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#151 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463
Older Axl had told Axl to meet him at the secluded place again to give him back his phone at 9 PM sharp. Axl had roughly an hour left with Older Axl's phone. Axl wanted to snoop through Older Axl's phone without Older Axl's permission, but he knew Older Axl didn't give him permission to do that. His job was to cover for Older Axl, not snoop through his phone. Axl sighed and put down Older Axl's phone. He heard a ding and looked down at Older Axl's phone. There was a text message from Slash saying,"Hey Axl, that was a great RR interview!"
Axl wondered if he should answer Slash, but reasoned that Older Axl could answer him back when he got his phone back. Axl was still tempted to snoop through Older Axl's phone. He decided to ask James, Jimmy, Mike Andy and Billy if snooping through Older Axl's phone would be violating Older Axl's privacy. All of them were like,"Yes! Please don't snoop through Older Axl's phone!" There was the answer Axl needed. Axl decided not to snoop through Older Axl's phone. Axl and Cake Cream chilled for a little while, and then Axl left and went to the secluded place where Older Axl was already waiting. Older Axl was once again wearing a disguise. Older Axl said,"Thanks for doing the radio interview for me!" Axl smiled shyly and thanked him and handed Older Axl his phone back. Older Axl was like,"I'm so glad I can count on you and trust you." Axl smiled shyly, thinking of him being tempted to snoop through Older Axl's phone." Older Axl looked at the text message and said,"Oh, Slash text messaged me on having a great RR interview! I'm going to reply to him. I'm happy you didn't reply as me without my permission. It shows how much I can trust you. Thank you. Older Axl was smiling. Axl welcomed him. Older Axl and Axl chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes. Axl went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and saw he had a text message saying,"Zelle Message. W. Axl Rose sent you 10 Million. We are depositing this money into your Account. Axl then saw he had a text message from Older Axl saying,"Thanks for doing the radio interview for me! It means a lot to me! Here's 10 Million for coming through for me! Axl was grateful. He fell asleep soon. Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 05:57 PM. |
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#152 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463
When Axl got up, he saw that the RR/Axl Rose Interview already went viral. Fans loved it. Fans wondered if it was time for Young Axl to have his own RR Interview. RR thought that was a brilliant idea and said he'd call Young Axl soon to see what he thought.
Sure enough, Axl's phone rang soon and RR wanted to know if Axl was up for a RR Radio interview tonight at 6-8 like Older Axl's interview went. Axl was reluctant, as he just did the radio interview last night in Older Axl's place. RR said,"I think it will be fun to interview you! Fans would love to see an interview with you!" Axl caved. Fans were a core part of the music business and industry. Axl was like,"Okay, I'm in!" RR was glad to hear that. They chatted for a little while and then said their goodbyes and hung up. Axl told Cake Cream about his own upcoming RR Radio Interview coming up later today. Cake Cream were all like,"You've got this. I mean, we often do Cake Cream Shows back to back! Axl smiled shyly. Cake Cream and Axl chilled for the day and then it was 6PM. RR called Axl's phone and Axl picked up and RR said, "Hey, it's Rocking Rick from Y100 doing an interview with Young Axl Rose! Hi, Axl, how are you doing?" Axl responded,"I'm doing well. Yourself?" RR responded,"I'm doing well too." Axl said,"Glad to hear!" RR asked,"Any new Albums coming out with Cake Cream? Axl responded,"Not at this moment. We quit Claven Records, so we no longer have a label." RR responded,"But Cake Cream is still performing even though you guys quit Claven Records. Shouldn't Cake Cream have stopped performing then?" Axl responded,"We're independent and I book Cake Cream Shows solely myself now. I'm still Cake Cream's Manager." RR responded,"What happened to the rights and royalties of Cake Cream after you guys quit? " Axl responded,"We bought the rights and royalties back from Claven Records." RR responded,"What happened to the Cream Rose album and the Bitter Sweets Album?" Axl responded,"Cream Rose and Bitter Sweets Albums were more of side project Albums. Claven Records still owns those Albums." RR said,"So, Cake Cream and you are all equal Partners with the Cake Cream Rights and Royalties?" Axl thought of the fact that that he owned the Cake Cream Rights, Name, and Royalties. Axl decided to lie. "Yes, it's an equal 6 way split." RR asked,"How can it be an equal 6 way split if you are the Songwriter of all of Cake Cream songs except for their Demo?" Axl felt uncomfortable and responded,"I plead the fifth." RR said,"Let's change the subject. How did it feel for you when you first ended up in 2022?" Axl laughed and responded,"Remember in Welcome To The Jungle?" Music video and I get off the bus and have a dopey, confused, dazed,"Where am I ?" Look on my face? RR laughed and responded,"I remember l." Axl responded,"That's exactly how my face looked and how I felt when I first showed up in 2022. RR laughed. "I could see that happening. And to