Are these poems any good? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 11-06-2010, 08:53 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Wink Are these poems any good?

heylo everyone... these are just a few of the poems i've written or attempted to write. lemme know what you guys think.
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Old 11-06-2010, 09:14 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Smile it's not crazy

It's peaceful tonight and I swallow the words dancing behind my lips
cold air tickling my fingertips
I reach for you, but you're not really here
Your body’s absent, but your spirt is always near

I'll rest my eyes and think of you
It's like you're with me, erasing all the years that separate now from our memories
I say the words out loud and it doesn't feel crazy at all

I reach out into the darkness of the ether
I can't see the nightmares that want to pull me under

As I imagine your hand reaching for mine
And it doesn't seem crazy at all to me
if i can make believe the sense of joy you made feel
then surely my dreams will one day save me
if i can still remember smiling before the tears came
the smiles were real and love is forever
I rest my eyes and think of you
It's like you're with me, erasing all the years that separate now from our memories
I say the words out loud and it doesn't feel crazy at all

I love you...

I love you...

Last edited by LuneLight; 10-22-2018 at 10:01 PM.
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Old 11-06-2010, 09:32 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Lightbulb Moon

From an empty room I stared at the moon

less empty the sky appears with the light perforating the endless dark

Behind my eyes, tears shiver to break the silence and be freed

To escape the emptiness as they run down my cheek

What are you waiting for?

find your freedom while there's still light left in the sky

Break free before the last flame inside of you dies...

You know it gets so much colder when the moon's out of the sky

follow the moon out of this maze

let the light guide you to easier days

get out of your shell

get out of your comfortable hell

you'll find that long lost peace pretty soon

you'll be fine as long as the sky still holds the moon

Last edited by LuneLight; 03-08-2011 at 01:48 PM.
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Old 11-10-2010, 01:49 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Default My nirvana

The wind carried me on its shoulders
Lifted me beyond the sky
Higher than my dreams could ever take me
If ever I believed in heaven, this is what it would look like
but the more I try to touch what I see, the further it drifts out of reach
And I remember. This must be hell.

When I feel my hopes sinking and salvation seems to be lost
I hide beneath the shadow of the moon and build my own nirvana with shards of abandoned dreams

In the sky, I borrow smiles from fading stars
I cling to the dying warmth that leaves way for the inevitable cold

I wake up in a universe designed to make me happy
But I know like every promise, every dream is only temporary

I always let myself fall into the purple skies
Higher than life. Higher than pain
Right in the middle of nothing

The more I try to bring my nirvana to life, the more I feel the distance between myself and salvation
The deeper I sink into this world of evanescent pictures, the more I die inside.

Last edited by LuneLight; 10-16-2011 at 04:32 PM.
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Old 11-11-2010, 10:30 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Tabula rasa

Captured in picture frames all around a melancholy room
Memories are there so that we don't forget their joy
Time has made it hard to remember why we've made memories
It seems only to remind me of the things i'm without today

Forgive me for not wanting to remember knowing love
Forgive me for not wanting to remember losing love
tabula rasa
Make it go away
Tabula rasa
Give me a clean slate
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Old 11-11-2010, 05:37 PM   #6 (permalink)
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not too shabby! i like em!

"Flip my world inside out, honestly I like it better this way. When I mesh the night through the back of my eyes."
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Old 11-11-2010, 05:50 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Not nearly my style, but I like it.
I think you might like my lyrics, check 'em out if you want.
Keep writing, I'd definitely like to read some more.
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Old 11-11-2010, 07:05 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Shweet! Thanx guys...
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Old 11-11-2010, 07:38 PM   #9 (permalink)
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no probzzz duuude. write more soon

"Flip my world inside out, honestly I like it better this way. When I mesh the night through the back of my eyes."
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Old 11-11-2010, 08:09 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Default Poison crutch

I've never felt more empty than I do in this place, sitting alone the silence echos me
I Pour poison down my throat to blur the scars
A year ago I never needed a crutch to get this far
Should've known better than to surrender to my weakness

A child is scarred
His innocence has been lost
The hero he wanted to be is no more

Drown me in your grey blue poisoned sky
Take my colours and break apart what's left of my heart
change me into somebody who'll be someone to remember some day ...

Am I as worthless to you as I feel?
Why don't my cries stop you from kicking me while i'm down
I feel so damn weak
I always let you push me around

I wouldn't stop myself From drowning in your grey-blue poison sky
Feel the night fill my lungs
Suffocating every word that's me
When I come back up maybe i'd be a better person and no longer just a dream
I was sinking into everything that had no meaning at all
I was running up staircase that took me to nowhere at all
I was leaning on a crutch that in the end made me fall
I fell apart when all I wanted was to stand tall...
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