Young Axl Rose showing up in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 07-16-2022, 02:59 PM   #21 (permalink)
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
This is the wildest thread we've ever had
Even though you've been here longer than I have, I feel ya
Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
This thread reads like the synopsis of a tv series, in a good way
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Old 07-16-2022, 03:37 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Axl felt guilty over storming away from Cake Cream like that. His stomach turned uncontrollably. "They made a mistake. They didn't mean to hurt you," his conscience tortured him.

He ate and went to bed, tossing and turning in his sleep. He woke up feeling like shait over storming off like that. He got ready for the day. He found himself wondering and worrying about what Cake Cream was doing now. He reluctantly called Billy.

Billy coldly told him,"I really don't want to speak to you."

Please? Axl begged him. "I'm really sorry about storming off on you guys yesterday."

Billy softened. "You promise you're sorry?" He asked him tentatively.

Axl said,"Yes, I promise I really am sorry about storming off on you guys yesterday."

Billy said," Okay, apology accepted. I'll talk to the other Cake Cream Members."

Axl smiled and said,"Thank you!" He felt relieved. Billy welcomed him.

Later, Billy called him and told him they wanted him to come over and they could talk this over face to face.

Axl got ready and went to Jimmy's house where all of them were waiting for him. Axl told them he was sorry about what he did yesterday. Axl put his finger in his ear nervously and then took out his finger and looked at it.

"Uh, Axl, why did you stick your finger in your ear and then take it out and look at it?" Jimmy asked.

Axl responded,"I'm feeling nervous."

Jimmy and Cake Cream looked at each other nervously themselves.

Finally, Jimmy spoke. "Uh, Axl, you are from 1987 and you didn't start putting your finger in your ear and then taking it out and looking at it out of nervousness until 1989. The other Cake Cream Members confirmed this.

Axl was like,"Oh well. Do you guys forgive me?" Cake Cream said they forgave him.

They watched TV, and St. Louis was mentioned in a show they were watching.

"Fuc St. Louis!" St. Louis fucing SUCKS!" Axl said angrily.

Cake Cream looked at each other nervously again. Axl hadn't had any problems with St. Louis until 1991 when the Riverport Concert Riot happened.

Billy said,"Uh, Axl, you were mad at St. Louis in 1991 because of the Riverport Concert Riot. You are from 1987. Technically, you shouldn't be mad at St. Louis." Cake Cream Members confirmed this.

Cake Cream Members were wondering why 1987 Axl was acting like his near future selves.

Last edited by Karice; 07-17-2022 at 12:29 AM.
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Old 07-17-2022, 09:29 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Cake Cream Members were wondering if Axl would soon go into the era he snapped in 1991. They wondered if they should get him a Therapist.

"Axl, are you feeling okay? Jimmy asked him, concerned.

"I'm fine. Just feeling pissed at St. Louis," Axl responded.

"Billy said,"You know in 2022, there's a lot of People you can talk to if you feel like you need any help. There's a lot more help available in 2022 than in 1987 and 1991.

Axl said,"Are you calling me crazy?" He felt offended and insulted.

Cake Cream Members looked at each other nervously.

Andy said,"We're trying to prevent you from snapping like your future self did in 1991. You're showing signs of acting like your near future selves."

Axl remembered at the store that the Employee mentioned Axl went crazy in 1991. He told Cake Cream Members this.

They confirmed what he said. They all including Axl agreed that Axl needed a Therapist in order to prevent snapping.

The next day, they took him to a Therapist and the Therapist and Axl opened up about feeling lost, stressed, and overwhelmed and not quite feeling like he belonged. The Therapist listened to him intently and communicated back. Axl felt better after his session and grateful he had Cake Cream Members looking out for him.

After the Session, Cake Cream Members and Axl went to Burger King. After eating, they were walking down the street when a Paparazzi Person followed Axl and said,"Hey Axl Rose!" And snapped pictures of Axl without his permission. Please stop following me and taking pictures of me," Axl said politely. "I'm not Axl Rose. My name is Michael Randall Johnson." Cake Cream Members stood up for Axl saying,"Please leave Michael alone. He's not Axl Rose."

