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Old 10-28-2010, 09:24 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Dirty, I listened to all the songs in your thread so far, and agree with Conan that although three of your songs ("Dirty Curt," "All Scientific", "Untitled,") seem to be basic bragging about your rap style and skills, your lyrics do sound very philosophical, and you have a nice flow:

Originally Posted by Conan View Post
Nice beats, I liked the samples you used. Your flow was on point, emotion was right for this type of track. Your style, even when your doing basic bragging, is very philosophical sounding.
One thing I like about your lyrics is that they actually make sense. Some rappers I've heard put words together apparently almost randomly, just for the sound, not for the sense, and I much prefer there to be a concept beneath the words.

Since you wrote that you are just writing and making music that you like and not to be competitive in the market, plus that you want to be original, my recommendation would be to avoid songs that go on about how original your rapping is...because don't a lot of rappers do that? The impression I get is that a big part of rapping is this competitive "I'm the better rapper" idea. I haven't listened to much rap, though, so that may not be valid.

I was most interested in your first song, because the topic of a breakup and the emotions it causes is a tough one to describe without it getting all mushy and melodramatic sounding. I was also a little surprised by the song because I don't usually think of rappers talking about relationship issues without using the word "whore," so that was refreshing.

I especially liked the following lines (in bold) in your lyrics for "Hollow," because you use a lot of metaphors to make your point, and the song is both introspective, analytical, and emotional. I've also wondered occasionally if the lemon is worth the squeeze, because sometimes after a relationship and all the trying to make it into a good one (the "squeeze") you just end up with a sour taste and a bad relationship (the "lemon"). There's no lemonade, no sugar. So, I especially liked that metaphor.

Originally Posted by Dirty View Post

"Hollow" song

When it ends, yes I still pretend we're meant to be
connecting dots, making plots of where my life should be

cause she shines just like a ruby
the beauty in my broken movie

I'm confused at how it hurts so much
to watch your lust turn to love and then love reverts back to dust.

Was the lemon worth the squeeze?
Thinkin, how do lovers make amends?
Can they still be friends without the benefits
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 10-28-2010 at 09:32 AM.
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Old 11-03-2010, 05:21 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Dirty, I listened to all the songs in your thread so far, and agree with Conan that although three of your songs ("Dirty Curt," "All Scientific", "Untitled,") seem to be basic bragging about your rap style and skills, your lyrics do sound very philosophical, and you have a nice flow:

One thing I like about your lyrics is that they actually make sense. Some rappers I've heard put words together apparently almost randomly, just for the sound, not for the sense, and I much prefer there to be a concept beneath the words.
Thank you VEGANGELICA for giving my stuff a listen. I appreciate the compliments and critiques. Even when it's straight bragging/metaphorical stuff, i try to be original and true to myself. Like I don't talk about my swag or any **** like that, especially with these newer songs I tried to erase all the filler.

Since you wrote that you are just writing and making music that you like and not to be competitive in the market, plus that you want to be original, my recommendation would be to avoid songs that go on about how original your rapping is...because don't a lot of rappers do that? The impression I get is that a big part of rapping is this competitive "I'm the better rapper" idea. I haven't listened to much rap, though, so that may not be valid.
A huge part of rapping is boasting on the mic about your skills. And if you aren't confident in your rhymes, it comes off as lame. You gotta believe what you're sayin, I think... But I hear what you are saying about being diverse and I thought of that before I recorded this mixtape. All Scientific, Say What!, and Untitled are the only 3 on the 10 song mixtape that are boasting type of songs. I think people will really appreciate the variety and diversity I show on these new songs. There's a lot of poetic lines, i cant wait til they are produced so I can hear the final product, it's a lot of stuff that you just don't normally hear.

I was most interested in your first song, because the topic of a breakup and the emotions it causes is a tough one to describe without it getting all mushy and melodramatic sounding. I was also a little surprised by the song because I don't usually think of rappers talking about relationship issues without using the word "whore," so that was refreshing.

I especially liked the following lines (in bold) in your lyrics for "Hollow," because you use a lot of metaphors to make your point, and the song is both introspective, analytical, and emotional. I've also wondered occasionally if the lemon is worth the squeeze, because sometimes after a relationship and all the trying to make it into a good one (the "squeeze") you just end up with a sour taste and a bad relationship (the "lemon"). There's no lemonade, no sugar. So, I especially liked that metaphor.
Thank you! Hollow is definitely my favorite song of myself... I was kickin around some beats and then one night I ran into my ex and so many feelings just hit me, so I spent the next day writing and recording. It's hard to make music about relationships without sounding cheesy, corny, or recycled. So I tried to make it more poetic and real...A few songs from this new mixtape are similar and relate to relationship stuff, and i impressed myself with the writing cause I didn't think I had it in me to make a decent relationship song.

So... new songs still not produced
But here's an older one i made last year. More of a political song. I really like my 2nd verse on this. MF Doom fans will recognize the beat instantly.

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Old 11-03-2010, 11:07 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Ohhh shiiiiiit.
Listening to "All Scientific" and definitely impressed.
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I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

MB Journal.
Azucar y Especia. My blog.
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Old 11-05-2010, 09:46 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by AwwSugar View Post
Ohhh shiiiiiit.
Listening to "All Scientific" and definitely impressed.
Awesome Glad you are feelin it.

