Young Axl Rose showing up in 2022! :D - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 07-07-2022, 08:05 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Axl woke up and got ready for the day. He decided he needed a bank account for 2022. At the Bank, he was helped by a Bank Teller. He said he was interested in opening a Bank Account. The Bank Teller smiled and said he would be happy to help him out. Axl thanked him. In the Bank Teller's cubicle, he asked Axl if he had any ID and Axl gave him his Fake ID. The Bank Teller ran his ID and said,"Michael, your ID is fake. Axl blushed uncomfortably. Do you have a valid ID? Axl replied, "The real ID I have expired a long time ago. The Bank Teller asked to see it. Axl reluctantly showed him his real ID. The one that said Axl Rose.

The Bank Teller quizzically said,"This ID says you're Axl Rose. The only Axl Rose I know of is the Guns N'Roses Singer and he was born in 1962. You look way younger than him. Axl blushed and told the Bank Teller to take a good look at the birthday on his ID. The Bank Teller did and realized the birth year said 1962. He looked at Axl quizzically. Are you the real Axl Rose?"

Axl pulled up his sleeve and showed him his Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo. "Here's my Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo, Axl said. The Bank Teller took out his phone and looked up Axl Rose Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo and realized it was the same Tattoo that his Client was showing him in real life. In the same exact place.

"Oh my God, you're Axl Rose!" The Bank Teller said in amazement.

"Please don't tell anyone else," Axl pleaded. You're the only one who knows for sure."

The Bank Teller promised he wouldn't tell anyone else. Axl thanked him and asked him if he could open a Bank Account for him under the table using his fake ID.

The Bank Teller said,"Normally, I wouldn't open a Bank Account for a Prospective Client using a fake ID, but for you, I'll do it. I happen to be a huge Guns N'Roses Fan. Axl blushed shyly and thanked him.

The Bank Teller welcomed him and opened the Account for him using his fake ID. Axl thanked him and was welcomed. The Bank Teller shyly asked him for an autograph and Axl gave it to him. The Bank Teller thanked him and Axl welcomed him and he left with his new bank Account.

Last edited by Karice; 08-07-2022 at 02:30 AM.
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Old 07-08-2022, 03:29 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Axl found out Guns N'Roses was doing a show at a Concert Hall not to far from his hotel that very night He was excited! He bought last minute tickets for Front Row! He was going to see his Current Band in 2022! He knew that going to see Guns N'Roses in 2022 was risky, but he wanted to take that chance. He got ready for the Concert, and then went. Guns N'Roses opening Act was an up and coming Rock Band named Cake Cream. Cake Cream was really good. Axl smiled, remembering when he and his band mates were up and coming and opened for established Bands, Musicians, and Singers. The Fans went wild for Cake Cream and Axl wondered if Cake Cream was 2022's Young Guns N'Roses.

After Cake Cream finished, the applause was wild. Guns N'Roses started the show, and Axl watched in awe as Older Axl sprinted Spritely around the stage like a 25 year old Axl. Older Axl was having the time of his life , with a huge smile on his face. He sang songs Axl had never even heard of such as Chinese Democracy, Don't Damn Me, and Bad Apples. Duff, Slash, and the New Members Axl had never even met all played hard. The crowd loved Current Guns N'Roses. Axl was proud.

But then something bad happened. Older Axl sang a loud, high pitched screeching wail during the ending of IRS song(the word "true," and promptly lost his voice. Older Axl looked mortified. Axl thought, "Oh no." My voice is a huge part of my selling point, and Older me has just lost his voice. A Band Manager asked Older Axl if his voice was okay. Older Axl shook his head and made the "gone," gesture.

The Band Manager asked if there was anyone in the Audience who could fill in for Older Axl. Older Axl looked hopefully at the Audience.

Axl knew he had to make a tough choice. He needed to go on stage and fill in for Older Axl. Axl raised his hand and said,"I'm sure I can fill in for Ol.. Axl. I am a huge fan of Guns N'Roses. Older Axl looked curiously at Axl and at The Band Manager. Older Axl felt he could trust this young man and gave his approval, and Axl went up on stage and sang Sweet Child Of Mine, It's So Easy, Paradise City, Rocket Queen, Welcome To The Jungle(In the bridge for Welcome To The Jungle Axl sang,"You know where you are, you're in 2022 baby, you're gonna die!" The Crowd loved his impromptu adlib), Night Train, Out Ta Get Me, Mr. Brownstone, flawlessly and even danced energetically and wildly like his normal self. Older Axl watched in awe that this young man could sing his songs so flawlessly and dance like him. Older Axl was impressed.

