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Old 05-08-2012, 11:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Would you guys mind checking out my stuff? (the link can be found in my signature)

I mostly play heavy metal, though I also experiment with many other elements, so... in any case, granted my production aint the greatest. Believe me I know I need to improve, and perhaps one day even be able to afford some solid gear. But till than, i`m afraid I can only do what I can, with what I have. Which is not much. btw. Not to mention that finding free time is very difficult for me. What i`m trying to say it... i`m sure that there are more than enough tech geeks here and first / second year production students. And that`s great for you, but please go easy on me!

30 + views?
Oh no, please, not everyone at once!

But its cool... I know why this is happening... its because I don't have breasts, isn't it? ISNT IT?! oh but its okay... no no, don't mind me.. ill just be sitting here... looking at this blank page... Thinking about how happy I am that people exist, and probably have better stuff to do than check out little `o me... no no, its okay *sniff sniff*... I understand... you all must be very important business folks... you cant spare five minutes of your time.. don't worry its okay I understand.. your late for a meeting, your gf left you, someone`s on the phone, someone died, your dog took a **** on the carpet, you just found some Kryptonite in your backyard.. you know, just your average day.. no no its cool, its cool... don't mind me... just keeping on moving from post to post... dont say anything in mine... you little sons of... ********* (if I knew Chinese, this would be it!)

Seriously though.
Opinions anyone? hell, at this point ill even settle for trolls! (not really).
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Old 05-09-2012, 08:17 AM   #2 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Stop spamming and advertising, it is not what this forum is for.
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Old 05-09-2012, 08:38 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Please read our rules before you continue posting and take note of this part in particular:

Band/Music Promotion
Joining MusicBanter to promote your (or someone else's) music is also prohibited. Any accounts being used for promotion will be banned and their posts deleted. Links to music in signatures are allowed, provided the account isn't being used for promotional purposes.
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Old 05-09-2012, 09:45 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VoiceX View Post
30 + views?
Oh no, please, not everyone at once!

Seriously though.
Opinions anyone? hell, at this point ill even settle for trolls! (not really).
Pro tip: If you want to be taken seriously as a musician don't post like an upset teenager looking for attention. Desperation is never attractive (even if you actually are an upset teenager).

You'll note that I have a link in my signature that's never been removed, same as a few other posters. That's because none of us have ever made a thread then replied to it to defensively whine for attention (whether you like that or not or intended to come across that way doesn't change the fact that it's how you've ended up presenting yourself).

So from your first post. Do not EVER disparage yourself. If you're not happy with your production yet then don't post it until you are. Don't make excuses or ask for special treatment - we're not your parents, we don't care that much. If YOU can't say 'I think this is awesome and I'd like people to hear it' then NO ONE else is going to think that. When you start with what reads like ...uhhh so... like... I kind of made a few recordings but they're weak and the production is crap because I'm not really sure what I'm doing and I don't have enough time to dedicate to doing properly and only have crap gear.... You're not enticing people to want to bother checking out your material.

Even if it's a rough mix, OWN IT and present it as such. Consider what you initially wrote versus something like this -

I play mostly heavy metal but I've started experimenting with a lot more elements. The resulting mixes are a little rough but I think they showcase the diversity well. Let me know what you think, any production tips or tricks would be much appreciated as well.

This way you're still presenting yourself but you're not undercutting and dropping the potential listener's expectations.

Now starting off with a self-depreciating post is bad enough but following it up with an aggressively defensive post like you did is just horrible form. Even as an attempted joke post it falls flat, because again, you're not giving potential listeners any real reason to want to check out your music.

Having said all that I'll actually check your link.

The keyboards are a little loud in Chapter1 The End Result, they kind of take away from the guitar. Vocals could be louder in the mix, some of the vocal stylings remind me a bit too much of vocal acrobatics at times though. Reminds me of a cross between old school Fear Factory and Deathklok. Too much chorus on the guitar in the soft bridge part near the end of the song.

The Dark One revisited takes way too long to kick in. If you're going to go with an ambient intro like that the listener should be able to make out the speech. I can understand wanting to make it a little obscured when listening to it on a stereo, but where I'm listening to it on headphones I'm expecting to be able to make it out and it was just shy of being clear, especially when the bell strikes. It's like a trick to reward people into making an effort to listening to your music exclusively (where headphones generally block out other auditory stimulation). Again a big Demanufacture vibe going on with the keyboards but the synth drums sound weak. Is that a sample from the alarm from No One Lives Forever at the end?

Lived to See - I think this is a good example of when less is more. You've got too many layers happening at the same time and they're not clearly divided enough through the aural spectrum. Basically I'm just hearing a pile of guitars just going, to me they should be panned a bit more distinctly towards each ear. Not something a complete hard left or hard right but 66-75% towards each side - this seems to happen later in the track but seemed absent near the start. Again the synth (horns) are too loud.


