Young Axl Rose showing up in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 07-21-2022, 12:27 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Claven Records put the Sophomore Album on ITunes called," Tasty Cake," and Axl had suggested a picture of someone eating Cake and smiling.

Tasty Cake went to Number One again, but this time, Fans were raising their eyebrows commenting that although Tasty Cake sounded good, Tasty Cake sounded off like it was a Band pretending to be Cake Cream instead of Cake Cream themselves. Fans were wondering if there was a Cake Cream Cover Band who made Tasty Cake and put Cake Cream name on it. Axl and Cake Cream stared at each other uneasily knowing exactly what had happened.

The Fans also pointed out how weird it was that Cake Cream's Sophomore Album was released just a few days after their Debut Album, which was virtually unheard of.

Claven Records in an Interview also admitted that they demanded Cake Cream make a Sophomore Album that day Axl had protested making a Sophomore Album just days after Cake Cream's Debut Album and kept fighting hard against it. And then suddenly relented and gave in and gave Tasty Cake to them. Claven Records were asked if they thought Tasty Cake was done by a Cake Cream Cover Band and Claven Records admitted Tasty Cake did seem off.

Fans said they wanted Cake Cream to preform Tasty Cake live to see if they really were the ones who made Tasty Cake.

Cake Cream and Axl once again looked at each other nervously. They were in deep with this.

Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and asked,"Did Cake Cream record Tasty Cake?" Axl responded,"I wrote the 10 songs on Tasty Cake. Cake Cream were there when Tasty Cake was recorded.

Claven Records said,"You said they were there when it was recorded, but you didn't say they recorded it."

Axl's face had a look of troubled turmoil. "Can't you guys just drop it? I told you guys Cake Cream didn't want to do a Sophomore Album just days after their Debut Album. But you guys kept pushing us to make the Sophomore Album that day, so we took desperate measures to satisfy you guys."

Claven Records replied,"So, a Cover Band DID record Cake Cream!"

Axl responded,"I plead the fifth Amendment,".

Claven Records and Axl had terse conversations but Axl wouldn't outright admit that Tasty Cake was released by a Cover Band. They both said goodbye and hung up.

Axl filled in Cake Cream about Claven Records phone call. Cake Cream asked if they were in trouble. Axl responded,"Hopefully not. I didn't outright admit that you guys didn't record Tasty Cake. I don't like ratting out my Friends."

Cake Cream thanked Axl for being their Friend. He welcomed them.
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Old 07-21-2022, 04:09 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Fans wondered exactly who recorded Tasty Cake. On Social Media, Fans already released a Meme called,"That awkward moment when you pass off Tasty Cake album as your own."

Tasty Cake was receiving a lot of backlash. Fans were saying stuff like,"Cake Cream, just tell the truth about Tasty Cake."

Cake Cream and Axl felt uncomfortable. They were really deep in this. Claven Records called them Axl again and were like, "We have received multiple complaints about Tasty Cake. We're going to have to pull Tasty Cake off of Itunes and Cake Cream and you can kiss future Royalties goodbye unless you guys tell the real truth about Tasty Cake. Axl told Claven Records to hold on and they did.

Axl told Cake Cream the situation and asked them if they were ready to tell the truth about Tasty Cake. Cake Cream lowered their eyes and admitted that they were deep in this and admitted they should tell the truth about Tasty Cake. Axl asked Claven Records if they all could speak tomorrow. Claven Records said okay.

The next day, Cake Cream and Axl went to Claven Records and admitted that Tasty Cake was done by a Cover Band.

Claven Records asked,"Why did you guys use a Cover Band? Why not record Tasty Cake yourselves?"

Axl and Cake Cream pointed out they were desperate to release the Sophomore Album since Claven Records was pushing the Sophomore Album hard and they had just released their Debut Album and did a show at the Marriott and didn't actually want to record Tasty Cake then.

Claven Records asked,"Who actually recorded Tasty Cake?"

Cake Cream and Axl reluctantly admitted that Current Guns N'Roses actually recorded Tasty Cake.

Claven Records said,"We already had a feeling Tasty Cake wasn't actually recorded by you guys. Interesting that you guys got Current Guns N'Roses to record Tasty Cake for you. Tasty Cake sounded off. Claven Records asked Cake Cream if they could record Tasty Cake, this time of day for real. They agreed. They chatted with Claven Records, and then went home.