boot, you also met your Older Self and coexist with him. You must have been shocked to see your older self. Axl responded,"Shocked isn't the word. I was more in relieved and grateful awe that Older Axl is alive. When I first time traveled to 2022, one of my biggest worries was that Older me might be DEAD. A couple of Fans assured me that all of Guns N'Roses Members are still alive and that gave me great relief. I'm happy that every single Guns N'Roses Member is still alive." RR responded,"I'd be happy too in your shoes." Axl laughed. RR asked,"How are things going with your Cake Cream Friendships and your Relationship with Billy?" Axl responded,"My Cake Cream Friendships and relationship with Billy is doing good. We all have those tight bonds between us. I love James, Jimmy, Andy, and Mike as brothers and I love Billy as my Boyfriend and vice versa. RR asked,"You speak about how much you love James, Jimmy, Mike, and Andy as Brothers, but you also wrote The Hurt Song which is about a betrayal of a brother and how much that betrayal hurt you Did either James, Jimmy, Mike, or Andy betray you and hurt you?" Axl panicked a little, thinking of why he wrote The Hurt Song in the first place, about Andy attempting to sell him out to the Authorities for $5,000 when he was on the run and hiding in Billy's house as a Fugitive, but he and Cake Cream agreed to never tell anyone else besides them 6 about Cake Cream hiding Axl in Billy's house. Axl responded,"I wrote The Hurt Song because of James having sex with Allison, Jimmy's girlfriend. I was writing how I felt Jimmy felt. Jimmy admitted that's exactly how he felt when I showed him the finished song. Jimmy and James have long made up and are close friends again." So, you and Cake Cream have a telepathic connection with each other if you could feel what Jimmy was thinking."RR responded. "Yes, we sometimes do," Axl responded. RR asked,"So, did Cake Cream know where you were when you were on the run as a Fugitive?" Axl responded,"When I was on the run as a Fugitive, Cake Cream had only known me for about a week. They barely knew me from Adam. They knew Older Axl deeply of course, but me? No. They had no idea where I was when I was on the run as a Fugitive." RR responded,"But Billy is seen on surveillance camera visiting you in jail," Axl responded,"My booking went viral quickly. Billy found out that I was in jail from a YouTube video that went viral in minutes of my booking." RR responded ,"How was jail? Were you scared? Did you have any Inmates or Police pestering you for Autographs? " Axl responded with a laugh, "The inmates at the Police Station were drug addicts, drunks, and Shoplifters. The drug addicts and the drunks were so wasted, they barely knew who they were, let alone who I was. The Shoplifters just kept to themselves. The Police were stunned I time traveled 35 years into the future,and just did the booking process but we're humorously shocked at my Tattoos." I'm pretty sure that me being a time traveling singer with multiple tattoos overrode any Autograph wants they may have had." RR responded,"I'd be stunned too in the Polices' shoes. It's not every day someone time travels 35 years into the future!" Axl laughed. RR asked,"Why are you smirking in your 2022 mugshot?" Many people would have looked sad or scared ." Axl responded,"I'm doing a smirk in my 2022 mugshot because I felt relieved that I wasn't on the run anymore and had turned myself in. RR asked,"What did you do while you were on the run?" Axl responded,"During my Axl Rose vs Brian Washington Case, I mentioned I slept on park benches, bathed in the ocean, used public bathrooms, bought food and drinks all wearing a disguise. I was only on the run for a couple of days before I turned myself in. RR asked,"About Billy being the only one who visited you in jail and no one else in Cake Cream visiting you despite Cake Cream usually traveling together, do you resent James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy for not visiting you in jail?" Axl responded,"No. I was only in jail from about 3:30-9:00. James, Jimmy, Mike, and Andy usually are asleep during those hours. Billy is a very early worm, so of course he'd woken up very early and saw I was in jail when he saw YouTube. Now, if I had served my full three days that I was supposed to if my bail wasn't paid by the GoFundMe, and James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy hadn't visited me at all during those three days, that would have been a completely different story." RR says,"Makes a lot of sense." RR asked,"About Guns N'Roses, Steven and Izzy are back in Guns N'Roses with your help. Steven sued you guys in the early 90's after being fired for being a drug addict and Izzy quit just a couple of years later. Do you resent Izzy and Steven for this?" Axl responded,"Where I'm from, Izzy, Steven, Duff, Slash and I are all in Guns N'Roses, the first round of it and none of this has happened yet, so I personally don't remember Steven being fired and suing us nor do I remember Izzy quitting. I heard about it, but I personally don't remember it as I haven't lived through that at only 25. So I don't resent Izzy and Steven." RR asked,"Do you think Older Axl who definitely lived through it resents Steven and Izzy?" I don't think Older Axl holds resentment for something that happened over 30 years ago. Guns N'Roses are all one big happy family and that's all that matters." RR asked