The Paparazzi Person continued to snap pictures of Axl and follow him . Cake Cream said,"Stop bothering Michael. He's politely asked you to stop." The Paparazzi Person continued to follow Axl and snap pictures of him without his permission. Axl fed up said,"If you don't stop taking pictures of me and following me, I'm going to punch you in your fucing face and break that fucing camera!" The Paparazzi Person continued to snap pictures of Axl and follow him. Axl fed up, yelled, "Fuc you!" And punched the Paparazzi Person in his face and broke his camera. The Paparazzi person was stunned and left with his broken camera. Axl was satisfied his pictures wouldn't be published if the camera was broken.

"God, that felt good," Axl said with a smug smirk. "That'll teach him to not harass, stalk, and snap pictures of me without my permission."

Cake Cream Members were concerned that someone else could have taken pictures of what just happened.

Jimmy said,"I think you just signed your own arrest Warrant, Axl," he said nervously.

Axl said smugly,"The camera's broken. No way will this guy publish my pictures. It was just us and that Creep. No way am I getting arrested. "

Billy said,"But this happened on a public street. Anyone driving by could take pictures. That Creep could press charges.

Axl wondered if Billy had a valid point. Cake Cream and Axl went to Billy's house and checked YouTube. Sure enough, it was filmed and already going viral on YouTube.

SHAIT! Axl cried emotionally. Cake Cream Members tried to soothe Axl's mind by pointing out that the guy was harassing and stalking Axl and snapping pictures of him without his permission. They pointed out Axl was acting in self defense when he punched the Paparazzi Person and broke his camera and the Paparazzi Person had it coming.

Last edited by Karice; 07-17-2022 at 09:38 AM.
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Old 07-17-2022, 06:50 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Cake Cream wondered if they should hide Axl. They were huge fans of his and didn't want him to end up behind bars. A few hours later, Police knocked on Billy's door. Jimmy, Andy, James, Billy, and Mike hid Axl in Billy's secret compartment closet door.

Billy nervously opened the door and the Police informed him they were looking for Axl Rose. Billy claimed they last saw Axl Rose at the latest Guns N'Roses Show days ago and didn't know where he was. The rest of Cake Cream backed up Billy.

"Mind if we look around for Axl?"

Billy emotionally said,"We already told you! We don't know where Axl is!" He begun to sweat uncomfortably. The other Cake Cream Members backed up Billy again.

"We're coming in anyways," the Police said. They came in and started searching for Axl.

"Billy said, " We already told you, Axl isn't here! Please leave!"

Jimmy said,"This is an unlawful search. Axl's not in this house. Leave us alone. " Other Cake Cream Members also protested this.

The Police continued searching for Axl.

Axl's heart was palpitating. He thanked his lucky stars Cake Cream liked him so much, they were hiding him from Police. Billy told him this was a secret compartment closet, but he knew there was a chance he could still be found if the Police opened this door. Axl was able to crawl into an upper vent.

The Police searched the house and didn't find Axl. But then they went to the secret compartment closet where Axl had been hiding.

Billy emotionally cried,"Axl's not in there! Please leave!" The Police ignored Billy and opened the door. Axl wasn't there.

Billy was shocked but calmly said,"See? Axl's not here." He and the other Cake Cream Members looked at each other in confusion and shock. Where the hell was Axl?" All of Cake Cream wondered telepathically to each other. The Police said,"It's obvious Axl isn't in this house. We're leaving."

The Police left. Axl breathed a sigh of relief, safe in his hiding place.

Axl crawled back down out of the vent and went back to the closet and walked out.

Cake Cream Members wondered where he had disappeared too. Axl answered with a smile,"I hid in the upper vent. Billy, your secret compartment closet is not all that hidden," Axl said wryly. Billy blushed guilty. But thank you for trying."

Billy then thought and said,"Wait! My house has a hidden crawl space! You can hide there if Police come back! Cake Cream Members were like,"Yeah, you do have a hidden crawl space!" Axl asked to see it. They showed it to him. Axl hid in it as practice and he was completely hidden from anyone looking. Axl was glad he was skinny and wryly thought that no way would chubbier older Axl be able to hide in this crawl space. Axl left the crawl space.

Cake Cream Members heard another knock. This time, it was the FBI looking for Axl. And they had a Search Warrant. They had to let the FBI come in. Cake Cream Members told Axl to hide in the hidden crawl space and he did. The FBI were let in and they looked for Axl. They came close to the hidden crawl space and Axl's heart caught in his throat. Please God, let me be completely hidden," he silently prayed. The FBI searched the area around the hidden crawl space but didn't see Axl. They left and Axl breathed another sigh of relief. Axl left the crawl space.