Cake Cream recorded Tasty Cake for real and named the Album Tasty Cake Reloaded They gave Claven Records Tasty Cake Reloaded and Claven Records loved it. It was a really good Album and this time it was Cake Cream for real.

Cake Cream and Axl asked if they could get Royalties for Reloaded. Claven Records were like,"You guys are already getting Royalties for Tasty Cake. You did scam the general public and us by getting Guns N'Roses to record Tasty Cake for you guys. We don't know."

Cake Cream and Axl pointed out that they did deserve Royalties for actually recording Tasty Cake Reloaded.

Claven Records were thinking. Finally they came up with a solution. They asked Cake Cream and Axl if they could get Current Guns N'Roses to come to Claven Records and get them to confess that they were the real People who recorded Tasty Cake and Current Guns N'Roses could get the Royalties for Tasty Cake. Cake Cream and Axl agreed that this made sense.

Axl called Older Axl and explained the situation and Older Axl answered,"You want us to go to Claven Records and admit we are the real People who recorded Tasty Cake?"

Axl responded,"Please? You guys will get Royalties and Fans of us will love it."

Older Axl wryly responded, "I'm already worth almost 200 million. I don't need Royalties."

Axl responded,"The rest of Current Guns N'Roses would love the Royalties."

Older Axl admitted that Axl had good points and he agreed to ask Current Guns N'Roses to go to Claven Records at around 1 PM tomorrow and admit they were the real People who recorded Tasty Cake.

Axl was grateful and thanked Older Axl. Older Axl welcomed him. Older Axl and Axl chatted for a little while and then both said goodbye.

Axl told Cake Cream and Claven Records that Older Axl agreed to ask Current Guns N'Roses to come to Claven Records at around 1 PM tomorrow. They were all happy.
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Old 07-22-2022, 09:24 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Claven Records refused to put Tasty Cake Reloaded on ITunes until Current Guns N'Roses came to Claven Records tomorrow and admitted that they were the ones who actually recorded Tasty Cake.

Axl asked, "Can you at least put "All The Right Words?" From Tasty Cake and Tasty Cake Reloaded on ITunes?" That's the best song. Cake Cream agreed that All The Right Words was the best song.

Claven Records reluctantly agreed to release All The Right Words from Tasty Cake Reloaded to Itunes and Cake Cream and Axl were happy. Claven Records released All The Right Words Cake Cream version to Itunes.

Fans loved All The Right Words, Cake Cream version and were like,"Finally, Cake Cream did the song for real."

Claven Records were happy too. They congratulated Cake Cream and Axl on how well received All The Right Words was. Cake Cream and Axl were happy too. They all chatted a little while later and Cake Cream and Axl went home.

All The Right Words hit Number One on ITunes. Fans continued praising how good it was. Older Axl called Axl and praised how good the Cake Cream version of All The Right Words was. Axl blushed happily. Older Axl called all of Cake Cream and congratulated them on how good All The Right Words was. Everybody thanked Older Axl and Older Axl welcomed them. Cake was a really talented band that were huge Superstars now.

Cake Cream and Axl decided to just kick back and relax. They ordered no contact Burger King and ate and drank.

The next day, at 12:59 exactly, Cake Cream, Axl, and Current Guns N'Roses were in Timothy's office. Timothy was impressed.

Current Guns N'Roses admitted that they were the ones who really recorded Tasty Cake. Cake Cream and Axl confirmed this.

Timothy said,"Well, now that you guys have all confessed, we can move forward and put Tasty Cake Reloaded on ITunes. Everybody smiled. Current Guns N'Roses read, understood, and signed paperwork that said they were the ones who recorded Tasty Cake and they would be getting the Royalties for Tasty Cake. They also got 6 Million each for Tasty Cake. So $42 Million. Timothy couldn't believe Claven Records would be paying 42 million base besides the $30 Million they already paid as a base for Tasty Cake. 72 Million base for Tasty Cake. But Timothy decided to suck it up and consider this the cost of doing business. Besides, Claven Records was worth about 700 Million anyways. Claven Records Zelled all of Current Guns N'Roses 6 Million each. Everyone was happy. They all shook hands with Timothy. Timothy was amused at how both Axl and Older Axl had the same unique bending down handshake.