Axl,"What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?" Axl responded,"I enjoy hanging out with Cake Cream and being affectionate with Billy. RR responded,"I enjoy hanging out with my Friends too and being affectionate with my girlfriend Axl responded lightly,"We have similar past times! " RR laughed. RR asked, "You and Cake Cream have had so many bad things happen to you. Winning 6 Grammys and having to return 5 of them due to a technical error, you being shot multiple times on stage, you and Cake Cream almost getting bombed, Billy's house burning down, Billy being shot in his stomach, Jimmy and James having a fallout over a girl who ended up falsely accusing them of rape, Brian Washington scandals, NBC still rolling when the camera was supposed to be off, the wolf that showed up at a Cake Cream Concert, the bad Cake Cream show the other day, etc. Do you think you and Cake Cream are cursed? Axl responded, "No, cursed is the Titanic that hit an iceberg,* broke in half and then sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The bad things that happened to Cake Cream and I are more like Lemony Snickett's A Series Of Unfortunate Events!" Axl laughed. And the Wolf that showed up at a Cake Cream Concert was funny, not a bad thing. Axl laughed again. " We always persevere through the bad times." RR asked him,"In Guns N'Roses, you are the oldest Member. In Cake Cream, you're the youngest. Does this seem jarring to you?" Axl responded "Not really. Cake Cream is a completely different Generation from Guns N'Roses. There are roughly 35 years between Cake Cream and Guns N'Roses. Cake Cream was established in 2018, rose to prominence in 2022. Guns N'Roses was founded in 1985, rose to prominence in 1987. It is a little weird that I'm both simultaneously roughly 35 years older than Jimmy, Billy, Mike, Andy and Billy, and roughly a year younger than them, but it's not too jarring." RR responded,I must say, I've never seen two different Axl Roses show up together in my lifetime before!" RR laughed. Axl laughed too and said,"There's a first time for everything and I myself never expected to see my Older Self coexist with me either!" RR laughed again. RR asked," Cake Cream were just Opening Acts and doing gigs in bars, clubs, Restaurants, etc before meeting you and becoming the huge Mega, wildly popular, wealthy Successes they are today. Do you think they would have still become huge, Mega, wildly popular, wealthy Successes they are had they never met you?" Axl responded,"They are so talented and I worked hard to show the world how talented they are. They definitely would have still become huge, mega, wildly popular, wealthy Successes had they never met me, but I feel it would have been more in like 2027 than 2022 had they never met me. They already had it in them, I just helped them speed up the process quickly." RR responded,"You really did help them shine. But when you first helped them out, you thought you were helping the new Guns N'Roses, and had no idea they were more like The New Beatles than the New Guns N'Roses. Would you still have helped them shine if you knew they were more like The New Beatles than the New Guns N'Roses? Axl responded,"Oh most definitely. I definitely knew that Cake Cream were going to be huge Successes when I first saw them open for Guns N'Roses shortly after I time traveled. I definitely would have still helped them out. RR responded, Similar question. Did you ever want to leave Cake Cream at any point? Axl thought about him wanting to leave Cake Cream after James landed in the hospital after Jimmy hit him in the stomach with his Bass Guitar and wanting to leave Cake Cream when it was revealed that Wild Water was actually the New Guns N'Roses, not Cake Cream. Axl wanted to be diplomatic, so he answered,"No. Never." RR responded,"Both you and Older Axl are very loyal, which is admirable." Axl thanked him and RR welcomed him. RR said,"A lot of Fans and Haters criticize Older Axl's higher pitched voice and call him Mickey Mouse. Does this bother you? Axl said," I and my very near future self do/did a lot of gutteral, loud, raw, raspy, screeching, wailing singing and that's why Older Axl has a much higher voice rather than the deep Baritone/Bass voice I speak with now. I'm just grateful Older Axl can still sing and isn't mute or anything like that. Older Axl being compared to Mickey Mouse doesn't bother me. Mickey is cool and iconic. He's my favorite Mouse. I'm honored my Older Self is compared to him." RR responded,"I love your optimistic, refreshing and diplomatic responses! It's so refreshing! " Axl responded,"Thank you!" RR welcomed him. RR asked Axl if he'd like to sing for the Fans, All The Right Words from Tasty Cake/Tasty Cake Reloaded, Cake Cream's biggest hit. Axl sang All The Right Words. RR was like,"Wow, that sounded amazing!" Axl thanked him and RR welcomed him. The interview went smoothly. At exactly 8 PM RR said,"Thank you Young Axl Rose for being my guest for this Radio Interview! I really enjoyed interviewing you!" Axl responded,"You're welcome. I enjoyed being your Guest and being interviewed by you!" RR said,"Over and out. Clear." He and Axl both said their goodbyes and hung up. Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 06:13 PM. |
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#153 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463
Cake Cream congratulated Axl on another good RR Interview.
