Axiomatic's Poem/song thread - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 12-01-2009, 05:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Default Axiomatic's Poem/song thread

A thread, for my poetry.

Like most of my poems, I only write when I am in some weird mental state. This one was written when I pulled an all nighter and filled my head with sugar and caffeine.

Infuse fire with words, summons forth a morbid symphony
Elements clash with our mind, the true definition of Infamy
Brain waves of the insane, burning paths to true salvation
But so many speak to ruin the trail, when truth is the destination
Delusional faux promises, only serve to raise false hopes
As they lead you down an endless hole, and slowly cut the ropes

Wrote this one five minutes ago, really drunk as I did it, might delete it tomorrow when I sober up and read it again.

Forever clinging to silence
My one true science
I remain idle
But I dream of defiance

Like knives their words pierce
My souls drenched in tears
if only I could be them
If only I could be fierce

Id knock them all down
In my dreams I hear the sound
Of their bones quickly snapping
As I grind them into the ground

But fear is in their alliance
So I remain clinging to silence
To afraid to strike back
Never will I be defiant

And, I have no idea what this is. I wrote it after copy pasting my other two poems into this text box, and decided I needed something else to include as well.

The door marked exit, lies just beyond the purple sky
Just beyond the meadow, where the lobsters learn to fly
Must you go there now? Why don't you stay with us for a while
We may lack eyes and noses, but we have a mouth to smile
Although we may be different, you have no need to ever feel lonely
Stay here long enough, and you will become like us, you'll see!

Last edited by Axiomatic Wiki; 12-01-2009 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:24 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I like the language you write in, it's very....descriptive and obscure but not overly pretentious as some poetry can easily move toward. Not too fond of the rhyming, but that's my own personal opinion.
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