Cake Cream Members told Axl they were sorry for exposing his Tattoo in a house full of Cake Cream Fans and indirectly causing Axl to become a Fugitive. Axl said,"You didn't mean to harm me," he said understanding. I thank you for hiding me from the Police and the FBI."

Cake Cream welcomed him.
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Old 07-17-2022, 08:04 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mucha na Dziko View Post
Isn't this chery picking and creating a character that actually never existed?

I thought the idea of fun fiction was that people tell stories (that never happened - in canon or reality) about people/characters that are already established/real?

Im not trying to put you down, I'm just trying to understand your concept
My Axl Rose Fan Fiction is just a fun take on 1987 Axl Rose somehow inexplicably landing in 2022 and how I feel he would act and the experiences he would have. A lot of the story is based on how Axl Rose has acted in real life, ie, his deep loyalty to his Friends and his love of Guns N'Roses music.
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Old 07-18-2022, 12:16 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Do you guys want to record a new song now?" Axl asked Cake Cream.

Cake Cream looked around at each other incredulously. And at Axl. Axl was asking if they wanted to record a song with all that was happening with him?

Andy asked,"Are you sure we should be recording a song now? I mean, shouldn't we be more focused on keeping you hidden from the Authorities? You're in trouble with the law. " Cake Cream were like," We were also thinking that."

"The Authorities left," Axl said and I'm still your Manager," Axl reasoned, smiling. Working under stress is a part of Rock And Roll life." Guns N'Roses have performed under stress like the time we did a show when all of us were high and drunk out of our minds. We were fuced up out of our minds as we had just snorted lines of Cocaine and chased it down with shots of Whiskey just minutes before the show. We still ended up doing the show decently.

Cake Cream asked if he was suggesting they get high and drunk and then perform.

Axl said,"No, we did that in the late 80's when you could do drugs and drink openly in the street and not be arrested. If you did that in 2022, you'd most likely be arrested. Axl reasoned.

Cake Cream talked amongst themselves and decided that Axl was right. They recorded a new song and it sounded great. It was reminiscent of Out Ta Get Me and Axl wondered how they would send it to Claven Records. Axl was a Fugitive and Cake Cream were most likely Suspects for abetting him.

"Working under stress is a part of Rock And Roll," Axl reminded himself out loud. Cake Cream heard him and looked at him curiously. Axl blushed.

Axl thought and thought. Finally he came up with a solution. He told Billy to give the new song to Claven Records the next morning wearing a disguise. Billy trusted Axl and was like,"Good idea, Axl!"

The next day, Billy put on a hat, a wig, and sunglasses and went to Claven Records and claimed he found this unnamed tape outside. Claven Records execs took it from him and thanked him. Billy welcomed them and left.

He went back home and Axl and Cake Cream asked how it went and Billy said,"It went smoothly."

They all smiled. They ordered no contact pizza and ate it when it came.

They turned on the radio and the new song was already playing on the radio! They cheered happily. They went on Social Media and Cake Cream Fans were praising the new song and thought,"This definitely sounds like Cake Cream! I love the new song!"

Cake Cream and Axl were happy. Cake Cream were definitely becoming huge stars, which was Axl's goal for them .
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Old 07-18-2022, 02:01 PM   #27 (permalink)
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If this doesn't end in an orgy I'm gonna be pissed.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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Old 07-18-2022, 05:50 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Axl had to chuckle at the irony of his Out Ta Get Me song and his situation and the fact that Cake Cream's new song sounded suspiciously like Out Ta Get Me. Axl pointed this out to Cake Cream. Cake Cream smiled and Jimmy said,,How ironic that the Authorities really are out to get you now just like the song.

Axl chortled,"But I'm not fucing innocent." He laughed wryly.

Jimmy also acknowledged the irony that the new song sounded like Out Ta Get Me at the same time they were hiding Axl from the Authorities. They all smiled.

They turned on the News and there was a segment where they played a little of Cake Cream's new song and Guns N'Roses Out Ta Get Me and mentioned how incredibly alike the songs were. News Anchors wondered if whoever made the new song could get sued by Guns N'Roses for Plagiarism/Copyright Infringement.

