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Old 12-03-2010, 12:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
Dat's Der Bunny!
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Default Moonlight Waxing Lyrical

Do forgive the Thread title, I can never resist a pun :P

Basically, I have poems and scrawlings written all over the place in the last 5 or 6 years, and This is more of a place for me to put them all so that none of them get lost. Admittedly many of them are /facepalm worthy, but one never learns if one doesn't review what they did when they were still young!

If anyone ever feels inclined to read these, I'm forever a fan of critical thinking, please tell me what you think of any you read: what bits you like, what bits you didn't like I'll do my best to put a rough date with each Poem (the date will probs be the title in most cases, as certainly the more recent ones were written for a specific reason/present).

Poems will be posted in separate posts, for my sake more than anything else! Apologies if I end up spamming new posts as a result, but I promise it'll stop happening after the first while!
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"

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Old 12-03-2010, 12:06 PM   #2 (permalink)
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The Following are a series of Poems I wrote as part of a Poetry thread in another forum some years ago. All of them will have been wrote on the spot, probably without any editing done whatsoever after.

Date: Roughly May 29th 2008

A moderator's choices are
So difficult to make
deleting wanton posting oft
can cause a thread to break

but spam it is a vile disease
that poisons to the core
it rips and frays and ravages
All things we mods adore

For clever posting, jive and joust
will bring a thread to life
verbal battles, raising hackles
landing foes in strife

so think before you post my friends
don't resort to spam
a clever post, a thought at most
is far the better plan!


Comment: as far as I remember, the poem is meant to stutter at the start, and to flow more and more as the bird took flight, and then relax again at the end, to emulate what was happening in the poem itself. But in some ways, it's a little too eclectic. my ex said that she thought that I mixed styles a bit too much in it. I didn't agree at the time, but I think I see what she means now


The water laps gently
on the shores of the lake,
Sloshing and sliding and shimmering in twilight,
Tranquil as the day begins.

The wind rustles though the leaves,
stirring the wings of a bird, and breathes
life unto the forest.

His head will rise,
and to his surprise,
a worm, he spies,
on the branch beside him.

An easy Breakfast.

awake and lively now
he takes to the air, and how,
he ducks and dives and dodges and flies
caressing the air as it passes beneath.

At last, he clears the canopy
and spread below, for all to see,
the trees, the lake; so soft and blue,
Forever Old, Forever New.

His urge for flight now finally sated,
he takes a worthy rest, belated,
and from his perch upon the branch
he watches as the day begins.

The sky, before so dull and cold,
Explodes with colour, truth be told,
Pink and red, the Dawn unfolds
He flutters his wings,
And Sings.


Comment: I believe this was written in response to a serious of remarkably morbid poems by a number of other users. Hence the ridiculous cheesiness of it :P

At times you feel you want to die,
Drop your head and say goodbye:
The world is tough, its holes unbarred,
it rips and tears and leaves us scarred.
you've lived your life in misery,
it's hard to try, so hard to see,
a point in life, to try your best,
your days are gone; there's nothing left.

you turn your eyes to your weapon of choice
and as you stand you hear its voice:
Calling, luring, promising, lying,
saying it will end the crying.
reach out your hand, take me, it says
I will help you end your days.
do not think you leave behind
those who love you, proud and kind.

They love you not, they're ignorant;
they care not that your life is spent.
they left you here, cold as stone,
to moan and groan; alone, alone.