New songs still not produced so here is another old one. We found a girl singing into her webcam on youtube and sampled it and made a beat around it. This is one of my favorite beats ever. My rhyming is ok, but it was one of my first songs. probably gonna take the beat and do another song around it at some point.


Stay Strong
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Old 11-14-2010, 10:51 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Mixtape is finally done!

Built To Be Filthy.rar

14 songs, majority are original beats, a few instrumentals. This is really diverse and has a lot of variety to it, I didn't want to make the stoner rap I started out doing so I took things to another level with this. All info is in the .txt document after download. Please download and drop any comments you have.


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Old 11-15-2010, 08:44 AM   #16 (permalink)
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^ Dirty, I tried to download your songs but had troubles with mediafire. I clicked on "download" once and it opened up an ad. I clicked on it a second time and it opened up a *different* ad. I clicked on it a third time, and nothing happened. I temporarily allowed popups from the site, but still it didn't work.

When the "download" button did finally lead to another screen, the screen said that, "The website declined to show this webpage; HTTP 403 access forbidden."

To see if there is a site problem, I tested out a mediafire link that someone sent me in a private message to check if it still works, and it did. So, it seems to me that there is something about your link or upload settings that makes my computer unable to proceed to the download. I don't know why, but if I'm having this problem perhaps other people are, too.

Could you perhaps use MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service I've had great success with them! And I'd like to hear all your 14 songs.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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Old 11-15-2010, 02:08 PM   #17 (permalink)
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I think what happened was i reached the DL limit for my free account on there cause when I woke up this morning there was like 40 downloads and it wouldnt let me download it anymore. grrrr. So there's a megaupload link, hopefully it works. I want to put it on datPiff.com but it recognizes two of the Nas instrumentals as the real song and it's copywritten so it wont include them and they are two of my favorite songs and I don't wanna leave them out of anything.
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Old 11-15-2010, 04:49 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Had no problems with Mediafire. Can't wait to here this man
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Old 11-15-2010, 05:54 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Conan View Post
Had no problems with Mediafire. Can't wait to here this man
Not sure why mediafire works sometimes and doesn't other times Let me know which songs you are feelin... My personal favorites on this mixtape are 'If I Could Feel,' 'Dirty,' and 'All Scientific.' And 'Hollow' even though I made that awhile ago. Least favorite is probably 'You Wanna Battle.' Kinda went half assed on the end of that one, i was just so tired from writing and recording and don't have the luxury of hitting the studio on any type of regular basis.
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Old 11-18-2010, 09:17 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Since I know a lot of people won't download the entire thing, here's one of my personal favorites from my mixtape. It's a Nas instrumental of Surviving the Times. Basically it's just about people feeling pain in different ways, and how i wish i could take that pain from them. 2nd verse to this song is probably my favorite verse of mine I've written. Lyrics after the vid.

If i could feel for a second the pain of all the mothers of the earth whose sons are layin slain
in foregin countries, battlefields, explosions, kids chosen
for the front lines stayin low n outta the mix,
hopin praying, face to the ground bullets flyin, sprayin,
tryna to maintain, i wanna feel th pain
of all the kids, names unknown,
from families of broken homes,
with angry daddies who be brusin their bones,
pain is real - somebody gotta feel and eventually i think about it
starts to get to me how
im the priviliged, kids are livin life without the guidance,
surviving in the times with all the violence
got no positives, try to be a man and do the opposite all because their father wasn't their
now they grow up do the same ****,
beatin their wives,
tellin ties,
get in fights its unfair
that they gotta go alone unprepared
they wanna raise up above dont know how and their scared
you know i wanna feel the pain so yall dont have to, i stand before you
gimme every ounce of your pain, ill feel it for you


All the pain that you're carrying
give it to me, i say lets bury it
you know that i would
cause all the hurt you've been carryin
its doin no good
you know id feel every ounce of your pain... if i could

All the pain that you're carrying
give it to me, i say lets bury it
you know that i would
cause all the hurt you've been carryin
its doin no good
you know id feel every ounce of your pain... if i could

in some places, smiliin is erased and gets replaced with a grimace
aint nobody knows the struggle, they dont live it they just watch it
on their televisions, when its happenin down the street whos gonna stop it, shocking aint it when its in your neighbors house, boulevards,
development, times are tough and hard it isnt elegant its evident to me...
we're killin each other, bunch of pregnant mothers
smokin cigarrettes who light up another,
their not protectin what they got in the womb,
i think its twisted, mystic like the stars and the moon
and yet it happens in suburbia to projects, ghettos, rural areas its nonsense, i wanna make the pain past tense
cause the world is such an ugly place, it's like a beautiful person who hates the world deep inside despite a pretty face
news distortion, reportin just a portion of the facts,
people supported by eating scraps from the trash
is this the world you wanna live in, grow to raise kids in,
if every day is just a gift that gods given us then whys there all the pain,
its never gonna end wish i could take it all away, yeah


Last edited by Dirty; 11-21-2010 at 02:08 AM.
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