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Old 01-10-2015, 11:02 AM   #321 (permalink)
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I Think I Do

Verse 1
You're on my mind every single day and night
And it's getting harder to put you out of sight
I try to put other thoughts inside my head
But I seem to dream about you instead
I don't know if what I feel is real
Now's the time to find answers for my questions

I ask myself time and time again
If I have deep feelings for you
I think I do

Verse 2
The thought of love strikes me like the sting of a bee
I don't know if you're interested in someone like me
We might be together or we might be apart
I'm afraid I'll do something wrong and break your heart
Sometimes I feel like we should be much more than friends
But that would mean my secret would come to an end

Verse 3
I don't know if this thing is just a phase
I only want to do everything right
When in love, they say your breath stops in an instant
And suddenly your heart takes flight
There's no one description to tell how you feel
The only thing you can think of is the fact that it's real

How should I approach you when we meet?
Now that I have been true to myself
When a thought is not the same
And the feelings run free
My heart is no longer tame
And emotions express me
I ask myself once again
If I have deep feelings for you
I think I do

Written by B. (Thursday, June 8, 2000)
Copyright 2000
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:03 AM   #322 (permalink)
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Tune In Anytime
Written by B. Copyright 2002

Last edited by ghaw2007; 12-30-2024 at 11:18 PM.
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:03 AM   #323 (permalink)
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How Sweet It Is

Verse 1
How sweet it is to know
That you're right by my side
I can't even imagine my life without you
Don't even want to try
How sweet it is to know
That I can trust and rely on you
I give myself to you without any hesitation

Verse 2
My eyes light up when you enter the room
I concentrate on you
Then I realize how lucky I am to have you
You lift my spirits up when I am down
You comfort me
The support you give
And understanding you have is appreciated

Verse 3
You'll always be a part of my life
Yes, you will
Just knowing that I have found you
That you choose to be with me
Makes me want to be a better person
Makes me want to live forever
I know that nothing and no one can ever come between us

How sweet it is to know
That I love you and you love me
With patience, we are caring
We are always sharing
Attitude makes a difference
With love, you and I become whole
With love, you and I become one
We have a strong and lasting bond

How sweet it is to know
That you're right by my side
How sweet it is to know
That I love you and you love me

Written by B. (Friday, October 18, 2002)
Copyright 2002
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:05 AM   #324 (permalink)
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Joyful Noise

Verse 1
You're hot, I'm hot
And we want each other badly
We haven't had a little somethin' somethin' in a while
I'm the one you want, you're the one I want
Let's not waste time
Let's get down to business

Verse 2
Ooh, you taste so good
I want more of you
I'm like an addict whose addicted on you
I'm drunk with ecstasy
I'm filled with passion
I love sharing what I have with you
We just cannot resist each other anymore
I want to have you right here and right now
Let's get loud
Let's wake up the neighbourhood
We will hit the right spots and drown in pleasure

Ooh, ah! (4x)
Yeah, baby!

Joyful noise is what you and I will make
Underneath the covers you and I will shout
On the table you and I will moan
On the floor we will talk dirty

Written by B. (Sunday, September 29, 2002)
Copyright 2002
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:05 AM   #325 (permalink)
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Against The Rules

Verse 1
I know you're interested in me
You always look my way
I don't really know who you are
That will never change someday
I find you very attractive
Your looks and your charm
I just wish I had the courage to talk to you
But that would be against the rules
Oh darn!

Verse 2
We saw each other in the cafeteria
Walked by each other in the halls
Once you waited at your locker
Were you waiting for me at all?
I just wish I had the courage to approach you
But that would be against the rules
Oh darn!

Verse 3
Even though I'm not where you are
I still follow a code of conduct
One benefit of doing so is avoiding consequences
If no such thing existed, I'd see you everyday

Bridge 1
I wasn't suppose to talk to you
Minding my business was the goal
If I had the guts to break the rules
Who knows what would have happened

Bridge 2
I can't talk to you
I'll only get into trouble
You know I will never break the rules
I can't be with you
That would cause controversy
You know I will never go against the rules

I should never go against the rules
I should obey the rules

Written by B. (Monday, September 30, 2002)
Copyright 2002
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:06 AM   #326 (permalink)
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Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy

Verse 1
Tell me whatcha gonna do with a cowboy?
He's way out of your league
He doesn't have time for you
He's busy rompin' and stompin' around the wild west
You have this crazy fantasy that you'd be swept off your feet
By this tall, rugged man
And get lost in his eyes
And live happily forever on a ranch

Verse 2
What if his life is all about ropes, horses and barns?
Would you take a stand
And demand that he always put you first?
Do you have this weird notion that you can change him?
If you do, forget about becoming his faithful wife

Chorus 1
Whatcha gonna do with a cowboy?
Do you know the difference between a man and a toy?
You've got your entire life ahead of you
So follow what's right for you

