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Old 02-27-2011, 08:34 AM   #201 (permalink)
The Omniscient
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Almost didn't even notice... 7,000 views! Thank you MB! This is, by far, my most successful thread on any of the forum websites I post on.
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Old 04-05-2011, 05:23 AM   #202 (permalink)
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Hm. This is not really constructive critisism, but really more about how I as a person don't like the lyrics. I find them too outgoing and I don't enjoy the flow in that many of them. With that said I don't dislike every song you have, I like some of the metafors you got like "poisonous snake, but the venom is dry".

If I should give you a little tip, you should try to let go of all the cursing words. One a song is enough, more makes the song sound like one of those dirty nu-metal "wanna sound badass"-songs, if you get me.

Peace out dude
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Old 04-25-2011, 04:02 PM   #203 (permalink)
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still working on this one; was just a quick thing, barely more than a jotting of notes, but I want to come back and do some revisions soon.


How much more can I take?
Before I'm over-riden by hate
And you commit suicide by my hand

Maybe we weren't meant to be
Why should I stick around and see?
God, I wish I could wash my life of you

Out of the into
****ed, but you've no clue
Out of the into
And now you've ****ed me, too

Your world is so backwards
It seems you want only to cross swords
Until your life is but a lonely*corpse

(Repeat chorus)

You're running away
When you know you'd better stay
You're running your mouth
From the into you come out
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Old 04-25-2011, 04:05 PM   #204 (permalink)
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There's gotta be two sides to this
I'll find the point where it splits
The point where I split in two

Don't think I know what I want
But i don't think I want to know
I'd give anything to start over

I become something new
Anything other than this
I don't really know who
Who the hell am I?

Was there something I missed...
While I was out of my mind?
Where did I go?
Was I left behind?

I become something new
Just gotta kill this
Even I lose this chance
To find out who the hell I am

I become something new
Maybe something without a clue
I may not yet know who
But atleast I'm alive

Last edited by Sljslj; 05-13-2011 at 10:02 AM.
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Old 05-13-2011, 09:59 AM   #205 (permalink)
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Reflection in a broken mirror
Don't you look at me that way
I know just where I'm lighting this fire
Under my ass, under my soul
And don't tell me it's not cool
For that is something I already know

Almost out of options
Fake it 'till I make it
Or let the gluten inside
Take it all away

A broken mirror that wants to see blood
Not just a drop or two but a flood
It hurts my eyes but still I look
And see how much pain my life is worth

Almost out of options
Fake it till I make it
Or let the gluten inside
Take it all away

Why do I hate what I see?
In the eyes of what should be me
Eyes like locks that melt the key
Why do I hate myself?

Oh god, it is I who is broken
More shattered than a mirror could ever be
But I'll continue to stand
And fake it all the way
'Cause there is no other way
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Old 05-13-2011, 11:11 PM   #206 (permalink)
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I'd like to borrow your pain
Just for a little while

I'd like to borrow your pain
Cause it hurts me less this way
I just wanna see you smile

For just a little while
You can be happy
Forget this growing pile
Of lies and stress
Your life
And for a little while
You will be happy

I'd like to borrow your pain
Even if it makes me insane
I just wanna see you smile
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Old 05-16-2011, 02:45 PM   #207 (permalink)
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Wrote two today. The first I'm gonna put up, which is the second I wrote, is about me getting help (therapy) with my drug addiction and suicidal depression. The other is harder to explain, but maybe it's message is one that is better left to the reader to decipher, and it's a poem, not a lyric.


Take it down

A lifetime spent building
Walls that, quite honestly, aren't stable
Don't even know how they stood so long
Doesn't matter really, 'cause I'm taking them down

Brick by brick
Even thought it may make me sick, so sick
I'm starting today

A death sentence that I
Created for the crimes against myself
Don't know why I haven't gotten the chair
And I don't really care 'cause the prison's coming down


A lifetime spent building
Walls without purpose after the first day
And pretending they'd hold the roof okay
But this structure without structure is caving in
Crushing all my posessions and friends
So it's time to tear it down before it tears me up

I'm taking you down

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Old 05-16-2011, 02:46 PM   #208 (permalink)
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Sun exits sky
But there's still light
It's beneath my hands
Dirt beneath my nails, clouds
Even minus Sun
Moon not yet allowed

Face drops left eye
Right left behind
So it may still cry
For the one that died
Until it's forever covered
Patch over it
Like a pirate

Why, spirit, why?
Why do you wish I hide?
I'm not a right eye
Not a moon in the sky

Sun exits sky
And all left eyes die
Enter moon, enter right side
And all left eyes fry
Even minus Sun

Even minus Sun
Perhaps there's still light
Right beneath my hands
Right beneath my eyes
Left beneath my eyes

Last edited by Sljslj; 05-27-2011 at 01:54 AM.
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Old 05-16-2011, 09:54 PM   #209 (permalink)
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I know I don't comment on other people's stuff often and I've been told before that I shouldn't ask anyway, but **** it... Anyone wanna share your thoughts on any of my recent stuff?

Last edited by Sljslj; 05-16-2011 at 10:48 PM.
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Old 05-17-2011, 10:17 AM   #210 (permalink)
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I enjoyed keep your eyes on the sky, it was gentle and I love when people write songs about the sky, moon and sun. they're representing something big and universal which is good for everything and/or anything. i also like how you weave in the souls mirror (eyes) into the text. i don't know what you mean by the song, but it still gives me pictures, and that's good enough for me : )
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