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Old 05-11-2012, 05:34 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Actually, he's allowed to have his music link in his sig.
I think it was removed in response to him creating a thread pointing toward it so early after he joined... it was seen as a self-promo.

Since he's now aware of the rules, and knows he needs to do more contributing than promoting, he can police himself in that regard (and add his signature back if he wants).
Couldn't have said it better myself
Past if past, and you and Janszoon got the right idea on the spot, without putting me in a position where I want to retaliate. I`m not an ass hole. I`m actually a fairly nice guy, once you get to know me. But when I get BS and spiteful "constructive criticism" on a supposed "principle" basis (don't think I don't know, Dave), I return the favor. And believe me, I could go on if I wanted to. I didn't start this post by lashing at people without a reason - I was given one. And I have no intention of apologizing for any insult.

Granted I did break a rule (I guess), and that wont happen again. But I refuse to stand by and take this kinda ****, without saying something. I don't care who you are (noob, mod, "pro",admin, whatever), we are all still just people - so if you try to step on me - ill step on you. Its only fair. Call me unprofessional if you would like (as I am infact still an amateur), but taking part in the community also means being honest. And believe me when I tell you this: if I was here purely for spamming and advertising myself, not only would I not bother myself in replying here, I would spam the hell outta this site, and in every thread possible (its quite easy to do, and its fast if you open enough tabs). But I have a life, so...

Yeah I get that some people here will never like me after this.
And that`s cool. I`m not here to force people to like me.
If someone think`s their better than me - than good for them!
If someone feels that they can "educate" me on proper behavior, or give me advice - they should do so with respect (otherwise, ill just ignore the jerk, and move on). Its as simple as that.
And if someone doesn't like me, my attitude, or even my music - than good for them! they should go and use their supposed in depth knowledge, become rich and famous, and be in a position where their too busy to even bother in being on an internet forum.

That`s all I have to say.
Past is past, and this issue is closed, as far as i`m concerned.
I said what I wanted to say (more than once).
Let it be, or become ignored.
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Last edited by VoiceX; 05-11-2012 at 05:46 AM.
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Old 05-11-2012, 08:56 AM   #22 (permalink)
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^... see, now this is exactly what I expected.
i am the universe

Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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Old 05-11-2012, 09:52 AM   #23 (permalink)
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My post was removed
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Old 05-11-2012, 10:07 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
^... see, now this is exactly what I expected.
Yes your powers of observation never seize to amaze me

Fine. Since your thick, Ill make this simple.
No one cares about this anymore.
And if YOU do, than I feel sorry for you.
Now.. please.. go and do... whatever it is your do.
I dunno. Go and take more part in the community, or something.
Go and "teach" someone and spread some more of that wisdom of yours.
Hell. Maybe you should even go and create some more of that stuff you do "by choice", okay?
Great! i`m glad we have that settled! now, please... go and bother someone else
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Last edited by VoiceX; 05-11-2012 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 05-11-2012, 12:59 PM   #25 (permalink)
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OK, son, I've read myself through this thread and it didn't take me long to figure out that you think that you are the big guy around here. You talk like you know all the **** and you denigrate everybody who has criticism on you. Take mr dave, for example. He gave you constructive criticism despite the fact that your attitude is cocky and you did a piece of shameless self-promotion right there, and yet you practically stick your middlefinger in his face even though he complemented you. That ain't how it works on a forum, I mean, if you wanna have a bit of an attitude that's OK with me, but you're taking it too far by still having an ego that outmatches even mine after you obviously broke the rules. If anyone should get off hsi high horse it's you.
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Old 05-11-2012, 05:55 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Gucci Little Piggy View Post
OK, son, I've read myself through this thread and it didn't take me long to figure out that you think that you are the big guy around here. You talk like you know all the **** and you denigrate everybody who has criticism on you. Take mr dave, for example. He gave you constructive criticism despite the fact that your attitude is cocky and you did a piece of shameless self-promotion right there, and yet you practically stick your middle finger in his face even though he complemented you. That ain't how it works on a forum, I mean, if you wanna have a bit of an attitude that's OK with me, but you're taking it too far by still having an ego that outmatches even mine after you obviously broke the rules. If anyone should get off hsi high horse it's you.
Mr Dave criticism has not been done respectfully, hence why I reacted this way. That`s all there is to it. And believe me, I am still being relatively nice. If he got the middle finger it was because he was begging for it. oh sure he can lean and hide behind that politically correct mask of "constructive criticism" if he likes, because that`s easy to do and people love that on the internet, and a lot of people would "buy" it. But I personally don't buy it. True, I shouldn't have opened this thread, and I have apologized for that. And I wont do that it again. But that`s all. If I have offended Mr Dave, than that`s his fault. I`m not on a high horse, i`m just defending myself. You can think whatever you want, of course. Its your god given right. But that`s all there is too it. If you think i`m full of myself, than simply ignore me and continue to tell yourself that i`m a mindless ass hole. I don't care. I have no regret, he neither does he. He is as meaningless to me, as I am to him. Its only fair. I`m trying to end this pointless debate, and move on. I`m fact, i`m still wondering why this thread is still open....