Axl blushed and thanked them and was welcomed. Soon, they all fell asleep The next day, Andy said he was going to the Supermarket. Everyone said they would go with him. Andy said he really wanted to be alone Everyone agreed to let Andy go out alone. He put on a bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet and left. He went to a Supermarket and decided to play the Powerball. He chose 10,12,20,22, and 31 with a Powerball 26. He paid and left. He went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Cake Cream and Axl all chilled all day in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite Andy anxiously awaited the Florida Lottery Results on YouTube. Powerball came up and it was 10,12,20,22, and 31 with the Powerball 26! Andy was happily shocked! He won the 1.5 Billion before taxes. He couldn't wait to go cash the big ticket! He hid the ticket from Cake Cream and Axl in his drawer and acted like everything was normal. He didn't want to share with Cake Cream and Axl the roughly $700 million he'd be getting after taxes and choosing lump sum Cake Cream and Axl once again chilled all day in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Andy went to sleep Axl did Andy an unasked for favor and folded some clothes for him. Andy opened the drawer to put the clothes away for him when he saw the winning Powerball ticket in Andy's drawer. Axl then checked YouTube and realized Andy won the 1.5 Billion before taxes! Axl was shocked. Axl soon went to bed next to Billy and fell asleep. The next day, Axl went up to Andy and asked,"If you won The Powerball 1.5 billion before taxes, you'd tell us, right? Andy giggled nervously. Axl said,"You contractually agreed to never attempt to sell, actively sell anyone else out for money again, remember?" Andy looked at the ground and said,"I remember, but I won the $1.5 Billion before taxes, I didn't attempt to sell/actively sell anyone out for that money!" Andy then realized he just admitted to Axl that he won the 1.5 Billion before taxes and blushed uncomfortably. Axl was like,"Congratulations on your big win." Andy was like,"That money's all mine. I don't want to share that roughly $700 Million after taxes." Axl said soothingly,"You don't have to share the money. We'll just congratulate you! Andy agreed to tell the rest of Cake Cream that he won the 1.5 billion before taxes. Axl was like,"Good idea." Andy told Billy, James, Jimmy and Mike that he won the 1.5 billion before taxes in The Powerball. Jimmy, Billy, Mike and James were all like, "Congratulations." Billy was like,"That's way more than the $5,000 you wanted for... You know what." Andy and Axl both blushed uncomfortably. Everyone knew what Billy was talking about. Andy made plans to do a Press Conference in order to get the money. Cake Cream and Axl were once again all like,"Congratulations!" Andy thanked them. He put on a bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet and went to the press conference while Cake Cream and Axl watched on TV. Andy claimed publicly he was Drew Tyson but let the Lottery Officials know his real name. He was asked by the public what he planned to do with roughly 1.5 billion before taxes. Andy responded with a changed voice,"Go on luxury vacations, buy some yachts, donate to Charity, buy nice cars, but nice jewelry, etc. " He was asked how he felt after realizing he won $1.5 Billion before taxes. He responded,"I was happily shocked." The press conference happened for roughly an hour and then Andy was Zelled roughly 700 million from The Florida Lottery. He was ecstatic! He went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Cake Cream and Axl were all asleep. Andy packed his bags and went to Miami International Airport and made a last minute booking to Hawaii and had a luxurious experience on the airplane. He refused to give Cake Cream or Axl any of that money. Axl, James, Jimmy Mike and Billy all got up and realized that Andy had packed his bags and left. They were devastated that Andy chose money over them. They wouldn't have asked him for any of that money, they were all wealthy on their own. They couldn't believe Andy rather abandon them and leave with his roughly $700 million. They were all sad. Andy landed in Hawaii and booked a Luxurious Penthouse Suite all for himself. He relaxed, knowing he'd get to enjoy those roughly $700 millions all for himself. He ordered room service, and ate and drank and took a luxurious shower. He fell asleep. Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 06:18 PM. |
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#154 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463
When Andy got up, he decided he wanted to go have breakfast in the Hotel. He got ready for the day and went to the Hotel Restaurant and had pancakes, sausage, eggs, potatoes, orange juice, etc. He paid and left. He went back to his Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Andy's cellphone rang. It was Axl calling. Andy didn't want to answer, knowing exactly why Axl was calling. He didn't want to answer Axl. He let Axl's phone call go to voicemail.
Andy's conscience told him to at least listen to Axl's voicemail. Axl's voicemail was,"Congratulations on abandoning us for money. We hope you enjoy your roughly 700 million that you chose over your five Brothers! " Andy felt a pang of guilt, but tried to soothe his mind by telling himself that Mike, Billy, Axl, James, and Jimmy weren't his REAL Brothers." Andy called Axl and when Axl answered, "Andy said,"Axl, leave me alone. You guys aren't getting a penny out of that roughly 700 million." Axl responded,"Wow. Is money THAT important to you that you'd betray your Brothers for it?" Andy responded,"You're just jealous that I'm now the wealthiest out of all of us! Andy added, And you, Jimmy, Mike, Billy, and James aren't my REAL Brothers, we're just Bandmates!" Axl was hurt. Axl responded, "Hope you enjoy that roughly 700 million. Hope it brings you joy." Andy coldly responded,"It does!" He then hung up the phone and blocked Axl's phone number. He then blocked Jimmy, James, Billy, and Mike's numbers too. Axl and the rest of Cake Cream were not getting any of Andy's roughly 700 million. Back in Florida, Axl was stunned and couldn't believe Andy was so obsessed with money. Axl told Jimmy, James, Billy and Mike about Andy and his conversation and they were all upset. They all decided to go to the library and Axl would post on Reddit about Andy. They got ready for the day and ate. They put on their bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the library. On Reddit, Axl posted,"I am a Manager. I have five Employees in a tight knit Company. One of my Employees won the Lottery and abandoned us. He just suddenly went on the run with his Winnings, didn't even tell us he was leaving us. We have no idea where he is. Technically, he quit, right?" The response was,"He did something worse than quit. Quitting would be more admirable than what he did. He seemed like he didn't have the courtesy to even give you guys a proper goodbye. He just fled into the wind suddenly with his Winnings. I'd deeply question his loyalty." Axl and the rest of Cake Cream agreed with this answer. Axl responded,"Thank you for your deep insight!" The Poster responded,"You're welcome." Axl and Cake Cream left and went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. They couldn't believe Andy dumped them like this, over money. Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 06:26 PM. |
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#155 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463
Cake Cream and Axl saw that on Social Media, Fans were clamoring for a new Cake Cream Show tomorrow. Axl and Cake Cream were hesitant to do a new Cake Cream Show when Andy had abandoned them.
