled. They snuggled together and fell asleep.

They woke up in the morning about 3 AM. They were still hiding their relationship from Cake Cream. Billy and Axl decided they wanted to go book a Hotel Room just them two. They packed their Suitcases, showered and dressed. Then they ordered a LYFT to the Local Marriott while the rest of Cake Cream were all asleep and left with the suitcases when their LYFT arrived. They went to the Local Marriott and booked a Hotel Room for just them two.

They settled in and made out with wild abandon and passion. Axl and Billy had brought condoms, and lubricant with them and wanted to make love to each other. Axl put on the condom and lubed up Billy and entered Billy, face to face and made gentle love to him. They also kissed sensually while doing the gentle lovemaking. They both loved this. As Axl came, he held Billy's hand. Billy moaned with pleasure as this happened.

The lovemaking was something they both wanted. After Axl in Billy lovemaking happened, Billy said he wanted to return the favor and Axl was up for this. Billy got a new condom and lubed up Axl and put the condom on him and entered Axl this time. They were face to face once again and Billy was also gentle with the lovemaking he did to and Billy and Axl did more sensual kissing. They loved the gentle lovemaking and sensual kissing. As Billy came, he held Axl's hand too and Axl also found himself moaning with pleasure. After the lovemaking, they showered, showering each other luxuriously and making out again. They finished showering, toweled off, and got dressed and went to sleep together.

Axl woke up about 9 and saw he had missed calls from Andy, Mike, James, and Jimmy and the voicemails were basically asking him where the hell were Axl and Billy. Axl looked at Billy sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face and Axl smirked. He enjoyed the lovemaking he and Billy had done. Billy woke up a little while later and also saw he had missed calls from Andy,Mike,James, and Jimmy that had voicemails asking him where the hell were he and Axl. Billy and Axl looked at each other and smirked mischievously. Billy and Axl made out with each other again. After they made out, they ordered Room Service and ate and drank and got ready for the day.

Last edited by Karice; 08-05-2022 at 08:28 PM.
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Old 08-04-2022, 02:02 PM   #17 (permalink)
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They decided they should call Cake Cream and tell them they were okay. Cake Cream were their Friends and deserved to be told they were okay. Axl and Billy called each and every one of them and told them they were okay.

James, Andy, and Mike all asked them why they were at the Local Marriott Hotel just them two. Axl and Billy asked them how they knew that and they reminded them they could trace their Locations using their Cellphones. Jimmy had already known their was something going on between Axl and Billy so he wasn't surprised.

Andy pointed out he was Gay and had a feeling he knew why Axl and Billy had went to the local Marriott Hotel together without telling any of them. Axl and Billy blushed.

Cake Cream told them they were glad they were okay and approved of whatever was going on between Axl and Billy.

Axl and Billy admitted that they were dating.

Cake Cream asked Axl and Billy when they were coming back home. Axl and Billy responded they'd be coming home the next day. Cake Cream were all relieved. Axl and Billy all chatted with their Cake Cream Bandmates and soon hung up and had fun that day. The next day, they checked out and used a LYFT to go back home. At home, they unpacked and Cake Cream all looked at them intently.

Axl and Billy blushed.

James asked,"Why did you pull that stunt? You could have just told us you guys were dating. We found out anyways.

Axl and Billy admitted they thought they'd be judged by Cake Cream if they told them they were dating. Andy pointed out that he was Gay and no one judged him.

Jimmy said,"You guys could have at least told me."

Axl and Billy looked at the ground.

Mike said, "We should all be more open with each other." Axl and Cake Cream agreed to be more open with each other.

Axl and Billy asked Cake Cream if Claven Records would still allow Axl to be their Manager considering the fact that Billy and he were Boyfriends.

Cake Cream replied they would keep Billy and Axl's relationship a secret just in case Axl wasn't allowed to date Billy. Billy and Axl thanked Cake Cream and were welcomed.
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Old 08-05-2022, 06:09 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and straight up asked Axl if he and Billy were dating. Axl said,"No, Billy and I aren't dating. We're just Friends and Manager/Clients.