Overall, I'm a whole hell of a lot more impressed than I EVER expected based on your posts. If nothing else - keep this last thought in mind next time you try promoting yourself.
i am the universe

Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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Old 05-10-2012, 02:10 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Stop spamming and advertising, it is not what this forum is for.
I dunno who you are, but administrative suck up`s bore me. Please don't continue to shower me with nonsense, as I will only say this once.

First. You call THIS spamming? Second. Advertisement is in fact a part of being in this site, as I have personally seen other artists promote themselves in this forum, which is why I have tried doing so myself. I could redirect you to a better reference, if you'd like. Third. Im` not just here - I have also started taking part in the community. If would come here only to promote myself, believe me, THAT`s when you would see some real spamming.

Look. I don't like to argue, so ill make this as clear as day: If you have problems with me or my post, feel free to contact a Mod (or the admin) and try to arrange for this thread`s deletion. That would be more effective than talking to me, as I do not have the means to do so myself. And, no, I don't wanna argue with you. If I knew that this particular sub forum wasn't the right place to advertise myself, than I wouldn't have done it. If your gonna bitch about something, and point your finger at me, at least be accurate.

Thank you for you reply.
Please don't bother me again.
The same goes for anyone else thinking about bitching in here.

Janszoon - Now THAT is a relevant reply. I was under the impression that I was allowed to advertise myself in this particular sub forum. Guess I was wrong...

Thank you very much for informing me!
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Old 05-10-2012, 02:19 AM   #6 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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To be fair though, I dont see any lyrics or poetry in your thread here. It looks as though you have made this thread exclusively for the purpose of getting people to visit your site. That is spamming, actually.

If myself or another mod decides thats the only reason you're here, your account would be banned. I'd think about making a few more posts before you snap at members here who think you're only here for one reason.

Last.FM | Echoes and Dust
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Old 05-10-2012, 03:11 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
Pro tip: If you want to be taken seriously as a musician don't post like an upset teenager looking for attention. Desperation is never attractive (even if you actually are an upset teenager).

You'll note that I have a link in my signature that's never been removed, same as a few other posters. That's because none of us have ever made a thread then replied to it to defensively whine for attention (whether you like that or not or intended to come across that way doesn't change the fact that it's how you've ended up presenting yourself).

So from your first post. Do not EVER disparage yourself. If you're not happy with your production yet then don't post it until you are. Don't make excuses or ask for special treatment - we're not your parents, we don't care that much. If YOU can't say 'I think this is awesome and I'd like people to hear it' then NO ONE else is going to think that. When you start with what reads like ...uhhh so... like... I kind of made a few recordings but they're weak and the production is crap because I'm not really sure what I'm doing and I don't have enough time to dedicate to doing properly and only have crap gear.... You're not enticing people to want to bother checking out your material.

Even if it's a rough mix, OWN IT and present it as such. Consider what you initially wrote versus something like this -

I play mostly heavy metal but I've started experimenting with a lot more elements. The resulting mixes are a little rough but I think they showcase the diversity well. Let me know what you think, any production tips or tricks would be much appreciated as well.

This way you're still presenting yourself but you're not undercutting and dropping the potential listener's expectations.

Now starting off with a self-depreciating post is bad enough but following it up with an aggressively defensive post like you did is just horrible form. Even as an attempted joke post it falls flat, because again, you're not giving potential listeners any real reason to want to check out your music.

Having said all that I'll actually check your link.

The keyboards are a little loud in Chapter1 The End Result, they kind of take away from the guitar. Vocals could be louder in the mix, some of the vocal stylings remind me a bit too much of vocal acrobatics at times though. Reminds me of a cross between old school Fear Factory and Deathklok. Too much chorus on the guitar in the soft bridge part near the end of the song.

The Dark One revisited takes way too long to kick in. If you're going to go with an ambient intro like that the listener should be able to make out the speech. I can understand wanting to make it a little obscured when listening to it on a stereo, but where I'm listening to it on headphones I'm expecting to be able to make it out and it was just shy of being clear, especially when the bell strikes. It's like a trick to reward people into making an effort to listening to your music exclusively (where headphones generally block out other auditory stimulation). Again a big Demanufacture vibe going on with the keyboards but the synth drums sound weak. Is that a sample from the alarm from No One Lives Forever at the end?

Lived to See - I think this is a good example of when less is more. You've got too many layers happening at the same time and they're not clearly divided enough through the aural spectrum. Basically I'm just hearing a pile of guitars just going, to me they should be panned a bit more distinctly towards each ear. Not something a complete hard left or hard right but 66-75% towards each side - this seems to happen later in the track but seemed absent near the start. Again the synth (horns) are too loud.