Axl thought and thought of the fact that he was a good piano player. Andy was the Keyboardist of Cake Cream. Piano and Keyboards were similar and Axl could take Andy's place as Keyboardist with his good piano skills. He told Cake Cream his thoughts and they agreed with him that Piano and Keyboards were really similar and maybe, just maybe, he could realistically pass as pretending to be the Cake Cream Keyboardist. They pointed out that should go much more smoothly than when Axl pretended to be James, the Lead Guitarist and clearly wasn't a Lead Guitarist. Cake Cream and Axl all laughed. Cake Cream suggested that Axl actually practice on Andy's Keyboard and not just blindly go to the show playing on someone else's instrument like he did with James' Guitar. Axl said,"Good idea!" And practiced on Andy's Keyboard. He sounded good, channelling his piano skills into the keyboard. Cake Cream cheered for Axl. Axl shyly blushed. Cake Cream and Axl agreed to do another James L Knight Center Show tomorrow. Axl went to James L Knight Center and booked Cake Cream for tomorrow. Fans were happy. Axl went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and they practiced for tomorrow's Show. They ate and chilled until the next day. The next day, Axl covered his Tattoos with makeup and Cake Cream and Axl put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the James L Knight Center. 50,000 Cake Cream Fans showed up! They were all happy. They performed behind bulletproof plexiglass and Axl sounded REALLY good pretending to be the Andy, the Keyboardist. Fans wondered where the hell Axl was. Mike said to the Audience,"Axl decided to let us shine for this show, so he decided to stay home for this particular Show! Cake Cream and Axl all nodded. The Fans were like,"It's disappointing that Axl's not here, but I get everyone wants at least one day off! Axl's stomach turned into knots, but he and Cake Cream knew Axl had to pretend to be Andy. The show continued and was really good. There was wild cheering. They did the final sendoff to even more wild cheering. The show was soon over and they went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and fell asleep. Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 06:27 PM. |
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#156 (permalink) |
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Posts: 463
Andy watched the latest Cake Cream Show on YouTube. He couldn't believe Axl impersonated him! And James, Jimmy, Mike and Billy let him do it. Andy was angry. He checked his suitcase and saw he still had his Luxurious Penthouse Suite key from Florida. He wanted to pay his "Brothers," a visit. He put on his bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet and took a LYFT and went to Hawaii International Airport and made a last minute round trip booking for Miami. He flew to Miami International Airport and took a LYFT to the Florida Luxurious Penthouse Suite. He went in.
Axl, James, Jimmy, Mike and Billy were all sleeping. Andy had a devious plan. He snooped in all of their phones and went to Zelle App and Zelled himself $400 Million from Billy, Mike, Jimmy, and James Zelle Accounts. Axl was only worth about $10 Million, so he left Axl's Zelle alone. He smiled evilly. He'd just made himself $1.6 Billion richer in minutes! Andy left the Luxurious Penthouse Suite, downloaded Cash App and quickly put the stolen 1.6 billion in his Cash App. He went back to Miami International Airport and flew back to Hawaii International Airport and took a LYFT to the Hawaii Luxurious Penthouse Suite and fell asleep. Back in Florida, Billy, Axl, James, Mike and Jimmy soon smarter than me up and Cake Cream saw that they all mysteriously sent Andy $400 million each. They were obviously upset and deducted that Andy must have stolen that $400 Million each from them while they slept since he still has the room key. Axl was upset too even though Andy hadn't touched his money. Axl said,"Should we vote Andy out of Cake Cream?" Billy, Mike, James, and Jimmy all said,"Yes, " simultaneously. Axl agreed Andy needed to be fired from Cake Cream. Axl sent Andy an Email saying,"Andy, you are a heartless thief. You are a disgusting, disappointing Criminal who stole from your Brothers. Shame on you You're out of the Band. You're fired. Hopefully that $1.6 Billion you stole will give you comfort. Andy read the Email and pressed,"Block Sender." Andy would enjoy the $1.6 Billion he stole from Cake Cream. Andy now was worth over 2 billion. Who needed Cake Cream and Axl? Andy was beyond wealthy now! Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 06:28 PM. |
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#157 (permalink) |
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Posts: 463
Axl, Jimmy, James, Billy and Mike went to the bar. Fans were happy to see them. They asked for Autographs and Selfies and Cake Cream and Axl obliged them and the Fans thanked them and they welcomed the Fans. Fans wondered where Andy was and Axl said that Andy didn't want to come with them to the bar. Cake Cream backed up Axl. The Fans were like,"Okay." The Fans walked away.