"You promise? Claven Records asked.

Axl had a look of turmoil on his face. "I plead the fifth Amendment." Axl replied.

Claven Records asked if Axl and Billy wanted to come to Claven Records and "discuss," an important thing with them. Axl knew this was about he and Billy's relationship. Axl told Claven Records to hold on and they did. He explained the situation to Billy. Billy also felt the "discussion," would be about their Relationship. And was willing to go to Claven Records and "discuss," their Relationship.

Axl and Billy made out and then Axl went back to Claven Records phone call and told them that he and Billy were willing to come to Claven Records and discuss the important thing. Claven Records and they made plans to discuss the important thing. Axl and Claven Records chatted a bit and then both said goodbye and hung up.

Axl and Billy held hands and discussed the important thing Claven Records wanted to talk to them about to the rest of Cake Cream.

Cake Cream said,"We should all go to Claven Records. We should be supporting Axl and Billy in front of Claven Records." Everybody agreed.

They all ate and got ready to go to Claven Records. They left and went to Claven Records.

At Claven Records, they were all in Timothy's office and Timothy asked Billy and Axl if they were dating. Axl and Billy held hands right in front of Timothy to non verbally tell him that they were dating. Timothy was like," Okay, got it. You guys are dating."

Billy and Axl nodded.

Jimmy straight up said,"Axl's the best Manager we've ever had. He's also our Friend. We love Axl. Please don't fire him as our Manager. Please don't fire Billy from Cake Cream. Billy's the best Drummer we've ever had. Billy's also our Friend. We love Billy too." "All of Cake Cream basically said the same thing. Axl and Billy smiled happily and everyone smiled back at them.

Timothy was amused. "We're not going to fire Axl as your Manager. Nor are we going to fire Billy. It's only Claven Records Staff who can't date each other or their Clients, for example, I wouldn't be able to date any of you guys nor can I date Patrick Gordon, one of my Co Managers. But Axl dating Billy is allowed.

All of Cake Cream and Axl breathed sighs of relief. Everybody thanked Timothy and Timothy welcomed them. They all chatted and soon left and went back home.

Last edited by Karice; 12-06-2022 at 07:22 PM.
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Old 08-08-2022, 10:27 AM   #19 (permalink)
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At home, they relaxed and watched TV. Billy had his head in Axl's lap while Axl lovingly caressed Billy's hair. Both Billy and Axl were smiling. Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike thought Billy and Axl made a cute and good couple. Soon, Billy fell asleep. Axl, Jimmy, Mike, Andy, and James chatted while watching TV. Soon, Jimmy, James, and Mike went to their rooms.

Axl asked Andy,"Andy, Billy is my first and only Boyfriend. Since you date Guys, any advice for me and Billy?"

Andy replied, "Be open with each other. Be attentive to each other's needs and wants. Be loyal to each other."

Axl asked,"Is there any special things Billy likes?"

Andy replied,"Billy loves Kit Kats. If you buy him Kit Kats, he'll love you even more. Billy loves getting his hair caressed as you've already figured.

Axl looked at Andy deeply. Have you and Billy ever dated?"

Andy answered shyly,"No, we're just Friends. Billy had a boyfriend before you, but that Boyfriend wasn't me. Nor has Billy ever dated any Cake Cream Member. All five of us have a close Brotherly type of Friendship."

Andy and Axl chatted for a long while watching TV.

Andy said,"You and Billy are such a good couple. He was smiling.

Axl blushed deeply and thanked him and was welcomed.

Billy woke up a little while later and Billy, Andy, and Axl all continued watching TV. Billy and Axl gave each other loving states. Axl and Billy were happy they found true love with each other.
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Old 08-11-2022, 07:11 AM   #20 (permalink)
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On a side note, I seem to have been ahead of my time with Axl's plexiglass suggestion to prevent Audience Members from shooting Cake Cream or himself. Lady Gaga just recently put up plexiglass to prevent Audience Members from throwing things at her.
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