Timothy put Tasty Cake Reloaded on ITunes and it went to number 1 on ITunes. Fans loved it. Everyone in Timothy's office was happy..

They all chatted and soon left. Current Guns N'Roses and Cake Cream and Axl decided to go to a Local Restaurant to celebrate the good thing that just happened.

At the Restaurant, Fans were happy to see both Current Guns N'Roses and Cake Cream and Axl hanging out together. They asked for Autographs and selfies and all 13 of them obliged their Fans. The Fans were ecstatic. Current Guns N'Roses, Cake Cream, and Axl had very nice meals and paid and left.
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Old 07-22-2022, 06:52 PM   #44 (permalink)
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At home, Axl and Cake Cream watched a Twilight Zone episode was where a grown man ends up time traveling and meeting his younger self. Everybody looked at Axl and pointed out that Axl also time traveled and met himself. Axl blushed.

Axl responded,"My life is like a Twilight Zone episode," he said playfully wryly. "I don't know what's weirder. The fact that I time traveled from 1987 to 2022 or the fact that me and my Older Self coexist at the same time and even talk to each other.

Cake Cream pointed out that both of these were weird as hell.

Axl smiled shyly.

They then watched The Age Of Adeline, a story of a Woman who got into a car crash at age 29 and stayed 29 indefinitely. Even decades later.

Axl wondered if that would happen to him, be age 25 indefinitely. He wondered if next year he would be 26.

Cake Cream pointed out that Age Of Adeline was Fiction and he would not be 25 indefinitely. He'd be 26 next year.

Axl wryly responded,"I time traveled and coexist with my older Self. Who knows what will happen with my age?"

Cake Cream pointed out that he had a good point. Cake Cream pointed out he'd have a grace period of about 5 years before eyebrows started to raise even if he did remain 25 indefinitely.

Axl wondered,"I wonder what happened to my 1987 self. Since I am here in 2022, in 1987, I'm probably considered Missing."

Cake Cream said that since there were two Axls in 2022, his normal 1987 self would be Older Axl in 2022. Axl breathed a sigh of relief. To be sure however, Axl decided to look up,"Did Axl Rose disappear in 1987?"

He got replies about him time traveling from 1987 to 2022 but nothing about him actually missing in 1987. Which meant that Cake Cream was right. Older Axl was the adult version of his normal 1987 self.

Axl smiled and admitted he enjoyed 2022 a lot and didn't actually want to go back to 1987 and pointed out that since Older Axl was the Adult version of his normal 1987 self, he could truly kick back and relax.

Cake Cream once again pointed out they were glad he was there in 2022 with them. They all smiled.

They then watched Back To The Future Part 1 and Marty Mcfly accidentally time travels. Cake Cream all looked at Axl knowingly.

Axl blushed shyly. Axl said,"At least Marty knew the Delorean caused him to time travel. With me, I just suddenly ended up in 2022. And Marty time traveled to the PAST, 30 years, before he was even born. If I time traveled 30 years before 1987, I would have ended up in 1957 before I was even born too. I'm lucky I didn't time travel to 1957 I'm lucky I time traveled to the future, not the past."

Cake Cream all smiled.

Last edited by Karice; 07-22-2022 at 07:05 PM.
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Old 07-23-2022, 07:56 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Axl got a call from the hotel he had been staying at before living at Billy's house and the Manager informed him that he could be in legal trouble because he showed a fake ID to get a hotel room.

Axl had forgotten about getting the hotel room using his fake Michael Randall Johnson ID.

Axl pleaded with the Manager not to press any charges or anything like that. The Manager was thoughtful and asked if he could be at the hotel within the next two hours and they could talk this out face to face. Axl replied,"Okay." Axl agreed.

He took a bath and got ready to go to the Hotel.

He told Cake Cream he was going to the Zoo alone. Cake Cream was suspicious.

Billy pointed out that the Zoo was closed as it was around 6 PM. All of Cake Cream backed up what Billy said.

Axl made up another lie. "Uh, I'm going to see the new Top Gun movie alone," he said nervously.