Axl told Cake Cream that he wanted to sing,"IRS," as a clear message for Andy. Cake Cream loved this and encouraged him. Axl went to Karaoke and said,"I'm going to sing IRS." The Fans and Cake Cream cheered for Axl. Axl emotionally sang No, oh ah Is it true What they say of you Gonna call the President Gonna call a private eye Gonna get the IRS Gonna need the FBI There's not anymore that I can do All the reasons that you give I follow you So when you lead them in, that'll be the end of time it's true Wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong Wouldn't be the last I'm sure, I've known With all the rumors I can tell Some things didn't work so well Well anyway, it feels the same As when you first told me you were gone So long ago but I still held on Through all the emotions that I've had to take And that's the truth, and here's the worst yet Wouldn't even matter the things that I say You've made your mind up and gone anyway And there's no use now in dragging it on Should've seen it coming all along Well it's true, oh, I had My doubts of you Gonna call the President Gonna call myself a private eye Gonna need the IRS Gonna get the FBI Gonna make this a federal case Gonna wave it right down in your face Read it baby with your morning news With a sweet hangover And the headlines too, now I bet you think I'm doing this all for my health I should've looked again then at somebody else Feelin' like I've done way more than wrong Feelin' like I'm livin' inside of this song Feelin' like I'm just too tired to care Feelin' like I've done more than my share Could've been the way that I carried on Like a broken record for so long And I do Oh, oh I'm gonna call the President I'm gonna call a private eye Gonna get the IRS Gonna need myself the FBI Oh, what shall I do? If I gave my heart to you It's such a crime you know it's true Gonna call the president Gonna need myself a private eye Ooh, gonna need the IRS Gonna get the FBI Gonna make it a federal case Gonna wave it right down in your face Read it baby with your morning news With the sweet hangover and the headlines too There's not anymore that I can do. Cake Cream smirked, knowing exactly why Axl sang IRS. The Fans and Cake Cream cheered wildly for this. The Fans filmed the performance and it was sure to go viral on YouTube. Axl smiled and got off the stage. He went back to Cake Cream and Axl and Cake Cream were like," Andy's sure to see this when it goes viral!" They all smirked. They hung out at the bar for about another hour and then went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. |
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#158 (permalink) |
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Posts: 463
Back in Hawaii, Andy saw the viral "IRS Bar song performance" by Axl Rose on YouTube and panicked, getting the message loud and clear. It was deeply implied that Axl was getting ready to go after him for stealing 1.6 Billion from Axl's Brothers, Boyfriend and Clients. Andy was glad that he had his phone location turned off and Axl, Jimmy, James, Billy, and Mike couldn't trace his location using his phone.
His selfish thoughts told him,"Just lay back and relax. Billy, Axl, James, Jimmy and Mike have no idea where you are. They are all in Florida. You aren't even in the Continental US anymore. You're in Hawaii. Just enjoy the roughly 2 Billion you are worth now. Cake Cream can't even steal the 1.6 Billion back nor can they steal any of your roughly 700 million dollars, or your original roughly 700 Million you were already worth before winning the lottery since you put all that money into a Cash App Account they don't even know exists. Andy relaxed in his Luxurious Penthouse Suite. He had some champagne and chocolates and watched TV and fell asleep. Back in Florida, Cake Cream and Axl bemoaned the fact that Cake Cream was now worth 1.6 Billion less due to Theft from their selfish ex Coworker. They had a VERY hard time considering Andy their Brother after the VERY dastardly, evil, selfish, reprehensible, appalling, abominable, etc thing Andy did to them. On Social Media, Andy's Lottery Press Conference had already been viral for days. Fans wondered who Drew Tyson was who won that 1.5 Billion from the Lottery and had done the press conference wearing a motorcycle helmet. Cake Cream and Axl all looked knowingly at each other knowing exactly who that was. Fans wondered if any of Cake Cream or Axl won the Lottery since they were world wide known for wearing motorcycle helmets. Cake Cream and Axl knew that if it was 100 percent revealed that Andy was the winner of the 1.5 Billion lottery win, he'd become a target for being murdered over that money. They were mad at him for stealing their money and turning on them, but they didn't want him to possibly become murdered over that money. They agreed to keep it a secret that Andy was that huge winner. Axl was like,"Anybody could have been under that motorcycle helmet. And Drew Tyson is a very common name. It's not a name like Elon Musk who has a very uncommon name and is most likely the only person in the whole world named Elon Musk. Axl added,"Cake Cream names are Andy McCall, Billy Parks, James Dobson, Jimmy King, Mike Smith. My name is Axl Rose. None of us are named Drew Tyson." Cake Cream all backed up Axl. The Fans were like,"Okay." Axl and Cake Cream chatted with the Fans on Social Media and then they said their goodbyes. Afterwards, Axl wryly told Cake Cream he couldn't believe he found Brian Washington a BETTER person than Andy! Cake Cream wryly agreed with him. At least Brian Washington never made it a secret he was obsessed with money. Andy hid his money obsession well until recently. Even when he tried to sell out Axl for just $5,000/$1,000, it was seen as an impulsive decision that Cake Cream immediately and Axl later scolded him for that he regretted soon. Andy truly had Cake Cream and Axl fooled on how deep his money obsession went. Cake Cream and Axl chilled and soon fell asleep. |
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#159 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463
Andy got up from his nap and got a massage at the spa. The massage was good, but his conscience told him softly,"This massage would be better with Axl, Jimmy, James, Billy and Mike here." Andy tried to ignore his conscience. Andy paid for the massage and left. He went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and saw on Social Media, Cake Cream and Axl still protected him when they refused to tell the Fans he was the winner of the 1.5 Billion when they could have easily told the Fans he won the 1.5 billion before taxes.
