Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 03-27-2023, 10:01 AM   #141 (permalink)
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They practiced for the upcoming Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr show coming up in two days. They then chilled for those two days. When it was the day of the show, they got up, ate, and got ready for the day. They practiced more, put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and left, locking the Penthouse Suite. They went to James L Knight Center and Paul and Ringo were there. Wild Guns were there too as Paul and Ringo had gotten them free tickets. Cake Cream, Axl, Wild Guns, Ringo, and Paul were all happy. Cake Cream, Paul, and Ringo all practiced. Everyone was wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

It was soon time for the Show. Cake Cream, Paul and Ringo started the show behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and were really good. Fans loved seeing Cake Cream, Paul, and Ringo perform. There was loud, wild, cheering. Axl and Wild Guns loved this too. Fans couldn't believe in a good way that The Older Beatles were performing with The New Beatles.

Axl noticed something strange in a good way. How well James performed with Paul and Ringo, as if James was a Beatle in a past life, as if he were the reincarnation of John Lennon. John Lennon had died in 1980, James was born in 1996. It was extremely possible that James was the reincarnation of John Lennon! Axl was shocked and happy at the same time. Paul and Ringo seemed to have seen something oddly familiar in James too, like an old Friend they'd just gotten reacquainted with. The show was an extremely good show and about two hours later, the final sendoff happened to wild applause. After the show, Axl spoke to Paul and Ringo Ringo privately and asked them if they thought James could be the reincarnation of John.

Paul said,"Yeah, I feel that. Ringo was like,"I feel that too." Axl smiled. He knew his feelings were onto something. He asked Paul and Ringo if it were okay if James knew about their inkling. Paul and Ringo said,"Yes," together. Axl called James over and James came.

Axl said to James,"Paul, Ringo, and I all feel that you are the reincarnation of John." James was in awe. Could he be the reincarnation of John? James, Paul, Ringo, and Axl all smiled. James shyly said,"Please don't tell anyone else the possibility that I could be the reincarnation of John." Paul, Ringo, and Axl were all like,"Okay." They chatted for a while and then went back to Billy, Andy, Mike, and Jimmy. Billy, Andy, Mike, and Jimmy all wondered why Paul, Ringo, James, and Axl looked they had a big secret. Axl said,"No big secret, we're just glad that the New Beatles and the Older Beatles are here! James blushed suspiciously.

James, Jimmy, Mike, Axl, Ringo, Paul, Billy and Andy, all went to Denny's to celebrate the gig. They were eating a nice late night dinner. Paul and Ringo couldn't believe they could be looking at the reincarnation of John. A Fan congratulated Paul, Ringo, Axl, and Cake Cream on a nice Show and said it was a shame that John and George couldn't be performing too. James lowered his eyes shyly and Paul, Ringo, and Axl blushed while looking right at James.

Jimmy, Billy, Mike, and Andy were wondering what the hell was going on between Paul, Ringo, Axl, and James. The Fan noticed this too. Axl said,"I'm sure John and George were there in spirit, especially John. James gave Axl a "Cutting it REALLY close," look and Axl blushed. The Fan asked everyone for Selfies and Autographs and they all obliged. The Fan thanked them and wax welcomed and went back to her table. They finished their late night dinners and paid and left.
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Old 03-27-2023, 10:02 AM   #142 (permalink)
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Paul and Ringo wanted James to stay over at their hotel for a couple of days. Axl and James both blushed, knowing exactly why Paul and Ringo wanted James to stay over at their hotel. But James and Axl wanted to make sure that Mike, Andy, Billy, and James were all okay with this. Mike, Billy, Andy, and Jimmy were confused and suspicious, but they were all like,"Okay." Paul,Ringo, James, and Axl were happy. James said his goodbyes to the rest of Cake Cream and Axl and they all said it back. James left with Ringo and Paul.

The rest of Cake Cream were wondering what the hell was going on between Paul, James, Axl, and Ringo.

Axl said,"Ringo, Paul, and James just want to spend quality time with each other. "

Mike was like,"Why do they just want to spend quality time with James and not all of us?"

Axl had a look of panic. James didn't want anyone besides Axl, Ringo, Paul, and himself to know about the possibility of him being the reincarnation of John.

Jimmy said,"You have your trademark look of panic," Jimmy said observantly. The panic look you give when you're caught in something." Andy, Mike, and Billy agreed.