Axl, as a gift of sorts to Older Axl and their Fans did IRS and sang the high pitched screeching wail that Older Axl sang before it took away his voice, and his voice was even longer compared to Older Axl's attempt at it and Axl didn't lose his voice doing it. Fans were impressed and cheered wildly.

Even Older Axl was showing he was in awe..Both Axls were happy they made their Fans happy. Both Axls smiled at each other, at the Fans, the Band Members, and the Band Manager and Security. and the other Band Members, Band Manager, Security, and Fans were impressed and happy. Axl, Older Axl, and the other Band Members took a bow, to huge cheers..

Last edited by Karice; 07-10-2022 at 07:25 PM.
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Old 07-13-2022, 01:12 AM   #13 (permalink)
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After the show, the Band Manager said that Older Axl wanted to talk to Axl. Older Axl had gotten his voice back.

Axl was led backstage, and met Older Axl.

Older Axl said gratefully,"Thanks for coming through for me tonight. You really helped me out."

Axl smiled happily. "You're welcome, Axl," Axl told Older Axl.

Older Axl looked deeply at Axl. "I had a feeling I could trust you. You remind me so much of me when I was young."

Axl blushed. He decided he needed to tell Older Axl the truth.

"That's because I am the younger you," Axl told Older Axl. "I time traveled from 1987 to 2022."

Older Axl wasn't even all that freaked out and felt at ease with what Younger Axl was telling him. Older Axl smiled at him.

Axl told Older Axl,"I'm so proud of you and Current Guns N'Roses," Axl told him proudly.

Older Axl smiled back happily. "I'm glad you're proud.

They chatted for a long while and Axl begun to feel tired. Axl and Older Axl exchanged phone numbers and Axl went back to his Hotel.

He went to sleep. He woke up and watched the News. The News had a segment on his impromptu singing with Guns N'Roses, and News Anchors jokingly wondered if Young Axl Rose had time traveled from 1987 to 2022. Oh no, Axl thought worriedly. Axl's stomach growled again and he knew he had to eat. He was hungry, but he knew he risked being outed as Axl Rose.

Axl decided to order No Contact Room Service and paid with his prepaid credit card. He ate and drank in his Hotel Room. Axl knew going in that going to see Current Guns N'Roses was extremely risky, but he was more thinking along the lines of risky as in freaking out Older Axl.

If 25 year old Axl was looking at 12 year old Axl, he most likely would have felt at least a little freaked out. Actually going up on stage and singing Guns N'Roses songs to help out Older Axl was plain dangerous and risky. But Axl knew he couldn't help but help out Older Axl who was in serious need of his help.

He took a shower, watched TV, and fell asleep.

Last edited by Karice; 07-23-2022 at 04:33 AM.
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Old 07-14-2022, 08:20 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Axl woke up, showered, ate, and got ready for the day. He really liked Cake Cream and wanted to learn more about them. Axl looked up Cake Cream. He found out they would be performing at a local Bar. Axl put on a hat, his bandanas, and went to that Bar and watched them play their set. Axl was amazed. They were really good. After the set, Axl approached Cake Cream and properly introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Michael Randall Johnson," he said, smiling. You guys are really good. I'm in the Music Business, and I think I can help you guys become big.

Cake Cream looked at him suspiciously. "How do we know you're not some Scammer?" Mike, the Lead Singer asked him warily. The other four Members backed up Mike's sentiments. Axl took off his hat and bandanas.

Cake Cream looked at him in awe and recognized him as that guy that helped Axl out last night!. Axl smiled. "Axl asked, "How do you feel about Guns N'Roses?"

Jimmy, the Bassist responded,"We're huge Fans of Guns N'Roses. We aspire to be like them. We opened for them last night and we don't open for Bands we don't like." Cake Cream backed up Jimmy. Axl smiled. "I'm a huge Guns N'Roses Fan myself," Axl said with a smile. "In fact, I think guys are the New Guns N'Roses of 2022."