Andy went to a Hotel Restaurant and ate a steak meal and paid and left. Andy went to to the movies. At the movies, his conscience told him softly,"You, Axl, Jimmy, James, Billy, and Mike had so much fun at the movies together, remember?" Andy felt guilty knots forming in his stomach. He said aloud,"Leave me alone!" After the movies, he went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and watched TV and fell asleep. He had a nightmare that a rope made of money wrapped itself around Andy's neck, suffocating him, as he struggled to breathe in a panic and the money rope than hung him in a tree and he died in the nightmare. Andy got up in a cold sweat, relieved that it was just a nightmare. Andy's conscience was torturing him in his nightmare since he was fighting it in his waking life. Andy watched more TV and felt REALLY bad about stealing the 1.6 from Jimmy, James, Billy and Mike. He knew he crossed a big line here, fucing over Jimmy, James, Billy, and Mike for 1.6 Billion. He knew if Cake Cream and Axl were to press charges on him, he'd be facing around 40 years behind bars for Grand Theft and Grand Larceny. Andy was scared. Just give them back their 1.6 Billion you should never have stolen from them in the first place." His conscience begged him softly. Andy broke down crying, realizing how ****ed up what he did really was. The money was becoming more of a burden than a blessing. Andy knew that Cake Cream deserved their money back. Some random man called Andy's phone from a burner phone he had. Andy absentmindedly answered it. Fake Axl said,"Hello, Andy, it's Axl," In a deep Baritone Bass. He sounded like Axl over the phone. Andy panicked, feeling both guilty and scared. Axl used a new phone number to call him and got him! Andy knew he had to face his consequences and own up to what he did. "Hi, Axl," he said nervously. Fake Axl asked,"Are you okay? Eating and sleeping well?" Andy took a deep breath and said," "Yes, I'm eating and sleeping well." "That's good," Fake Axl responded. Andy responded,"Thank you." "Fake Axl responded,"You're welcome. Anything you feel guilty about? Fake Axl asked/added pointedly. Andy broke down and admitted he felt guilty about stealing the 1.6 Billion from Cake Cream. Fake Axl was like,"Good, you should. Ready to appease your guilty conscience?" Andy said,"Yes, I'm ready to appease my guilty conscience!" Fake Axl was like,"Where are you? We can work this out face to face." Andy tentatively asked,"You promise this isn't a setup to turn me into the police for theft?" Fake Axl responded," We can handle our problems on our own, no cops involved." Andy said,"I'm scared you guys will end up throwing me in jail over this." Fake Axl were like,"We just want to settle this with you, face to face. Once again, no cops involved." Andy tentatively said,"Okay, I'm at the Marriot in Honolulu Hawaii." He gave the Room address and exact address. Fake Axl thanked him for that information and was welcomed. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up. Fake Axl was about to rob Andy at gunpoint out of that 1.6 billion he knew Andy had. Andy felt a wave of relief wash over him. He was going to face Axl and get this settled. Little did he know he unsuspectingly just told a complete stranger posing as Axl he had 1.6 Billion on him. And the exact hotel and hotel room he was staying at. Ouch. Real Axl back in Florida had a REALLY bad premonition about Andy. He had a bad feeling that Andy was about to be in REAL trouble. Like about to get kidnapped, robbed, murdered, etc. He told Cake Cream his feelings. Cake Cream were like ,"We're mad at Andy for stealing our money, but we still don't want him to end up in big trouble." Axl agreed with Cake Cream. Cake Cream and Axl all in a panic kept trying to trace Andy's location using his phone, but Andy had turned off his location. Axl, Billy, James, Jimmy, and Mike all sent desperate Emails to Andy, but Andy had blocked all of their Email Addresses. They tried to call Andy, but Andy had blocked all their numbers. Cake Cream and Axl all prayed to God to watch over Andy. Axl decided he needed to buy a burner phone. Cake Cream agreed. Axl rushed to the nearest phone store and quickly bought a burner phone. He thanked the store clerk and was welcomed. He called Andy's cellphone and Andy picked up. Axl asked him how he was doing. Andy confused was like,"You know how I'm doing. You called me earlier and we chatted and made plans to meet up at my hotel." Axl said horrified, "We didn't speak earlier. This is the first time we're speaking to each other today. Andy, you're in BIG trouble. I want you to pack up and leave whatever hotel you are at immediately." Andy was like,"How do you know you aren't pulling some prank on me?" Axl desperately begged Andy to unblock his regular phone number. He told him to take a good look at the difference between the phone numbers that called him. Something about the urgency in Axl's voice made Andy sit up and take notice and action. Andy unblocked