Do not despair oh lonely one,
turn your eyes from the loaded gun:
For life has more in store for you,
a future warm, not cold and blue.
these days are sad, lost, forlorn
but don't stop now, love comes reborn

For those you think left you behind,
are coming now, they wish to find
your lonely heart, love bereft,
which open wounds and suffering cleft.
good intentions pave their way,
but roads to hell don't come this way.
They wish your broken heart to mend,
those cuts and scars they come to tend

never think your life is done,
to tell the truth, it's just begun,
there's more to life than lonely crying,
I'm telling you, that gun is lying:
Raise your head and see the sun,
as it shines down on everyone,
no matter how you lose your home,
you'll never, ever, be alone.
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"

- Arthur Dent
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Old 12-03-2010, 12:08 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I wrote 2 or 3 poems before. Onw is in my garage and the other is in my backpack? and the last i gave to my friend...i dont rememver why. I'll see if i can find them soon.
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Old 12-03-2010, 12:41 PM   #4 (permalink)
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This Triad of poems are three that I wrote as presents for three friends. One of whom I was totally infatuated with (guess which :P). At the time, she was taken (Mine now! I guess being a hopeless romantic works <3), and I remember showing it to a friend when I'd finished it. Her response was "It's great, but make sure he doesn't see it"

These are all transcribed from a tiny notebook, so typos are imminent!

Date: July/August 2009


Comment: This was written for a girl whose surname was Stark, just for reference :P


The Shadow flits from wall to wall
Avoiding the pools of light beneath the streetlamps
Silence prevails, usurped only
by the whispering swish of its passing
Ahead, the target.

The shadow scarpers up the wall
Flowing through the gloomy night
Scrambling to the top to perch
Willing the scene below to light

Lightning flashes, thunder rolls
Illuminates in Stark relief
Dogs prowl, Traps gleam
A Guardsman nodding at his post

Leaping swiftly from the wall
The Shadow flows across the grounds
to Pet a Perplexed Puppy.
As the hesitant hound hobbled home
it glimpsed a glinting grin in the gloomy night
And Cowered.

Ahead the guardsman, and the prize
The Shadow's eyes light up with delight
A stifled gasp, the guard awakes
"Who Goes There?!" He shouts
Eyes Shifting Swiftly, Surveying the Surroundings
A Shiver of fear stiffening his spine

The Shadow's grin glints again
flowing forward to filch its fancy
The Guardsman retreats, proclaiming quickly
"Take what you want, just don't hurt me!"

But the Shadow was already distracted
the prize obtained, the price exacted
it nibbled at the stolen snack

"Breaking in, still unseen,
Through dogs that prowl and traps that gleam,
Just to steal a midnight snack?
You must be Stark Raving Mad!"

The glinting grin now gleamed with pride
Eyes that burned with fires inside
She faces the guard, and thus replied
"I would have thought that Starkly obvious"

And Disappeared.


Comment: i think i spent longer fretting over this poem than any other I've ever written. Amusingly enough, I'm still not happy with bits of it. Oh well! It just seems to me that each stanza is separate from the next, and it doesn't form a cohesive whole. As a poem, lots of it may not make much sense (there's a fair few in-jokes in there), but it was basically a dare to write her a love poem. Aaaand it was pretty easy to oblige... The last line was pretty much a feeble attempt to inject some humour (she hates mushrooms, I love them) and divert the attention away from the overall feeling of the poem!

I've always thought it plain to see,
Your every movement, filled with grace
And Abi, how it seems to me
The Sun shines always on your face

It started off as just a dare
But honestly I know it's true
To put to paper things we share
A love poem to compose for you

So much, too much, to write them down
All the things that I Adore;
Though happily in your eyes I'd drown
On Little things my heart does soar

The way you touch your teeth with your tongue
Sends shivers rushing down my spine,
And though I know my heart is young
I'd do anything to make you mine

And even though I know that smile
Brings tidings of a band you've seen
I'd trudge through rain for miles & miles
to see you smile that smile at me.

Another Chance I doubt I'll get
And so I'll say, for what it's worth;
A Girl so stunning I've not met
In all my time upon this Earth.

Pity about the mushroooms...


Comment: This poem was one of the first times I attempted to break the curse of 4/4 Rhyming patterns. Largely because I wanted each poem to have a different style. As a result, it took ages to think of, and 15 minutes to write!

I sat and thought all day and night
But couldn't think to solve my plight
A poem of any sort to write
A poem to write for you.

My first attempt was lacking in flair
A poem for which noone would care
And in the depths of my despair
I knew not what to do

And so I thought to write the stuff
Avout you I cannot get enough
And though the poem might be rough
At least I will have tried!