Overall, I'm a whole hell of a lot more impressed than I EVER expected based on your posts. If nothing else - keep this last thought in mind next time you try promoting yourself.
Son. "Pro". If you think that I was anything other than being sarcastic, if you think I was serious, than I feel sorry for you. That`s all I have to say about that - I was under the impression that the nature of my reply here was painstakingly obvious - Guess I was wrong?

I`m new here, so I dunno the works yet. I was trying to be nice / funny. Granted perhaps this was the wrong approach. You may have been right about that, as it seems that I am now in a position when I have to explain what was suppose to be obvious. That mistake shall not happen again. However. I dunno why your coming off with such a condescending attitude, but underestimating and assuming things on behalf of a complete stranger, is never a good idea. Especially given the quality of your own mix (if you really want to get technical, assuming that MySpace is yours). If you wanna "teach" someone on how to handle a production, the least you can do is offer an explanation with the proper terminology, and a higher quality product (sound wise) of your own. You may not like my music so much, and there`s nothing wrong with that (as that is your god given right), but being a prick becomes even less impressive, if you have less to bring to the table. Again. Granted perhaps I should have wrote something more serious and enticing, but when it comes to giving me advice on how to improve my product (production wise)... the only way YOU could teach ME, was if I thought you knew more than I do. Ive seen here people who I believe know more than I do - people that have more experience, and can present a higher quality product. The are in fact people here that can teach me quite a lot. However. You do not appear to be one of them, and so far I have seen no indication to that. Hence, I think that its odd that your coming off at me as if your god gift for producers.

As for your musical observations. I agree with you (sound wise). The rest is technical problems which I cannot solve because my equipment, computer power, and lack of time.

Overall. I`m not impressed.
You should get off your high horse, son.
I know when someone`s better than me, and I know my strength and weaknesses (production wise). Though you were right about the vocals & drums. Ill give ya that, and those will improve in the future. But as far as I can tell - Your not in a position to teach me anything. And if that`s really your MySpace, than perhaps you should be asking ME for advice. You were right about the fact that I came off wrong. I agree with you on that entirely, and I will not make that mistake again. However... music wise.... well. That`s a different story altogether. And, btw, if you were nicer and came off less condescending, I would have replied to you in a more respectful manner. However. Since you came out as an arrogant prick, than so will I. If you choose to reply to me, I suggest you do so respectfully. If you feel that you cant, than don't. As I will not respond to this attitude again. Pop a pill, son. You need it. Oh... and btw.. its not horns. Pro...

Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
To be fair though, I dont see any lyrics or poetry in your thread here. It looks as though you have made this thread exclusively for the purpose of getting people to visit your site. That is spamming, actually.

If myself or another mod decides thats the only reason you're here, your account would be banned. I'd think about making a few more posts before you snap at members here who think you're only here for one reason.
I already answered a similar inquiry.
And, no. That`s not spamming. If I would spam, this thread would look VERY differently. Trust me on that one. Btw. This is the last time ill respond about that.

Oh.. And... It that suppose to be a threat? if you, or anyone else for that matter, wanted to delete me or my posts - than go right ahead and make it happen. I do take part in the community, and I already said what I wanted to say. If I (or ALL my threads / posts) get deleted entirely, than I guess I came to the wrong place altogether.
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Old 05-10-2012, 03:18 AM   #8 (permalink)
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It's not a threat. I didn't ban your account, did I?

The point I'm making is that instead of snapping at members who are assuming that advertising your music is the only reason you are here, you might just want to show people that this isn't the case.

Up to now you haven't, so is it really so bad that some of our members may not be giving you the time of the day? This forum does welcome members who want to share their music with us, but generally that is reserved for people who have contributed here.

Not a threat, just facts.

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Old 05-10-2012, 03:39 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
It's not a threat. I didn't ban your account, did I?

The point I'm making is that instead of snapping at members who are assuming that advertising your music is the only reason you are here, you might just want to show people that this isn't the case.

Up to now you haven't, so is it really so bad that some of our members may not be giving you the time of the day? This forum does welcome members who want to share their music with us, but generally that is reserved for people who have contributed here.

Not a threat, just facts.
Oh I know.. you hold SUCH great power.. its just a forum though, so I wont cry about it lol. Sorry about the sarcasm. Seriously though - your right about the snapping. That was my own pettiness. I will take you up on your advice and from now on I will ignore anyone who I think has not being relevant.

I HAVE started to take part in this community. You can check out my posts if you'd like.
Or, I could personally redirect you to them one by one.
That`s all I have to say about that.
Not a threat, Just facts
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Last edited by VoiceX; 05-10-2012 at 03:54 AM.
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Old 05-10-2012, 03:50 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Yes, but you have 'started' to. That's my point.

I hope you do stay here, I hope you do contribute, I hope you do enjoy it. Should you contribute you should be welcomed and accepted here. I'm just offering my reasons why this may not have been the case so far and to confirm a few rules.

Anyway, enjoy the forum.

Last.FM | Echoes and Dust
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