Billy responded,"The new Top Gun movie doesn't exist yet. It's coming out next month. Cake Cream once again backed up what Billy said.

Axl made up yet another lie. "Uh, I'm going to Duff's house alone in a few minutes!"

Billy responded,"Duff is performing with Current Guns N'Roses now in a different State!"

Axl made up another lie and said,"I'm going to the Library alone!" He was sweating.

Andy pointed out the Library was closed.

"Axl, stop lying. Were are you really going?" Jimmy asked Axl.

Axl gave Cake Cream a pained look.

"Cake Cream asked Axl if he was in any trouble.

Axl responded,"No, I'm not in any trouble," lying and looking at the ground.

Cake Cream responded,"You're in trouble, aren't you." They said concerned.

Axl finally admitted he was in trouble.

Cake Cream responded they would go with him wherever he was going. Axl weakly tried to stop them going with him, but they pointed out that they could trace his Location wherever he was using his cellphone and show up wherever he went like they did with Claven Records.

Axl reluctantly agreed to let them come with him to the Hotel. Cake Cream got ready and Axl and Cake Cream left and went to the Hotel.

At the Hotel, the Manager pointed out that what Axl did was Fraud and could get him jail time. Cake Cream pointed out that Axl couldn't show his REAL ID at the time as it was expired at the time and he couldn't exactly run around admitting he was Axl Rose who time traveled from 1987 to 2022 when he was booking the hotel room. Axl lowered his head and once again begged the Manager not to press any charges.

The Manager took pity on him and said he wouldn't press any charges if Axl would sing a song with Mike for some Cake Cream Fans since Cake Cream was already there. Axl and Mike were willing to do this and Axl asked to get the impromptu plea deal in writing and the Manager drew up legally binding Documents and Axl, Mike and the Manager signed the documents.

Mike and Axl sang,"All The Right Words from Tasty Cake and Tasty Cake Reloaded," for the Cake Cream Fans and they sounded really good and the Fan Guests went wild and loved the impromptu song. The Manager was happy too and told them the matter was settled and they chatted a bit and Cake Cream and Axl soon left and went back home. On YouTube, the Impromptu All The Right Words from the hotel was already going viral on YouTube. Fans loved the Impromptu singing! Cake Cream and Axl all smiled and ate and drank and then changed and went to sleep.
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Old 07-23-2022, 09:09 AM   #46 (permalink)
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The next day, Cake Cream decided to do a playful one on one interview with Axl for fun. Axl was all up for it and smiled.

Axl got comfortable and laid back, his "I'm ready for an Interview," posture.

Billy asked,"What was your thought process when you and Guns N'Roses created Appetite For Destruction?"

Axl responded,"My thought process when me and Guns N'Roses created Appetite For Destruction was 5 young kids in their 20's just having fun. The only somewhat serious songs are It's So Easy and Mr. Brownstone.

James said,"There have been rumors about Mr. Brownstone being about Heroin. Are the Heroin rumors true?"

Axl responded,"Yes, Mr. Brownstone is about Heroin and how addictive it is and trying to away from Heroin. Izzy actually wrote Mr. Brownstone lyrics and Slash wrote the music for it. They gave it to me to sing and I was like,"Whoa, this is a good song, I love it, I'm going to sing it."

Andy asked," How did you come up with Welcome To The Jungle?"

Axl responded "It's actually a funny story how Welcome To The Jungle came to be. When I was younger, around 21 or 22 my Friends and I were roaming the streets with just a few dollars on us. We had just gotten off of a bus when some random crazy man yelled,"Do you know where you are? You're in the Jungle, Baby! You're going to die!" His random and crazy quote inspired me to write Welcome To The Jungle."

I even wrote his crazy and random quote in the song. I remember not being sure if he had said,"Do you know where you are? You're in the Jungle Baby! You're going to die!" Or if it was,"Do you know where you are? You're in the Jungle Baby! You're going down!" So I actually kind of incorporated both. I sang,"You're going to dieeeeeown!" If that crazy man hadn't said that crazy and random quote, Welcome To The Jungle would never have existed. Sweet Child Of Mine would have definitely been the Signature Song of Appetite For Destruction."

