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#21 (permalink) | ||
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
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Say, just an idea...I always thought it would be fun if two people agree to each write a song about the same topic, and then create their songs without any influence from each other and at the end see what each comes up with...not out of competition at all, but just for the fun of creating and seeing how someone else handles the topic. For example, your root vole song idea has started me imagining a song that I hadn't thought of doing before reading about your idea. Would it be okay with you if I came up with a song based on this same topic, then we could have the fun of seeing what we both make up? Creating the song would probably take me a while, since I always have a lot of partially completed songs to work on, although summer is coming up when I have more free time to record... ~ Erica
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#22 (permalink) |
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 29
Yeah, of course, this is a very good idea, write also a song about a root vole, I am really agog what you will make out of it and interested what you write about a root vole!
But I also first have to write my tests in July, so let's say, I will present my root-vole-song in August :-) ~ Schmidti |
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#23 (permalink) | |
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
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I think it will be a fun challenge to write a song that includes a root vole in it. So, maybe we can plan on a tentative August unvealing of our respective root vole songs, if our "muses" serve us well. (I know what a vole looks like, but I'm unsure about a "root" vole, so I will have to look that up, Schmidti).
Another song I've been meaning to work on is one based on the word "coffee," which someone on MB recommended to me as a topic almost a year ago! So, in case "coffee" inspires you to write something, please don't hesitate to do so. Good luck with your tests! Are they ones you need to pass to graduate from the university? Don't you poor people get a summer break?!? Over here, of course, college students get almost 3 months off in the summer. ~ Erica
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#24 (permalink) |
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 29
Ok, I will also think about a song about coffee! Thank you, I will need the luck :-) Yeah, of course, we also have two and a half month summer break, the tests are each semester, I think, the American system of studying is similar, I'm now in the "new" bachelor-master-system where we have to write tests every semester about our courses and in the end we have the great bachelor-work, so the tests also count for the mark of the study. In the older "Diplom-system" which also exists, there would be only tests to pass to be admitted to the great test of the end of the study and only this great test counts, but like I said, I'm in the bachelor-master-system and so, each test counts. then, see you in August :-) ~ Schmidti |
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#25 (permalink) |
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 29
Hello, everybody!
I'm back from my summer break and I have written German lyrics about the root vole (die Wühlmaus) and my "fight" against it! Don't be afraid, the story isn't real, my garden didn't explode and the root vole and I live together in harmony :-) I tried to translated the text (very bad I think) so that you can understand the things I speak about! I just read Erica's coffee-song and thought: "Oh my god, my lyrics are so bad", so please don't expect a high niveau and don't try to read a deeper sense in this text - it's just a non-sense funny text about me and a root vole:-) The chorus is a mixture of English and Germany just to make it more funny! 