Axl was like,"Can't you guys just drop it? Paul and Ringo just want to spend quality time with James. There's nothing nefarious going on."

Andy was like,"Can't you just tell us what's going on?"

Mike said,"We agreed to be more open with each other."

Cake Cream and Axl knew when the words,"We agreed to be more open with each other were spoken, that meant it was a prompt to tell the truth about whatever the person was lying about or trying to hide. Axl's stomach turned into knots. He couldn't betray James, but they had a rule that they were supposed to open up when the words,"We agreed to be more open with each other," were spoken..

Axl shook his head and responded,"I plead the fifth!"

Billy was like,"Come on, we're Boyfriends and Mike, Andy, Jimmy,are your Brothers. We really shouldn't be keeping secrets from each other."

Andy was like,"Billy's right you know. Mike and James backed up what Andy said and Billy nodded.

Axl in a panic ran and jumped into a nearby Taxi, turned off his phone location and went to another Marriott in aboth and booked a last minute Luxurious Penthouse Suite in another County. He settled in, knowing he couldn't betray James.

Axl watched some TV, took a bath, and fell asleep.
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Old 03-27-2023, 10:02 AM   #143 (permalink)
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James, Ringo, Paul sat in Paul and Ringo's hotel, just chilling and drinking scotch and watching TV.

Ringo asked James how he felt about performing with them tomorrow at Miami Airlines Arena. Paul smiled.

James was like,"Okay!" He was smiling. James begun to feel tired and he got ready for bed and went to sleep.

He woke up a little later and heard Paul and Ringo talking to each other. He pretended to still be asleep.

Paul said,"I feel that James is definitely the reincarnation of John. He's definitely got John's spirit."

Ringo replied,"Yep, James is definitely John reincarnated. But I don't want James being shot by a crazy fan like John was."

Paul responded,"I don't want James being shot by a crazy fan either." Paul paused and then pointed out that Cake Cream wore bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets, something John wasn't wearing when he was shot in December 1980.

Ringo was like,"Good point."

Paul was like,"It's amazing how much James is like John."

Ringo answered,"Because James is John reincarnated. Imagine that."

Paul and Ringo laughed. James smiled.

James was under the covers and texted Axl.

He wrote,"Paul and Ringo really think that I'm the reincarnation of John! Do you think this is true?"

Axl soon responded,"I think this is true too. You and John share a lot of the same personality.

James responded, "Does this mean I'm destined to die at 40 by getting shot by a crazy, obsessed Fan?"

Axl responded,"No, you are not destined to die at age 40 by getting shot by a crazy, obsessed, Fan. You are James Dobson in this life, NOT John Lennon. "

James responded,"Good. Please don't tell Jimmy, Billy, Andy, or Mike that I'm John Lennon reincarnated."

Axl responded,"Funny thing about that. They asked me what the hell was going on between Paul, Ringo, you, and me, and I couldn't betray you by breaking your trust, so I ran for the hills, turned off my location, and am hiding in a Broward Hotel! "

James responded,"LMAO! Thank you for keeping my secret, not betraying me, and not breaking my trust!"

Axl responded,"You're welcome."

James and Axl texted a little more and then wrote,"Goodnight," to each other.

James played on his phone and then went back to sleep.
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Old 04-01-2023, 03:29 AM   #144 (permalink)
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Axl fell asleep soon himself. When he awoke, he got missed calls from Jimmy, Mike, Andy, and Billy. They all expressed worry about him and also wanted to know what was going on between James, Ringo, Paul and Axl.

Axl didn't call back, he didn't want to betray James's trust. He chilled in the hotel.

Meanwhile, James, Ringo, and Paul got ready for the show and practiced. Soon, it was time for the Show. They left and went to the James L Knight Center and the Show started behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers.

Axl watched the Show on his Hotel TV. He was shocked James decided to do another Show with Paul and Ringo and didn't tell him anything. He was still Cake Cream's Manager and owner of the Cake Cream name and rights and James by all honesty should have told him he was going to do another show with Paul and Ringo. Axl felt a little hurt but admired how well James, Paul and Ringo got along. The Show was really good. The final sendoff happened to wild cheering.

Axl ordered room service and ate and drank.

Billy, Mike, Andy, and Jimmy had also watched the Ringo, James, and Paul show and was baffled why Ringo and Paul wanted James to perform with them and not the rest of Cake Cream. They had to admit James got along extremely well with Paul and Ringo. Cake Cream soon got ready for bed and fell asleep.