Jimmy asked,"Why did you make that siren noise at the beginning of Welcome To The Jungle?"

Axl responded,"Funny thing about that. The opening for Welcome To The Jungle was actually supposed to be an animalistic growl but what came out of my mouth was a "Whoo," type of sound, like a Siren. The Producers loved this and told me that the "Whoo," siren sound was perfect and History was made."

Mike asked,"Why is your speaking voice so deep compared to your usually high pitched singing voice?"

Axl responded," I actually started off singing only in my normal Bass Baritone voice, but one day for fun, I sang in a high pitched voice like the one I use for Paradise City, and Music Producers loved my high pitched singing voice and told me I should use that high pitched singing voice most of the time and History was made. I do sing in my normal Bass Baritone voice when singing Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, and Patience.

James asked, "Any regrets about Guns N'Roses?

Axl responded,"I regret that Steven, Duff, me, Slash, and Izzy didn't stay together throughout the years. I regret that there aren't more Albums. I regret that Chinese Democracy, an Album that came out 14 years ago is the latest Album. I regret that Chinese Democracy itself also took 14 years to make. I wish Guns N'Roses had more Albums. We could have been so much bigger. I'm sorry for rambling."

Cake Cream were like,"It's okay." Axl smiled.

Billy asked, "Why didn't you ever go Solo? Did you ever think of just becoming Axl Rose?

Axl responded, "I love being part of Guns N'Roses. I wouldn't feel right going Solo."

Jimmy asked,"Speaking of Axl Rose, your birthname is William Rose. Why did you decide to change your name to Axl Rose?"

Axl responded,"I am named after my Father who, let's just say he was an ass hole and a prick. I didn't want to go through the rest of my life with the name that belonged to my ass hole prick of a Father. I was watching Figure Skating, and I saw a really cool and difficult looking skate move and it was called a triple Axel. I thought,"The Axel looks cool, and I decided to name myself that, but spell it Axl to add a unique flair to it. Anyone who calls me by my birthname, William Rose is getting knocked out." Axl said half seriously.

James asked,"Anything you want to say to your Protege, Cake Cream?

Axl looked at them all deeply. "I love being your Manager, your Friend, and your Mentor. All five of you are great musicians and a Singer.You all deserve your mega success. I'm proud of all of you."

Cake Cream all smiled. The for fun interview was soon over.

Last edited by Karice; 10-15-2022 at 01:37 PM.
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Old 07-23-2022, 09:58 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Axl left the house alone and went looking for a drug dealer. He found one. He asked for Subutex and the Drug Dealer smirked at him knowingly.

The Drug Dealer asked,"Are Cake Cream Drug Addicts?" Axl blushed shyly and said,"No."

"Why are you buying Subutex if Cake Cream aren't drug addicts?"

Axl blushed and said he just wanted to buy the Subutex for reasons he wasn't comfortable talking about.

The Drug Dealer agreed to not ask him about why he was buying Subutex and sold him the Subutex. Axl thanked him and was welcomed and he left and went back home.

At home, he told Cake Cream he bought them more presents for protection and they were curious. "Did you buy us more condoms, spermicides, and lubricants?" James asked.

Axl said,"No, but this gift will protect you. "

They were intrigued and asked Axl for the gifts.

Axl gave them the Subutex gifts and they were confused.

"What's Subutex?" They asked Axl

Axl responded,"Subutex is something you take to combat Drug addiction."

Cake Cream all said none of them were Drug Addicts.

Axl said," You guys are huge Rockstars now. You're most likely going to be offered lots of drugs. The Subutex will help combat Drug Addiction if you do decide to take drugs. Take the Subutex as a protective precaution."

They needed his advice and accepted the Subutex gifts just in case.

Axl added,"Remember the movie Mean Girls when Mrs. George said something like,"If you're going to drink, I'd much rather you do it in this house?"

Cake Cream nodded.

Axl said,"If you're going to do drugs, I'd much rather you do drugs only in this house. And preferably not in front of anybody from the music Industry or Fans."

They agreed to do heed what Axl said. Axl smiled.
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Old 07-23-2022, 09:59 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Axl and Cake Cream got calls from Claven Records informing them they were up for New Artist Of The Year Award. Axl was wondering how Cake Cream was up for a New Artist Award when they had JUST become huge Rock Stars. Hell, Guns N'Roses were up for New Artist Of The Year 2 years after their Debut, not days after.