1. Ich ging gestern ahnungslos durch meinen Garten, Yesterday, I went unsuspecting through my garden und da traf mich morgens gleich einmal der Schlag, and in that morning, I got the shock of my life denn da warn lauter kleine plattgedrückte Hügel because there were a lot of little squashed flat hills und ein Teil von meinen Pflanzen starb schon ab. And a part of my plants already died 2. Ich dachte erst, ich hätte einen Maulwurf, I first thought, it would be a mole, doch ich wurde eines besseren gelehrt, but I got disabused denn die Hügel sind zu flach für einen Maulwurf, because the hills are too flat for a mole, etwas andres hat meinen Garten durchquert: something else has crossed my garden: Ref: There`s a Wühlmaus in the city, There´s a root vole in the city, Wühlmaus around my Haus, Root vole around my house, Wühlmaus – what a pity Root vole – what a pity and this Wühlmaus doesn´t want to go raus. And this root vole doesn’t want to leave 3. Als erstes wurd mir die Haarmethode empfohlen, Firstly I got recommended the hair-method denn eine Wühlmaus mag so Haare nicht so sehr, because a root vole doesn’t like hair too much also machte ich mich auf zum Haare holen, so I started out to get hair, fast ein Kilogramm bekam ich vom Friseur. I got nearly 1 kilo from the coiffeur 4. Ich stopfte Haare in die Gänge noch und nöcher, I darned hair in the warren still and stiller doch sie lies sich offensichtlich nicht beirrn, but obviously she wasn’t allowed itself to be deterred am nächsten Morgen: neue Hügel, neue Löcher, in the next morning: new hills, new holes die Haare tut sie anscheinend ignoriern apparently it seems to ignore the hair Ref. 5. Beim Conrad gab´s ein Wühlmausschrecksystem The „Conrad“ (a German Technic-Shop) had a root-vole-fright-system mit Frequenzen, die sie angeblich nicht mag, with frequences, which it doesn’t like allegedly. ich lies es eine Zeit lang draußen stehn, I left it outside for a time es wurde Nacht und es wurde Tag it got night and it got day 6. Und die Wühlmaus buddelte immer noch weiter and the root vole got on digging, ich verstärkte das Signal auf 1000 Watt I amplified the signal up to 1000 watts sämtliche Tiere verließen meinen Garten all animals left my garden nur die Wühlmaus, die hielt dem ganzen stand excepting the root vole, it resisted Ref. 7. Nachdem sie meine Giftanschläge überlebte After surviving my poison-attacks und sie den mechanische Fallen auch entkam, and escaping the mechanical catches schüttete ich Spiritus in alle Gänge I dumped spirit into all the channels und zündete das ganze danach an. And inflamed it 8. Die Explosion war heftiger als einst erwartet The explosion heavier than expected mein ganzer Garten war nun atomarisiert, my whole garden was burned to the ground, ich hatte grad sie ersten Pflanzungen gestartet I had just begun to start the first plantations als mich ein neuer Hügel anvisiert: when I saw a new hill Ref. Bridge: Hey, Wühlmaus, do you speak English? it would be very nice if you went away the world is so nice, many places to go, why do you want to stay?! 9. Die letzte Methode war erfolgsversprechend, The last method was promising denn die Wühlmaus hat nen natürlichen Feind. Because the root vole has a natural enemy Der Maulwurf erwies sich nun als rettend, The mole was the rescue Jetzt ist die Wühlmaus weg, der Maulwurf bleibt Now, the root vole has gone, but the mole stays… Ref: Jetzt is a Maulwurf in the city, Now theres a mole in the city, … Maulwurf around my house … |
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#26 (permalink) | |
Music Addict
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 63
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#27 (permalink) | ||
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
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I like the blow-by-blow account of your hypothetical attempt to get rid of the root vole. I especially like the part when the garden was "atomarisiert"...it sounds so thorough and drastic! And the human hair part was amusing, plus the fact that the garden vole stayed put tenaciously, only moving on when the new hole-digger, the mole, moved in. Maybe I should write a song about a mole instead of a root vole, because we have moles here, but not garden voles, so I will have more direct inspiration! My parents' lawn every once in a while is festooned with tiny spinning pinwheels on straws, with the straws jabbed down into mole tunnels. Supposedly the vibrations of the spinning pinwheels irritate the moles, and make them want to move out. ![]() I'm sorry I didn't get my vole song done in August! Would a mole song count?
Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 09-07-2010 at 09:29 AM. |
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#28 (permalink) |
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 29
:-) Thank you, Dylanist!
Hi, Erica! I'm glad you like the text! I will also make a video about the root vole, but this will still take a bit time. Of course, a mole song also counts, I'm looking forward to read your mole-lyrics! The method of your parents banishing the mole also sounds very interresting :-) |
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#29 (permalink) |
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 29
Good afternoon!