Some random People were interviewed if they thought the new song sounded a lot like Out Ta Get Me. Each and everyone of the People thought the new song sounded suspiciously a lot like Out Ta Get Me. They were asked if Guns N'Roses should sue whoever made the new song. The answers were basically "Guns N'Roses should sue whoever made the new song.

Cake Cream Members looked at Axl uncomfortably. "Good job, Manager. Now People are wondering if we plagarized Guns N'Roses and thinking we should get sued," Jimmy said bitingly.

Axl responded," Come on, current Guns N'Roses is not going to sue you guys. I'll call Older Axl and talk this out with him to be sure."

Cake Cream agreed.

Axl called Older Axl and begged him to claim that Current Guns N'Roses wouldn't sue Cake Cream for plagiarism because it was an approved sample by Guns N'Roses.

Older Axl said with a sigh,"Axl, the new Cake Cream song does sound a lot like Out Ta Get Me. You really messed up big time with that one."

Axl said,"Please? Cake Cream is a big fan of us and they would love it if you guys would say you won't sue them for plagiarism and claim it was an approved sample. It will mean a lot to them. They just wanted to pay homage to us with the new song."

Older Axl said with a reluctant sigh,"Okay, I'll talk Current Guns N'Roses into claiming it was an approved sample.

Axl was grateful. He thanked Older Axl and was welcomed. He told Cake Cream the good news and they were all relieved.
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Old 07-18-2022, 08:28 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Older Axl and Current Guns N'Roses came through and publicly in a News Interview claimed that they would not be suing Cake Cream and claimed they gave Cake Cream permission to sample Out Ta Get Me.

Axl and Cake Cream breathed a sigh of relief. But Andy pointed out that Axl was still a Fugitive and they still had that problem. Axl looked shyly at the ground.

Mike tried to lighten up the mood by saying," "As someone named Axl once asked in Sweet Child Of Mine," "Where do we go? Where do we go now? Where do we go now?"

Axl had to chuckle at that one and so did Cake Cream.

Axl responded, in the tune of Sweet Child Of Mine, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know where we go now."

Cake Cream and Axl were now bursting into even more laughter. The tension was slightly dissolved and they decided to kick back and relax and just put the fact that Axl was a Wanted Fugitive and they were accomplices harboring him on the back burner. Axl thought happily,"Cake Cream are more than my Fans or my Clients. They're my Friends. Like my Brothers even. He smiled.

Axl and Cake Cream spent the next hour just having fun, watching TV and kicking back and relaxing when they saw that there was now a $5,000 Bounty for tips leading to Axl Rose's arrest.

$5,000 Bounty for my arrest? Axl said dumbfounded. All I did was punch a guy in the face and break his camera who had been harassing me!"

Cake Cream said,"We know Axl. We know. We were there with you. That guy deserved to get hit by you and his camera broken. He kept following you and snapping pictures of you even after you asked him to stop."

Jimmy said,"We're still going to protect you. We won't let them find you. Cake Cream backed up Jimmy. Axl trusted Cake Cream and relaxed. He relaxed so much that he fell asleep again.

Andy said,"I don't like the fact that we're harboring a Fugitive. Axl should be out of this house. We should turn in Axl and collect the $5,000. $1,000 for each of us. Get paid to get rid of our problem. Kill two birds with one stone.

Billy stared at Andy in shock. "We are not turning in Axl for $5,000. He's our Friend." The other Cake Cream Bandmates felt uncomfortable that Andy was even thinking of turning in Axl for $5,000. They were disgusted. Billy sent Andy $5,000 through Zelle from his bank account and said,"Here's $5,000 all for you. Don't turn Axl in."

Andy took the $5,000 and agreed to not turn Axl in. Cake Cream were stunned that Andy wanted to give up Axl in the first place for the $5,000. Axl slept for a couple of hours and then woke up.

Axl said with a huge smile, "Thank you guys for hiding me from Authorities. It really means a lot to me. I trust you guys."

Andy said, "We enjoy having you here. We enjoy having you as a Guest. We're glad you're here." He smiled at Axl.