Axl told Cake Cream out loud,"Congratulations on being up for New Artist Of The Year. Guns N'Roses wasn't up for New Artist Of The until 1989 two years after our Debut. So already you guys are doing way better than we were." Cake Cream smiled at Axl. Axl smiled back.

Inside, Axl felt a little envious that Cake Cream was already on their way to possibly being much more successful than Guns N'Roses were.

His conscience told him softly, "Be glad you ushered in a successful Band. Be proud of Cake Cream, not jealous."

Axl trying to fight his inner turmoil at Cake Cream's massive success so soon, suggested they go celebrate being up for New Artist Of The Year at the local Italian Restaurant. They agreed and got ready for Dinner.

At the Italian Restaurant, they ordered pasta dishes with chicken and champagne. Cake Cream Fans asked Billy, James, Andy, Jimmy, and Mike for Autographs and not one person asked Axl for his autograph. Axl's stomach churned with resentment,anger, and envy. Cake Cream gave their Fans autographs and Fans were happy. The Fans left.

Their dishes arrived shortly and Axl said,"To Cake Cream, who is up for New Artist Of The Year Award." Cake Cream toasted him back. They ate and drank. Axl was proud of their successes, but feeling like their successes was eclipsing his own successes. After the meal, they paid and went home. On Social Media, Fans were saying they felt Cake Cream was a shoo in to win New Artist Of The Year Award.

Cake Cream was excited.

Axl's resentfulness grew. Deep inside, he knew he should be beyond thrilled that his Protege was up for New Artist Of The Year, but he couldn't help the resentfulness he felt about Cake Cream. Axl admitted to himself that Cake Cream sounded BETTER than Guns N'Roses. Axl thanked God that Cake Cream wasn't around in 1987 or they definitely would have been much bigger Superstars than Guns N'Roses.

The Grammys were going to be in a couple of days. Axl helped Cake Cream get ready as Nominees despite his resentment and envy of them. They were still his Proteges, Friends, Mentorees, and Clients. Axl wrote a speech for them just in case they won.

"We are so honored to be blessed with the New Artist Of The Year Award. Just a little while ago, we were opening Acts and performing in bars and now we have won the New Artist Of The Year Award! We'd like to thank God, Claven Records, Guns N'Roses, Our Fans, The Music Industry in general for this prestigious Award! Thank you all so much!" He gave his written Speech to all of Cake Cream to read and Cake Cream thought Axl's speech looked like they were being arrogant, narcissist, and conceited. They wanted to write their own speech and Axl said,"Okay, go ahead."

Cake Cream wrote," Thank you guys so much for the New Artist Award. We love and strive to make Fans happy and we are honored by the New Artist Award. Thank you Mom, Dad, God, Our Fans, Guns N'Roses, Claven Records, and The Music Industry in general. We wouldn't have this Award if weren't for all of you!"

Axl thought Cake Cream's speech sounded better than his and he told them so. Cake Cream smiled.
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Old 07-23-2022, 02:28 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Axl and Cake Cream showered and went to bed.

The next day, Axl and Cake Cream went shopping at the Mall for their upcoming Awards Ceremony tomorrow. Axl and Cake Cream all chose Tuxedos. They paid for the Tuxedos. They left and ate at Burger King. They left and went to the Barbershop. Cake Cream all kept their hair short, so they got haircuts at the Barbershop and paid. Axl kept his hair long, so he went to the Salon and got his long hair washed and styled. His Hair was still Jet Black from his first days in 2022 when he dyed his hair Jet Black to avoid looking so much like himself. He paid and they all left.

They all left and went back home. They chilled until the next day. The next day, they all got ready for the Grammys Ceremony. Axl had them all put on the bulletproof vests and had them wear clear football helmets. To show off their haircuts and Axl's hairstyle while protecting their heads.