I have written a new, melancholic, mediative song about leaving the monotony. It's not much text and not much melody, just monotonous, but I think it can show the atmosphere of the monotony very well. The reason why I wrote this song was because I had my exams in Juli exact when the weather was best and I had to learn. So, I just wanted to leave, this is what the song says. The text: Jeden Tag Every day der gleiche Schrott the same crap jeden Tag every day der selbe Alltagstrott the same daily grind ich weiß nicht, I dont't know wo mir der Kopf steht whether I'm coming or going ich weiß langsam nur noch, I only know, dass das nicht mehr lange so weiter geht that this all can't go on like that Ich müsste einfach mal weg I just had to leave weg aus dieser Monotonie leave this monotony einfach mal raus just take flight ohne Plan without plan und Strategie and strategy and the bridge: weg aus dieser monotonen monotonen Monotonie leave this monotonous monotonous monotony so, here is the video: so, don't hesitate to write your opinion! your Schmidti |
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#30 (permalink) |
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 29
What a pity, nobody writes about my monotony, well, perhaps, it's too monotonous :-) or perhaps you yust need MOTIVATION! Wasn't this a nice transition?! Thus my following song is about motivation how you have it but loose it again and so on, I think everybody knows this feeling of resolving to do something but not to do it. The song is in German again and the following lines contains the text and the English translation (The translation is of bad quality, but you can get the content, I think:-) So, much fun, here is the video: and here the text: Hab schon alles geplant I have already arranged everything übermorgen fang ich an and I’ll begin the day after tomorrow dann bin ich überübermorgen fertig then, I will be ready the day after the day after tomorrow Gott sei Dank Thank God! Es würde ja reichen, It would be enough wenn ich 4 Stunden am Tag mach, to work 4 hours a day dann hab ich an die 12 Stunden Freizeit, so I’ll have nearly 12 hours leisure pro Tag the day! come on! Inzwischen ist es überübermorgen By now, it’s the day after the day after tomorrow Und die Sonne scheint auf meinen Bauch And the sun is shining on my waist, Ich lieg im Liegestuhl denn das Wetter ist so wunderschön I’m lying in the canvas chair and the wheather is so gorgeous Ich glaube, dass ich die nächsten Tage I think, that I son’t need any work mal nichts zu tun brauch, for the next days eine Woche später ein riesen Berg Arbeit, was ist geschehn?! One week later, a colossal mountain of work, what has happened?! Ich war doch so motiviert, But I was so motivated, hab alles genau geplant, have arranged everything accurately doch wiedermal ist nichts passiert but once again nothing happenned, ich fing ja nichtmal damit an, I didn’t even begin, wo ist meine Energie? Where is my energy? Ich hab sie verloren irgendwann I’ve lost it somtime, Ich bräuchte eine Batterie I needed a battery Dann treibt mich wenigstens irgendwas an Then at least anything is actuating me Come on! Auch dieses Lied Also this song Lies länger auf sich warten Took a lot of time Hatte es im Kopf, it was in my head, doch da blieb es lang but there it was camping a lot of time Wollt gleich texten, I wanted to write the lyrics, aufnehmen, record it, arrangieren arrange it damit ich es gleich so that I can upload it at once auf Youtube stellen kann to youtube Come on! Doch das Sofa war so bequem But the couch was so comfortable Und es lief grad so ein guter Film And on the TV was such a nice film Den muss ich mir jetzt unbedingt ansehn I had to see it necessarily Manchmal braucht man einfach mal Entspannung Sometimes you just need to relax Man muss doch abundzu mal chilln, you have to chill from time to time Doch das Lied blieb wieder ungeschrieben But the song wasn’t written! Ref Und dann jogg ich 20 km And then I’m jogging 20 km Durch die Stadt und durch den Wald Through the city and through the forest, Mach noch 30 Liegestützen And do 30 press-ups Und dann dusch ich eiskalt And I take a freezing shower Denn eine leise Stimme in mir drin Because a quiet voice in my head Sagte “wach auf!” Said: “Wake up!” Du kannst noch so viel erreichen, You achieve so much, mach was daraus make the best of it! Doch jetzt bin ich inspiriert, But now, I’m inspirated in Zukunft werd ich ein besserer Mann, in the future I will become better sodass jeden Tag was passiert, so that every day happens something ich fang jetzt sofort damit an and I begin at once ich nehm mir meine Energie I take my energy aus einem guten Schnitzel daheim, out of a good meal at home das ist viel besser als ne Batterie, that’s much better than a battery und heizt meinen Stoffwechsel gut ein! and works up my metabolism vwey well! Come on! So, come on, your Schmidti |
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