Axl smiled at Andy back. Other Cake Cream Members stared at each other in uncomfortable confusion. Just a little while ago, Andy suggested they sell out Axl for $5,000. Now he was acting like he didn't attempt to sell out Axl just a little while ago. They pointed out to each other that Andy constantly kept bringing up the fact that Axl was a Fugitive when the other four were just happy to have him there. They admitted in hindsight that Andy's constant bringing up Axl being a Fugitive was a huge red flag.
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Old 07-19-2022, 01:19 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Police soon knocked on Billy's house again. And showed up with both an Arrest and a Search Warrant. The viral video that was on YouTube showed that Cake Cream was with Axl when the altercation with the Paparazzi Person happened. They were also seen on Burger King surveillance camera hanging out with each other and eating together earlier that day. Also they were seen at the bar where Axl first approached them, seen on Claven Records surveillance camera, the Fan that took the viral video of Axl's Tattoo had also filmed Cake Cream in the same shot at the party together. Meaning they lied about last seeing Axl at the latest Guns N'Roses Concert days ago.

Axl hid in the hidden crawl space again as Police searched the house again for him. Axl's conscience tortured him. "You can't keep causing Authorities to search Billy's house," his conscience scolded him. "Turn yourself in," his conscience told him.

He heard the Police say,"We know for a fact that you guys were with Axl after the latest Guns N'Roses Concert days ago. All five of you are accomplices and are liable to be under arrest if you don't give up Axl or he doesn't turn himself in. "Cake Cream admitted they were hanging out with Axl the day of the Paparazzi Person altercation, had a party with him, were at Burger King with him, were at the bar with him and at Claven Records with him, but claimed that they went their separate ways and hadn't seen Axl since they were with him when the Altercation with the Paparazzi Person happened. Police questioned them further, they refused to give up Axl and Police finally left.

Axl left the hidden crawl space and once again thanked Cake Cream for hiding him and was welcomed. They ate and chatted and Axl took a shower and went to sleep.

Axl woke up at 3 AM. Axl's conscience was really bothering him. He knew he had to turn himself in. He took his cellphone, a mask, his wallet with his REAL ID in it and left Billy's house. He knew that Cake Cream wouldn't have allowed him to turn himself in if they were awake and he had to do this while they were all asleep and had no idea he had even left the house. He walked to the nearest Police Station and turned himself in.

"I'm Axl Rose, he told the Police. "I'm here to turn myself in. The Cops looked at him in shock. They ran his Social Security number and his records and were amazed his records showed he was last arrested in the 1980's. He looked about 25. How did this 25 year old looking guy have records stating he had been arrested in the 1980's? He showed his REAL ID. The Cops were stunned. This 25 year old looking guy was 60 according to his ID.

He was patted down and given a strip search and the Cops looked in amazement at his multiple Tattoos. Axl smirked as he had nothing to hide on him. The Cops found nothing on him. His Mugshot was taken. He had a relieved smirk on his face in his Mugshot as turning himself in took a huge weight off his shoulders. His fingerprints were taken, he was given an orange jumpsuit. His personal belongings and original clothes were relinquished to Police. His Bond was set at $40,000. He was given a Court Date for three days from now.

He would have to remain in Custody until then if the bond wasn't met. He was put in the same cell as drunks, drug addicts, and shoplifters. Axl thanked God none of these people were Murderers or Rapists. News of his booking spread fast and his Mugshot trended quickly. Axl fell asleep.

At 8 AM, Billy came to visit him. Axl woke up and chatted with him. Billy said,"You should have told us you were going to turn yourself in. We would have went with you and supported you." Axl quipped wryly. "No, you wouldn't. You guys would have stopped me from turning myself in. Billy sheepishly admitted they would have stopped him. Axl said,"I know you guys and know that you guyswould have stopped me. That's exactly why I turned myself in in the middle of the night alone while you guys were sleeping. Billy blushed shyly.

Axl smiled and sang,"Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" Making Billy laugh. Billy said that Cake Cream set up a Go Fund Me page for Axl's Bond and said it already had $15,000 in it. Axl asked what a Go Fund Me page was and Billy said it was basically a Charity. Axl smiled and said," Thank you." Billy smiled back and welcomed him. They chatted for a long while and Billy checked the Go Fund Me page and the Go Fund Me page had reached the $40,000 goal!

Billy smiled and said,"You have a lot of Fans. We love you. So much we're willing to pay $40,000 to get you out of jail!" Billy winked. Axl smiled back. Axl's Bond was paid with the Go Fund Me page and he was free to go until his Court date. He got his personal belongings back and changed back into his original clothes and the orange jumpsuit given back. He and Billy walked back to his house.
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