They had free front row tickets to the Ceremony since they were up for New Artist Of The Year Award. The Award Show was really fun. When it came time for New Artist Of The Year, there were 5 Nominees including Cake Cream. Cake Cream won New Artist Of The Year Award! There were lots of applause for Cake Cream. Cake Cream went up on stage and Axl stayed in the front row in order to let Cake Cream have all the Spotlight. He smiled at them happily. They smiled back at him. They did their handwritten speech and added ,"We'd like to thank our Manager, Friend, and Mentor, Axl Rose! Axl was honored they thanked him and theybasked Axl to come up on stage with them to share the glory and moment with them . Axl got up on stage and told them how proud he was of them for winning New Artist Of The Year Grammy and thanked them for thanking him and was welcomed. He hugged all of them and was hugged back. They all held up the New Artist Of The Year Grammy happily. There was loud applause for all of them. They were soon done and walked off stage and went back to their seats. Axl was proud of them. They smiled back.

Song Of The Year was soon shown and Cake Cream's All The Right Words was nominated! Axl and Cake Cream thought they were ONLY up for New Artist Of The Year Award which they already won. They weren't even thinking about the Song Of The Year Award! They were pleasantly surprised All The Right Words was nominated for Song Of The Year! Axl won Song Of The Year Award for Songwriting it and they all got lots of applause! They got on stage to accept but didn't have a written Speech for Song Of The Year Award since they weren't expecting the Song Of The Year Award. They made a good Speech on the fly about how thankful they were for the Song Of The Year Award and how they weren't expecting it. They got lots of applause and walked off stage with the Song Of The Year Award.

Record Of The Year was Nominated and Cake Cream was nominated for All The Right Words song. They won again. There was loud applause once again. They got up on stage and accepted The Record Of The Year Award. They soon got off stage.

Album of the Year Award was up and Cake Cream was nominated for All The Sweet Filling and Tasty Cake Reloaded. Cake Cream and Axl couldn't believe they were Nominated for a FOURTH Award. They thought they were Nominated for only ONE award. They were one of the rarest Bands to have their Debut Album and their Sophomore Album be up for Album Of The Year simultaneously. Tasty Cake Reloaded won. Cake Cream once again went up on stage and got the Grammy for Album Of The Year. There were lots of applause once again. Cake Cream said they definitely weren't expecting Album Of The Year and were thankful for it. There was more applause and they once walked off stage. They had FOUR Grammys in just ONE night. Axl was extremely proud of Cake Cream. He couldn't believe his Protege won FOUR Grammys in just ONE night. Cake Cream was happy too.

Best Performance was nominated and Cake Cream was nominated for their Marriott Show Performance. They won the Grammy for Best Performance. They won. They got up once again and accepted the Grammy. They couldn't believe they won another Grammy. There was once again loud applause.

Best Collaboration was next. Axl Rose and Mike Smith of Cake Cream were Nominated for their Duet of All The Right Words at the hotel the other day. Axl and Mike won Best Collaboration. Axl and Mike accepted the Grammy for Best Collaboration. There was once again loud applause. Cake Cream won SIX Grammys in ONE night!

The Grammys were soon over and Cake Cream and Axl celebrated the SIX Grammy wins at a Restaurant and ate, drank, paid, and went home. They were extremely happy about the SIX Grammy wins.

Last edited by Karice; 08-19-2022 at 08:52 AM.
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Old 07-23-2022, 07:53 PM   #50 (permalink)
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They went to sleep. The next day, their 6 Grammy Win was all over Social Media. They made Grammy History for their 6 Grammy wins. They were excited.

But the Grammy Committee said that Cake Cream was too New to qualify for 5 of the 6 Grammy wins they got and the Grammy Committee said that the majority of the Cake Cream Nominations were supposed to be for 2023, not 2022. The Grammy Committee said that Cake Cream was ONLY up for New Artist Of The Year for 2022. And was accidentally put for Nominations in 2022 when it was supposed to be for 2023.

The Grammy Committee suggested that Cake Cream and Axl give back five Grammys since they were supposed to be for next year's Grammys. But said it was Cake Cream and Axl's choices if they wanted to give back 5 Grammys. The Grammy Committee said they were completely free to keep the New Artist Of The Year Award since it was the ONLY one they truly were qualified for for this year.

Cake Cream and Axl stared at each other incredulously. The Grammy Committee wanted them to give back 5 Grammys? That they JUST won? Cake Cream and Axl had trouble with the choice of giving back 5 Grammys.