Your cackling laugh, your cheeky smile
The many ways which you beguile
The jokes you crack, and all the while
Complexity inside.

It's funny though, looking back
The words I write will always lack
Ability to say exactly
What I love you are

So here it is, Sami dear,
Though it is lacking much, I fear
I hope I've made it clear that you're
A Friend I'll Cherish far!
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"

- Arthur Dent
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Old 12-03-2010, 12:46 PM   #5 (permalink)
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How old are you?
Just curious.

I don't know what to say about your poetry yet, usually I ask a lot of questions and then I give my opinion. I'm not sure why. ;P
Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

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Old 12-03-2010, 12:52 PM   #6 (permalink)
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An Ancient 21 :P and Questions are good! Better to ask the questions and know than to assume the answers and be wrong!
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"

- Arthur Dent
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Old 12-03-2010, 04:10 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Sooo.. While the Microwave is screwing my wireless signal I may as well transcribe more poems I have lying around.

these three are from the same notebook that I wrote the above three in, though they were written about a month earlier, juuust after I'd got back from meeting my future gf for the first time. One (well, one and a limerick) was a forfeit from an oooollld bet that I'd only just got around to finishing, which involved writing a love poem to the winner (beginning to see a pattern here? :P) the other two were random scrawlings, It's interesting that one is very much optimistic, and the other is fairly emo. Go figure, I say!

Date: roughly 10th July, 2009


Comment: the first part is a limerick I wrote because I had null clue what to write for the actual poem. The bet was in an online game, to see who could take (or "noble") the most villages in a certain amount of time. She won that round, I won another which resulted in her having to post a picture of her holding a sign saying "I <3 Petnquaranlor" (my username). All quite amusing really!

Love Poem for Nikki

There once was a girl called Nikki
Whom many said wasn't so picky
She nobled the vills
Like she was on pills
and that's why I'm writing this Ditty!


A Challenge set, to pay the price
This meagre poem must suffice
Proclaim my love for Nikki Lyle
In and sort of form or Style

But what to say? That's my dilemma
For there[s no book or TV antenna
That could supply the words to me
To encompass Nikki's Majesty

One catches a glimpse of blue summer skies
If you're lucky enough to drown in her eyes
Her raven black hair as dark as the night
You'll never behold a similar sight
... This poem's so bloody difficult to write.

I think that what I'm trying to say
The thoughts that plague me every day
I guess I love you, Nikki Lyle
What can I say, I like your style.


Comment: I remember being thoroughly surprised by this poem when I wrote it. I was quite literally writing the first things that came into my head. The result was... well, very, very morbid for me. I am quite the optimistic person, and what started as a simple ramble turned into quite the tortured soliloquy. In hindsight, it was probably my subconscious already coming to terms with what I'd yet to realise myself; that I'd fallen in love with a girl who (at that time) I couldn't have, and that I was going home to break up with my girlfriend (which was something I had already decided, but I don't think it had fully hit me at that point).

How could you fit on an A4 page
The throes of lust, of Fear or Rage?
Living our lives like we stand on a stage
Surely there are none so Sage

Emotions run so far and deep
Raise us high, or make us weak
"Why am I angry?", "Why am I meek?"
The answers all invariably seek

A love shares is a harmonious thing
It makes one leap to the sky and sing
"Oh Happiness, Joy and Glory bring!
I've found my Queen, and I am her King"

But to love and not be loved; a blunder
That rips and tears your heart asunder
T'will make you think "I should have shunned her"
A cruel and painful spell to be under

But what can we do to make it better
I won't be consoled by this A4 letter
Perhaps she'd help, if only I let her
But she'll never acknowledge the flowers I get her.

Never acknowledge that she could do better.


Comment: I like some of the ideas in this poem; the repeating refrain, that connects all the stanzas. The poem itself I'm not particularly mad about, but it's happy, and I am quite proud of that last stanza. I still try to follow that in everything I do, as I have since that day.