Cake Cream all smiled. Axl asked if they had a Manager. Cake Cream didn't have a Manager. Axl offered to be their Manager. Axl said,"With my help, you can be the New Guns N'Roses." They accepted. They exchanged phone numbers. Axl offered to buy all of them Coke. The drink, not the drug, and they all accepted and he bought them all Coke drinks and Cake Cream and Axl all drank the Cokes and chatted and Cake Cream thanked Axl. He welcomed them. They all chatted for a little while and then said their goodbyes and Axl left. Axl thought happily," Cake Cream is definitely my calling for 2022!

Axl went to his hotel and started wondering how to make Cake Cream huge Stars.

Last edited by Karice; 07-14-2022 at 08:40 PM.
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Old 07-15-2022, 06:44 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Axl decided to go to Claven Records and promote Cake Cream. He showed the opening they did for Guns N'Roses latest show and Claven Record Executives were impressed. They told Axl to have them cut a Demo. Axl was excited and called Cake Cream and told them the good news. All of Cake Cream was excited as Claven Records is a huge Record Label in 2022. They agreed to meet up with Axl to cut the Demo the next day.

The next day, Axl told them he believed that they were 2022's Guns N'Roses and that he believed in them.

Axl had them play into a Cassette tape. Axl and they all went to Claven Records and turned in the Demo. Claven Records Execs were awed by the Demo and Cake Cream and Axl were excited. Claven Records told them they had a lot of real potential.

Claven Records told Cake Cream and Axl that they wanted to buy the Demo for $100,000 and Axl and Cake Cream were excited paperwork and contracts were read, understood, and signed and they sold the Demo. The next day, the Demo was unbeknownst put on ITUNES for sale by Claven Records and it hit number 1 on the Billboard 100.

Axl and Cake Cream were excited. The Demo was a huge hit! Fans loved it!

A couple of days later, Cake Cream and Axl threw a huge "We made it!" Party, filled with lots of Cake Cream Fans. The Party was filled with a lot of fun, alcoholic drinks, and food and music. Axl was very tired after a couple of hours and fell asleep. While he slept, Cake Cream Fans mentioned how weird it was that Michael always wore long sleeved shirts even in the very hot April.

Cake Cream acknowledged that this was weird, and Jimmy rolled back Axl's left sleeve and found nothing unusual. He said,"Michael doesn't have anything unusual on his left arm. " He then rolled Axl's right sleeve up and gasped as he saw the Appetite For Destruction Cross Forearm Tattoo, the same Tattoo Axl Rose had.

Jimmy said to his Bandmates, check out Michael's Cross Tattoo. It's the same one Axl Rose has. In the same spot." Cake Cream stared at Axl's Tattoo in complete shock. Was Michael really Axl Rose? The Cake Cream Fans also saw Axl's Tattoo. And all gasped. That's Axl Rose! A lot of Fans gasped in shock.

Billy played Devil's Advocate and said,"Michael can't be Axl Rose. Michael is about 25 and Axl is 60. Besides, Michael and Axl showed up on stage together side by side. If Michael really is Axl, the older Axl would have disappeared. There's no way two Axls would have shown up on stage at Guns N'Roses latest Concert. Sure, Michael has the same exact Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo that Axl has in the same exact spot, but Michael is a huge Guns N'Roses Fan. And besides, Axl's Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo is ALL of Guns N'Roses, not just Axl. It even says ,"Guns N'Roses." He could have easily just gotten a replica of Axl's Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo on his right forearm to show how big of a Fan he is of Guns N'Roses. Also, young Axl has red hair. Michael's hair is Black. I can't see Axl dying his signature and beloved red hair Black."

Jimmy said, "Hmm. Billy, you have a valid point that it be impossible for someone to stand next to themselves. And Michael could have gotten a replica of Axl's Cross Tattoo. Axl could have dyed his red hair Black if he wanted to disguise himself. But let's check Michael's wallet to be sure. If Michael really is Axl, he'd have something like an ID that has Axl's personal information on it." Billy agreed that Jimmy made perfect sense. All of Cream agreed.