Axl weighed the options and told Cake Cream that giving back the 5 Grammys was the right thing to do since they didn't actually qualify this year.

Cake Cream said,"The Grammy Committee said that it's our choice if we want to give back the 5 Grammys. So that means we get to keep them."

Axl looked at Cake Cream incredulously. "No, it really isn't our choices to keep the 5 Grammys. The Grammy Committee just said that so they don't look like Dicks. I've been in the Music Business longer than you have, so trust me on this one "

Cake Cream pointed out that they didn't WANT to give back the 5 Grammys. They wanted to keep them. Axl commiserated with them pointing out that he would also lose The Song Of The Year Songwriter Grammy, his ONLY Grammy, but pointed out that they should give back the 5 Grammys to show that they were humble and not egotistical. Cake Cream reluctantly agreed to give back the 5 Grammys. Axl smiled. Claven Records called Cake Cream and Axl and asked them if they were going to give back the 5 Grammys. They all reluctantly said,"Yes." Axl said he would too.

Claven Records responded, "It's a good thing you're going to give back the 5 Grammys. It sucks, and we do feel sorry for you, but it's the right thing to do. Cake Cream and Axl thanked Claven Records for showing them some kind of sympathy. Claven Records and Cake Cream and Axl chatted a little longer, and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

The Grammy Committee called Cake Cream and Axl and asked them if they were going to give back the 5 Grammys. They all said yes. The Grammy Committee was thrilled.

The Grammy Committee said they would do an emergency Grammy Award Ceremony in a couple of days where Cake Cream and Axl give back the 5 Grammys and whoever got the most votes besides Cake Cream and Axl would be Awarded the Grammys. Cake Cream and Axl didn't like the fact that they had to give back the 5 Grammys, but deep down inside they all knew it was what should be done.

News of Cake Cream and Axl agreeing to give back the 5 Grammys went viral quickly and got a lot of buzz and controversy. Cake Cream and Axl blushed. Axl quipped lightheartedly,"Well, you guys are definitely huge Superstars now. Guns N'Roses doesn't have this Grammy dilemma."

Cake Cream chuckled at this. Axl smiled back.

They chilled for the next couple of days and then it was the day of the Emergency Grammy Awards Ceremony.

At the Emergency Grammy Awards Ceremony, Axl suggested Cake Cream and himself each hand the rightful Winner the Grammy after giving back the Grammies . Cake Cream agreed. The Grammy Committee said this was a bold move, but they loved it. The Emergency Grammy Awards Ceremony was underway soon and Mike and Axl gave back the Best Collaboration Grammy and gave it to the rightful Winner. Axl gave back and then gave the Song Of The Year Songwriter Grammy Award to the rightful Winner. This particular one hurt him so bad, but he knew it had to be done. Billy gave back and then gave the Album Of The Year Grammy Award to the Rightful Winner. James gave back and gave the Record Of The Year Grammy Award to the Rightful Winner. Jimmy and Andy gave back and gave The Best Performance Grammy Award to the rightful Winner. The Grammy Committee apologized to Cake Cream, Axl, and the rightful Winners, and the general Public for accidentally putting Cake Cream Nominations a year to soon. The apologies were accepted.

This was a televised event and many People, including Fans of both Cake Cream and Axl Rose were impressed and liked that Cake Cream and Axl gave back and gave the Grammies to the rightful Winners. There was loud applause. The Rightful Winners gave speeches and thanked Cake Cream and Axl for doing the right things and giving back the Grammies. They thanked the Music Industry for admitting the mistake and asking Cake Cream and Axl to give back the Grammies.

Cake Cream and Axl smiled graciously and humbly. They were allowed to keep the New Artist Of The Year Award which they all cherished deeply.

The Awards Ceremony was coming to a close and The Grammy Committee gave Cake Cream and Axl a special Grammy, a "Best Sport," Award that they weren't expecting. They humbly accepted. There was more applause and even the Rightful Winners applauded them too. They were shyly happy.

Soon, the Emergency Grammy Awards Ceremony was over and everybody left. Axl and Cake Cream went home and went to sleep.

Last edited by Karice; 08-29-2022 at 03:53 AM.
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