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A New Career in an Old Town: Chelly's Poetry & Lyrics
Hello and welcome to my poetry & lyrics thread. If I can find a decent free programme for writing sheet music, I'll be posting the songs themselves.
I'll start things by posting a poem I dashed off a few nights back.
Spoiler for An Ode:
An Ode
I had spent my life tearing off pages of diaries -
pages worn with business and pages unused.
Then the tearing sound’s key and cadence changed:
it went up one major seventh, another, and then
I couldn’t but find myself entranced by its melody.
I sensed behind my eyes something new, something fiery.
The day annexed the night, and the night abused.
And a sweeping motion, a force, a vocal range
Exceeded, drove my mental rage to pen
Screeds of letters, essays, sonnet, paean, threnody.
I sing in the small hours, I draw past the cold nights.
I am become Worlds, and Death a fairy story!
I dance to the song of the faraway streetlights
And am blind to all but to Beauty and to Glory.