Axl's phone number. Andy told him he unblocked Axl's phone number. Axl breathed a sigh of relief. He then called Andy's phone using his regular phone number. Andy picked up Axl's regular phone call. Andy looked at his phone log and realized in horror that Axl's REAL burner phone that called him about a minute ago and Fake Axl's burner phone number that called him earlier were completely different. Andy's face blanched. He told Axl , in fear that the number that called him earlier was a completely different number. Axl asked Andy if the fact that Fake Axl and Real Axl had completely different burner phone numbers that Axl wasn't pranking Andy and Andy was about to be in BIG trouble. Andy admitted Axl was right. Axl begged Andy to tell him what Hotel and room number he was staying at. Andy told him the Hotel and room number he was at. Axl thanked him and desperately warned him again to leave. Andy packed his bags in a hurry and left. |
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#160 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463
Back in Florida, Axl called the Honolulu Police and told them about Andy's predicament. He didn't tell them about Andy stealing 1.6 Billion, he just told him that some random Creep knew Andy was alone in a Hotel Room with Millions of dollars and tricked Andy by impostering Axl. The Honolulu Police Department took his phone call seriously and said they would send multiple police officers to Andy's Room. Axl breathed a sigh of relief. He thanked the Dispatcher and was welcomed. They soon ended the call.
The Dispatcher sent multiple Police to Andy's Room he had fled just a little while ago , heeding Axl's warnings. The Multiple Police went to the Hotel Lobby and the Lieutenant asked for a Room key to what was just Andy's Room a little while ago. The Hotel Clerk gave him a Room key and the Multiple Police went to Andy's old hotel room and did a stakeout. About an hour later, a known Criminal named Mark Riley , a notorious Bank Robber with multiple arrest warrants and from a bunch of different States and a huge Criminal Record going back from 2000 showed up to Andy's old hotel room and knocked aggressively on the door like a madman. He had a gun ready to rob Andy at gunpoint! He couldn't wait to be 1.6 Billion richer! He said in a deep Baritone Bass voice,"Andy, it's me, your Buddy and your Manager and Lawyer, Axl Rose. Open up the door!" He didn't even have a motorcycle helmet on, something the REAL Axl would have on! The Lieutenant opened the door and Mark was surprised to see about 6 Police Officers in Andy's Room, and no Andy. Mark tried to run away, but the Cops tackled him, searched him, found his gun, searched his burner phone and saw he had called Andy. They read him his rights, put handcuffs on him, and led him out of the Hotel and he was put in a cop car. The whole thing was caught on surveillance camera and was sure to go viral soon. On the news in about an hour, Mark's arrest and mugshot were already a featured headline. Andy had fled to California and booked another Luxurious Penthouse Suite in a Marriott hotel. He breathed a huge sigh of relief when he saw the news of Mark's arrest and thanked God Axl saved him from God knows what Mark was going to do to him if Axl's intuition and premonition hadn't saved Andy. Axl called him from his normal phone and asked him if he was okay. Andy picked up the phone and said,"I'm fine, I'm in California now, thanks for still looking out for me, even after all I've done to you and Cake Cream. You helped me out and saved me big time!" Axl replied,"You're welcome. That's what Brothers do, not just Bandmates." Axl said wryly. Andy blushed shyly. Andy and Axl chatted and Andy went to his Cash App and Zelled himself roughly 2.2 Billion. Andy Zelled Jimmy, James, Mike, Billy 500 million each and Zelled Axl 200 Million. He wrote a Zelle note reading,"I am sorry for stealing money from you guys. I shouldn't have screwed over my Family. Here's the money I stole from you plus extra. I gave you extra money as a sign of repentance." Cake Cream and Axl were pleasantly surprised to see that Andy truly felt guilty remorse after screwing over his Brothers and to an extent, Axl. Andy unblocked Cake Cream's numbers and they all chatted, happy Andy was safe and sound. And thanked him for doing the right thing plus extra. He welcomed them. Cake Cream and Axl wondered if they should come visit Andy in his California hotel. They told him they all missed him. Andy was like,"Sure, but let's all Skype so I know it's for sure you it's you guys and not some Imposters that sound creepily like you! Cake Cream and Axl were all like,"Good idea!" They didn't blame Andy for being a little paranoid over what could have happened. Cake Cream, Andy, and Axl did Skype and they all chatted virtually face to face. It really was the real Cake Cream and Axl and Andy was satisfied. They made plans to meet Andy the next day. Andy was happy. |
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