The next day, Fans on Social Media were saying they wanted to see another Cake Cream Show. All of Cake Cream and Axl saw this and their stomachs all twisted into knots. They were working for the fans. And the Fans wanted to see a Cake Cream Show.

Axl called James, Jimmy, Mike, Andy and Billy and make plans for an upcoming James L Knight Center show tomorrow.

Billy, Jimmy, Mike and Andy were wondering what the hell was going on between Paul, Ringo, James and Axl. James and Axl were like,"We plead the fifth!" Axl and James pointed out they should just make plans for the James L Knight Center Show tomorrow. Andy, Billy, Mike and Jimmy reluctantly agreed. The show was put in motion for tomorrow.

They all chatted and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

The next day, it was time for the James L Knight Center Show. James, Jimmy, Mike, Andy , Billy and Axl all showed up and tentatively got ready for the Show. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

50,000 Cake Cream Fans showed up and Cake Cream and Axl were happy, although there was still tension.

The show happened behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and... It was a bad show. Billy, Jimmy, Mike and Andy kept looking at James and Axl suspiciously while playing. They sounded off James played off and both James and Axl looked at them uncomfortably. It was clear there was tension between Cake Cream and Axl.

The Fans actually BOOED and JEERED. The final sendoff happened to more boos and jeers. It was a bad show and Fans demanded their money back. Cake Cream and Axl had to pay $1,250,000 in refunds.

Axl and James tried to run from Billy, Jimmy, Andy and Mike but Jimmy, Billy, Mike and Billy blocked them.

They wanted to know what was going on between Paul, Ringo James and Axl.

Axl and James claimed that there was nothing going on. Jimmy, Mike, Andy and Billy knew that was a lie and told them so..

Axl and James both had looks of panic and were like,"Please, just leave us alone. We don't want to talk about it."

Jimmy, Billy, Andy and Mike were all like,"We're a Family. Whatever is going on between you guys, we'll understand and accept it. We won't judge. You can trust us.

James asked Axl if it was okay if he told the rest of Cake Cream about him possibly being the reincarnation of John Lennon.

Axl said,"If you're ready to tell them, it's okay."

James took a deep breath and said,"Billy, Andy, Mike, and Jimmy, I might be the reincarnation of John Lennon." Axl backed him up.

Andy, Billy, Jimmy, and Mike were incredulous, but decided to give James the benefit of the doubt that he could be the reincarnation of John. They pointed out that Axl time traveled from 1987 and coexisted with his older self, so there was a very real possibility that James could be the reincarnation of John. James and Axl blushed shyly.

James, Jimmy, Mike, Andy, Billy and Axl went to dinner and had a nice steak dinner, feeling relieved the secret was out in the open. They paid and left.
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Old 04-02-2023, 09:33 AM   #145 (permalink)
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Axl wanted to go back to his Hotel and get his things out of there and go back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite.

Cake Cream were all like,"Okay." Axl took a LYFT to his Hotel, got his things out of there and checked out and then took a LYFT to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Cake Cream and Axl were all glad they were back in one Suite.

They checked Social Media and Fans were like,"This latest Cake Cream Show was crap! Awful show!" At least Cake Cream and Axl gave full refunds, that was courteous and morally and ethically right of them!"

Another Poster was like,"This latest Cake Cream show was even worse than the one Jimmy and James were fighting and Jimmy hit James in the stomach with his Bass Guitar , worse than the one James played like a clumsy beginner and Axl wasn't even there and worse than the one Billy showed up sick, late, and could barely play his drums and was sent home early by Axl!" Worse Cake Cream Show ever!"

Cake Cream and Axl all blushed, all knowing exactly why the Show was so awful.

They all knew that next Cake Cream Show(if Fans were willing to give them another chance, would be better.

They chatted and got ready for bed and went to sleep.

Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 05:48 PM.
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Old 04-27-2023, 05:11 PM   #146 (permalink)
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The next day, while Cake Cream were all still sleeping, Axl posted on Social Media that he hoped Fans would give Cake Cream and Axl another chance after that awful show recently. He told them future shows would be better.

Fans tentatively responded,"We don't know. That last show was one of the crappiest shows I've ever seen."