Chorus 2
Whatcha gonna do with a cowboy?
Do you know the difference between a man and a toy?
You've for your entire life ahead of you
So follow what's right for you
Any dreams that can come true
Don't count on anyone to make you happy

Written by B. (Tuesday, October 1, 2002)
Copyright 2002
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:06 AM   #327 (permalink)
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For My Broken Heart

Verse 1
If I could see you again
The choice would be to not see you at all
I was willing to wait for you
But you left me hanging for much too long
I'm not going to put my life on hold
Waiting until the day you would return

Chorus 1
Stay as far away as possible for my broken heart

Verse 2
A healing process is what I must go through
Or I'll always be stuck on you
The pain I felt when you left me
Was something I had never felt before
I cried a lot, shouted and cursed out loud
I couldn't control what I was feeling

Chorus 2
Look as far away as possible for my broken heart

Verse 3
There's only one thing I'll ask of you
That's to not have any contact with me
Don't explain yourself to me
Don't justify any of your actions
Nothing you could ever do or say
Could erase how much you hurt me
If it did, you'd be in my life

Chorus 3
Stay as far away as possible for my broken heart
Look as far away as possible for my broken heart

Written by B. (Friday, October 4, 2002)
Copyright 2002
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:10 AM   #328 (permalink)
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Stuff You Should Have Said Before

Verse 1
I care you for, I respect you
I honour you, I cherish you
I support you, I live for you
I like you, I love you

Bridge 1
Those are stuff you should have said before
But now it's way too late
I am walking out the door
Don't try to stop me now
You will not win my heart
When you had the chance to, you didn't
You say if you could turn back time you'd change
Quite frankly, I do not care
I'm going on my own way

Verse 2
I congratulate you, I need you
I'm proud of you, I want you
I'm attracted to you, I want to make love to you
I want to be with you, I can't live without you

Bridge 2
Those are stuff you should have said before
But now it's way too late
I won't be with you anymore
Don't try to stop me now
You will not win my heart
When you had the chance, you didn't
You say if you could turn back time you'd change
Quite frankly, I do not care
I'm going on my own way

There are many things you should have said before
Like I want you more and more
But you've wasted your time
You will never be mine
I don't know why it was hard
For you to talk to me
I opened myself up to you

Written by B. (Saturday, October 5, 2002)
Copyright 2002
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:11 AM   #329 (permalink)
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Kill Your Television

Verse 1
Kill your television
I promise you won't go to jail
They'll be no cops, lawyers or juries involved
Smash the remote control into pieces
Throw the remains out of your door

Verse 2
Kill your television
I promise you won't be charged with any crime
I assure you, it's not against the law
You have every right to destroy it

Cable, satellite and network TV
Are the real enemies, don't you see?
They have concocted a devious plan
To rob you of everything you could have

Chorus 1
All of who you are is not comedy shows
You're not the neurotic, stupid or geeky ones
You're an individual
Don't become brainwashed
Kill your television

Chorus 2
All of who you are is not drama shows
Your life is not a superhero saga
You're an individual
Don't be deceived
Kill your television

Chorus 3
All of who you are is not news magazines
Your life will not be viewed on air
You're an individual
Be familiar with your rights
Kill your television
Stand up for something
Or you'll fall for anything
The time is now
Do what you have to do
Kill your television
It must be silenced
It's existence is killing you

Written by B. (Thursday, October 10, 2002)
Copyright 2002
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:12 AM   #330 (permalink)
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No Easy Answers

Verse 1
There are no easy answers to give you
About all of life's hardships
Just take them in stride
Hold your head up high
They will not last forever
And if they seem to always occur
Day in and day out
They could be blessings in disguise
Or simply bad luck

Verse 2
You can demand all the answers you want
You will always get a few
You can go to the ends of the earth
Climb the highest mountain
Swim to the depths of the oceans
Read every book that's been published
But more questions will arise
Your curiosity will never be satisfied

Bridge 1
There are no easy answers to give you
On why there is great suffering and pain
On why UFOs are hard to explain
On why we all still exist
On why the world is mysterious
The more knowledge you gain
Hopefully the wiser you'll be
Maybe you will understand and appreciate
That some things are best left unanswered

Bridge 2
You can demand all the answers you want
There's no guarantee all will be fulfilled
If you really want to know everything
Prepare yourself to be shocked, disappointed and surprised

Chorus 1
There are no easy answers to give you
they could be blessings in disguise
Or simply bad luck
You can demand all the answers you want
But more questions will arise
Your curiosity will never be satisfied
Prepare yourself to be shocked, disappointed and surprised

Chorus 2
There are no easy answers to give you
They could be blessings in disguise
Or simply bad luck
Prepare to be shocked, disappointed and surprised

Written by B. (Friday, October 11, 2002)
Copyright 2002
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