Cake Cream searched Axl's wallet. They saw Michael Randall Johnson born in 1997. Billy said, "See. Michael isn't Axl. He's really Michael like he says he is." Mike pointed out that there was another ID. Cream saw Axl's REAL ID, the one that said," W. Axl Rose, Birthdate February 1962, expiration date February 1989 with his face on it. With his signature and beloved red hair. Axl for some reason carried around his REAL ID and his fake ID too. "Holy shait!" Billy said in shock. "Michael really is Axl Rose! "

They couldn't believe their Manager was really Axl Rose. No wonder Axl was so flawlessly able to cover for Older Axl at the latest Guns N'Roses show.

Cake Cream was so shocked, they left Axl's sleeve up, too in shock to roll it back down. They left Axl alone sleeping. Axl woke up a little later and immediately saw his sleeve was rolled up and his Cross Tattoo was clearly visible! "No!" Axl thought panicked, sitting up as suddenly as he did in his November Rain video. Axl had a feeling he had been exposed.

He quickly pulled down his sleeve and went back to the party. The Cake Cream Fans had left and it was just Cake Cream and Axl left. Cake Cream was looking at him intently. Axl blushed, uncomfortably.

Jimmy said,"Michael, it's kind of hot. Sure you don't want to change into a short sleeve shirt? You must be dying of the heat in that long sleeved shirt. You can change into my short sleeved shirt. "

Axl instinctively put his hand over his forearm and said,"No, I'm good."

Got anything to hide, Axl?" Billy, the Drummer asked him pointedly. "My name is Michael, " Axl lied, sweating.

Andy, the Keyboard Player asked,"Billy's right. Why do you keep wearing long sleeved shirts in April? It's 80 degrees!

My name is Michael, Axl lied, sweating. "I enjoy wearing long sleeved shirts as a Fashion choice."

James, the Guitarist said," You sounded flawless when you covered for Axl at the Guns N'Roses Show. You sounded like his younger self."

Axl said,"I'm not Axl Rose."

Mike said,"Come on, we saw your Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo. Only Axl has the Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo."

Axl said,"I'm not Axl Rose. I'm just a huge fan of Guns N'Roses, and that includes Axl Rose. I thought Axl's Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo looked cool, so I got a replica of it. I went to the Tattoo Studio and told the Tattoo Artist,"I want the same Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo that Axl Rose has and I want it on my right forearm like he has and they gave it to me. That's all it is. A replica of Axl's Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo." Axl looked nervous

Jimmy said,"So, you also thought Axl's ID looked so cool, you ended up getting a replica of Axl's ID too?" Jimmy knowingly questioned with a knowing smirk. Axl looked at the ground, with a caught look on his face and body language. Jimmy said,"We saw your Axl Rose ID. We know that you're Axl Rose. Just admit it. We're your Fans, Axl. We love you." Cake Cream all confirmed this
The "We're your Fans, we love you," is what really caused Axl to let his guard down. He admitted,"Yes, I'm Axl Rose," Axl said, reluctantly.

Cake Cream smiled and admitted they were happy he was there. Axl smiled and felt a huge sense of relief. He felt a huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

Cake Cream wondered how Axl ended up in 2022 when he lived in 1987, and Axl admitted he had no idea how he ended up in 2022. Cake Cream smiled and once again mentioned how happy they were that he was there.

Last edited by Karice; 07-16-2022 at 07:18 AM.
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Old 07-15-2022, 07:39 AM   #16 (permalink)
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
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It’s cool

Why is he always blushing though?
Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
This thread reads like the synopsis of a tv series, in a good way
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Old 07-15-2022, 03:38 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mucha na Dziko View Post
It’s cool

Why is he always blushing though?
The Axl I have in mind for the most part this story is THIS Axl. Shy, humble, nice, calm, blushing.

And NOT THIS Axl. For the most part. Angry, reckless, aggressive, violent.

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Old 07-16-2022, 08:42 AM   #18 (permalink)
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"Please don't tell anyone that I'm really Axl Rose" Axl pleaded. Cake Cream Members looked at each other guiltily.

Axl caught this and asked,"Who else saw my Tattoo and ID? Axl asked, mildly panicked.

Jimmy guiltily replied,"Cake Fans saw your Appetite For Destruction Cross Tattoo."

