I want to write a song, help? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 10-06-2012, 04:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2012
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Red face I want to write a song, help?

So... I really want to write a song and I have some ideas but every time I write some lyrics I think that they are to emberasing or not good at all, and the music part doesn't go well with me. I would love if you could help me like offer advice or a melody of some sorts cuz I have this like feeling where I wanna scream but I can't so I though of writing a song and saying everything I want that way... help?

I'm into pop (I guess?) but with a little bit of rock, I don't know really... It depends on my mood...
I don't offer any reward I'm just saying if you have nothing else to do maybe you could help, I'd love some advice on my lyrics (cuz I have some I just don't show them to anyone) and if possible a melody of some sorts I don't care if you just need lyrics for it or if it's just something you wrote when you were two XD I'd love trying to write a song and some help along the way (who knows maybe I'm actually better at it than I think )

Last edited by migliuks000; 10-06-2012 at 04:20 PM. Reason: Had a lot more to say than I thought
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Old 10-06-2012, 06:08 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I would suggest that you just write as much as you can, sort of a brainstorming session. Pick a feeling, a concrete thing, a person or just a simple word, and write down whatever comes to mind when you think of it. Don't censor yourself when doing this, as it just kills your creativity. Don't worry about the quality of what you're writing, just focus on getting your thoughts scribbled down.

Do this often. I try to do it at least once a day, myself. It's great training when it comes to songwriting. Sometimes, when you read through what you've written, you may find verse lines or stanzas that you actually like, and you can then use them as a basis for a song.

Oh, and you should also check out this thread: http://www.musicbanter.com/song-writ...ps-thread.html
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Old 10-11-2012, 02:50 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Start writing in a journal when you wake up. That will help clear your head. Every writer hes had moments of being uncomfortable with what they are writing. The only fix is to keep writing. Post a verse here and there n online. So you get comfy with people seeing your work. Check out many forums and find the couple that feel the most comfortable.
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Old 10-14-2012, 07:38 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I personally cant really sit down and just write a song. Generally I write poetry and music separately from one another and sometimes they can just end up coming together. Most times I write music when I am feeling calm and then when I am really worked up the singing just kind of comes and you can build off of even a single line. Best of luck with your endeavors and most of all even if you think what you are writing is embarrassing just remember that it only really matters that it satisfies you. That was my biggest problem starting out.
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Old 10-27-2012, 02:35 AM   #5 (permalink)
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ayi ayi ayi
ayi ayi ayi ' let it rain over me, and that makes you larger than life.....
so what do you think about this which i provided to you
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Old 10-28-2012, 04:05 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by maidahl View Post
So we're writing the song for you? Post that thing and we can see where you're at and if you suck ass. Sometimes on other sites people need help coming up with a main character's name or ask if it's a good story idea. Bottom line: Give us context so we can help you.

If you're a moody singer-songwriter, don't do drugs. Oh, and if you ever end up posting something, I'll let you know what I honestly think, constructive remarks.

Oh and how is anyone supposed to help you with this thread. Are you a witch or something? How does anyone know how to give you a song suggestion or improvement when all you've said is.. nothing. Do you need better writing process that works for you better than drugs? Or do you need example lyrics? Try lyricsmania, pal
@Guy who linked the original poster: YoubeG.
Ummm... Thanks for the critique but It's not like I'm a moody singer-songwriter, and I have never tried drugs nor do I plan to! I understand that what I wrote is very little but I really don't have that much confidence in writing lyrics so I just asked for advice on how to write it ...

Last edited by migliuks000; 10-28-2012 at 04:16 PM.
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Old 10-28-2012, 04:12 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Soo... I haven't been here for a while and in that time I wrote a song of some sort and I would love to hear what you have to say
(I still haven't thought up of a name i would love some suggestions)
So the idea is that the first verse is her words and the rest is mine and I put in some rap sequences if you can call them that because... Well i wanted to
I'm sorry for any mistakes since English isn't my first language...

Here it is:

Rap 1:
I'm drowning myself in the last words that you said,
My heart is almost breaking for your lost love.
I'm drowning myself in the last words that you said,
My heart is almost breaking for your lost love.

Verse 1:

It feels like I'm sinking so deep
And I can no longer sleep
It feels like i'm on a leash
When he's so out of reach

Why did the both of us have to part,
When in his hand was my heart?
I feel like I'm falling,
All the while his name I'm calling.

It's both happy and sad, but all the pain you had
Will just make you mad, If you say it's to bad
It's time to show him, what your really all for
Make him regret what's there no more.

Rap 2:
I'm wishing for you to again find your love,
Your heart to start healing with your new love.
I'm wishing for you to again find your love,
Your heart to start healing with your new love.

Verse 2:
Someday again you'll be whole,
No morre pain in your soul.
Just rip off that anoying collar
Around your neck that keeps getting smaller.

You will find someone better,
Who will make your haert flutter.
when you let the pain wallow,
and fell love strong but not shalow.

It's both happy and sad, but all the pain you had
Will just make you mad, If you say it's to bad
It's time to show him, what your really all for
Make him regret what's there no more.

It's both happy and sad, but all the pain you had
Will just make you mad, If you say it's to bad
It's time to show him, what your really all for
Make him regret what's there no more.

Rap 3:
I'm hoping in my very last word's that I said,
Your heart has started healing with your new love.
I'm hoping in my very last word's that I said,
Your heart has started healing with your new love.
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Old 10-29-2012, 04:00 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by migliuks000 View Post
Soo... I haven't been here for a while and in that time I wrote a song of some sort and I would love to hear what you have to say
(I still haven't thought up of a name i would love some suggestions)
So the idea is that the first verse is her words and the rest is mine and I put in some rap sequences if you can call them that because... Well i wanted to
I'm sorry for any mistakes since English isn't my first language...

Here it is:

Rap 1:
I'm drowning myself in the last words that you said,
My heart is almost breaking for your lost love.
I'm drowning myself in the last words that you said,
My heart is almost breaking for your lost love.

Verse 1:

It feels like I'm sinking so deep
And I can no longer sleep
It feels like i'm on a leash
When he's so out of reach

Very nicely written buddy. I assume this is you first attempt to song composition.

BTW have you tried to do some music mixing into it. Would love to hear the end result.
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Old 10-29-2012, 07:17 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Outlucky View Post
Very nicely written buddy. I assume this is you first attempt to song composition.

BTW have you tried to do some music mixing into it. Would love to hear the end result.
It's the first time I have actually written something I like and showed someone...
I would love to do some mixing but I haven't ever tried composing and I don't know how to create a melody... maybe you have some tips?

Last edited by migliuks000; 10-29-2012 at 07:43 AM.
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Old 10-28-2012, 11:35 PM   #10 (permalink)
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i have gone beyond the art of composing

and rather just bang things out spontaneously and recording them

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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