Axl responded,""Yep, it was bad, very bad, but Cake Cream and I weren't feeling well when we did that awful show. We're all feeling a lot better now."

The Fans were like,"Okay, we'll give you guys another chance."

Axl smiled and thanked them and was welcomed. They all said their goodbyes.

Cake Cream all soon woke up.

Axl told Cake Cream that the Fans were willing to give them another chance and Cake Cream were all relieved and excited. Axl booked them for another James L Knight Center Show tomorrow. They practiced, ate, chilled, and got ready for bed and went to sleep. When they woke up, it was time to get ready for a morning show. They ate, got ready for the day, practiced more and went to the James L Knight Center. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

At the James L Knight Center, they practiced more and then it was time for the Show. 50,000 Cake Cream Fans showed up! Cake Cream and Axl were beyond happy that the Cake Cream Fans gave them another chance! They performed behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and the Show was beyond great and the Audience cheered wildly instead of booing and jeering. Cake Cream and Axl were back on top! At the final sendoff, the Audience cheered even more wildly. Cake Cream and Axl were all happy. The Show was soon over.

Axl congratulated James, Jimmy, Billy, Mike and Andy on a phenomenal Show and they welcomed him. They went to Denny's and had a nice brunch, having a good time and then paid and left..

Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 05:48 PM.
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Old 04-27-2023, 05:12 PM   #147 (permalink)
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They went back to the hotel. They decided they wanted to go to the park. They went to the park and chilled, just enjoying each other's company. The sun was hot and all of a sudden, it begun to rain! Axl, Billy, James, Jimmy Mike,and Andy were grateful they wore motorcycle helmets, but decided to run to the covered patio anyways. Under the covered patio, Axl and Billy went to a corner, took off their motorcycle helmets and kissed. James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy blushed knowingly. Axl and Billy kissed for a little while and the rain ended soon. Everyone went back outside and chilled on the park bench. There were no Fans around to ask them for Autographs and Selfies and they were able to just kick back in peace.

Billy asked Axl if he wanted to attend Billy's high school reunion next week. Axl was honored, although he wondered about the fact of how possibly awkward him showing up to Billy's high school reunion might be considering the fact that Axl was technically about 35 years older than Billy's ex schoolmates.

Billy said,"I'd love to have my Boyfriend accompany me to the high school reunion. And besides, biologically, you are around my ex classmates ages, not 35 years older .

Jimmy, Andy, Mike, and James all pointed out that they were going to go to Billy's high school reunion too and all 6 of them could have a good time. Axl caved and responded,"Okay, I'm coming to Billy's high school reunion!" All five Members of Cake Cream were excited.

They finished chilling at the park and went to the hotel and watched TV.

Axl decided to book Cake Cream for the Dolphins Home Halftime Show in two days. He told them his plan and they were all onboard. Axl and Cake Cream went to the Dolphins Stadium and booked the show. They went home and practiced for the upcoming Show.

Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 05:49 PM.
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Old 04-27-2023, 05:13 PM   #148 (permalink)
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The next day, it was the day of the Miami Dolphins Stadium Halftime Show. Cake Cream and Axl got up, ate, and got ready for the day. They left the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and did some sightseeing, ate at a restaurant, paid and left and then went to the Miami Dolphins Stadium and practiced. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and the Game started.

The Dolphins were trying hard to win , but they were down about 5 points. Dolphin Fans were disappointed, but still cheered for the Dolphins. The Halftime Show happened, and Cake Cream went on stage, and performed behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers. They were really good, and Cake Cream Fans cheered wildly for them

This was a good show and Cake Cream were back on top, a complete 180 from the awful show they did recently. Fans seemed to have forgiven the awful show recently. Cake Cream and Axl were all happy.

This was a phenomenal Show. The Final sendoff happened to wild cheering and the Cake Cream Show was soon over. The Dolphins came back after Halftime and played extremely well, winning by 20 points, after being down by 5 points. The Audience wondered if the extremely good show from Cake Cream and Axl gave the Dolphins a confidence booster and helped them win by 20 points.

After the Dolphins Stadium Show, Cake Cream and Axl went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite.

They were all in a happy mood. They watched TV, chilled, showered, and got ready for bed and went to sleep.

The next day, they saw the Cake Cream Dolphin Stadium Halftime Show already went viral and Fans were like,"Cake Cream are back on top! I loved the Halftime Show last night! They more than made up for the awful Cake Cream Show the other day! I love Cake Cream!"