Live your life, don't be shy
Listen here, I'll tell you why
Your life is yours and yours alone
No need to act like you're a clone
Break the limits, Push the Sky
Listen here, I'll tell you why

Don't be lazy, don't be slow
Do the things you'd never know
Climb a mountain, swim the sea
Do these things, and you will see

Life is more than wasting away
It's every moment, every day
Look at what you love to show
Understand, and you will know

I plan to live a life unique
I won't belong to any clique
I'll beat the clock, I'll push the sky
And live until the day I die.


That's pretty much the last of the stuff in this cheap Manchester Airport notebook! There is one more stanza of an unfinished poem, that I found alone on a page, surrounded by scribbled out attempts at writing a poem around it:

As we lie upon your bed
Fingers tip-tapping on laptop keyboards
A cosy cuddle, a warm smile,
Tis you that makes it all worthwhile.


It's probably worth noting at this point that having put all this stuff in one place, the curse of the 4/4 time is probably much more evident than it perhaps has been to me over the years. I do apologise to anyone reading this for its constant use. If anyone has any suggestions of other patterns to use, I would be very, very grateful!
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"

- Arthur Dent
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Old 12-04-2010, 10:09 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Your poems are amazing keepem coming
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Old 12-04-2010, 09:05 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine View Post
An Ancient 21 :P and Questions are good! Better to ask the questions and know than to assume the answers and be wrong!
I had assumed as much from reading your poetry, not exactly sure why.
I'll let you know what I think when I get a chance, at the moment I don't have a computer.
Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

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Old 12-05-2010, 12:42 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by otik68 View Post
Your poems are amazing keepem coming
heh, I don't know if I'd agree entirely (I'm not that self-confident!) but your praise is appreciated

Originally Posted by AwwSugar View Post
I had assumed as much from reading your poetry, not exactly sure why..

Old enough to be Cynical, young enough that it doesn't pervade everything I write? :P There is quite a youthful feel to a lot of the stuff I've posted, possibly because i've grown up a lot since I wrote them!

This is the latest poem I've written, though due to the rather impersonal topic, there probably isn't much to be read into about my personality in it :P My Girlfriend's sister recently got married, and their wedding cake was a fairy tale seen of the brave hero saving the damsel from the dragon :P This poem was originally meant to be a wedding present - composed by me and illustrated and written out all fancy like by my gf - but time and inspiration meant it got pushed back to a christmas present! It finished it a few days ago (it was largely the reason why I decided to find all the poetry I've done in the past).


A Long time ago in a far away land
There lived a famously beautiful Dame
She made all else seem ever so Bland
'Tis said Fair Esther was her name

From all across the land they'd travel
To try their chances at her Court
All with Glorious yarns to unravel
Of Feats and Fights and Foes they Fought!

But lo there lived one spiteful Fan
A Wyrm who ruled the Mountain Vales
And so he hatched an evil plan
To put an end to all their Tales

He Struck the sleeping court at night
And Stole fair Esther from her room
For all the men, try as they might
Could not prevent her hapless Doom

The dawn was greeted by cries of Woe
But One stood tall 'gainst tidings grave:
A Champion to battle this Fearsome Foe
His name was Sir Duncan, Handsome and Brave

So Duncan set out on his Faithful Steed
And while he rode he Schemed and planned
To battle the Dragon's Insatiable Greed
To win back the most Wonderful Jewel of the Land

At last he came to the Foul Wyrm's Lair
Spying Fair Esther, his heart set a-thrill
She called out to him to be on his ware
As the Dragon flew close with Murderous Will!

But Sir Duncan was ready, and turned to defend
His Steadfast resolve the Wyrm could not break
A Slash! And Again! His Sword did Rend
And Slew the Dreadful, Monstrous Drake!

The Land rejoiced the return of their Maiden
And Cries for their Wedding sang up to the Rafters
The plans were set, the tables were laden
And Duncan and Esther lived Happily Ever After
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"

- Arthur Dent
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