"Holy shait!" Axl exclaimed, scared. Then he calmed down and asked,"Did anyone take pictures of my Tattoo?"

Cake Cream Members shook their heads. "Billy said,"We didn't see any of them take pictures" .

Axl breathed a sigh of relief. "If no one took any pictures, I really have nothing to worry about, Axl said. Cake Cream smiled.

Axl fully relaxed, confident that his secret was safe. But then, a little while later, Andy said,"Uh oh," to the rest of Cake Cream. Cake Cream . He showed his Bandmates the viral video on YouTube a Cake Cream Fan had taken of Axl's Tattoo while he slept. Axl was eating a ham and cheese sandwich in the kitchen, oblivious to the Viral Video(He wasn't even watching YouTube. )

Cake Cream knew eventually that Axl would see the Axl Rose Tattoo viral video, but they wanted to keep him from finding out about this viral video for as long as possible. They partly blamed themselves for exposing his Tattoo in the first place in a party full of Cake Fans while he slept. They all felt guilt for that. They all knew deep down they could have just checked his Tattoo while he slept after the Fans had left. And asked him if he was really Axl Rose in private.

Axl finished eating his ham and cheese sandwich and went to the living room where Cake Cream was watching a video on YouTube.

"What are you guys watching?" Axl asked curiously. Cake Cream Members all jumped.

"Axl!" Andy said in uncomfortable shock! We thought you were in the kitchen eating your ham and cheese sandwich.

"I'm finished," Axl said.

Cake Cream giggled uncomfortably. Axl felt something was going on. "Guys, what's going on?" Axl asked them.

Billy very suspiciously turned off YouTube and asked Axl if he wanted to go to sleep.

Axl wryly said,"The last time I fell asleep in this house, you guys exposed my Tattoo to a bunch of random Fans." Axl quipped passive aggressively.

Axl, we just wanted to see why you always wear long sleeved shirts even in the hot April. We didn't know a Fan would take a video of your Tattoo and upload it to YouTube, Billy said impulsively.

Axl caught on to the "Fan took video of your Tattoo and uploaded it to YouTube," as the other Cake Cream Members lightly hit Billy in the arm for saying that to Axl.

"A Fan took a video of my Tattoo?" Axl resppnded, mildly panicked.

"Cake Cream lowered their eyes and admitted that Axl's Tattoo video went viral on YouTube.

Axl asked,"What does viral on YouTube mean?" In 1987, Viral means a contagious virus that spreads around quickly. But I don't know what it means in 2022. "

Mike responded,"Viral on YouTube means that it's been viewed MANY times.

"NO!" Axl exclaimed, panic rumbling through his stomach. A bunch of People would now know his secret!

"We're sorry, Axl, " Cake Cream Members told him.

You guys are sorry? Axl responded with biting disdain. "I could be kidnapped or get murdered as a result of a bunch of People now knowing that I ended up in 2022 as a result of this." Axl sneered angrily. "But thank you guys for saying you're sorry," Axl bitterly quipped.

Jimmy said,"You could have just told us upfront that you were Axl. We wouldn't have had to expose you in front of a bunch of Fans if you'd just told us the truth from the get go. We would have kept your secret. We wouldn't have told anyone else you were Axl." Jimmy felt guilty about what they'd done to Axl, but tried deflecting the blame to Axl. Cake Cream all backed up what Jimmy said.

"Axl responded angrily,"Fine, find yourselves a new Manager!" And left angrily. He went back to his Hotel Room, feeling both mad and guilty at the same time.
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Old 07-16-2022, 02:12 PM   #19 (permalink)
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This is the wildest thread we've ever had
I've moved to a new address
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Old 07-16-2022, 02:59 PM   #20 (permalink)
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
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Originally Posted by Karice View Post
The Axl I have in mind for the most part this story is THIS Axl. Shy, humble, nice, calm, blushing.

And NOT THIS Axl. For the most part. Angry, reckless, aggressive, violent.

Isn't this chery picking and creating a character that actually never existed?

I thought the idea of fun fiction was that people tell stories (that never happened - in canon or reality) about people/characters that are already established/real?

Im not trying to put you down, I'm just trying to understand your concept
Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
This thread reads like the synopsis of a tv series, in a good way
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