Axl and Cake Cream were happy.

Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 05:51 PM.
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Old 04-27-2023, 05:14 PM   #149 (permalink)
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Older Axl called Axl and when Axl picked up, Older Axl asked,"Axl, how would you feel about doing a radio interview in my spot? I really don't want to do the radio interview, I want to relax and chill. I'd love if you can help me out."

Axl was like,"When's the radio interview?

Older Axl sheepishly said,"Tonight."

Axl replied,"Why did you wait until NOW to ask me?"

"I suddenly just don't want to do it. Please help me out." Older Axl begged Axl.

Axl sighed. He knew Older Axl would have done the same thing for him and he caved.

Axl responded,"Okay Axl, I'll do it.

Older Axl responded gratefully,"Thanks, Axl!"

Axl asked,"What time is the Radio Interview tonight and what's the Station?"

Older Axl responded,"6 PM-8 PM tonight. Y100.

Axl was like,"Okay."

Older Axl and Axl made plans for the radio station interview. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Axl told Jimmy, James, Billy, Andy and Mike to go to the movies from 6-8.

They all immediately questioned why he wanted them to go to the movies.

Axl was like,"I just want to chill by myself from 6-8!"

James, Billy, Mike Andy and Jimmy were like,"Something seems fishy about this."

Axl was like,"There's nothing fishy about me wanting you guys to go to the movies."

Cake Cream were all like,"We'll go to the movies from 6-8 only if you go with us!"

Axl had a look of panic." "I really don't want to go to the movies with you guys! I want you five to go to the movies by yourselves!"

Cake Cream all refused to go to the movies without Axl.

Axl said,"Okay, new plan. I want you all to be asleep from 6-8."

Cake Cream was like,"What the hell is going on Axl? Are you getting ready to become a Drug Dealer or something from 6-8?"

Axl laughed nervously.

Cake Cream were all like,"Oh my God, you're getting ready to be a Drug Dealer from 6-8!"

Axl shook his head and said,"No."

Cake Cream asked Axl what was going on. Axl looked at the ground shyly.

Cake Cream were like,"We agreed to be more open with each other!" Cake Cream and Axl knew once,"We agreed to be more open with each other," was a prompt to open up and tell the truth."

Axl said,"I'm going to do a radio Interview from 6-8."

Cake Cream wondered why Axl was trying to hide THAT.

Axl blushed. He didn't know how to tell them he would be taking Older Axl's place for the interview tonight.

Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 05:52 PM.
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Old 04-27-2023, 05:14 PM   #150 (permalink)
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Axl decided to just tell them the truth. "I'm taking Older Axl's place tonight for the radio interview."

Cake Cream all giggled. "You're going to need practice to take Older Axl's place!"

Axl was confused. "What do you mean? Older Axl is literally the older version of me!"

Cake Cream were like,"Yeah, but you don't SOUND like Older Axl!"

Axl recognized their valid point. Axl decided he needed to practice speaking in a higher pitched voice rather than his deep Baritone/Bass voice. He told Cake Cream they were right and Axl practiced hard speaking in a higher pitched voice.

Cake Cream congratulated his higher pitched voice. Axl smiled. Cake Cream and Axl all chilled in the hotel room.

Older Axl called Axl again and told him to meet him in a secluded place so he could give him his cellphone. He gave him the address. They chatted for a little while and soon said goodbye and hung up. Axl told Cake Cream were he was going, and they were like,"Okay."

Axl was wearing a bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet. He met Older Axl at the secluded place and Older Axl was wearing a disguise.

"Here is my cellphone, Older Axl told him, giving him his cellphone. Thanks for agreeing to help me out," Older Axl said gratefully.

Axl smiled and welcomed him. Older Axl and Axl chatted and then said their goodbyes. Axl went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Axl and Cake Cream chilled more. Axl put his actual phone on silent.

Soon, it was 6PM and the Y100 Radio Host called Older Axl's cellphone.

Axl answered and the interviewer was like, This is Rocking Rick and here's our special guest, W. Axl Rose! How are you Axl?"

Axl responded in a higher pitched voice,"I'm fine, how are you?

RR responded,"I'm fine. Thank you for asking.

Axl responded,"You're welcome."

RR responded, "So, what's new with you?"

Axl responded,"Just doing more Not In This Lifetime Touring."