So..... again. If you think that i`m beyond logic, that i`m a talentless megalomaniac, than ignore me, take on Mr Dave`s side, and do what he should be doing - and ignore me entirely.
I have no regret and no shame, mrs piggy. If you don't like that, if you think i`m not being reasonable, than don't talk to me. Everyone`s a hero on the internet. But I am personally getting tired of having to deal with this BS, politely. People like mr Dave to me represent everything that`s negative here. I have NEVER spoken with any artist in the same manner as I have spoken to him because I personally can appreciate the effort a person puts into making his own music. But when I see a little prick like him coming off all high and mighty, as if he`s doing me a favor for giving me his "advice", than I have no intention of shutting up. I know he doesn't care about my opinion, not do I care about his, but let me tell you, if he got offended by me, than i`m glad. Oh sure, i`m being a bit childish (did I mention that i`m a little intoxicated right now?), but I honestly don't give a ****. I didn't start this, but I WILL end this. And even if I get kick outta here because of this insignificant incident, than that`s cool. That would only mean that I wasn't meant to thrive in this place, in the first place. And that I should move on.

For all I care: Mr Dave, and any other smart ass of this sort (or support), can shove their opinion where the sun don't shine.
I do not seek your approval, nor his. I enjoy making the music I like, and that`s all that matters to me: Even if I end up being a complete failure.
I make music as a hobby, and cannot afford a professional spokesmen to deal with irrelevant BS of this sort. If I ever do get to be in that position, than i`m sure that ill come more politically correct. But till than, i`m afraid that i`m going to have to resort to being honest, and expressing my opinions as I feel. Am I being professorial? no. I`m not. Am I being mature? no. I`m just being honest. And if he (or you, for that matter) cant deal, than so be it. This is only a forum to me. Nothing more, nothing less.

I know what i`m worth *music wise*, and, in a way, standing up to pricks like him helps me, so... yeah. i`m glad things have turned out this way. So yeah, maybe I have an ego when someone "attacks" me. But i`m proud of what ive done, so its all good. Regret is a weakness OH sure, i`m just new and he`s been here forever. Lifeless putz. So what. If anyone gives me ****, ill return the favor. That`s all there is to it. If he would have been respectful, than this would be different. I would have listened to him with an open mind. But no. He had to go all Yoda, and talk to me as if I were an idiot that doesn't know anything. Well. That was HIS mistake. And, yes, i`m more than aware that he think`s that he`s 100% right. Good for him for playing a hero on the internet. I don't care. I don't expect an apology. Him and his opinion are meaningless to me. And that`s all. And you, mrs piggy... if your still think i`m 100% wrong, than do yourself a favor, and take it somewhere else. I dunno. Get me banned or something. I know that i`m right here. And if I get kicked for standing up for myself, than so be it. That would be a shame of course, as I have indeed seen here some people that COULD in fact teach me a thing or two (like GuitarBizarre, as he has that production student kinda vibe to him), but I wont cry about anything. I take **** from no one. Not from Dave, not from mods, not from you, and not from anyone. That`s all. Take it or leave it (or get me banned). Whatever makes you feel better. Because im getting bored from talking about this BS, which is no longer really matters, anyway.
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Last edited by VoiceX; 05-11-2012 at 07:08 PM.
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Old 05-11-2012, 10:12 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Mr. Dave/Gucci>VoiceX
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Old 05-11-2012, 10:25 PM   #28 (permalink)
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That was a LOT of typing for the sake of a stupid internet argument. There are better ways to waste your time.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ^my RYM^  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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Old 05-11-2012, 11:19 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VoiceX View Post
I do not seek your approval, nor his. I enjoy making the music I like, and that`s all that matters to me
Good, In that case you won't be needing this thread after all.

Urb's RYM Stuff

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