RR asked," Any new love in your life? Any special woman in your life?"

Not dating anyone now, I'm very busy with Guns N'Roses."

RR responded,"How's the relationship between you, Slash, Duff, Melissa, Frank, Richard, and Dizzy, Steven, Izzy, and Wild Water?"

Axl responded,"We're all doing great. We're a Family who all love each other and have a tight, unbreakable bond."

RR responded,"Good to hear."

RR asked,"Good to hear . How's the relationship between you and Young Axl?"

Axl responded,"The relationship between me and Young Axl is doing good. We're like Brothers who have a tight bond."

RR responded,"How did it feel when you realized your Younger self time traveled and met you? Did you freak out?"

Axl responded,"I felt comfortable realizing my younger self time traveled. I already felt I could trust Young Axl when he offered to cover for me when I temporarily lost my voice at the Guns N'Roses Show where we met. I knew he reminded me of my younger self when he sang like me and danced like me."

It must be quite the experience coexisting with your Younger self. RR laughed.

Axl responded,"Yep, it is." Axl laughed too.

RR asked," Younger Axl has helped you out so much. It's like he is a guardian angel sent to help you out."

Axl responded,"I'm glad Younger Axl showed up in 2022."

RR responded,"What do you like to do in your spare time?"

Axl realized he didn't actually know what Older Axl did in his spare time and panicked a little, but was a quick thinker and.responded,"I like watching Sitcoms such as Friends in my spare time."

RR responded,"I like Friends too. Maybe you and I are the same person," RR joked good naturedly. Axl and RR both laughed. Axl said,"That would mean you, I and Younger Axl are triplets! He joked back.

RR laughed. RR asked,"How's the relationship between you, James, Billy, Jimmy, Andy and Mike?"

Axl responded,"We all get along. They are all great People.

RR asked,"Speaking of Billy, does it weird you out that your Younger Self is Billy's Boyfriend while you're Straight?"

Axl responded,"Not really. It's the equivalent of my Younger Brother having a Boyfriend that I think of as a Friend."

RR responded,"Any new Albums on the horizon after Time For A New Era!"

Axl responded,No new Albums on the horizon as of right now, but time will tell, pun intended.

RR laughed. RR asked Axl to sing Walking Down A New Memory from Time For A New Era for the Fans and Axl did succinctly.

RR was like,"That was amazing! You really are a great singer, Axl!

Axl responded,"Thank you!"

RR welcomed him.

RR asked him," A lot of Fans say you are their favorite Singer. Who is YOUR favorite Singer, Axl?

Axl responded,"Freddie Mercury for sure. His Charisma, personality, voice, passion, etc is off the charts. He was truly one of a kind."

RR was like,"You're completely right about Freddie. Shame he died so young."

Axl agreed. RR responded,"Speaking of a Singer who died so young, Kurt Cobain also died young. You and Kurt had a tumultuous Rivalry. Do you wish you and Kurt Cobain made up and that he was still alive? "

Axl had another thought of panic. Axl didn't even REMEMBER Kurt as Kurt Cobain came on the scene in 1989 and Axl was from 1987. Axl decided he needed to say the right thing. No need to make Older Axl who he was covering for look bad.

Axl responded,"Yes, I wish Kurt Cobain and I made up and that he was still alive. Who knows, maybe we would have made kicking Collaborations."

RR responded,"I could see you and Kurt making kicking Collaborations.

Axl laughed good naturedly.

RR asked,"Why did you freak out when the coin was thrown at you onstage? It was just a coin.

Axl responded,"Because I felt if a coin was thrown at me and I didn't address it, the next thing would have been a huge problem like a knife being thrown at me. It's always best to deal with problems when they are still small lest they become really big problems.

Cake Cream was listening intently and silently to the radio interview and were amazed at all of Axl's quick thinking answers, given the fact that Axl hadn't actually experienced a lot of the questions being asked, only Older Axl did.

The Radio Interview went smoothly and at exactly 8 PM, RR said,"Thanks for stopping by Axl. It was a pleasure to have you as a Guest.

Axl responded,"You're welcome. It was a pleasure being your Guest.

RR said,"Over and out. Clear," and he and Axl both hung up.

Cake Cream congratulated Axl on a good radio interview. Axl smiled, blushed, and shyly thanked them and was welcomed.

Last edited by Karice; 04-27-2023 at 05:56 PM.
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